One to Take (Stuart & Mariska): Sexy Cowboy (One to Hold Book 8) (3 page)

“It wasn’t something I’d considered until tonight.” I look out the window at the miles of black prairie. “I didn’t like what those guys were saying.”

“I didn’t like it either.”

More silence, the sound of wheels on a gravel road crunch through the dark. Bill flicks on the radio, and the strains of Willie Nelson’s “Time of the Preacher” fill the cab. It brings Mariska to the front of my thoughts, and all the things I internally vowed I wasn’t going to do. Only now I don’t feel as sure anymore.

Before we came here, we’d decided to move into my penthouse condo in Princeton, transfer her credits, get married, and live happily ever after. Coming here wouldn’t necessarily change things, but it would increase the level of difficulty.

Glancing over at my uncle’s lined face, I don’t want to leave him hanging. Still, a decision like this requires a lot more than an impulsive statement to a punk over dinner. I have to give it more thought.

ariska is
in bed with her back to me when I enter our suite. Bill put us on the opposite wing of the house from my mother and him, giving us a nice degree of privacy. My threat to the Robertsons still dominates my mind as I stop to use the metal bootjack to pull off my cowboy boots.

Part of the land Evan wants to take over includes the small cabin on the range. It’s a primitive little shack with no electricity and only the basest of appliances and equipment, but it’s
place. It’s the one spot outside of the desert where I feel my insides unclench, where I can relax. It’s also a pretty special place for Mariska and me since last winter.

I look over at her sleeping form under the thick duvet, and I remember her naked body moving against mine, soft and beautiful as we made love in an Indian blanket beside the campfire. The sky was full of stars, and we were far from any signs of civilization, like the last two people on earth. Those were the best three days of my life up to that point.

My boot hits the floor, and she sits up in the bed. “It’s about time you got home.”

The blanket drops and she’s topless, her long brown hair falling in a wavy cape over her shoulders, ending in soft curls at her dark nipples.

“Mariska.” The simmering need I’ve had since waking up alone this morning surges to life.

Her lips curl into a grin, and she leans forward, crawling to the side of the large bed. “I’ve been waiting for you!” It’s a gentle scold as she hops out of bed, quickly closing the space between us.

Only a small scrap of lace covers her bare pussy. I reach for her, sliding my palms from her narrow waist up to her luscious tits. They’re full in my hands, and my thumbs graze her hardened nipples. “If I’d known, I’d have been back an hour ago.”

Taking a step back, she drops to her knees. “Are you still angry?” Those sunset hazel eyes are round as she looks up at me from the level of my waist.

“Angry?” I don’t move as her small hands quickly unfasten my belt.

“Because I left you all alone this morning?” She’s teasing, but I’ll be damned if I’ll derail this train of thought.

“I hate a cold mattress where you should be.”

Cool hands slide over my hips, lowering my boxer briefs. “I guess I have to make it up to you.”

My cock is out, hard as steel and straining for her mouth. She takes the base and gently guides the mushroom tip to her lips before teasing it with her tongue.

“Shit, Mariska,” I hiss. One hand grips the dresser beside me. The other gently touches her cheek as she opens and takes me all the way to her throat. “Fuck!” I can’t help fisting her hair as she pulls back and begins to bob and suck.

Her mouth is so hot my knees almost buckle, and I’m fumbling for what the hell was even on my mind when I walked through the door. Who gives a shit? She leans back, teasing me with her tongue again before taking me all the way in, squeezing the base as she looks up with round eyes.

“Get on the bed. Now.” That’s an order. I’ll be damned if I finish in her mouth.

My dick is out with a pop, and she quickly climbs onto the mattress. She’s on all fours with her ass in the air looking back over her shoulder. I cross the room and shove my jeans off, ready to finish what she’s started.

Standing at the bedside, I grip her heart-shaped ass a moment, watching my handprints as they fade into her ivory skin. “You’re beautiful.”

She sighs a laugh, and I trace my finger under the thin string of lace running between her cheeks. It takes half a second to rip it out of my way. A little squeal, and for a moment, I slide my fingers between her thighs, down and back up along that dripping crease.

“Oh, god, Stuart, yes!” Her arms shudder, and I slide a finger inside her, then two.

“You’re so fucking wet.” My brow lines, and she peeks at me again over her shoulder.

“I started without you. I couldn’t wait.”

“Then fuck it.” I drive my cock straight into those swollen lips. We both let out groan, mine laced with swears.

“Yes…” she gasps, rocking her ass against my pelvis. “I was touching myself…” she murmurs. “Massaging, thinking about you…” another gasp, “Taking me hard and rough.”

I reach around, but her hand is already covering her pussy circling fast. “Fuck me.” This dirty-talking sex-kitten act is new, and it’s got me right at the edge ready to blow.

Grasping her hips, I thrust hard and fast, feeling it the moment she breaks into orgasm. She lets out a high-pitched moan, and her entire body shudders, her insides spasm, gripping my dick in a hot, wet embrace.

With a loud groan, I follow her, giving into the spirals of pleasure snaking up my thighs. My ass tightens, and I hold on as the room tilts, as I let go, coming deep inside this woman I love.


y insides shimmer
and pulse with afterglow, and I smile as Stuart moves us both onto the mattress, up to the pillows, collapsing in a satisfied embrace. That went exactly the way I planned it. I’m horny as hell these days, and when I saw him standing there, brooding in the doorway, I couldn’t resist. I know how to get my grumpy cowboy out of his head.

His large hands move from my hips to my waist, tracing the
-shaped constellation of little stars tattooed on my side. “I love these,” he says, outlining one, two…

“They’re for that night at the cabin, when we sat under the stars.”
The night I made my wish.

From there, his hand slides around to my breasts, where they pause for a squeeze, a stroke. I melt against his firm chest.

“Am I forgiven?” Reaching up, I run my fingertips along the stubble of his jaw.

“Mm.” He exhales in my hair, sending chills down my legs. “I forgot why I was supposed to be mad.”

“Maybe I should get up early more often.” The suggestion earns me a low growl, and I giggle, turning in his arms to face him.

Smoky hazel eyes gaze down at me, scanning the lines of my face with such intensity, I slide forward, pressing my cheek against his chest.

“Something’s different,” he says, running his finger down my back. The vibration of his voice tickles my cheek. “You seem different. Why?”

Eyes closed, I press my lips against his heated skin. I want to tell him so much why my body is changing, why I can’t seem to get enough of him, why I’m tired and emotional and… why I need him more than ever. But I have to wait.

Sylvia made an appointment for us to visit a doctor in town tomorrow, and once I get the final thumbs up, I’ll let him know. I just have to be patient.

“I don’t know what you mean.” Lifting my chin, I slide my hands to his strong arms, up to his shoulders. “I love you. I love the way you love me.”

He catches my chin and kisses my lips gently. “That makes two of us.”

“Can we start working with Jessie tomorrow?”

“While we’re on the subject?” His dark brow lines, and I grin.

Lightly pushing his arms, I pretend-pout. “Did you forget to ask Bill about it?”

“Of course not. He said it would be fine for you to help me with her.”

“Yay!” Clapping softly, I reach for his cheeks to pull his mouth down to mine. “Thank you!”

Lifting his head, he props it on his hand. “What about your art? You said you wanted to paint while we’re here. Training horses takes time.”

“Your mother is driving me into town tomorrow. We’ll do a little shopping and pick up a canvass and some paint. I can fit it in.”

“I can drive you into town.”

“I know.” Reaching out, I slide my thumb over the small crease in the center of his chin. “But now your mom and I have something to do together.”

He’s satisfied with that answer, and my fatigue is creeping back. Blinking heavy eyes, I lean up for one more kiss before snuggling down into the blankets, my back to his chest. I feel him still awake, returning to whatever dark thoughts were troubling him when he entered our bedroom, but for now I have to rest.

Large hands grasp my arms…

Run away!

They hold me down, dragging me to that place.

The whisper has become a shout. The hands are on my waist.

“You’re coming with us.”

y eyes snap
open in the darkness, and I gasp for air. Stuart is behind me, his arms around my waist. We’re both naked in the darkness, and I’m panting, trying to shake off the vision.

“You okay?” His low voice is thick, and I can tell he’s not entirely awake.

“I’m okay,” I whisper, allowing my body to melt into his strength again.

He kisses me behind my ear, his lips brushing the sensitive spot that makes me shiver, and I feel his erection at my back. Dropping my head against his shoulder, I arch my back to meet him. I don’t want to be troubled by nightmares. I don’t want to figure out my dreams. I want my cowboy to take me away.

He slips inside, and my eyes close with a sigh. A large hand skims down my stomach, between my thighs. He touches me just right, circling, teasing, and the tension melts away as we ride together over the moon and back to sleep.

When I open my eyes again, the morning sun streams through the crack in the curtains. Stuart is gone, and I sit up slowly, feeling both times we made love last night deep in my core. I pull the blanket over my breasts. They’re slightly tender after all the attention. They’re also slightly bigger. I won’t be able to keep this secret much longer with my body changing.

My anticipation for this afternoon is almost overwhelming. It’s as big as my anticipation for my first day working with Jessie. Throwing the covers back, I skip out of bed and to the bathroom for a shower. If Stuart’s already up, it means he’s in the barn, and I’m not wasting time joining him.

When I finally jog down the porch steps toward the stables, the sun is halfway to the center of the enormous sky. I clutch two breakfast burritos Winona handed me on my way out—one for me and the other for my early-riser—as I hustle through the barn, quickly scanning the stalls.

Stuart isn’t in the barn, but Jessie is. She’s in her pen, keeping to the very back, facing the corner where the wooden slats meet. I don’t hesitate for a moment. I go straight to the door and lean against it, making that clicking sound with my mouth like Stuart and his uncle do.

Her black ears perk. She lets out a soft horsey-noise and stamps her small hooves. She’s so pretty.

“Hey, girl,” I say as if I’m talking to a puppy. “I’m your friend. I’m going to teach you how to be a good little horsey.”

She makes another whinny, and I climb onto the gate, balancing with my arms on the top rail. A green apple is in my pocket, and I move both burritos to my right hand while I fish out the fruit with my left.

“Come on,” I say softly. “Come see what I’ve got for you.”

Her eyes are on me, and that white moon is in clear view. I love her so much.

“Come on!” I say in a slightly higher tone, holding the green fruit straight out. “Come get your apple.”

Her legs shake, and I can tell it’s taking all of her willpower to overcome her fear. I don’t move a muscle, in fact, every muscle in my body cramps at how rigid I’ve become. I don’t want to scare her at all.

Several small steps, and her velvet nose brushes my fingertips. We’re so close. I know if she takes this gift from me, I’ll change in her eyes. I’ll be a bearer of sweets, a good guy. I hold my breath in anticipation.

Another loud breath, and her lips flap back. She extends her teeth and takes the crisp apple out of my hand. Two strong grinds, and it’s gone. Crunched between her small but powerful jaws. Our relationship is established.

“You’re going to be my horse,” I continue in the same soft voice. “I named you Jessie. Do you like that?”

Her head drops, but only for a second. As if realizing what she’s done, she whips it up again, still stubborn. Her eyes are on me, though, curious.

“I know about stubborn,” I say, watching her. “I’m in love with someone even more stubborn than you are. We’ll be friends. Trust me.”

Jessie shakes her head and turns back to the corner just as strong arms cage me on the door.

“Making friends?” Stuart’s low voice is warm against my shoulder, and I can’t help it. I start to laugh.

“I gave her an apple!” Reaching over my shoulder, I clutch his sleeve while I watch my amazing horse.

He leans in and kisses the side of my neck. It’s a delicious tingle, and I jump down, my head at the center of his chest in my riding boots.

“Here,” I hold out a burrito. “Winona sent you this.”

He takes it with an eager noise of thanks. The paper napkin is off and the breakfast devoured in three bites before I’ve even started my second. It’s a buttery, savory mixture of eggs, onions, tasso, and jalapenos.

“I don’t usually like spicy food, but Winona has a way of making it so good.” Stuart watches with a grin as I finish and even lick my fingers.

Once our trash is discarded, he leads me to the tack room. “First order of business. If you’re going to be a horse woman, you have to be able to saddle and bridle your own horse.”

I pause. Saddles don’t bother me, but bridles… ice fills my stomach at the thought of putting my hand so close to a horse’s teeth. “I don’t think Jessie—”

“Jessie is a ways away from any of this. But if you’re going to get her there, you have to know what you’re doing.”

I watch his strong muscles flex as he heaves one of the heavy western saddles off a sawhorse. “Ranger is already bridled, so I can saddle him up. You’ll watch me on this part, then you can start from the beginning with Cheyenne.”

Nodding, my eyes are round as I follow him into the alley and to the stalls. Ranger lifts his head in a very unconcerned manner over his door.

“He does this every day,” I say, attempting to break the growing tension in my stomach.

“He’s a good horse,” Stuart says, opening the door with his leg. “But he’s still temperamental. Dakota and Cheyenne are the least likely to move when you’re learning.”

Climbing onto the wooden rails, I watch as he raises the leather saddle and then places it easily on the thick pad on Ranger’s back. The horse doesn’t even flinch at the weight being adjusted on him.

“Now pay attention.” Opening the door, he stops the horse just outside the stall. I turn on the fence so I’m still higher than the two of them, watching.

Stuart continues with his lesson. “When you fasten the girth, you do a simple front to back until it’s short, then cross it over and down. Just like tying a tie.”

Watching, I chew my lip. “I’m not sure I can lift a saddle that high.”

He nods. “I’ll help the first few times, but you need to know how to do it. Now come here.”

For a second I pause then I hop off the rail and walk over to where he’s holding the thick leather strap at the heavy loop on Ranger’s belly.

“See if you can tighten it up a little more.”

Stepping back, he watches as I pull the center leather strap up and then slide the excess around the loop and down.

“Good.” It’s not overly enthusiastic, but any words of praise are huge to me. “You have to go back and tighten it a few more times before you get on. They’ll distend their stomachs at first to keep it loose.”

Ranger looks as placid as a lake when Stuart walks in front of him and gently pats his knee-pit. “Sometimes you need to pull their legs to ease out any kinks in the skin.”

Finally he seems satisfied, and without a word, he heads back to the tack room. I have no option but to follow. I watch as he lifts a slim leather bridle off a hook and heads back out the door.

“I have to touch her mouth for this part.” My voice is low and shaky, and I feel slightly nauseated. This is not the time for my first round of morning sickness. Lucky for me, it’s only terror.

“She knows what you’re doing. She’ll work with you.” He stops to open the door to Cheyenne’s stall. “You can’t do this if you’re afraid of them.”

The large brown mare stands passively watching me as I follow him into her narrow room. “I’m not afraid,” I lie.

Stopping beside her neck, he looks down at me. “You ready?”

I know my mouth is open, so I close it. Quickly nodding, I reach for the leather and metal contraption. “I’m too short. I can’t reach the top of her head.”

“Stand beside her neck, put the reins over her head, and reach between her ears.”

I’m acutely aware of how small I am standing beside this massive horse, and I feel my heart beating faster as I reach up high, sliding my palm between her ears. My insides release when she immediately lowers her head, and I fight the urge to squeal,
It’s working!
I have to be cool.

“Hold the bit on the side…” Stuart quietly directs, and miraculously, Cheyenne opens her teeth for the metal bar to slide in place.

My breath rushes out in a whoosh! “She let me do it!” My voice is small and shaky, and I try to calm my heartbeat. My legs are like noodles.

“You’re not finished.”

Looking up at her, I realize the top part isn’t over her ears, and a skinny leather strap is dangling at her jaw.

“Right,” I whisper, gently tilting her large, soft ears and sliding them under the top of the bridle.

“Now buckle the side.” Stuart waits as I finish the last step.

Backing up, I hold both my hands out in front of me. “I did it!” Looking up at him quickly, I see a hint of a smile in the corner of his mouth. It’s all I need. I jump forward and hug him. “I bridled a horse!”

That makes him laugh. “It’s a pretty basic first step.”

“Not for me! I’ve never done anything like that in my life! And she’s four times as big as I am! Why in the world would she let me do that? Doesn’t it bother her having that piece of metal in her mouth?”

Stuart laughs more and catches my chin. Pulling my face up, he plants a firm kiss on my lips, and all my questions disappear.

“It’s her job to carry us around, and she trusts you. Don’t overthink it.” He steps away, returning to the small closet. “Now for the saddle.”

We go through the same routine as with Ranger, only this time, I’m more involved with tossing the stirrup, tightening the girth. I even walk around front and tentatively pat Cheyenne’s knee pit. Just like clockwork, she lifts her leg for me to tug on it.

“You don’t have to do that unless you notice the girth bunching her skin.”

“Still, I did it!” I walk around the giant animal feeling strong and empowered. I put all these leather and metal contraptions on her just so I can sit on her back and drive her around.

Stuart’s right. I’m overthinking it. “What do we do now?”

“Now you get on.” In one fluid move, he grasps the saddle and mounts the horse, holding the reins and steadying it as Ranger steps to the side in the alley. “We’ve saddled up two horses. Let’s go for a ride.”

Looking toward the stall in the back I call up at him. “But what about Jessie?”

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