One of Us: The Story of Anders Breivik and the Massacre in Norway (27 page)


Patriots and Tyrants

It was a declaration of war.

A very exhausting declaration of war. The same phrases came over and over again. Scattered around in the text. Sometimes they were identical, sometimes words had been changed. Some of the phrases he had polished for a while, whereas others came tumbling one after another. He repeated his arguments. His tips and advice remained the same from
one page to the next. The purpose of the text was to inspire fighting spirit, to fire up the reader.

No one would be able to remain indifferent! No one would be able to ignore him now, duck out of answering and avoid him. Indifference ranked among the worst sins. Many great men had said that, in many impressive ways. He had quoted and requoted their words.

His attention had been caught by a
Thomas Jefferson quote, which he repeated six times in the last part of his book, each time as if it were the first. ‘The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. The tree of liberty…’

Many would have to bleed before society was drilled the way he
wanted it. The last part of his book was bloody. It was more malicious, more ruthless than the first two, where he had largely pasted in texts that were already in circulation on the web. This was his own. His manifesto, or his will and testament.

The murders were planned along the way. The campaign took shape as he wrote. He had various ideas about who he would kill and how. A bomb at the journalists’
annual conference? And some concerted shooting afterwards? Ninety-eight per cent of them were multiculturalists, and it was their fault the Progress Party had collapsed at the last election. Or a car bomb in Youngstorget when thousands of communists and cultural Marxists gathered on 1 May to march through the streets of Oslo. Maybe disguise himself as a fireman and hurl grenades and use
a flame thrower in the auditorium at the Labour Party National Congress at the House of the People? He could park a car packed with explosives outside, timed to go off just as the delegates swarmed out to escape the flames. Those who survived would be branded. Badly scarred cultural Marxists would serve as living examples of what ultimately happens to traitors. People would realise you cannot commit
high treason and go uncensured.

‘The Phase for Dialogue is Over’ he called the opening chapter of Book 3. He rattled off a list of the accused. There were cultural Marxists, multiculturalists, suicide humanists, capitalist-globalist politicians, state leaders and parliamentarians. There were journalists, editors, teachers, professors, university leaders, publishers, radio commentators, writers,
comic-strip creators, artists, technical experts, scientists, doctors and church leaders who had knowingly committed crimes against their own people. The charge was that they had been complicit in the cultural genocide of the native inhabitants of Europe and in foreign invasion and colonisation of Europe by systematically allowing Muslim demographic warfare. This they had done by silently condoning
the rape of between half a million and a million European women and actively supporting feminism, emotionalism, egalitarianism and Islamism.

Punishment would be administered according to the crimes they had committed and the class they belonged to. ‘A’ traitors were leaders of political parties, trade unions, cultural institutions and the media. They would be sentenced to death. ‘B’ traitors
were less important cultural Marxists. They would also be sentenced to death, but could in certain circumstances have their punishment reduced. ‘C’ traitors wielded little influence themselves, but aided and abetted traitors in the two higher categories. They would receive fines and prison sentences. All multiculturalists would be pardoned if they capitulated to the Knights Templar before 1 January

This was also the date on which the deportation of Muslims would begin. To avoid expatriation, Muslims would have to convert to Christianity and be baptised with a new Christian forename, middle name and surname. They would be forbidden from using their mother tongues of Farsi, Urdu, Arabic and Somali. All mosques would be demolished, all traces of Islamic culture in Europe eradicated,
even places of historical interest. No ex-Muslim couple would be permitted to have more than two children, and there would be a strict ban on telephoning, emailing or exchanging letters with Muslims outside Europe. For two generations after their conversion, the travel of ex-Muslims to countries that had populations of which more than a fifth were Muslim would be prohibited.

But in spite of all
that: ‘DO NOT for the love of God aim your rage and frustration at Muslims.’ If a pipe is leaking in your bathroom, what do you do? ‘It’s not very complicated after all. You go to the source of the problem, the leak itself! You DON’T mop it up until after you have fixed the actual leak. Needless to say, our regime is the leak, the Muslims are the water.’

*   *   *

The declaration of war was
set out pedantically, with the resistance struggle divided into phases. At the time of writing, the author was in phase 1 of the civil war that was to last until 2030. In that phase, the campaign was to consist of shock attacks carried out by autonomously functioning secret cells that were not in contact with one another. In phase 2, planned to last from 2030 to 2070, more advanced resistance fronts
would emerge. This phase would also see preparations for final coups against the governments in power in Europe. In the third phase, post-2070, the execution of traitors in categories ‘A’ and ‘B’ would start and a culturally conservative agenda was to be initiated. From 2083 there would be peace; the revolutionary brigades of cultural conservatives would have won the civil war and the ideal society
could be built.

The Knights Templar was the organisation nominated to lead both the civil war and construction of the new society. Anyone could become a member. Those who took up arms and began to fight would automatically become part of the brotherhood, part of a network of cells spread across Europe with no central command. Andrew Berwick himself held the highest rank in the organisation –
Justicious Knight Commander
. He was the one who, at the inaugural meeting in London in 2002, had been asked to write the organisation’s manifesto, as he possessed special abilities and prerequisites for the task.

This meant he was also the one who decided the enrolment rituals for new members, rituals they could perform by themselves if they liked. All they needed was a darkened room, a large
stone as an altar, a wax candle, a skull or perhaps a replica, and a sword. The candle was supposed to represent God and the light of Christ. The text they were to recite could simply be printed out from the manifesto.

Honours would be awarded, depending how many traitors one had killed. These honours had titles like
Distinguished Destroyer of Cultural Marxism
Distinguished Saboteur Master
. There was also an award for
Intellectual Excellence
. Berwick had pasted in pictures of uniform decorations from the Order of Freemasons and various branches of the armed forces, and offered hints as to where on the internet these were available. They only cost a few dollars, so the Knights Templar could easily make their own uniforms.

At last he had a use for what he had learned in needlework
lessons at Smested Primary School. He wrote that the compulsory teaching of knitting and needlework had a utopian goal: equality between the sexes.

‘In retrospect, however, I am grateful for having received this insight into sewing and stitching as this knowledge is an essential skill when constructing and assembling modern ballistic armours … It is quite ironic and even hilarious that a skill
intended to feminise European boys can and will be used to re-implement the patriarchy.’

‘Be creative,’ he advised his readers when explaining the different ways of killing traitors. To cause a particularly painful death you could use bullets filled with pure nicotine.

He dealt in depth with information like how to buy guns from the Russian mafia or from outlaw motorcycle clubs, how to send
anthrax through the post, use chemical weapons or spread radiation.

There were long lists of clever tricks and manoeuvres. ‘Always mask your real goals, by using the ruse of a fake goal that everyone takes for granted, until the real goal is achieved. Strike where the enemy least expects it. Make a sound in the east, then strike in the west.’

If the enemy was too strong, or too well protected,
as heads of government often are, ‘then attack something he holds dear’. Somewhere or other there will be a chink in his armour, a weakness that can be exploited. ‘Hide a knife behind a smile.’ Infiltration can be the easiest way to get close to a difficult target: ‘Getting a job at the youth camp connected to the largest political party is one way of doing this. The Prime Minister usually visits
during summer season.’

‘Be a chameleon, put on a disguise,’ he continued, suggesting that his readers acquire a police uniform so they could move around with weapons unchallenged.

The very first thing a newly dubbed Knight Templar had to think about was good financial planning. You could have a job, earn money, take out loans or acquire several credit cards and use them to the limit.

The battle
demanded the utmost of everyone, and to stay motivated it was legitimate to use ‘good food, sexual stimuli, meditation’. Anything was permitted, so long as it worked. But he did worry about the poor combat skills of modern men. Most were useless both at taking aim and at firing. ‘Urban Europeans like us, ouch ☺!’ he complained, suggesting computer games such as
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
a good alternative to joining a shooting club.

To avoid being caught with incriminating evidence, he advised changing your hard disk several times during the planning stage. Equipment connected with the various phases should be buried or destroyed. Planning was everything: familiarity with the terrain, detailed timetables and reserve strategies in case anything went wrong.

It was a fact that
most attempted acts of terrorism failed. They were insufficiently planned, the bomb did not go off or the protagonists injured themselves or were exposed. The last of these was to be avoided at all costs and the author suggested making use of social taboos. ‘Say you’ve started playing
World of Warcraft
and have got a bit too hooked on the game. Say you feel ashamed of the fact and don’t really
want to talk about it. Then the person you have confided in will feel you have let him into your innermost secrets and stop asking questions. Or say you have come out as gay. Your ego is likely to take a dent unless you are secure in your own heterosexuality, because they will actually believe you are gay. But at least they will stop digging and wondering why you have changed, and why they don’t
see you so often.’ Berwick himself had a number of friends who thought he was gay, he wrote, and that was ‘hilarious, because he was most definitely 100% hetero!’

*   *   *

Behind the ruthless tone there was a hint of something friendlier, a chilly smile. The last part of the manifesto, in contrast to the first two, was addressed to
It had a recipient, an intended reader. Not the man
in the street, not just anybody, but someone who was already on his side or on the verge of tipping over into his camp. He was at pains to show consideration, offering advice on how to counter fear and loneliness, and recommending songs and sweets as aids to motivation.

He was a guild leader again. With full oversight of his own players, opponents and terrain. If you got cold feet, all you had
to do was think of the European women, between half a million and a million of them, who had been raped by Muslims, and carry on.

‘In many ways, morality has lost its meaning in our struggle,’ he wrote. ‘Some innocent will die in our operations as they are simply at the wrong place at the wrong time. Get used to the idea.’

He devoted a chapter to ‘Killing Women on the Field of Battle’. The majority
of cultural Marxists and suicide humanists were women, and female soldiers fighting to preserve the system would not hesitate to kill you in battle. ‘You must therefore embrace and familiarise yourself with the concept of killing women, even very attractive women.’

It was important to put your manifesto up on the internet before you went into action. And equally important to be mentally prepared.
‘Once you decide to strike, it is better to kill too many than not enough, or you risk reducing the desired ideological impact of the strike. Explain what you have done (in an announcement distributed prior to the operation) and make certain that everyone understands that we, the free peoples of Europe, are going to strike again and again.’

A Knight Templar should not only be a one-man army;
he also had to be a one-man marketing agency. Recruitment material had to look attractive and professional, and it was worth spending some money on marketing. ‘Sexy projections of females sell and inspire, in peacetime and during war,’ he advised. You should also equip yourself with a personal picture gallery, because if you were arrested, the police would only release ‘retarded-looking photos’ of

When getting ready to have the pictures taken, you had to think about style, ‘to look your best’. Spend a few hours on the tanning bed. Work out hard for at least seven days beforehand. Have your hair cut. Use a professional make-up artist. ‘Yes, this sounds gay to big badass warriors like us, but we must look our best for the shoot,’ he wrote. ‘Put on your best clothes and take several
changes with you to the studio, like a suit and tie, some casual wear and, for preference, some kind of military outfit. But do not take any weapons or anything that might reveal that you are a resistance fighter.’

The way you presented yourself was important, both in life and in death. Andrew Berwick had also prepared a series of recommended epitaphs for gravestones such as ‘Born into Marxist
slavery on XX.XX.19XX. Died as a martyr fighting the Marxist criminal regime.’ One of his other proposals was a paraphrase of Churchill’s ‘We shall never surrender’: ‘Martyrdom before
! Never surrender.’ You were free to add decoration to your stone; he suggested angels, pillars, arrows, birds, lions, skeletons, snakes, crowns, skulls, leaves or branches.

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