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Curvy by Alexa Riley
Bebe by Phelps, Darla
Breaking Josephine by Stewart, Marie
Under My Skin by Sarah Dunant
Tales of the Out & the Gone by Imamu Amiri Baraka
Queenie's Cafe by SUE FINEMAN
Becoming Americans by Donald Batchelor
Flying Crows by Jim Lehrer
The Memory Witch by Wood, Heather Topham
Hooked Up the Game Plan by Jami Davenport, Sandra Sookoo, Marie Tuhart
Black-Eyed Stranger by Charlotte Armstrong
Green Planets by Gerry Canavan
Blood, Ash, and Bone by Tina Whittle
The Next Move by Lauren Gallagher
The Smugglers by Iain Lawrence
An Embarrassment of Riches by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro