Pearl on Cherry (27 page)

Read Pearl on Cherry Online

Authors: Chanse Lowell

“Yes—that is precisely what I’ve been doing ever since I created this work of art.”

“It’s a monstrosity.” She pointed at it. “Just because you have found some employ for my lone pink pearl you’ve hoarded away does not mean—”

He grinned. “And the melon scarf, too.”

“Heaven forbid I should leave that detail out.” She tossed her hands in the air, then set them on his chest. “Do you know what this will do to me to have that thing rolling along my most intimate of areas as I walk?”

“Yes, my lovely one. It will plump your folds for me, cutting out half my work, so when you return to me you’ll be ravenous, wet, pink and begging. All the requirements I need from you will be fulfilled. See how ingenuous these little pants for your pussy is?”

“Why not shorten it, combine the two and call it a ‘panty.’” She mumbled something about how obnoxious he was, and what an ass he was being.

He hiccuped a laugh. “That’s the perfect name. We’ll have to market this thing like mad. Parisians will love it. We’ll bring another one when we go to France.”

She gasped. “We’re traveling there?”

“Of course. When we wed, I need you in the most sinful places imaginable, since I intend to have relations with you in public. I also intend to photograph you at my leisure in the nude.”

She choked on her breath and fanned her face with her right hand. “You cannot possibly mean that.”

“Oh, but I do.” His eyes twinkled, and his head bobbed about on his shoulders.

“Arrogance is something you have an overabundance of.” She puffed out her cheeks, then let them deflate. Her shoulders sagged.

“And curvy delights is something you possess the perfect amount of. Now—up with your left foot.” He squatted down with the scraps of material, focusing on the pink pearl he threaded through the middle swath.

“This looks like a fancy baby’s nappy.” She groaned and rolled her eyes once he tapped her right leg to get her to step in on that side as well.

“I don’t care at all what you think it looks like. It’s beyond deviant, and I adore it, and I adore you. It’s perfect.” He pulled it up her legs, stood and yanked it up into her folds.

She jumped and braced herself with her hands on his shoulders.

Her cheeks colored immediately when he spun the pearl up the fabric until it rested at the entrance to the hood of her clit.

“Evil man.”

“That’s what they all say, but you know if I was truly evil, I would not allow you to complete your release. Have I ever denied you?” He kissed the tip of her nose and patted her behind.


“Yet, I have denied myself, haven’t I?”

“Yes, you pompous ass, but that does not make you nice.” She turned her head away.

“It makes me a fool that’s so in love with you, I’d give my two stones away to keep you forever.”

She barked a wild laugh. “That would mean you could no longer be my couillon.”

“I never said my shaft wouldn’t stiffen. You’d defy all laws of the body, and I’d be harder than this now.” He cupped her right hand over his rigid length. “Have fun today without me.”

“Evil, evil, evil,” she chanted.

“This ensures you’ll return back to me quicker—correct?” He quirked an expectant brow at her.

“It means I’ll be peevish and short with my female companions when they are trying on dresses, looking at shoes and accessories.” She grabbed her chemise and put it on, then slipped the corset over it.

“Then call it a test of patience.” He chuckled and helped her lace it up taut. He stroked her behind that was pronounced in the back due to the S-curved corset. “This panty I made for you allows me to do this,” he said, peeking a finger inside and swiping across her slit.

“William!” She turned and slapped at him.

He ducked and shoved his finger in his mouth, tasting her. “Delectable as always, madame.”

He dressed her the rest of the way, even slid her shoes on for her and then watched her go.

While she was gone, he attended to some pesky business that had been giving him a headache for a few days now.

He picked up the phone and when his call was received, he wished he’d gone shopping with the ladies after all.

“This is William Ferrismore II—please state the reason for your call.”

“My shipment is coming in tomorrow, and you would do well to remember that I own a larger share of the rails than you. Do not interfere this time, or I’ll be forced to—”

The call was ended, and William grit his teeth together, then howled like a lion, “Ahhhhhhhh! To hell with you!”

He kicked his desk and threw his phone across the room.

His legs carried him straight out of the room and into his study. He grabbed the decanter of brandy, poured himself a glass and guzzled it down.

“I’ll buy the entire thing, and see how you like that!” He shoved his shaking left hand through his hair and grunted several curse words, wishing Cherry girl was back already to help soothe his troubled mind and raging heart.

When he calmed down sufficiently, he took his best carriage to the bank and dealt with Morgan, promising to also back the banks if it came down to it.

No matter what his father did, William would succeed and keep hold of the happiness so long denied him.

Chapter 15


“Tell me more about your family,” Clarissa said to Samuel the next morning.

He leaned against the wall, munching on a piece of toast.

“I miss her—she was a very fun sister to have. She liked to steal my bike and make me chase her. She would eventually fall down and skin up her hands and knees.” He chuckled. “When my bike was stolen, she cried harder than I did and for much longer. She was really bereft about it.” He dropped his eyes to the floor, and they were glassy. “I should have been there for her more. She needed me, but she would never say it. I should have known.”

His red curls looked like springs as he tossed his head from one side and then to the other—popping his neck.

“She sounds like a wonderful playmate. How did she die, if you don’t mind my asking?” She approached him, but he shrunk away from her.

“I’ve . . . I need to get Mr. Ferrismore’s motorcar running and make sure it appeals to his sense of cleanliness and order.” He cleared his throat and moved past her, giving a wide berth.

Her brow wrinkled.
Stupid—don’t ask him about his sister’s death. He’s still torn up over it, and he didn’t even get to have a home wake for her. That was insensitive and very brazen.

She frowned and went to find her other friends she enjoyed conversing with.

The ladies allowed her to help a little with the laundry.

It didn’t take long before William was lurking, watching as Clarissa spoke with Pauline and Elizabeth.

His eyes never seemed to leave her when he was near, and it heated her skin better than the shower did.

She had been chatting with the ladies for several minutes now, deep in spirited talks about their lives and concerns.

He was far enough away he couldn’t have possibly heard them.

“Do you worry about old clients coming here to find you?” Clarissa asked Pauline, grabbing another pillowcase and folding it for her.

Pauline paled. “All the time. I never really told any of them I ain’t doin’ that work no more.” She went back to folding the clothes in the basket.

Clarissa helped her with a sheet next while William pretended to sip his coffee.

Pauline turned her back to him. “Do you think William could tell ‘em all for me?”

“I’m uncertain if he’d be willing or not. What can I do to assist you? He’s not comfortable in the lower east side, but I am.” Clarissa stood a little taller.

Pauline’s eyes watered. “Most of me customers don’t live there. They live ‘round here. That’s why I was scared. I saw one of ‘um on this street this mornin’, grabbing his paper while I was fetching William’s. He didn’t used to live in this posh place. He must’ve come into some money. But oh God . . . He gave me a look . . .” She shivered, and her eyes lowered. “If he knows I’m here . . .”

“Who is it? I’ll look for him and explain to him he cannot bother the staff here.”

“He didn’t say nothing. He just
.” Pauline gulped and settled herself up against the counter.

“It sounds like he was leering. Is that correct?” Clarissa searched her eyes.

William cleared his throat and when she glanced at him over his shoulder, he crooked a finger at her.

“I’ll be back shortly,” Clarissa told her friend and then scurried over to him.

“Lap—now, lovely one. I must feel you in my arms.” He pointed where he wanted her to go.

She tucked her skirts in front and took a seat. “Are you jealous I am conversing with my friend?”

“Should I be? Were you comparing notes about my girth and performance in the garden?” He took a deep whiff at her neck and ran his nose up her jugular.

“We would never discuss you behind your back.”

would.” He sniffed once more. “You know I did miss you, too, so I used your gossiping over there as an excuse. My coffee did little to warm me. I need you to keep me cozy.”

“Mmm . . . A new job description for me then?”

“That’s entirely up to you. I will pay you for whatever job you see fit.” He tapped his left hand on the newspaper on the table, but it was odd sounding.

“What are you hiding, sir?” She pursed her lips at him, and her eyes narrowed.

“A small gift of appreciation. I thought since you’re determined to be in the backyard all day toiling with my plants, you might as well have some inspiration.” He removed the paper, revealing a small stack of gardening texts.

“Will—I am flabbergasted at you.” She took a deep breath, set a hand over her heart and leaned forward. “You understanding I am in earnest about improving the grounds for your benefit and to earn my keep—well, it’s . . . You have me breathless.”

“It’s not your corset doing that?” he teased.

She shook her head, smiling.

“Speaking of which”—he smirked—“I have a new corset for you to try out. You’ll love it.”

“I’m certain I will. Your devious inventions speak to me in a way they really should not.” She chuckled, cupped his jaw and kissed him.

He growled, wrapped his arms around her, then one arm dropped down to curve around her waist and tugged her in tight. “Stay. No gardening today. Take a break and be naughty with me all day.”

“Oh, Ferrismore, Ferrismore,
more . . . What am I to do with such a naughty man?”

“You are to lower your fine self onto my cock and make me the happiest creature in existence.”

She tipped her head back and snorted. “Why didn’t I come up with this dastardly plan?” She dropped her head, cupped his jaw, then rubbed noses with him and kissed him gently at the corner of his mouth. “I would love to, my stirring man, but I’ve promised Tyrone to audition today at his hall.”

He groaned. “No, Cherry. That man’s trapping you.” The back of his neck tensed up.

“Then come along so he can do no such thing.” She gave him the challenging look that said he was being ridiculous.

“Fine.” He hefted her up, smacked her tush and ignored Pauline’s eyes on them.

“Good.” She brushed her loose curls over her shoulder. “I’ll go get ready.”

“And I will help you.” He wore a lopsided grin and made a clicking noise with his tongue as he stood up.

She gave a mock scowl and then followed behind him.

They passed Elizabeth on the way to his room.

Elizabeth greeted them and went on her way.

“Why is she in such a hurry?” Clarissa asked him.

“I’ve set her in charge of something important, and it will take her most of the day to do it.” He grinned.

“Never mind. I don’t want to hear it.” She waved him off and then was on his arm.

“You’ll very much enjoy what I have in store for you to wear today,” he said, ducking his head down to look straight in her eyes. “Trust me.”

“Did I say anything to the contrary? I always trust you, though there are times it would suit me better to do otherwise.” She smiled back.

“Love, you will always do well to trust me. I’ll lead you astray to be sure, but it will be worth it.” He placed his hand over hers, squeezed it and pulled her into his room, moving with a quicker pace.

“This will be very different for you, but I think you shall quite enjoy what it does to free up your ribs. I want you to be able to breathe easier when you sing, and I hear how the ladies cough after they have been on stage. It’s not healthy to wear such tight corsets, constricting the bottom of the lungs. It must expand. Your voice should carry even better.” He extended a strange piece of fabric toward her.

“What is this supposed to be?” It had two loops that were maybe for arms, cup shaped material and some snaps at two ends of the material.

“This is a brassiere. Remember I told you about these once. I purchased one and made some modifications. It should fit you fine, and it should give you the support you want for your large, succulent breasts.” He eyed them and flexed his fingers.

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