One Night with Sole Regret 02 Tempt Me












Copyright 2012 Olivia

Smashwords Edition

Edited by Beth Hill

Cover Art by Olivia Cunning

All Rights Reserved



Books by Olivia Cunning

Sinners on Tour

Backstage Pass

Rock Hard

Coming Soon:

Double Time

Hot Ticket


One Night with Sole Regret

Try Me

Tempt Me

Coming Soon:

Take Me

Touch Me

Tie Me


Lovers’ Leap

Loving on Borrowed Time

Twice Upon a Time



Writing as Olivia Downing

Defying Destiny




Chapter One

Adam’s heart raced as he
waited for Madison to answer her phone. Just the anticipation of
hearing her voice thrilled him. He had no problem playing a guitar
solo before fifteen thousand fans, but the prospect of speaking
sweet woman
made his palms sweat. Fucking pathetic. If his bandmates caught
wind of his infatuation, they’d ridicule him nonstop. The entire
group tended to gang up on whichever member happened to be jonesing
over a woman, and Adam didn’t want to be their current target. That
was Gabe’s role this week.

Standing near the back of the tour bus
in the passageway between the bunks, Adam turned his back to the
common area. Owen and Kellen had stolen Gabe’s cellphone when he’d
fallen asleep in the recliner, and they were currently sending text
messages to some chick Gabe had hooked up with the night before.
Adam had no idea how Gabe could sleep with the amount of sniggering
going on around him. Maybe all that drumming had permanently
damaged his hearing.

Now type: I’ll show you
mine, if you show me yours,” Owen said as Kelly thumbed in his
words. “Send it, dude.” More sniggering.

Adam was glad they were occupied with
Gabe’s torture while he attempted to hide his current

Hello,” Madison answered
in Adam’s ear.

It had been too long since he’d last
seen her. Just the sound of her voice made his jeans tight. “Hey,
baby,” he said quietly.

I can’t wait to see you
after the concert,” she said.

That’s why I’m


The disappointment in her
voice made his heart twist. Damn, but this woman could reduce him
to mush with a single syllable. He considered teasing her and
making her think they wouldn’t be able to see each other that
night, but if it had been the other way around and he’d
breaking one of their far-too-infrequent dates, he’d be

We should be in Dallas
around five.” Adam glanced at the bunk where Shade was resting.
Sole Regret’s nosy lead singer was probably asleep, but his curtain
was closed, so there was no guarantee Adam’s conversation wouldn’t
be overheard. He made sure to keep his voice down when he asked,
“Do you want to meet for dinner before the concert?”


Now he couldn’t resist
teasing her. “
Why not?”

Yes, Adam. I said yes.

He chuckled. “Yes?”

Y. E. S. Where? What
time?” The fact that she was so excited split Adam’s face in a
truly embarrassing grin. Thank God no one was paying attention. If
anyone saw him smiling like a lottery jackpot winner, his gig was

Italian. Five thirty. Meet
me inside.” He didn’t have to tell her which restaurant. For almost
a year, he’d been seeing Madison whenever Sole Regret’s tour bus
blazed through Dallas. Their favorite place served fantastic
breadsticks and had a family-style restroom with a sturdy lock. The
hip-high vanity had come in handy for more than one quick reunion
between Madison’s insatiable body and his.

Hey, Adam!” Owen called
from his seat on the sofa. “Who are you talking to? Your

Adam cringed.

No one would be stupid
enough to date a man-whore like him,” Kellen said.

Adam scowled at the wall and covered
his cellphone with his hand, hoping Madison hadn’t heard. “I have
to go,” he said.

I can’t wait to see

Madison?” He wasn’t ready
to hang up yet.


Will you make

She laughed softly. “You don’t have to
ask, Adam. I already made them.”

Her homemade gingersnaps
were to die for, but he mostly loved the idea of her making them
for him—especially since he pictured her baking in a frilly white
apron, her black cowboy boots and nothing else. Her soft, round
breasts would be fully exposed. When she turned and bent to slide
the cookies in the oven, he’d have a clear view of her spectacular
ass and more. The white bow in the center of her back would beg him
to untie it and reveal what she was hiding beneath the front of
that fantasy apron. Or maybe if he pleaded nicely, she’d lift the
fabric and display her secrets to him.

Lost in his fantasy, the crotch of
Adam’s jeans shrank an additional size.

Are you still there?” she

He snapped back to his uninspiring
reality. “Yeah. Um, Madison?”


Wear a dress for me?” She
wouldn’t agree to wear nothing but an apron in public, but a dress
would at least give him a view of those spectacular legs of hers.
“With a short skirt.”

Okay,” she said

Dear lord, he was already picturing
her skirt bunched up around her waist and her panties clenched in
his fist.

Later.” He hung up and,
nowhere near as trusting as Gabe, buried his phone deep in his
pocket where pranksters couldn’t get to it.

Adam adjusted his over-eager cock into
a less tenting position, grabbed a Mountain Dew from the fridge and
hopped into the empty chair across from Owen and Kellen. He tried
his damnedest not to smile like a dipshit, but it was a challenge
with thoughts of Madison filtering through his head.

Gabe was still out cold in the
matching recliner beside Adam. Their drummer must’ve had one hell
of time with that accountant babe the night before.

Still in Kellen’s possession, Gabe’s
cellphone beeped to alert a new text message.

What did she say?” Owen
asked eagerly.

Show you my
what?” Kellen read from the screen.

Boobs,” Owen

Kellen rolled his eyes. “Gabe wouldn’t
call them boobs.”

Lady lumps.”

Kellen shook his head.

Tits?” Adam

Kellen texted a response.

?” Owen read over Kellen’s
shoulder. “What kind of dude calls them that?”


At the sound of his name, Gabe rubbed
his nose with the back of his hand and inhaled deeply. His eyes
opened a crack. He smiled trustingly at Adam and immediately fell
back to sleep.

The phone beeped again. “Did she send
a pic?” Owen asked in a whisper.

Nope,” Kellen said, “She
You first. Show me your nipple and
I’ll show you mine. Seeing your piercing makes my nipples so
” Kellen read her text in a halting
monotone, as if verbalizing stock quotes.

Whoa,” Owen said. “And she
looked so sweet.”

Adam knew just how naughty
those sweet-looking ones could be. “Hey, Tex,” he called to the
driver. “How long until we reach Dallas?”
And Madison.

Couple hours,” Tex called
from the front of the bus.

Anxious to see your
girlfriend?” Owen asked with a perceptive grin.

Not my girlfriend,” Adam
said. “Just a great piece of ass I like to fuck.” He knew they’d
leave him alone if they thought Madison didn’t mean anything to

How do we get a picture of
Gabe’s nipple?” Kellen asked. He eyed Gabe’s chest appraisingly,
tilting his head to the left and right and using both hands to form
a finger frame for his inspired masterpiece,
Guy with a Pearl Nip-ring

You restrain him,” Owen
said. “I’ll get the shot.”

Kellen shook his head.

Adam chugged his liquid sugar rush and
waited for Kellen and Owen to make their move on Gabe. He really
couldn’t wait to see Gabe’s revenge.

Fine,” Owen said. “I’ll
jump him; you snap the picture and send it before he knows what’s

Maybe we should
tranquilize him first,” Kellen said. “He hits fucking

Gabe’s hand suddenly covered his
belly. His eyes snapped open. “Where’s my phone?” he asked, his
voice thick with sleep.

Kellen shoved it under Owen’s thigh.
“No idea.”

The phone beeped with Gabe’s
characteristic tone from beneath their
looking-entirely-up-to-no-good bassist. Gabe leveled Owen with a
glare. Gabe looked badass. Black and crimson mohawk. Tribal dragon
tattoos on his scalp. A long, wiry drummer’s body—all lean muscle
and sinew that packed a deadly punch. But they all knew Gabe too
well to be intimidated by his looks. His fists on the other
hand . . . 

What are you doing with my
phone, assmunch?”

Owen, with his big blue
eyes looking their most innocent, retrieved the phone from beneath
his leg and glanced at the screen. “Oh yeah, now
are some
nice-looking boobs. I could lick them for hours.”

I guess she didn’t need to
Gabe’s piercing to make her nipples hard,” Kellen said as he
viewed the screen over Owen’s shoulder.

Melanie?” Gabe’s eyes
narrowed dangerously.

Oh yeah,” Owen said. “I’d
definitely love to squeeze those pretty titties together around my
dick and give Gabe’s sweetie a nice pearl necklace.”

Gabe’s face went as red as the crimson
tips of his mohawk.

Shouldn’t have gone there,
Owen,” Adam said with a chuckle.

Gabe launched out of the recliner and
onto Owen. Kellen had the sense to scramble out of the

Oh Melanie,” Owen egged
Gabe on. “Yeah, baby, lick my dickhead while I fuck those plump

I’m going to make you

Sure, I’ll pay for it,”
Owen said, laughing through Gabe’s hard jabs. “I’ve got your five
dollars right here, baby.” He grabbed his crotch

Adam picked up Gabe’s
phone, which had landed on the floor near his feet. What better way
to keep his own romantic interest under the radar than to join in
on harassing Gabe? The picture of Melanie’s breasts hinted at
uncommon beauty, but Adam was sure the blurry shot didn’t do them
justice. Still, he whistled long and loud. “Nice. Maybe she’ll show
us more.” Adam pressed
so he could add to Gabe’s misery. “They’re as
beautiful as I remember from last night,” Adam said as he composed
a new text message and thumbed it in, “but you know what I really
want to see.” He pressed
and handed the phone to Kellen, who was now
standing between the two recliners to stay out of the way of the
brawl between their drummer and bassist.

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