On the Edge (16 page)

Read On the Edge Online

Authors: Mari Brown

“Well, since Justin and I are here, why don’t y’all do something else and we’ll keep you updated?” I suggest.

“I think we’ll stay here for a little bit longer,” Cole says.

I fly off the chair and walk into the kitchen to grab a beer. Needing the numbing buzz, I slam it back in four big gulps. Today has been too much for me. I’m so worried about what Sal and his goons could do to Julie and Seth. I don’t want either one hurt in any way. I can’t imagine how terrified they both have to be, especially little Seth. I wish I could’ve done more, but now, I I’ll do all I can to help bring them home.

My phone goes off in my back pocket letting me know I have a text.

Drake: Old info but rumor of 4600 Pine Ave.

I rush to show Hunter the text. His fingers fly across the keyboard and within seconds, he’s hacked into the town security system. Sure enough, we watch video of the white van that took Julie and Seth pulling into a garage on Pine Ave., and then leaving after only a few minutes. Hunter slowly forwards the video, and about thirty minutes later, an SUV pulls in and then it pulls out again a few minutes later.

No one may be there, but it’s certainly worth checking out. Since Cole followed me in, he’s already on his phone relaying the information to his dad. As he hangs up, he and the guys hit the door running, and Hunter switches to a live feed so we’ll know when our guys get there.

Twenty long minutes go by, and I pace the floor of Hunter’s apartment, my frayed nerves sending me close to my breaking point. Hunter grabs my arm and points to one of the screens.
They’re there, finally.
Twelve guys take up various positions around the house, while Bruce, Cole, Drew, and Pete cover the doors and bust in. When my chest begins to burn, I realize I’m holding my breath.
This is too easy.
My fear is realized a few minutes later when I get a text

Bruce: They’re gone. Have Hunter trace that SUV.

Three days… That’s how long Julie and Seth have been gone, the longest three days of my life. We all take catnaps, but no one has slept solid since we got home.

The dining room is now a work area for Hunter, and basically, headquarters for the search and rescue of Julie and Seth. My job is to keep in touch with Drake who has provided useful info for us. Unfortunately, his news is always a couple hours late, and keeps us just a few steps behind Sal and his men.

The guys have just gotten back from search mission and are sitting around the table reporting what they’ve learned. No detail is left out, no matter how insignificant it may seem.

Trish enters the room, huge tears pouring down her face. All I can think is
! She could care less what happens with Seth unless she can use it to her advantage. She hides in her bedroom until someone comes around, and then she thinks she can play her distraught mother game. The bitch is driving me crazy with her overly dramatic crying.

“Did you find my son yet?” She sneers at Bruce. My muscles tighten as the need to hit her rushes through me.

“No, I have not found my son or daughter,” Bruce bites out.

Oh yes, she doesn’t even ask about Julie, only Seth, which further pisses off me and everyone else in the room.

“What the fuck are you doing sitting here on your ass then?” Trish yells.

“Shut up, Trish. I’m not in the mood for your shit.” Bruce says.

“Fuck you, Bruce Knight. I’m calling the cops. Maybe they can find my son!”

“Are you fucking stupid, bitch?” Cole interjects.

“I want my son home now!” She continues to scream as she reaches for the phone. Every one of the guys fights the urge to hit this stupid bitch. I don’t have their problem though. I’m a girl and don’t have to follow the same sense of nobleness that they’re trying to follow.

“Touch that fucking phone, and it’ll be the last thing you do,” I say with malice lacing my words.

“Oh, the little whore speaks. The one who watched them take my baby,” she snaps out.

I jump out of my seat so fast no one could stop me, even if someone wanted. I push her into the dining room wall and snicker when her head bounces off it. My hand wraps around her throat to hold her in place. “What the fuck’s wrong with you? Everyone in this room is looking for Julie and Seth while you stay in your room, snorting powder up your nose, you coke whore.” I’m breathing hard as I rant. “I’m sick of your shit, and unlike the guys, I don’t have to respect the gentlemen’s rules. Say something else, please?”

“Whore.” She spits in my face. I ball my other hand into a fist, and with all my strength, nail her in the stomach. She bends over, arms clutching her middle as I let go of her and prepare to hit her again.

“Is that all you got?”

She attacks, and as a typical girl would do, she pulls my hair, which only pisses me off more. I let her struggle in her attempts to hit me for just a moment, and then I flip her ass over my shoulder. She lands hard on her back, but I don’t give her time to move. I’m on top of her, punching the hell out of her before she has a chance to breathe. All my frustrations pour out of my fists with every blow, and I can’t seem to stop. I hit her over and over. A hit for her calling me a whore. A hit for her being a cunt. A hit for sucking as a mother. I throw punch after punch, and when blood sprays my face, I still don’t stop. When strong arms wrap around and pull me off her, I continue to struggle. I’m not done with her.

“Calm it, Kitten. It’s done.” I hear Cole’s soothing voice.

“Is she still breathing?” I ask.


“Then it’s not done. I want that bitch dead,” I bite out.

His body shudders behind me as if he’s silently laughing.

“Kitten, you’re done. You can’t kill Seth’s mom… not right now.” This time, amusement is clear in his voice.

“Pete, get Trish up to her room and call the doctor,” Bruce says while carefully watching me. I’m not sure what he’s looking for, but I don’t drop my gaze from his. I meet him head on. I’m still fighting the urge to kill the bitch.

“You should’ve let me finish her,” I say, speaking directly to Bruce. A tiny flicker of surprise then a grin crosses his face.

“Perhaps. Cole, take your girl upstairs and clean her up.”

Cole, who’s still securely holding me, does as his father says. He tosses me over his shoulder and marches up the stairs and into my room. Only after he locks the door behind us does he set me down.

“That was hot as fuck,” Cole says then slams his mouth to mine. Our kiss is full of our passion and my anger. As my hand grabs the waistband of his jeans to pull him closer, his hand tangles deep in my hair and jerks a little so that he’s tugging me away from him.

“You should have let me kill that bitch. No one would have missed her,” I say still heated.

“Maybe, but I don’t think you could’ve lived with the knowledge you killed someone.”

“I think I would’ve done fine.”

“Strip out of those bloody clothes, Rocky.” He laughs when I scowl.

“Fuck you!”

“I wish you would.” His voice is husky with desire.

I ignore him as I strip out of the bloody clothes and toss it all in the trash. I don’t even care at this point. I walk naked into my bathroom, start the shower, and when I turn around, I run smack into Cole.
Sneaky fucker.
His arm snakes around pulling my body flush with his, and the bulge in his pants presses into me. I don’t say a word as I unbutton his pants and tug his shirt up. He pulls the shirt is off as I kiss my way across his chest, my hand rubbing across the front of his jeans. He groans. Gripping my fingers on the waistband of his jeans, I pull them and his boxers down in one swift move. He steps out and kicks them across the room. We begin kissing again, and his hardness presses against me. I fight the urge to jump up, wrap my legs around his waist, and beg him to take me hard.

I pull away, breaking our kiss. Our breathing is labored. I turn and step into the shower. The hot water hits me and my muscles begin to relax as the water does its job. As soon as Cole steps in, I drop to my knees, and with my hand around his cock, stroke him firmly. A bead of pre-cum leaks out and I run my tongue across the tip to capture it, making his cock twitch in my hand. Soon he’s rock hard. I open my mouth and take in his full length, going down on him like a five-dollar hooker.

He leans against the wall of the shower but his eyes never leave mine the whole time I suck him. My tongue and teeth stroke the length of him, causing him to shiver and moan. I can’t seem to get enough. As he gets closer, his hands wrap in my hair and he holds my head in place to fuck my mouth faster and deeper. I love every moment of it. I hold his gaze as he thrusts in and out. I take all of it and swallow his load as he cums deep down my throat. When he finishes, his hands relax in my hair and I lick until he has gone completely soft in my mouth. He lifts me up from the floor, and our mouths meet in a deep kiss blending his taste with mine.

He places me beneath the falling water and leans against the wall of the shower watching me. His eyes are still hooded, but from post orgasmic bliss or a fresh rush of lust, I’m not sure which. I can’t keep the smile from my face as I stare at him. Something makes me feel powerful in knowing I just gave him a blowjob that’s left him sated. I don’t even care that I myself haven’t gotten off, yet. My needs, wants, and desires are insignificant in this moment.

Cole’s eyes never leave me as I wash my body off. I step out of the spray and watch as he moves under. It’s my turn to watch as he cleans his body. I take in the beautiful Knight Shield tattoo. Every time I see that ink on his back, I want to trace every part of it. The meaning and beauty behind it still takes my breath every time. I never understood that kind of family loyalty until now. It’s not always about blood. It’s also about who chooses to love you and whom you choose to love. I only know this now because of the Knight family.

That’s why it hurts me so badly that I can’t do more to find Julie and Seth. As I stand there, reality hits me, and I start ugly sobbing out of nowhere. Pieces of my heart are missing without Julie and Seth here at home where they should be. I slide down the shower wall as I cry. I don’t even register the water being shut off until his arms lift me and a towel is wrapped around me. Then those strong arms hold me tight as I continue to cry.

“It’s okay, we’ll get them back,” Cole whispers gently. I cry myself out while Cole comforts me.

“I want both of them back, but if they’re hurt, I will kill someone,” I say in a harsh whisper.

“Kitten, if either of them are hurt, trust me, someone will pay for it.” Cole responds.

After I dress, Cole tugs me down the hall to his room. I can’t help but think he should just move his clothes into my room. I want to laugh at how comical he looks walking down the hallway in nothing but a towel. He pulls me into the room behind him and motions for me to sit on the bed while he pulls on clean boxers and jeans. Then he grabs a shirt, but before he can put it on, I’m crossing to him and tracing the symbol for family on his shield. That’s what is most important. I’m learning this every day that passes.

“I’m leaving,” I blurt the words.

“What the fuck, Kitten?” Cole hisses.

“I’m leaving in two and half months for college.”

“Really? You think I’m going to let that happen? You can go to school here.”

“Cole, please, you know you’ll never let me go to school here. You’ll constantly be finding some reason to distract me. It’s not like I won’t come back.”

“You’re not leaving.” he says sternly.

I sigh, but I realize that now is not the time for this battle. I’m not even sure why I blurted out I was leaving.

“Fine, we’ll talk about this later when our sister and brother are home safe,” I say.

“I like that you claim them as yours,” he says pulling me into a hug.

“They are mine.” I clutch him tightly to me.

He steps back, slips his shirt over his head, and then we link hands again to walk back down to the dining room. Drew looks up and gives me a slight smile.

“You okay?” he asks.

“I’m better,” I say. “I won’t be okay until they’re home safe.”

“I get it.”

I move over near Bruce. “I accidently blurted out I was leaving while we were upstairs.”

“How did that go?” Bruce inquires.

“Um, not good. He told me I wasn’t going anywhere.”

“Give him time. Let’s get my other two kids home safe and then I will talk to him.”

I can’t help myself. I throw my arms around Bruce, embracing him a big hug. His arms wrap around me, as well. We hold each other for a few minutes. It’s the first time I have outwardly shown Bruce how much he means to me.

“Kat, you have a text coming in from Drake,” Hunter calls out interrupting my moment with Bruce.

Pulling away, I grab my phone off the table, a little creeped out by how Hunter knew the text was coming before it actually hits my phone.

290 Johnson Road NOW!

I read the text out loud. Hunter’s fingers immediately start crossing the keys. The guys all begin moving out. I grab Cole before he leaves.

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