One Night with Sole Regret 02 Tempt Me (7 page)

My friend bet that I
couldn't get all the band members to suck my tits. Your turn!” She
cupped her breasts in both hands and offered them to Adam. “Someone
take a picture of this! I need proof.”

Adam lifted an eyebrow at her. “No
thanks, sugar. Some other time.”

You guys are no fun,” she

I'll suck them,” offered
some guy who was drenched in what had to be beer—he reeked of

I don't want you to suck
them, Henry,” SureBet said. “Force,” she called when she spotted
the band's drummer coming out of the bedroom at the back of the
bus. “You still haven't sucked them. What are you waiting

He took one look at her, returned to
the bedroom and shut the door.

I don't want to go on a
date with Katie’s weird brother,” she moaned. Pleeeeeeease don't
make me lose this bet.” She stomped her foot in

I'll take another turn,”
Owen offered with a crooked grin. He sat next to ever-shirtless
Kellen on the sofa.

Okay.” She hurried to
shove her boob in his face and didn't seem to care about the bet
when Owen's mouth latched onto her nipple. “Cuff,” she moaned,
grabbing a handful of Kellen’s long, dark hair and tugging him to
her free breast. “You suck the other one.”

Madison gaped at the three of them.
Had they no shame? Is that what it took to hang around rock stars?
Being shameless? She could do shameless.


She glanced at Adam, knowing she’d
decided to let him go after tonight, but the very thought of this
being their last night together stole her breath. Maybe she could
try being more like the girl getting her tits sucked by two guys at
once. Maybe that’s what it would take to keep Adam’s attention.
Maybe if she let go of propriety a bit, she’d be okay with him
living the life of a superstar and with him screwing around as long
as she could be his Dallas hookup.

She was so mixed up she couldn’t see
straight. All she could see was how much she wanted him.

Do you want to hang out
here?” Adam asked.

She steeled her resolve and grabbed
his crotch, knowing she was blushing to the roots of her hair, but
she had no control over that. She did have control over her words.
“Not unless you want me to suck you off in front of an audience,”
she said. She forced herself to look at him and tightened her grip
on the growing bulge in his pants so her hand would stop

I would love you to suck
me off in front of an audience,” he said in a low voice.

Oh God. What had she done?
She'd never expected him to actually take her up on the offer. She
slid her hand to his belt buckle and for a moment, as she stared up
into his gentle gray eyes, she forgot he wasn’t the only other
person on earth. Suddenly, she
to suck him off. Madison
unfastened his belt, and then her fingers fumbled with his

He caught her hand. “Madison, what’s
wrong?” he asked. “You’re not acting like yourself

Heart hammering, she opened the top
button of his jeans. “I don't know what you mean. It’s no big deal.
Don’t women do this for you all the time?”

the time.”

But isn't this what you
want? A slut who gets your rocks off.”

There was none of the usual gentleness
in his eyes as he scowled down at her. “If I wanted that, I
wouldn't be with you, would I?”

you with me?” she said loudly.

Yeah, you see me here,
don't you?” His voice was raised in anger too. She'd seen him
pissed off, but had never been the cause of it. “What do you want
from me, Madison? You're acting so strange.”

She realized the reason his
voice sounded loud was because the bus was suddenly silent. She
glanced around Adam's body to the other occupants of the bus.
Everyone was staring at them. She caught Owen's eye, and he gave a
barely perceptible shake of his head.
Don't pressure him.
His words
returned to her loud and clear.

Can we go somewhere and
talk in private?” she asked Adam.

I have to be on stage in
an hour.”

It won't take long,” she

Is there anyone in the
dressing room?” Adam asked the lead singer, Shade, who like the
others was watching their little argument.

If there is, kick them
out,” Shade said, looking at Adam as if he was the biggest idiot
he’d ever encountered.

Adam turned and stomped off the bus.
Because he was refastening his belt, he didn't hold Madison’s hand
as he strode toward the venue. She wondered if he hadn’t stopped
her, what she would have done. Would she have shamelessly sucked
his cock just to keep his attention? She honestly didn’t

Adam made the two crew members taking
a break in the band's dressing room leave and then he locked
Madison in the room with him. She opened her mouth to speak—having
already concocted the perfect line of bull to feed him about her
behavior—but before she could begin, he wrapped her in both arms
and drew her against him. He buried his face in her

You're going to stop
seeing me, aren’t you?” he whispered.

She was so stunned that she didn't
immediately deny it.

Why, Madison? Is it
because I was talking to some other woman?”

to another woman? No, I wouldn’t stop seeing you
over that.”

His body sagged with relief, and her
heart twisted.

She forced herself to
Cold turkey, Madison. It’s the
only way.
“But tonight will have to be our
last night together.” Her heart was thudding so hard that it
threated to break through her sternum.

His arms tightened around her. “No,”
he said harshly. “I won't let you go.”

Adam, I can't do this

Do what?”

Date you. I need to know
you're committed to me. And I know you can't be.”

He tugged away and looked down at her.
“How do you know that?”

Well, because, you're
famous and women chase you and—”

They’ll always chase me,

And who could blame them? She stared
up at him, knowing she wasn’t even going to get one last night with
him. This would be the last time she would see him. The last time
he held her in his arms. Owen had warned her. Why hadn’t she

Trying to find the resolve
to walk out the door and retain a shred of her dignity, she lowered
her gaze to his chest and took a deep, shaky breath. The shards of
her broken heart tore through her lungs, stealing her breath.
Adam’s black T-shirt blurred out of focus behind foolish tears. She
squeezed her eyes shut.
Don’t cry. Don’t
cry. Don’t.

Adam grabbed her by the arms and shook

Damn it, Madison,” he said
in a harsh growl. “I don't have to let them catch me.”

All the air whooshed out of Madison's
lungs and her head snapped up so she could search for sincerity in
his expression. “Adam, are you saying . . . ”
Already the shreds of her heart were mending. “Would you be willing
to . . . ”

Madison, you're the only
woman I give a damn about. If I have to give up fucking chicks I
don't give a shit about in order to be with you, what do you think
I'm going to choose?”

She lowered her eyes to stare at his
chest again. “I don't know.”

He released her abruptly and stepped
backward. She forced herself to look up again. She wasn't prepared
for the twisted look of anguish on his handsome face.

He shook his head at her. “You really
don't know? Madison, I thought you were the one person who
understood me.”

I hoped. I hoped you would
choose me, Adam, but I didn't
, so I . . . I was
just going to quit you cold turkey without forcing you to choose.
My heart couldn’t take it, if you didn't choose me.”

He fisted her hair in both hands and
tugged her closer. “Of course I'd choose you.”

He kissed her—a hard, deep punishing
kiss that left her disoriented and breathless.

How could you doubt me,
Madison? Doubt your worth?” he whispered against her tender lips.
“You’re so much better than I am, baby.” His voice

She shook her head. “You could have
any woman you want.”

That doesn’t matter. I
want only you.”

Could she let herself
believe that? She wanted to. But if she trusted him with her heart,
held nothing back, gave it all to him, and he betrayed
 . . .
She clung to him, terrified that he’d crush her
heart into a pulp.

Adam released one hand from her hair.
He rubbed her flank, his hand sliding up under her skirt. A
soothing touch, yet so very not.

Do you believe,

She wasn't sure. She'd never had these
insecurities before. It had to be his fame that had her feeling so
uncertain of herself. And the cheating. She couldn’t stand the
thought of him holding another woman like this. Touching her like
this. But was it cheating? He probably hadn’t thought of it that
way, but even though they’d never forged a real relationship, it
felt like he’d cheated on her. And that she wasn’t good enough to
hold his attention.

Why aren’t I enough for
you?” she said, her eyes swimming with tears. “Why do you sleep
with other women?”

Baby, you’re more than
enough for me. It’s just
 . . .
I have a
healthy sex drive,” he said.

She chuckled half-heartedly, squeezing
her eyes shut and swallowing the lump in her throat. “I am well
aware of that.”

I didn't think you'd care
about the other women. They kind of go with the territory and you
never said anything about it. We never agreed that we’re an
exclusive couple.”

Fair enough. “I know. But
care,” she
said. Some part of her afraid that he would run from her, her
fingers clenched in his T-shirt. She didn’t want him to run and she
didn’t want to quit him cold turkey. She wanted what she thought he
was offering. She wanted to be with him. She wanted to believe it
was possible. “The thought of you with another woman is agonizing.
It’s been driving me crazy since our first kiss.”

His eyebrows drew together as if he'd
just had a most disturbing thought. “Have you been with other men
since our first time?”

No. God, no. I only want
you, Adam. I only ever want you.
couldn’t get the words out. Trying to calm down, she lowered her
gaze and took a deep breath. So many emotions were churning through
her that she couldn’t decide if she wanted to laugh or

Who the fuck is he?” His
hand tightened in her hair and he tugged her head back. He glared
down at her, and Madison’s heart rate doubled instantly. Yes, she
needed him to be rough with her now. All the emotions swirling
within her were too much to bear. And that hand on her ass was
deliciously, mind-bogglingly distracting.

Would you spank me if I
said that I spread my legs for another man?” she asked. Because
lord, she could use a good, hard spanking right now.

Did you
another man?” He
ground his teeth together, a muscle twitching in his strong

Did you fuck another
woman?” she countered.

Not as many as I have in
the past,” he said defensively.

In other words, yes, he had
fucked another woman. Or more precisely, other
. She fucking hated this. “Is
that supposed to make me feel better?”

His grip on her hair
loosened, and he smoothed the long strands from her face. His lips
brushed her forehead tenderly. “I wish it did. I’m sorry I hurt
you. I didn’t know it would matter to you. I should have realized,
I just
 . . .
I’m sorry, baby.”

Overwhelmed with emotion, she jerked
back. She couldn’t stand him to be tender with her. Not when she
was already this close to tears. “I need you to spank me, Adam.
Right now.”

His eyes searched hers for a moment,
and then his hand tightened in her hair again. “I'll never figure
out why you like the rough stuff, Madison.” He swatted her ass with
a loud crack and her pussy throbbed with excitement. Some of the
heavy emotions churning through her body parted to make way for
primitive lust. It was so much easier to deal with those

Oh, thank you.

I only like it rough with
you, Adam.” Because he was the only man who had ever made her feel
so many profound and confusing emotions. And he was the only man
who made her feel secure enough in her sexuality to even ask for
such treatment.

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