Parker's Island (39 page)

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Authors: Kimberly Schwartzmiller

“Then leave
  Do what’s best for him

e said.

“He loves me

“Maybe he does, maybe he doesn’t.  That’s irrelevant.
”  He stepp
ed forward and towered over me. 

Martina Bolivar will destroy him, I promise you that

he said, staring me down with hard eyes.

“Logan’s not afraid of her.  He’s in town now straigh
tening things out.  He’s taking
a paternity test.”

“What will that prove?” h
e grinned
and leaned back against the bar

“That she cheated on him

, that the baby isn’t his.”

“Well that makes two baby’s that aren’t his
doesn’t it?”

“He loves me and the baby
” I said, touching my stomach.

It’s your
, not his!  I’m going to explain something
to you
about paternity
.  I
not an exact science.  It
prove without a doubt that a man is NOT the father of a baby,
like in your case
.  But it can leave a lot of doubt if
by some chance the
DNA is found to be

“But he’s
the father of Martina’s baby…
I don’t un
derstand what you’re saying…
”  I was staring at him completely confused, when it hit me
Martina was carrying
baby. “Oh, I see
” I said, feeling sick to my stomach.

Now you understand why
he’s going to lose it all
, and why she requested the test?

“But you can take a
test and prove that you’re the…
father, not Logan.”

“Why would I do that?”
he scoffed, grinning at me.

e’s your son

I said, shocked.

“Yeah, but I’m not willing to let him throw everything away.  He needs to stay married right now
.  H
e can divorce her later
when he’s not thinking with his…heart

e said, leering at me.

“How c
you do this to Logan?  All he’s ever wanted from you was love.  How can you be so horrible?” I asked, irate now.

“I’m protecting my son!  You’re the one that’s going to cost him everything.
  She’ll sell the island, co
ndemn it or burn it before she’ll
ever let him
set foot
back here.  He’ll have no money, no island and no recourse.  So, how c
do this
Logan?  You said you loved him.  P
rove it!  Leave him, and don’t come back.”

“I can’t
” I whispered
, the tears starting now

“Then I guess you don’t
love him
after all, do you?
Wesley Barnett
t his glass down on the counter and walked out.


I didn’t know what to do
I was standing in the middle of the living room, feeling as alone and lost as I had th
e night I woke up
aked in that room.
  I walked out on the deck with Duchess and sat down on one of the deck chairs.  Duchess sat down next to me and put her head on my lap.  “What do I do
girl?” I asked,
petting the dog I had come to love.  I looked around at the house and
island that I had also grown to love and realized that I couldn’t let Logan lose everything
because of
me and a baby that wasn’t
  I knew what I had to do.  I had to leave.  I knew he would follow me, so I had to find some way to convince him that I didn’t love him.  As I
my heart ached so badly that I had to hold onto the railing to steady myself.

I made my way through the house and quickly packed my things.  I had enough money left to take a ferry and make it
to the mainland,
but that was it.  I didn’t have anywhere else to go, and I knew it was finally time for me to stop lying
to myself and
everyone else
.  I had to go home. 


Dear Logan,

I know you probably won’t believe this, but I have to go home.  It’s wrong for me to be here.  I love you, but I love Brian
too.  I have to tell him the truth.  I owe him that much.  You were
I have to face up to my fears.  This is not your problem, and I can’t keep pretending it is.  You have your own problems to deal with right now.  I will miss you terribly, but I’m asking you not to follow me.  I won’t come back with you and I can’t marry you.  Please, if you love me at all, then let me go.



I could barely write through all the tears, but I knew it was the right thing to do.
  I couldn’t let him give up
his island and his trust fund because of me.  I left the letter on the coun
ter, then took one last look at
the home I had grow
n to love and the memories it held
before I patted Duchess one last time and walked out the door.




The ferry ride gave me time to think about what I was going to tell everyone.  I knew Logan would come for me, but I also knew he would give me some space for a few days.  I had to go home and tell
the truth. 
The letter to Lo
an was going to be the last lie I told.  I
was through lying to everyone,
  I knew what I had to do, and I knew it was the right thing.  I couldn’t let Logan take the blame for something he didn’t do.  I hoped someday that we could be together, but I knew our lives couldn’t start out as a lie
either.  This was for the best.  I would go home for a few days, make amends, and then I’d go spend the rest of my pregnancy with my Aunt Vickie.


I took a taxi from the dock, hoping someone would be home at my house to pay for the ride.  I had used the last of my stash on the ferry and I refused to take any of Logan’s money for a cab ride.  The driver pulled up to the house and I asked him to wait while I ran in
to grab
some money.  I knocked on the door, terrified
to see who would answer it
.  Finally Seth opened the door, “Delaney?” he said,

hoa are you in trouble
” h
e said, looking at my over-grown belly.

“Hi Seth
.  I need to pay the taxi.  D
o you have any money I can borrow?”  I asked.

” I begged.

Oh, f

e ran upstairs and came right back down. 

I paid the driver and headed into the house.

“Um, Delaney, are you okay?” Seth asked.

“No, not really
.  B
will be. 
Mom and Dad?”

“They’re working.”

“Mom’s working?”

“Yeah, she’s been going crazy worrying about you, so she decided she had to go get a job to occupy her time.
  She started working at Dad’s office.

I guess I caused a lot of trouble, didn’t I?  I can’t believe she’s working.

I’m glad
she’s working
.  N
ow she’s not bugging me 24/7. 
So, um, who…
e was looking at my belly, afraid to ask the question.

This was not a conversation I wanted to share with my
brother, and although I wasn’t going to lie, I wasn’t about to tell him
had been

“You don’t know him.  Seth, you’re my brother and I love you
.  C
an I just have a hug?” I
d, needing some comfort.

He hugged me for a split second, trying very hard
ot to touch my
belly.  “Are you hungry?”
e asked, his way of saying that he loved me too and that he missed me.

I’m fine.
So, did you really move into my room?”

“I was going to, but…

“You hoped I’d come back?”
I said.  It was wishful thinking on my part.

“No, Mom wouldn’t let me.”

” I grinned at him.


I walked upstairs to my room
looked around.  It was exactly how I left it.  Right down to Logan’s shirt sitting on the dresser.  I walked over to it, picked it up and cried.  Yesterday everything seemed so perfect, I was so happy, and now my life was a mess.  I cried for over an hour and then I got up, cleaned up and headed downstairs to wait for the confrontation that
about to begin.

“What time do Mom and Dad usually g
et home?”
I asked Seth.

I was standing in the living room
my back to the door.  I heard my parents come in and I froze.

“Delaney?  Honey
is that you?”
y mother cried.

I closed my eyes and slowly turned to face my parents.  I heard my mother gasp, but it was only a moment before she was hugging me
crying.  “Oh thank heavens you

home.  Are you okay?”
he asked, looking me over and turning me around to inspect every inch.

“I’m okay
” I said.

“I’ve been worried sick about you.  How could you just leave like that?  Did you think we wouldn’t understand?  Brian loves you
.  W
hy would you leave
  He would have stood by you, married you.
  You said he wanted to marry you.

“Mom, we need to talk
” I said, and then looked over at my father who had yet to say anything or
make a
move toward me
“Hi Dad.” 

So l
et’s talk

heading toward the dining room table.

I sat down with my parents.  Seth pulled up a chair next to me.  “Seth, please give us a few minutes

y mother said.

get to
hear who knocked her up


y brother said.

“SETH, Go To Your Room, NOW!” m
y father yelled.

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