Off the Ice (The Penalty Kill Trilogy) (Volume 2) (17 page)

“We need to talk about us,” I start. “We need to talk about our future.”

He gives me a serious look. “What about it exactly?” He holds my hand and rubs my knuckles. I can feel my insides shaking. What the hell is wrong with me?

“I got my letters for the internship and law school. I got accepted to both.”

Congrats, Smarty. Where? I’m happy for you, but I would like to know how far away you’ll be from me.”

Um, well, I won’t be that far. See, the law firm is in the city and the law school’s in Pittsburgh.” There, I said it. I told him, and I just need to wait for his reaction.

So we’re not going to have to resort to sexting?”

That’s it.
I can’t believe that he isn’t more shocked or upset that I’m, in a way, following him. Maybe he isn’t hearing me. “Ha, ha. But, seriously, I was wondering where do you see us? You know, in the future.”

Presley, I told you before that I wouldn’t go anywhere without you.”

I roll my eyes at him. “Levi, you told me that forever ago. Things have changed. I mean, we just got back together, again, and I’m worried you think I’m just following you like a puppy to Pittsburgh. Which I’m not doing because I applied forever ago to law school there.” Maybe I need to clarify that I applied to law schools far away, so I wouldn’t have to deal with my parents so much. Even though I will miss them and Trevor, I need some independence.

“I wouldn’t have thought that, Smarty. You have your own dreams and plans for the future. I know and love that about you. I wouldn’t think that. I don’t think that.”

I’m shocked. “You don’t?” He really doesn’t think that?

“Not at all. You do what you want for your future. I never thought that just because of me you would change those plans because they are so important to you.”

I’m going to have to say it. I’m going to have to admit it to Levi. “I’m scared, Levi. I want to do things on my own, I do. But when I thought you might not be at my side, I didn’t think I could cope. I know that sounds dumb and it sounds like I’m a crazy person who is going to stalk you, but it’s how I feel.” There, I finally said it. I finally let my feelings go, and I hope that Levi is there to catch them.

“That doesn’t sound dumb and a little crazy is always good. Smarty, don’t think that wanting me there means you aren’t independent. You still are, but if it makes you feel that way, then nothing has to change when we go to Pittsburgh.”

I can almost feel the tears building by his sweet words. But does he see more for us?

“Um, Levi, what do you see in the future for us? I mean, like relationship-wise.”

Relationship-wise as in the things we need to work on or relationship-wise as in what’s the next step for us?”

Well, what’s next? I mean, have you thought about it?” I know I have, but I don’t want to scare Levi either.

Of course, I’ve thought about it, Smarty. I don’t want to tell you what I want because I don’t want you to feel like you have to give up your independence, even though you wouldn’t. Not really, anyway. I want you to do whatever you think is right for you, but I wouldn’t mind living together. It would test my inner neat freak, though.”

Shock, again. He has thought about it. He wants to live with me. “I would really like to know what you’re thinking about. It would help me to know what you’re thinking, about us, I mean. As far as living together, I’m not that bad.”

“Presley, you don’t even make your bed in the morning. But that’s not the point. The point is I told you I want you there. We’ll be fine. Now and down the road. I want you there, but only if you want to be there and are comfortable with that.”

I want him by my side. I’m very comfortable with that. “Levi, I want to be there. I want to be there with you by my side. Only you. And I don’t make my bed because I’m just going to get back in it later.”

“You want me there, but are you okay with the fact that you want me there? Because that’s something you’re obviously worried about and I get that, but I don’t know, Smarty. I feel like I’m talking in circles.” He huffs and runs his hands through his hand. I’m upsetting him and I don’t want that. I just want him to understand.

I’m more than okay with you being there. I want you there. I’m just worried that if we lived together or if we thought further down the future you wouldn’t want me there. I mean, you’re going to be some big hockey player and I’m going to be Presley, the lawyer. What do I have to offer?” He’s going to have serious Puck Bunnies after him. He is going to be traveling and meeting celebrities and what do I have to offer him?

No, Presley. You’re going to be Presley, the lawyer who dates that big hockey player. What don’t you have to offer? Don’t look at it like that. You should be asking what do I have to offer you? Don’t title us as anything other than you and me. Smarty, I love you. There’s no reason why I wouldn’t want you there.”

I smile. Maybe I do have more to offer him. I will be honest with him from this point on about my feelings. We have a future together. I can see it now.

“Thank you. Thank you for loving me, Levi. I love you too.”



Chapter Thirty



This Presley, the insecure girl, is unfamiliar to me. I figured that she worried about stuff, everyone does, but she was
worried. And hearing how she’s scared of not being on her own as if living with me means she would be dependent on me only made me more concerned. I want to say so much more to her, but she seems satisfied with what we discussed. I want to ask her what she saw in her future before she met me. I understand that things are a little different now that we are together, but because she’s concerned about not being independent makes me want to make sure her plans don’t change.

Levi?” Presley pushes herself up so she can look at me. We are watching a movie in my room.

Yeah, Smarty?”

What are you thinking about? When I came over here, you were ready to rip my clothes off. You haven’t even tried since we talked and we’re still here alone.” Her lips pout just a little.

I sigh and look into those light brown eyes that I love so much, trying to figure out if I should say anything or not. Quickly, I decide to go all in and let her know exactly how I feel about us.

“Smarty, I love you and I want you to understand that. Yeah, it hasn’t been the smoothest flowing relationship, but I’d do anything to have you in my life. It worries me when you worry and when you’re nervous about something. I guess it just bothers me that while you want the same things I want, like moving in together, you’re scared that you’re going to lose a part of yourself in the process. Why do you feel that way?”

Presley’s lips part and close three times before she says anything. “I don’t know,” she finally mutters. “I mean, this is new to me, Levi. I’ve never moved in with anyone before because I like having my space. With your screw up and then mine, I wonder what will happen if we get to Pittsburgh and have a big fight. Where am I supposed to go then?”

“Nowhere. You stay your ass right there and we deal with it. And if anyone goes anywhere, it would be me. I would kick myself out.” I take a deep breath. “Presley,” I start, but I falter at a loss for words.

Smarty wiggles on top of me, grabs my face between her hands, and looks at me with such determination. “Levi James Carr, don’t say another word,” she orders. “I love you and I can’t wait for what’s next. Part of it is because I’ll be so far from my family, my twin, everything I’ve ever known. So yeah, I’m a little worried. I’m so in love with you and I want to experience so many things with you whether I’m scared or not because I know that in the end, it’ll be worth it.”

I lift my head to meet her lips, giving her a sweet kiss. “Oh, Smarty, it will definitely be worth it.” Clutching her hips, Presley lets out a small laugh.

Finally ready to rip my clothes off?”

Smirking, I tell her to sit up as I appreciate the simpleness of her easily replaceable clothes. Her plain white t-shirt doesn’t seem to be anything special. “Do you like this shirt?” I ask her.

Her brows scrunch together in confusion. “I guess. It’s not my favorite or anything.”


Wh-” she starts, but her eyes widen when I grab the thin fabric and begin to tug hard. Her shirt has no resistance and easily begins to tear in two.

You really like lace, don’t you?” I ask, kissing the cleavage peeking from the top of yet another lacy bra, this one a nude color. Looking up, Presley seems a little shocked that her torso is now showing, her shirt torn open, but she looks so hot too. I push her shirt off her shoulders and then run my hands down her chest to the button of her jeans.

Don’t mess these up,” she whispers, her eyes focused on my hands.

Wouldn’t dream of it. These are my favorite jeans, Smarty.” I can see her smile slightly, but she doesn’t look at me. Her eyes are trained on my hands, so I tease her by not moving them. Finally, she glances up at me, and I smirk.

Why, Captain Carr, are you trying to tease me?”

Just making sure you are paying attention,” I tell her.

My entire body pays attention when you are around. Especially to those hands.” She leans forward, her lips brushing mine. “And to this mouth.” Her tongue slips into my mouth, running over my teeth. “I definitely have to pay attention to these teeth.”

That does it.

I roll us over, forgetting about teasing her as I unbutton her jeans and proceed to yank them off. That has to be one of the hottest things she’s ever done. “Don’t move an inch,” I order, getting off the bed. I open my nightstand, but there’s not a condom in there. Slamming it shut, I mutter under my breath before going over to where my wallet is laying on the dresser. Thank goodness I always keep one in there.

I’m not going to wait much longer, Levi,” Presley says quietly. When I turn to look at her, she’s completely naked, propping herself up on her elbows so she can look at me. She looks so comfortable and at ease.

I snatch the condom out of my wallet, and by the time I return to her to settle between her legs, the condom is on and I’m ready to hear her scream. Instead of pushing into her, I kiss her collarbone, caressing one of her breasts, tugging on her nipple and then sucking on the other. With my free hand, I guide myself into her. Then I move my hand to rub her clit. Presley moans as I come to graze my teeth along her jaw, down her neck.

I bring my legs up so I can have better support, increasing the speed of which I push in and pull out of her. Refraining from biting her, I part my mouth and simply run my teeth over her shoulder, across her chest. The sound of our skin slapping together battles against Presley moaning my name in that breathy voice of hers. Her body feels so good.

Fuck, Levi. Bite me already.” Presley sounds exasperated.

From the corner of my eye, I can see her gripping my sheets. I smirk against her chest, pounding into her harder as I place my hands on either side of her. Smarty grabs my arms, her eyes hooded and her nails cutting into me. Leaning down, I take her bottom lip between my teeth and suck hard then bite down on it. Smarty arches her back, wrapping her legs around me tightly in a sign that she’s getting close.

Kissing my way down her neck, I whisper, “Tell me again.”

Levi, you better fucking bite me right now.” I push myself deeper into her and she yells out, “God, Levi.”

Her hands are digging so hard into my arms as I open my mouth against her shoulder. She’s waiting and ready as I thrust into her. When her legs tense, I bite her shoulder to trigger both of our orgasms.

Gently, I kiss the red bite mark as Presley relaxes her hold on my arms, and I stop moving inside her.

I never knew biting could be so hot,” she mumbles.

I laugh, pulling out of her, and get up to go clean myself off. It’s not until I return to find a covered up Presley that I respond. “I didn’t know it either,” I say, pulling on the gym shorts on the floor and crawling in beside her.

“What do you mean?”

I’ve had the urge to do that before, but it wasn’t until I slept with you that I actually did it. Now, I can’t stop. You just make the hottest sounds when I do and I can’t get enough of hearing you.”

Smarty cuddles up to me. “You’ve never bitten anyone else?”

“Nope.” I wrap my arms around her, loving the feel of her naked body.


I bark out a laugh, but it’s cut short when we hear Harper and Nichols talking and slamming the door shut.

“Levi,” Presley grits at me. “Why is your door still open?”

Guys,” I yell, watching her. “Don’t come near my room.”

Hey, Presley,” they both say from somewhere down the hall, laughing.

Smarty groans, and I laugh as I get up to shut the door.


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