Read On Her Master's Secret Service Online

Authors: Lexi Blake

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Suspense, #Contemporary, #Erotica, #Lexi Blake, #Bdsm, #erotic romance

On Her Master's Secret Service (13 page)

He’d tugged on her hair, wanting her as wet as he could get her. Eve loved it rough. She was the perfect sub for him. He wasn’t a complete sadist. He didn’t want to hurt her, but he wanted his sex nasty and dirty and hard, and Eve responded to that.

He fucked two fingers high into her cunt as he sucked on her clit, biting down. With his free hand, he held her steady, his fingers sinking into the sweet flesh at her hips. Her tangy taste filled his mouth as he curled his fingers up, and he felt her start to shake and moan.

Her honey coated his tongue as he felt the little muscles of her pussy clenching his fingers tight. She kept quiet as she came, the only sounds little harsh gasps and sighs.

He pulled his fingers out, licking the cream from them before he tore open the fly of his slacks. His erection was thick and pulsing, desperate to get to her. He shoved his boxers down and took his cock in hand. He looked down at her. She was a gorgeously decadent sight with her satiated eyes and wanton pose. Her chest was moving up and down, her nipples straining against the thin material of her bra and silk shirt. With his free hand, he reached down and palmed a breast. Like the rest of her, they were smaller than before, but he loved their shape and how they swelled in his hand.

“Alex, we should talk.” She was coming out of the haze of lust. He could see that plainly. He only had a couple of seconds to bring her back in or she would shove him out of her office, and they would part with nothing solved between them.

“You’re going to leave me like this?” He stroked his cock knowing damn well she wouldn’t do it, but a little kernel of resentment was stoked inside him. She wanted to talk after he’d given her what she needed, but taken nothing for himself. “I’ve followed all your rules. Are you through with this, too?”

“Alex,” she whispered his name and for the first time in a long time, he saw some emotion on her face. “I don’t want to fight.”

He wanted to take her in his arms and carry her home and take care of her all over again. “I don’t want to fight either, but if you’re not going to let me have you, you should tell me now so I can find a shower and get the water as cold as possible.”

She sat up, and he was sure she was going to straighten her clothes and turn him away. He hadn’t done what she wanted him to and that seemed to be the dynamic of their relationship now. Her eyes turned down, and she watched his cock. “That looks painful.”


A little smile curled her lips up, and every word out of her mouth was a throaty seduction. “I’m a therapist. I can’t leave a person in pain.”

She reached out and touched him. He damn near came right then and there. It had been forever since she’d touched him for anything but balance and support during a scene or very vanilla sex. She licked those sultry lips as she stroked him up and down.

Her palm was soft, and she held him with a sure grip, her white-tipped nails forming a fist around him. He let himself enjoy the feel of her gripping his dick until a big problem occurred to him.
Damn it.
He wasn’t prepared for some afternoon delight in her office. “I don’t have any condoms.”

He kept a box at her apartment because that was the only place they had sex anymore. Maybe he could just let her stroke him to orgasm. It might be heavenly to watch as her small, perfectly manicured hands stroked him over and over.

A wicked grin crossed her face. “You also don’t have lube, and in a couple of minutes this is going to get rough on you.” She gently swiped a thumb across his cockhead, gathering the fluid that beaded there. She was right. It wouldn’t be enough. A good hand job required lube.

He pulled away.
Fuck all.
Now he was sexually frustrated on top of everything else.

Eve lay back on her desk, her legs parting again. “It’s all right. We both know neither of us has a disease.”

They’d only had sex with each other for over a decade.

A sad look came over her face. “And we both know the other problem is very unlikely to occur. Make love to me before you leave. One last time.”

It wasn’t the last time. It couldn’t be the last time. He wouldn’t let it be. She would see that once he’d finished this chapter of their lives, they could start a new one.

“I can’t let you go, Eve,” he reached down, taking charge of his cock and placing it right on her entrance. Heat threatened to overwhelm him as the head slipped just inside. Every muscle in his body tensed as he forced himself to hold still. “I just can’t do it.”

He surged in, and her eyelids slid closed as she took a long breath and adjusted to his cock. “You can’t let go of a lot of things. That’s our problem. But this isn’t our problem. God, you feel so good.”

She never talked during sex anymore. How pathetic was he that five little words from her were all it took to make him feel ten feet tall? He felt good to her? Well, he could give her more. A lot more. He gripped her hips, hating the clothes between them. He wanted her naked and laid out for him, but the situation was far too urgent. He needed her right now.

So tight.
He had no idea how she stayed so fucking tight. Years and years had gone by. They’d made love more times than he could count, and every time he got inside Eve felt like the first time. And there wasn’t anything in between them. He’d been using condoms for years, telling himself it wasn’t so different. He’d been wrong. This was primal. He was connected to her. She could put all the rules and walls between them, but for these few moments, they were together.

The heat threatened to curl his spine. His cock was surrounded, engulfed in her. He had to force his way in, inch by glorious inch. Her legs came up, circling his hips. The feel of her heels pressing into him made him groan. Those heels of hers could leave marks on him for hours afterward, and he loved it. Days later he might feel a twinge of pain and remember just how hard she’d come.

This was where he wanted to be. This was where he always wanted to be.

He let his head loll back, his senses taking over. He rolled his hips, trying to get as deep as he could go. He let his hand drift to her clit. He wouldn’t last long. He could already feel a tingle along his spine as his balls drew up, ready to shoot off and fill her up. There was no way he could last when she was so wet and clamped so tight around him.

He fucked into her, letting his instincts lead him. All the way in and then back out before sliding in and up, seeking her G-spot. Over and over he pounded his flesh into hers as though he could mark her and force her to stay with him, to never leave him.

Her heels dug into his backside as she held them tightly together. It was a fight to pull out far enough, but the sweet friction was doing its job and quickly. He pressed down on her clit, circling it with his thumb until he heard her gasp, felt the tension of her orgasm on his dick, and he couldn’t hold back a second longer.

He poured himself into her. Come bubbled up from his balls, shooting off in waves of pleasure. He dragged oxygen into his lungs as a sense of peace settled over him. He fell forward, his chest against her breasts.

“Alex.” She held still underneath him. “Alex, you should move now. I can’t breathe.”

He was heavy, but she used to love having him on top of her. He forced himself to move, to leave her. His head was reeling, but he knew one thing. This wasn’t over. His hands shook slightly as he pulled his boxers up and refastened his slacks. “We’re going to talk when I get back. Don’t think I’m going to let the situation stay this way forever.”

Ian was right. He’d let her drive the boat for too long. If they were going to have any kind of shot at staying together, he had to start pushing her boundaries.

She sat up, trying to straighten her clothes. She didn’t meet his eyes. “Then don’t go.”

She was still trying to control everything, but he couldn’t let her this time. If Evans was out there, it was only a matter of time before he came after them again. “I have to, but I’ll be back.”

Her voice was shaking a little as she hopped off the desk and pulled her skirt down. He wanted to reach out to her, but she turned away. “If you go back into his world, you’re going to start another war.”

The war had never ended. It had just been put on hold. She should know that more than anyone else. “I love you, Eve.”

He turned and walked away, trying to put his mind to the task at hand.


* * * *


“Eve? Do you want a glass of wine?”

Grace’s words pulled Eve out of her misery. She plastered a smile on her face and looked up. “Sure. That sounds nice.”

Why the hell had she decided to come here tonight? She should have sent a gift with Avery and locked herself in her apartment for a few days. She wasn’t exactly in the mood for a dinner party, but she’d promised Grace. It had only been a few hours since she and Alex had parted. She could still feel him inside her. There was a pleasant ache in her bones because he’d been so rough. It had been years since he’d manhandled her the way he had today, like she wasn’t made of glass, like she was a woman.

Grace sank down next to her, handing her a glass of ruby-red wine. She had the same in her hand. A little smile crossed her face and she sighed as she sipped. “God, it’s been so long since I had a glass of wine.”

Eve took a sip of the wine. It was rich with cherry overtones. “I’m not sure I could go too long without a glass.”

Serena laughed as she sat down opposite Eve. She was wearing jeans and a flouncy top that successfully hid what Eve knew was a little baby bump. Both Serena and Avery were pregnant. Grace’s daughter was only six weeks old. Everyone was having babies, moving on.

She looked out at the patio where Ian was sitting in front of the pool, talking to Simon. Everyone was making a life for themselves except her and Alex and Ian.

“She’s going to pump and dump,” Serena said with a nod. “I’m totally doing that after baby boy is born. I never realized how much of my creativity is dependent on vodka.”

Grace took a drink, her eyes closing in apparent pleasure. “
has plenty to eat. I froze some breast milk for just such an occasion.” Grace turned Eve’s way. “So, I heard you and Alex got busy today.”

Serena rolled her eyes, her hand fiddling with the iced tea at her side. “I thought we decided you were going to be subtle.”

Grace shrugged. “I’m not good at subtle. Ask Sean. I very subtly told him how mad I was that he was getting back in the business by screaming at him and throwing a fit. After a nice long spanking, he convinced me he was right.”

“Getting back in the business?” Eve asked. Sean was out of security. He’d finished culinary school and was working with local chefs to perfect his menu for a restaurant he was going to open next year.

Grace frowned, but there was sympathy in her gaze. “He’s going to Florida with Alex.”

She practically sighed in relief. She could trust Sean to watch his back. Then she realized why Grace would be upset. Sean had a baby to worry about. “I’ll talk to Alex. He can’t take Sean with him.”

Despite how much better she would feel, she couldn’t allow him to drag Sean and Grace into their trouble. It was bad enough that Adam was going.

Grace shook her head. “Absolutely not. Do not talk to Alex. Besides the fact that my backside is really sore because a disciplinary spanking isn’t as much fun as the erotic ones, I understand why Sean needs to go. I got scared for a minute, but I married a military man. Oh, he might be a chef now, but he’ll never not be a soldier and he’s never going to let a man he loves like a brother go into battle alone if he can help it.”

“I’m sure he can find someone else.”

“No. Sean needs to do this.
and I will just have to settle in and wait for him. I’ve always known that he would drift in and out of the dangerous stuff. It’s a part of who he is.” Grace certainly seemed at ease with the decision now. “Besides, he really wants to learn how to cook Cuban, so he’s going to do some research while he’s there. Now, what was this about office sex?”

This was why she didn’t come to dinner parties. This was why she didn’t hang out with other subs. Because other subs were nosy. “It was a mistake.”

Serena and Grace exchanged a long look as though they were having a silent conversation about how to proceed. If she didn’t shut this down, they would end up talking to her about her non-existent relationship.

She definitely didn’t want that. “I really don’t want to talk about it. I hope you can respect my privacy.”

“We have privacy? Why do we need privacy?” Avery sat down next to Serena, a glass of tea in her hand. She looked at all of them, her mouth open a little. “Oh, y’all started the Alex talk, didn’t you? I told you it was a bad idea.”

Eve felt her face flush. It was time to go. She set her wine glass down and stood up. “I think I’ll just skip the dinner, Grace. I’m feeling a bit tired.”

A frown passed over Grace’s face. “And I’m going to ask you to stay.”

That was a deeply aggressive move for someone like Grace. “Like I said, I’ve had a long day and I’m tired.”

“He’s taking Amanda with him.”

That stopped her in her tracks. She sat back down, trying to process the new information. Alex and Amanda?

Avery leaned over, whispering Grace’s way. “You didn’t have to tell her like that.”

“Yes, I did,” Grace said. “Eve doesn’t respond to subtle. She would walk out of here in a heartbeat if I let her because she’s more than willing to listen to every single one of us and help us with our problems, but she won’t have the decency of returning the favor.”

A shitty day had just turned worse. “I’m a therapist. I’m supposed to listen and help. If I’m not doing a good enough job for you, I can certainly refer you to someone else.”

Grace stood up, facing her down. “And I’m family. I’m your sister and that’s not going to ever change. And I can’t refer myself or find someone else.”

Serena stood up beside Grace. “What she said.”

Adam walked up carrying a tray of appetizers, a big smile plastered on his face. He stopped as every single female looked at him. Without a word, he backed away.

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