Read Only You Online

Authors: Francis Ray

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #African American, #Contemporary, #Fiction

Only You (13 page)

He quickly closed the distance between them. “I’ll take that.”
“No, thank you.” She moved around him and went to the elevator, thankful that it opened. Thankfully, Blade just stared at her as the door closed. If he had touched her, he would have sensed how much her body wanted his. Plus, she probably would have dropped the planter.
Back in her office, she placed the planter on the bronze stand and went to her place, sure Blade would follow. She had just finished washing her hands when the doorbell rang.
Taking a deep, steadying breath, she opened the door. “Weren’t you leaving?”
“Luke’s phone call stopped me.” Stepping inside, Blade closed the door behind him.
She couldn’t keep the astonishment or the anxiety off her face. “Luke called you? What did he say?”
Blade took a seat near the terrace in one of the plush upholstered Louis XV–style chairs. “Yes. Not much.”
She marched over to stand in front of him. Sunlight bathed his magnificent body; his jet-black hair gleamed. He was the most gorgeous, the most irritating, man she had ever met. “Don’t be cryptic, Blade.”
Unbuttoning his tailored gray jacket, he stared up at her. “I’m not, although I gathered you were rather mysterious during your phone call to Luke. He seemed surprised you had called and thought there might be a reason you failed to mention.” Blade had been watching Sierra closely and caught the flicker in her eyes. “Care to tell me?”
“Why doesn’t that surprise me?” He came to his feet, his bold gaze fixed on her every step of the way. He had to touch her. He just hoped she didn’t come out swinging. He didn’t stop until their bodies touched, his mouth temptingly near hers.
If ever there was heaven on earth, being with Sierra was it. His fingertips tenderly grazed her cheek, the smooth column of her neck. His lips wanted to follow. One step at a time. “Beautiful with an iron will.”
A man’s touch shouldn’t make her body burn for more. Sierra’s breathing hitched as Blade’s hand continued over the swell of her breasts, the contact burning though the lightweight fabric. “Handsome with an iron will.”
His hand slowly traveled back up. His thumb feathered over her bottom lip. “I’m a man.”
“That’s no excuse.”
He blinked, then shook his head. Laughter rippled from his throat. Before the sound ended, his lips were on hers. He couldn’t wait any longer. The first touch inflamed his senses and hardened his body. She opened for him, her tongue just as greedy as his as they tasted and enjoyed each other. She was so vibrant in his arms, but that could change in an instant.
Abruptly his head lifted, his face fierce as he stared down at her. “I can’t stand the thought of you being hurt or in danger.”
The torment was back in his eyes. Was he being macho or was there a deeper, more personal reason? She could ask, but she had a bad feeling that she wasn’t ready for the answer any more than he was ready to give it.
Her hands splayed on his wide chest. “How about you give Martin and Jenkins the night off and we go out to dinner?”
“I like staying in with you,” came his quick answer.
“Noted. But you’ll like this as well.” They both needed this. “Trent, Dominique’s husband, makes a mean hamburger on the grill. Masters burgers, we call them. I’m going over later.” She playfully tugged his silk tie. “You can leave this and the suit at home.”
“They might not be prepared for an extra guest.”
She folded her arms over her chest. “I’ll call Dominique and pick up extra food on the way over, if necessary. Give your driver the night off as well.”
“You’re not budging on this, I guess?”
“Nope. I have a taste for a Masters burger.”
His gaze narrowed, heated. “Guess what I have a taste for?”
Sierra tried to laugh. The sound got tangled in her throat. “Blade.” His name was husky, needy, to her own ears.
“My thoughts exactly.” His mouth took hers, gently at first, then deeper, thoroughly, letting the heat and the passion build, letting her feel his hunger. Their lips clung; their tongues thrust; their arms clutched. When both were near the breaking point he reluctantly lifted his head. “Since I had my taste, it’s only fair that you should get yours. What time should I pick you up?”
It took a moment or two for Sierra’s fuzzy brain to work. “Six, six thirty.”
“I’ll be here.” He brushed his lips across her forehead. “I’m glad your brother’s call stopped me.”
“I am, too.”
Releasing her, he left. Sierra slowly dropped into a chair.
That man
As she waited for her brain to clear, she couldn’t help but wonder, no matter how naughty the thoughts were, what else he could do.
ierra didn’t expect to see Blade until he picked her up that evening, so she was surprised to see him enter her office two hours later. He wasn’t smiling. She almost asked, “What did I do now?” before she caught herself. “What?” she asked instead.
“The Web site is up,” he bit out.
“Oh, my goodness!” Sierra whirled to the computer and quickly brought the site up. Her face, smiling a welcome, materialized. She didn’t pay any attention to her picture. What she wanted to determine was if the video crew had gotten the right angles, the best shots, to give the viewer the best picture of Navarone Place. They had.
“Refined elegance with understated sophistication. The crew did a great job,” she said, still looking at the screen.
“Too good.”
Frowning, she looked up at him. “Why would you say that?”
“You’re in almost all of the shots,” he told her.
She pushed away the hurt. “So I’m not a threat to Sabra, but I didn’t think I was that bad. People won’t be looking at the Realtor anyway.”
Blade simply stared at her. Didn’t she look in the mirror? “The site has only been up since ten this morning. I planned to have you look at it first, but I was distracted.”
Sierra lifted a brow. That was putting it mildly.
“In any case, the call center in Tucson has already received eighteen inquiries from men more interested in the broker than the property. I shouldn’t have had you do the video.”
“Whoa.” Standing, she rounded the desk. “Just because a few jerks have nothing to do but surf sites is no reason to second-guess ourselves. There must have been serious calls as well.”
“There were,” he admitted reluctantly.
Sierra went back behind the desk. “Shoo so I can call the center and get the information. I want to have a ninety-percent pre-sale before opening.”
He watched her dial and didn’t have a doubt she’d do it. In the meantime he had better get used to the fact that he wasn’t the only one interested in Sierra. But he was the only one who was going to have her.
ierra could make his heart stop. Blade tried to keep from staring, but it was impossible.
She was more beautiful and compelling each time he saw her. Tonight she wore a deep brown knit cross-front halter and a flared white skirt that showed off her great legs.
He had a difficult time trying not to think of how easy it would be to unfasten the tie to her top. The thick black hair that he loved to touch flowed around her bare shoulders.
“Hi,” she greeted with a little smile. “No jeans?”
“Slacks and a polo shirt are the best I could do.” Stepping inside, he closed the door. “I didn’t expect an invitation to a cookout.”
“Men never pack enough. My brothers are the same way.” Sierra whirled away on chocolate ankle-tie wedge shoes to pick up a chocolate and white zebra-print handbag.
Blade noticed the Giorgio Armani logo embroidered on the fabric of her shoes and the gold logo hanging from the bag. “I don’t think that would ever happen to you.”
She lifted an eyebrow as she stopped in front of him. “Is that your way of saying I brought too many clothes?”
Circling her trim waist with his arm, he opened the door. “No, because I plan on seeing you in every last piece.”
Her eyes widened as the implication sank in. In the hallway, he headed for the elevator. “Did Jess get his plants all right?”
“Yes. He was so excited.” They stepped on the elevator and Blade punched 1. “He promised to keep me updated on the plants’ progress,” she said.
“How did the calls go?” He’d finally settled down. The other men didn’t have a chance. Stepping off the elevator, he nodded to the security guard, then crossed the partially finished lobby.
“Wonderful. I have appointments into next week. We’re going to do it.”
He liked the sound of “we’re.” Too much. Opening the side glass door, they walked outside into the mild spring evening. A gray Maserati waited at the curb.
Sierra looked from him to the car. “Yours?”
Rounding the car, Sierra glanced at the paper license plate. “Tell me you had already planned on buying a car.”
Seating her in the expensive foreign car, he got in and started the motor. The powerful engine roared to life.
He shifted the car into gear and pulled off. “We need a car if you want to give the chauffeur nights or days off. Plus, you can use it if you have to pick up a client, or you can use my chauffeur, whatever you prefer.”
“You’ll let me drive this car?” she asked in surprise, twisting more in the seat to look at him.
“Why not?” He stopped at a red light.
“My brothers wouldn’t.” She looked over the plush interior and the awesome instrument panel that probably rivaled the cockpit of an airplane. “I can really drive this.”
“Really.” He’d do more than that to please her. The light changed and he pulled away.
“Then I’m driving back.”
There was such a devilish expression on her face that Blade wondered what he had let himself in for. Smiling, he couldn’t wait.
s soon as Blade pulled up in front of the sprawling ranch-style home sitting on a private lake with heavily wooded grounds, Dominique and Trent came out of the double front door. To Sierra, they made a striking couple.
Dominique was tall and elegantly beautiful in a long white peasant dress. Trent,
handsome with a muscular body he had earned through hard work, wore jeans and a blue chambray shirt. By the time Blade opened his door, Sierra was already out of the car. Catching his hand, she pulled him to meet them. It was important to her that they like one another.
“Trent Masters, Blade Navarone.”
Trent readily extended his hand. “Welcome. I’ve heard a lot about you.”
Blade sent a questioning look at Dominique. “I can imagine.”
“If it wasn’t good, you wouldn’t be here.” Dominique caught Blade’s arm and started back inside. “Why don’t we go out to the veranda?”
Chuckling, Trent threw his arm around Sierra’s shoulders and followed them. “She’s outspoken, but I love her. We’re happy to have you.”
“Thank you.” Blade opened the door and moved aside for everyone to enter.
“This is wonderful.” Sierra’s voice echoed in the empty area. She glanced around the large, arched entryway with polished limestone floors and textured walls. Twin pewter ceiling fans hung from the recessed ceiling with crown molding in the great room.
“Thank you. There’ll be furniture one day when we have time to look,” Dominique said.
Trent opened the double French doors leading to the veranda. Just as they stepped outside, the lit fountain in the lake sent water spewing fifty feet into the air.
Sierra looked from the soaring water to Blade. “Is it too late to have one installed?”
“Already in the plans,” he told her. “There’ll also be a large, enclosed aquarium in the lobby and two koi ponds on the grounds.”
Sierra nodded. “I don’t remember seeing that in my package. I’d like to see all the plans when I get back.”
“No talking business.” Dominique steered them both to the small rattan sofa.
“Did I happen to mention she was bossy?” Trent said.
Dominique rolled her eyes at her husband. “Go check on the food or we’ll have to go out to eat.”
“See what I mean?” Trent said, but he was smiling as he took a flagstone path to an old-fashioned black barrel smoker.
Blade came to his feet. “Need any help?”
“I got it,” Trent said, lifting up the lid. Smoke and the mouthwatering aroma of roasting meat drifted upward.
“He’s territorial about his grill the same way Brandon is about his kitchen,” Sierra told Blade.
“He insisted we bring it with us when we moved. It’s at least five years old.” Dominique poured each of them a drink. “Trent might rule the grill, but I’ll put my strawberry lemonade up against anyone’s.”
With Sierra next to him Blade relaxed and tried to keep his mind off the tie of her knit top. “Your home is beautiful.”
“It started off much smaller.” Taking a seat across from them, Dominique pulled one long leg under her. “But we kept adding on.”
Trent shook his dark head and turned the meat. “We bought the acreage from her godmother and her husband, who live next door. All we originally wanted was a place big enough for the children we hope to have one day, room for them to play and explore, and a stable for horses, but you know women.”
Blade’s hand, reaching for Sierra’s hair, clenched instead. He’d thought he was resigned to being alone, to never having a family, until he’d held Sierra in his arms, gotten lost in her kiss.
Dominique threw her husband a reproachful look. “It was your idea to have a studio here so I could stay home once we start a family.”
Trent winked at Blade. “Her closet is three times the size of mine.”
“A woman has to look good,” Dominique said, then to Sierra, “We’re still on for shopping tomorrow?”
“It will have to be after six. I have appointments until then, thanks to your wonderful work and the Web site.” Sierra tossed a smile at Blade. “I’ll pick you up. The first stop is Lavender & Lace. I can’t wait to see Victoria, and what new merchandise she has.”
Blade hoped Lavender & Lace was what it sounded like, a lingerie shop. From the sudden smile on Trent’s face, Blade guessed he was right.
“Me, too,” Dominique said.
“Blade, don’t ever make the mistake of going shopping with them,” Trent warned. “I don’t think they missed a single woman’s shop in the Galleria.”
Trent’s teasing dropped Blade into his worst nightmare. He went still. His breath caught. His chest felt tight. He had to get out of there. “Excuse me, I need to make a phone call.” Not waiting for an answer, he surged to his feet. He didn’t stop until he was on the walk in front of the house. Eyes shut tightly, head thrown back, he drew in deep shuddering breaths, one after the other, and fought for control, trying to push the bloody images away.
He spun around. Sierra stood in the doorway, worry etched in her eyes, which ran over his body, searched his face. “Dinner is ready.”
He drank in her beauty, letting her presence soothe the jagged places in his soul, his heart. “And I’m keeping you from a Masters burger,” he teased, hoping to see her smile.
Instead, she ran to him and curved her arms around his waist, pressing her slim body to his. The contact was comforting rather than sexual. Almost desperately he pulled her closer, pressing his cheek against the top of her head, uncaring that he trembled in her arms.
Much too soon, she lifted her head, her eyes searching his again. “Sometimes a hug helps.”
His hand brushed tenderly across her cheek, over her long black hair dancing in the wind. Was there ever another woman like Sierra? Fiercely proud and independent, she’d fight to defend the defenseless, to console a man who would eventually walk away. “You’re incredible.”
“You doubted?” she quipped, then grinned. Taking his hand, she started back inside. “The food is getting cold.”
uring dinner and afterwards, Blade soon learned just how right he was about Sierra. He watched her tease Trent about how slowly he’d cooked, then praised him for his delicious burgers. She praised Dominique just as highly for using paper products as she helped clean up. It seemed the two women had something in common besides incredible looks and shopping: both disliked housework.
And no matter what Sierra did, she kept an eye on Blade. He told himself to be cautious, this wasn’t forever. But each time their gaze met, he wanted more. He was finding he was greedy where Sierra was concerned. The more he was with her, the more time he wanted to spend with her.
“Are you really going to let her drive the Maserati back?” Trent asked, his brow puckered.
“Of course he is. He promised.” Standing by the sports car, Sierra held out her hand for the key.
“Sierra, the police patrol this area regularly,” Dominique said, frowning as well.
Blade looked from Dominique to Trent. “Is there something I should know about Sierra’s driving?”
“No,” Sierra quickly said. “The key, please. You promised.”
Blade slowly pulled the key from his pocket. “You can drive a five-speed, can’t you? If not, it can switch to automatic.”
She quickly closed her hands around the key. “My brothers taught me to drive anything on wheels.”
“They still shudder when they talk about it,” Trent said, shaking his head.
Sierra shot him a look that bounded off. She reached for the door handle. “Come on, Blade.”
Blade looked from Dominique to Trent. They both shrugged. Getting in, Blade fastened his seat belt.
Sierra adjusted the mirrors, fastened her seat belt, then shot him a grin that made him want to grab the key or grip the seat. The motor roared to life. She shifted the car into gear. By the time she came out of the curve of the circular and hit the mile-long driveway, she’d proven the car’s ability to go from 0 to 60 in five seconds.
speed demon.
He should have known.
“Problem, Blade?”
If this was a test, he was going to fail. “You drive fast.”
She laughed and reached for the gearshift. “Handles better than my SUV. I could get used to driving this baby.”
“Not at the speed you’re going,” he said as they came to the two-lane farm-to-market road leading to the freeway.
“I drive fast, but I don’t take chances.” She waited until a late-model truck whizzed by, then pulled onto the road. “I can see why Faith’s brother, Cameron, is a NASCAR driver.”
“He’s on a racetrack,” Blade pointed out as they sped past the heavily wooded area on both sides of the road. The speedometer inched to 90. “You’re not.”
. She patted his leg. “Relax. I just—” She broke off abruptly and slowed.
He jerked upright as far as the seat belt would allow. “What?”
“State trooper. I don’t think they’d let me talk my way out of a ticket any more than that poor guy.” Sierra passed the police and the truck at a sedate 40 MPH. “Fun’s over. I’ll have to test her out another time.”
Blade relaxed only marginally. “I can see why your brothers won’t let you drive their cars.”
She tsked and took the ramp to the George W. Bush Tollway. “That’s just because I put a little scratch on Morgan’s new Mercedes. It was the driver of the eighteen-wheeler’s fault for hogging the road, then making that crazy turn without signaling.”
Blade’s heart stopped, then thumped erratically. “Eighteen-wheeler?”
“Good thing the Benz has good brakes. Just the back end ended up under the trailer.”
Blade swiped his hand over his clammy face. He sucked in one breath, then another.
Keeping her eyes on the busy highway, she didn’t notice Blade’s reaction as she kept to the speed limit and passed a car. “I was in high school and a couple of friends saw the accident and called Luke. My family was there within minutes. The truck driver was yelling it was my fault, how he might get fired. I took it until he called me out of my name and jerked my arm.” She took the ramp to Highway 35.
Blade’s temper spiked. “The bastard!”
“Exactly. I didn’t feel an ounce of guilt for kicking him where it would do the most good.” Flicking on the signal, she took the Victory Street exit. “Luke had picked up Morgan and they arrived in time to see what the driver did. When they got through taking him apart, it was my turn. I haven’t had an accident since, but Luke is the only one who’ll let me drive his truck.”
They wanted to protect her
. “Is there anything that scares you?”
She stopped in front of Navarone Place and turned to him. Streetlights shadowed her face. Before answering, she gave him the car key. “Yes.”
“What?” he asked, afraid he already knew the answer.
“This. Us.”
Where she had consoled him, he couldn’t do the same. He wouldn’t lie to her. Getting out, he opened her door. They were both quiet on the way to her living quarters. Unlocking her door, she faced him. “What scares you?”
“This. Us.”
The corners of her tempting mouth lifted upward. “Nice to know we’re on the same page.”
Helplessly his arms circled her waist, pulling her to him. “That doesn’t make it the right page.”
“Strange. I kind of thought it did.” She kissed him then, a highly erotic mating of tongues, her breasts pressed against his chest, her thighs against his legs. He was lost in the sweet offering of her body.
Her breathing was labored when she lifted her head. “I have appointments all day tomorrow, then shopping with Dominique. So I might not see you.”
He didn’t like the thought of her speeding around Dallas. “I might need the car. My chauffeur will be at your disposal.”
Her eyebrow quirked. “Change your mind about my driving your car?”
“You changed it for me when you told me about the eighteen-wheeler.” His arms tightened around her waist. “You could have been killed.”
“I didn’t have a scratch.” She held her hand out. “Dominique and I will look great in that car.”
And turn heads wherever they went. He put the key in her hand. “Just make sure I don’t have to have another conversation with Luke.”
“Guaranteed. I have too much in life to look forward to,” she told him softly.
“Even if you’re afraid?” he asked her just as softly.
“Luke always said only a fool fears nothing.” She kissed Blade on the cheek. “Good night.”
“Good night.” The door closed gently. Deep in thought, he went to the elevator. He’d forgotten to find out about the tie on her top. It didn’t matter. Her brother was right in one respect. There would be another time. He’d be a fool if he walked away from Sierra.

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