Read One Last Chance Online

Authors: Beverley Hollowed

One Last Chance (27 page)

Ben just snuggled into Cole, shyly.

“We need to be visiting you more,” Ella said as she softly rubbed the little boys back. “I don’t want my grandbabies to be afraid of their grandma.”

“Actually,” James said from behind Ella. “We were thinking of looking for a little place over here, somewhere we could spend weekends. And maybe even get to do a little babysitting for you two.”

“That would be lovely,” Ally exclaimed. “You spending weekends here I mean.”

“Although babysitting sounds good too,” Cole added.

“What sort of a place were you thinking of getting?” Ally asked.”

“I always wanted a little apartment,” Ella grinned. “I think it would be fun.”

“Ally still has her old apartment,” Hannah chirped in, then added. “You do, right?”

“I do,” she replied.
“I was planning on selling it but with one thing and another, I never got around to it. Cole cleared the mortgage on it. So it’s ours, good and clear.”

“Wow that sounds perfect,” James replied eagerly. “We will of course buy it from you.”

“Well if it’s okay with Cole,” Ally said looking from James up to Cole. “I              would rather you just took it. I mean, I don’t need it. And to be honest I just want it gone. It’s just sitting empty.”

“We couldn’t do that,” Ella insisted.

“Why not,” Cole asked. “If Ally wants to do this for you both, I think it would be a great idea. At least until you looked for somewhere a little closer perhaps.”

“Thank you Ally,” Ella replied. “I don’t know what to say. This is wonderful.”

“Maybe we could take you by there to see it after the hospital visit tomorrow?” Ally suggested hopefully.

“I will
take them by,” Cole interjected immediately before anyone else could answer. He leaned down and kissed the top of Ally’s head. “You my dear will be coming home to…”

“I know, I know,” Ally grumbled. “Rest. What a shocker.”

“You will do what you are told,” Nan said as she joined the conversation along with Laura and Gus. Ally just rolled her eyes.

“Sooner this little woman arrives,” Ally groaned. “The better. I am so sick of sitting on my ass.”

“You don’t have too much longer left,” Gus replied cheerfully. “Then maybe we can get you back under the hood of a car again. I must admit, the garage is not quite the same without you.”

, that sounds like a great idea,” Ally said with a huge grin. She really did miss her job. And although she had no intentions of going back to work and leaving the babies. She did long to get her hands dirty again. Playing with an engine was her idea of pure bliss.

’s wait until we get one important job out of the way, “Cole sighed. “Before you start planning the next one.”

The rest of the evening went wonderfully. Cole had arranged the perfect birthday cake for Ally. Her favourite fresh cream and fruit sponge. On top there was a car with the bonnet open and a girl in overalls and 5” stilettos with her head under the hood of the car. Ally laughed her head off when she saw it.

As the night wore on, people began to leave. First to go where Nan and Pops. They were going to catch a ride home from one of Ally’s uncles. Next Gus, Laura and the three girls left.

Sid, Hannah, Caitlin and Nathan were the last to go. Ally had been pleased to see Nathan was almost back to his old self again.

When everyone was gone, Ally said goodnight to Ella and James, then kissed Cole before she excused herself and headed up to bed.

, how is she really doing?” Ella asked Cole once they were alone.

s doing okay,” Cole replied as he poured his mom another glass of wine, before pouring a Scotch for himself and his father. “She is tired and bored, but considering everything that has happened in the past few months, her spirits are good.”

what about her blood pressure?” Ella asked.

“It’s still a little high,” Cole confirmed. “But the
doctors are keeping a close eye on it. She has an appointment tomorrow. We should know more then. They are talking about a planned caesarean section.

And this Jason chap,” James asked with concern. “What is happening there?”

“We have no idea where he is,” Cole replied as he sank down onto the chair next to his father. “I think he is long gone. He knew it was over. He talked a good talk. But with Nick and Adam always around, and Ally being extra careful. He knew
he was wasting his time.”

“Cole, I still think you should continue to be careful,” James said as he took a quick sip of his scotch. “He could be gone. Or he could be just biding his time. Waiting for you to relax and drop your guard. Just be careful son.”

“I will Dad,” Cole nodded and smiled, grateful for his dad’s words of wisdom and support. “And on that note. I think I will call it a night myself. I have a very beautiful woman waiting upstairs for me.”

Cole kissed his
mom goodnight and gave his dad an affectionate slap on the back before he headed up to bed.

When he
had finished in the bathroom, he slipped into bed next to Ally and slid over next to her and wrapped his arm around her.

“Thank you for tonight,” Ally whispered sleepily.

“You are very welcome, my gorgeous girl,” Cole replied and kissed her on the cheek.

“You know I really do love you,” she sighed as she was drifting
back off to sleep.

“I know you do,” Cole smiled and then added. “But I love you more.”

Ally just laughed.

“Goodnight Mrs. Thomas,” Cole whispered. “Happy birthday and sweet dreams.”

Ally didn’t reply. Cole smiled knowing she had drifted back to sleep. He pulled her closer to him and closed his eyes, giving himself over to sleep too.

Once again he dream
t he was searching for Ally. He could hear her cry and plead with someone. She called out his name again and again.

Suddenly he was back in front of the big black door. He just kept banging and banging.

“COLE HELP ME!” She cried out but he couldn’t get to her. Then there was a loud bang.

e could hear Ally calling him. His eyes flicked open as he sprung up in the bed and was face to face with a very worried looking Ally.

“What’s wrong?” H
e asked her as he tried to catch his breath.

“I was just going to ask you the same question,” Ally replied. “You were shout
ing and kicking in your sleep. Are you okay?”

“I’m okay,” Cole replied quickly. “Just a bad dream. I will be okay.”

“You sure?” She asked, looking at him with concern,

“Positive,” he replied with a big smile. “Sorry for waking you up. Now let’s get you back to sleep.”

“I need to pee first,” she said as she climbed out of the bed and headed straight to the bathroom.

Cole slumped back into the bed. He knew he needed to get over this Jason thing.
He needed to let his fear go.

Chapter 29

“You feeling okay this morning?” Ally asked Cole when he finally woke up. She had been lying quietly watching Cole sleep for the last twenty minutes. “That was quite a dream you had last night. You want to tell me about it?”

“I can’t really remember,” Cole lied. He had chosen not to tell her
he had the dream again after he had the dream for the second time. “I have no idea what I was dreaming about.”

“You know you can
talk to me,” Ally said as she reached out and softly traced down Cole’s face with the tips of her fingers. “I want you to share everything with me, and that means all the bad stuff too. You can’t keep wrapping me in cotton wool.”

“I know, “Cole said
with a sad smile. “But I swear, it was just a dream. I don’t remember what it was about. I am okay. I promise.”

“Okay,” Ally replied brightly but she felt a little disappointed.
She knew he wasn’t telling her everything but she decided not to push.

Instead she slid out of bed and headed towards the bathroom. She reached in and turned on the water in the shower
, then she stripped her pyjamas off and stepped beneath the water, allowing it to cascade down over her body.

“You got room for one more,” Cole said as he popped his head
around the shower door.

, if you can squish in here with this huge thing,” Ally said rubbing her ever expanding bump. “You are very welcome.”

“How about you let me wash your back,” Cole whispered against her ear as he pulled her closer to him.

“That sounds like heaven,” Ally grinned as she turned her back to Cole and passed him her body wash.

He squirted some on
to his hand then, sitting the bottle on the shelf, he rubbed his hands together and began to massage the body wash into Ally’s back. Starting at the base, he worked his hands up her back until he reached her shoulders and then, down her arms.

Lifting the bottle again,
he squirted more onto his hand and rubbed his hands together once more. Then reaching under her arms, he began to massage the body wash into her bump, gradually working his way up to her breasts.

“This feels so good,” Cole whispered against her ear a
nd suddenly, Ally could feel his erect cock press against her backside. Cupping her breasts, he pressed his lips against her neck. He nibbled her and softly kissed her until he reached her ear.

“I want you,” he breathed
against her ear. Holding her close to him, he pushed her feet wider apart with his foot. Then bending his knees slightly, he reached between them with one of his hands, still holding her close to him with the other hand.

She could feel the slick head of his cock slip between her legs and
then push through her soft folds until he found his target.

Ally cried softly as Cole tilted his hips up and slid his entire length deep inside her.

She instinctively reached out for the tiled wall to steady them both, as he slowly rocked into her again and again.

“I love you, Ally,”
he moaned breathlessly against her neck as he thrust into her over and over again.

Ally could feel the build-up in the pit of her stomach as her legs began to shake.

“OH COLE!” She cried out, as she pinched her eyes shut, the pleasure consuming her body. She knew she was close. She pushed her bum back against him as she took him deeper inside her.

“Ally, I’m not going to last much longer,” Cole groaned against her ear.

His paced picked up as he pushed into her deeper and deeper. Ally could feel her orgasm build quickly as she threw her head back onto Cole’s shoulder and cried out as she let go. “OH YES! YES!”

Cole pushed into her harder as he erupted inside her holding on to her tighter to stop her from collapsing
as she slumped against his body.

“I love you, gorgeous girl,
” he whispered against her ear when he finally caught his breath.

When she regained her composer, Cole insisted on finishing off what he started. He grabbed the shampoo and gave
her hair a good wash.

When they were finished in the shower, Cole stepped out and w
rapped a towel around his waist, then grabbed another towel and held it out for Ally. He wrapped it around her tightly as she stepped out of the shower and into the awaiting soft, fluffy towel.

“I am sorry I have to go to this meeting this morning,” Cole said as he wrapped another towel around her
hair and towel dried it for her.

“I know you have to go,” Ally said a
s she held the towel around herself. “But you are still meeting me at the hospital for the appointment?”

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Cole said as he dropped the towel
, took Ally’s face in his hands and tilted it up so she was looking up at him. “I don’t want you to worry, we have this. Whatever they decide today, as long as you and Little Bean are safe, we can face whatever else happens.”

“Okay,” Ally smiled up at Cole. She knew he was right. She just needed to focus on one da
y at a time. She was now thirty-five weeks pregnant. Ideally, she wanted to go for as long as she could. But she knew, if Little Bean needed to be delivered early, at thirty five-weeks, Little Bean’s chance of survival were very good.

When they were both dressed, they headed down stairs and found
Ben in his highchair being fed baby porridge by Ella, as Rosie prepared everyone else’s breakfast.

“Good Morning,” Ally said brightly as she made her way directly to Ben and kissed him on the forehead.

“Good Morning,” Ella replied back. “I hope you don’t mind, I thought I would get started on Ben’s breakfast. It’s not often I get a chance to spend some time with my gorgeous grandson.”

, that will all change now,” Cole replied as he kissed his mother on the cheek. “With you and Dad spending more of your weekends over here, you can get to see him much more.”

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