On the Edge (15 page)

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Authors: Mari Brown

“Yeah, buddy?” Cole leans up and looks over at Seth.

“If you’re mean to my Kat again and make her leave, I’ll beat you up and you won’t be my big brother no more.” He sounds so serious that it stuns all of us. Justin ruins it by laughing, and I give him a dirty look.

“My hero,” I say as I kiss Seth’s cheek. Bruce smiles at me.

Cole places his hand on my inner thigh, bringing my attention back to him. When I look up, my breath catches at the emotions in his eyes. It becomes crystal clear that he isn’t going to let me go, and I just can’t bring myself to tell him that I’m leaving in three months. I have a lot to think about, because whatever I do, it’s going to have a serious impact on my life.

After everyone finishes breakfast, Julie and I take Seth out to the park, and when we arrive, Seth runs to the fort to climb and play with the other kids. Rocco finds a tree to lean against where he’s out of the way but has a clear view of us.

“So you decided to forgive Cole?” Julie says.

“Yes, I knew I had to do something one way or the other. I’ve been in limbo the last couple of weeks. But the bottom line is I love your brother.”

“I figured that much out. You wouldn’t have been upset about his behavior if you didn’t.”

Julie has a valid point I think as I watch Seth fly down the slide, run around, and immediately climb back up the rope ladder. It makes me happy to see him having a good time and being carefree.

My phone rings and Hunter’s name flashes on the screen.

“Hey Julie, I got to take this call.”

“Hey Hunter, what’s up?” I walk away to a quiet spot so I can hear what Hunter is saying. His rattles off ‘intel’, ‘Martins’, and something else at a mile a minute. I can’t understand what he’s saying, so when I press the phone to my ear and plug the other with my finger, the words I hear make my stomach sink.

I turn back to the playground, and it feels as if everything happens in slow motion. Sal and four of his henchmen have surrounded Seth and Julie. Another stands over Rocco’s twitching body. Other people in the park point and murmur about it, but not one person makes a move to help.

I rack my brain to come up with a solution, but it’s not like I have a gun on me. If I show myself, Sal is sure to send his goons to grab me. After all, I’m the reason they are here. Bile rises up my throat as I struggle with what to do.

A white van squeals around the corner, and when it stops in front of the group, the decision is taken from me. Seth and Julie are thrown into the back of the van, and Sal and his men follow, and the van leaves with the same squeal it arrived with.

“Kat!” Hunter’s scream carries through the phone line.

“Put a trace on Julie’s phone now, Hunter,” I say before hanging up. With numb fingers, I dial Cole’s number.

“Kitten, do you miss me already?” he jokes.

“We have a problem.” My short clipped words let him know that this is serious.

“What kind of problem?”

“Sal and a bunch of goons just took Seth and Julie from the park. Rocco’s down.”

“What the fuck? Don’t move. We’re on our way,” Cole yells into my ear.

I hang up the phone and walk over to check on Rocco. Blood gushes from a gash above his left ear, so I sit down on the ground, and holding his head in my lap, I apply pressure to the wound. I’m numb. I can’t believe this just happened. I should have done more than just watch them be taken. But what?

The other moms scatter about, collecting their kids to leave. It’s so typical of people to run when they think there’s trouble.

I pull my phone out again and send off a text, hoping that the person will keep his ears on the streets. I know I’m asking a lot of him, but in no time, he replies that he’s willing to help me.

Bruce, Cole, Justin, Drew, Pete, and a couple of men I don’t recognize walk over to me. Bruce gives directions to the men, and they carefully lift Rocco from the ground.

“What happened?” Bruce sits down, puts his arm around my shoulder, and pulls me to him in a soothing manner. I’m so numb that I didn’t realize that my body is shaking

I start with the phone call from Hunter and what he said. How I turned back around and saw that it was too late. How Sal and his guys already had Julie and Seth. How there was nothing I could do to help anyone.

“You did the right thing by staying hidden. If you’d gotten yourself taken, we wouldn’t have anyone to tell us where to start looking for the other two.” Bruce says.

Cole sits down on the other side of me, and I’m shocked when he lifts and places me in his lap. I melt into his arms and let him hold me while I process what happened.

“Pete, get the guys together at the warehouse. Start searching all known locations the Martin family uses. Finding my son and daughter is priority. Cole, take Kat back to the house, and then meet us at the warehouse.” Bruce clips out his orders.

“Um, excuse me? But fuck that. I’m not going to sit at the house and twiddle my thumbs like a good little girl.” Anger rises and takes over the numbness.

“Kitten, you’re not getting involved,” Cole says softly.

“I’m not sitting back doing nothing again. I will be a part of it. That’s my best friend and little brother.” I spit out. I’m angry that they would try to keep me from helping. “Drew’s been training me. I can take care of myself.”

“What do you mean Drew’s been training you?” Cole asks tersely.

“I mean that, in addition to the self-defense and fighting skills, I had him buy me a gun and teach me how to use it.” I say.

Cole and Bruce look at me as if I’m crazy.

“What the fuck, Drew?” Cole asks.

“She asked. Dammit, she’s
little sister and I wanted her to be able to protect herself,” Drew says

“Fuck!” Cole exclaims. “You’re not getting involved, Kitten,” he says a little more softly.

“I am!”

“You’re not.”

“I am!”

“Kat, enough. Let us handle it,” my brother interrupts. I look over at Bruce, and his expression makes it obvious that I’ve lost this battle.

“Fine, take me back to the house,” I say.

Justin is responsible for taking me back to the house, and his orders are to stay with me.

“Justin, can we make a quick stop before we go to the house?” I ask sweetly which is probably the first wrong move I make.

“What are you up to, Kat?” he asks, glancing quickly at me.

“I need to meet someone at a diner,” I say.

“If I take you, I’m going in with you,” he says.

“I don’t care, but I’m not going to the house to sit and wait. Can you tell me you honestly want that?” Justin isn’t happy about going home either.

“We’re going to be in so much trouble. Where am I headed?” Justin finally asks.

I almost smile but manage to hold it back. I give him the name of the diner, and when I check the clock on my phone, I see that I have less than ten minutes to get there. I type and send two quick texts. The first says that Justin is with me, and the second tells Hunter to feed me any information he can. He’ll give it to me before he gives it to anyone else even though he works for the Knights. I’m going to use every resource I have and do all I can to get Julie and Seth back.

As Justin pulls up at the diner, I tell him to follow my lead. The people we’re meeting have no affiliation with the family. They’re just my friends.

“I will do this your way until I think I need to take over,” Justin says while holding the door open for me to enter.

Stupid alpha male. Just like the rest of the Knight men.

We walk to the back of the diner where Drake and his crew wait for us.

“Oh, it’s the hottie from the bus,” a blond guy says.

“Why didn’t you tell us that is who we were meeting, man?” another brown haired guy says.

“Hey, Kat.”

“Drake, this is Justin. Justin, this is Drake.”

The two guys shake hands we sit down.

Drake introduces the blond as Sam and the brown haired guy as Chase.

“Kat, explain to me what exactly is happening that you need my help when you have the Knight family and its resources behind you.”

“That’s just it.” I pick up the napkin-wrapped silverware and flip it around in my hand. “No one will give us the information we need. But you might overhear stuff that wouldn’t be said in front of us. About an hour ago, the Martin family kidnapped Julianna and Seth Knight in front of a dozen witnesses at the park.”

“What the fuck?” Drake says.

“I need you on the outside to keep your eyes and ears open. We need to find them before anything happens to them.” I say.

“Yea, sure. You know I will help you. Guys?”

“I’m in,” Chase replies

“Me, too,” Sam responds.

Justin and I don’t stay with them any longer. We don’t want anyone to see us together if we can avoid it. Once we’re back in the car, I give Justin Hunter’s address and tell him to head there next. Justin pulls up and parks and we make our way up to Hunter’s apartment. I knock on the door and am disappointed when his brother answers the door. I don’t feel like dealing with this asshole right now.

“Move out of my way, asshole,” I say as I push my way inside. He looks at Justin and decides that he doesn’t want to mess with his boss’s son. I head straight for Hunter’s room with Justin right behind me, and when I open the door, Hunter’s sitting in front of his computers.

“Hey, Kat, come on in. I mean, what if I’d been in here with a girl?”

“Wouldn’t be anything I haven’t seen before,” I smart out. “You got any new information?”

“No. So far, all Martin holdings are showing no signs of activity.” Hunter looks at the multiple computer screens set on a long table along one wall. I don’t know how he understands what he is looking at. I’m completely confused trying to figure out what is going on.

“Fuck, that means they have a new location we don’t know about,” I say.

“Kat, want to introduce me to your friend?” Justin asks.

“You don’t know each other? Justin, he went to school with us,” I say, a little shocked that Justin doesn’t know Hunter.

“I recognize his face. I also know he does some work for my dad from time to time, but I’ve not ever actually met the guy.”

“Oh. Justin, this is Hunter. Hunter, Justin Knight.” I make careless introductions.

“What am I missing here, Kat?” Justin asks.

“I don’t understand what you’re asking, Justin.”

“First Drake and now Hunter. Who are these guys to you?”

“They’re friends. That’s it. Well Hunter and I have fucked, but it’s been what, six months since we were last together?” I ask, looking at Hunter.

“I think so. In fact, last time I saw Kat a couple weeks ago, I had to kick a girl out of my bed. She was not happy with me either. I almost didn’t get her to come back,” Hunter replies.

“Sorry, I needed help getting away from my asshole boyfriend,” I retort.

“Wait. He helped you hide from Cole? This is priceless.” Justin says, smiling.

Hunter constantly strokes the keys of his multiple computers, digging for any information he can find. Justin and I sit on the bed, racking our brains for places where Julie and Seth might be. A sudden commotion in the living rooms puts a stop to our brainstorming. When Hunter’s door flies open and slams into the wall, Cole and Drew walk in as if they own the place.

Oops, I’m fucked!

“What the fuck are you guys doing here?” Cole hollers at Justin and me.

“Did you really think I was going to sit at home and do nothing? I’m staying safe but I asked Hunter to do his thing for us.” I say to my very angry boyfriend.

“You’re not supposed to be doing anything but waiting at the house where I know you’re safe.” Cole turns to Justin. “And you ass, what’re you doing? You know what you should’ve done.”

“Stop, Cole. I’m perfectly safe here with Hunter and Justin.”

“How do you know Hunter, anyway?” Cole finally asks.

“We went to school together for a couple years.”

“Yea, is that it?” He’s not happy when he asks that question. I don’t want to lie, but I don’t want to tell the truth either.

“We’ve been friends for about four years, and occasionally, we were friends with benefits. Is that what you wanted to know Cole? Are you happy now?”

Drew groans.

Hunter slumps back in his chair. “Thanks Kat. Sign my death warrant, why don’t you?”

Hunter’s brother peeks his head in the doorway, sees what is going on, and quickly turns around and walks off.

“No one is killing anyone. He asked, so he got the answer. He can be a big boy and deal with it. And he can deal with the fact that I’m not leaving here until I’m ready!” I say, looking at each of the guys standing around the room. “Let’s go out to the living room and let Hunter work in peace.”

Surprisingly, they follow me out. Cole sits across the room from me and keeps looking at me like he wants to say something. Poor baby’s not used to a girl, or anyone for that matter, who will talk back to him. He better get used to it. I let him walk over me one time. It won’t happen again. I’m not that girl and I can’t believe I tried to be.

“Shouldn’t y’all be out looking for Julie and Seth?” I finally ask.

“We are. Part of our job was to come here and see what kind of information Hunter has,” Drew replies.

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