Pearl on Cherry (26 page)

Read Pearl on Cherry Online

Authors: Chanse Lowell

“I will give you to the count of ten,” he called out.

There was a rustling sound to his right and then he ticked the numbers off out loud.

When the number ten sprang off his tongue, his eyes opened. He expected to find her silvery flesh gleaming in the moonlight like a beacon in the dark.

But nothing stood out to him.

Even the towel was gone.

“Cheating does not become you, my little wild one. The towel was to remain where it was.” He rubbed his hands together, then prowled out into the garden. “And you were to be one with nature in all your glory and magnificence. Now I will need to punish you for breaking the rules.” He chuckled with a darkness that drifted out of him in such a satisfying way, that tremors of heat slipped up his legs, powering them and carrying him with this confidence that was double his natural ego.

“It will not be good for you, but I shall savor every moment I whip you and turn your white flesh into stripes of red. My own candy cane to lick, up against my favored tree.”

There was a twig snapping, and a small sigh to his left, so he jerked in that direction.

But once he was near the sound, there was nothing there.

He circled the garden twice with measured, cautious steps.

My Lord, she was amazing at concealing herself.

She had to be frozen by now, though, so in time, she’d come to him.

He made his way back to the tree and secured some of his ropes to the branches. She’d look stunning held fast as he whipped her into a frenzy of lust.

Once he had various ropes ready for his use, he stood back and appraised it.

But something was off.

He stepped back further, but he was still missing something.

It was not until he was almost up against the house many feet away that he saw it.

Cherry girl was behind a bush, had surrounded herself in the towel and had wrapped that in foliage so she was camouflaged completely by leaves. The white background of the tufts of snow blended in with her towel.

It was only her curly hair that finally gave her away because the leaves were tear-drop shaped, not round or spiraled.

In the darkness, it blended in when he was close up, but not from a distance—he could see its unnatural shape in the canopy.

“Clever girl,” he muttered, then marched over to the tree, pulled out his whip and lashed it at the bush, breaking twigs and small branches. Leaves rained down around her, and she stirred to life.

His creature was laughing, squawking and trying to get away once more.

“You are caught, my love. Come here now and your consequences will be less severe.” He grinned as she pushed herself up to standing and wrapped the towel around her tighter.

“Punishment is such an ugly word.” She pulled a twig out of her hair.

“So is disobedience.” He chuckled.

She sighed, paused and then flung the towel at him. “Here. I suppose you will find some evil use of this thing since I will clearly not be allowed to have it again to cushion me against the scratchy bark of this tree.”

She stood before him, legs shoulder width apart as if awaiting a soldier’s commands.

“Does it frighten you to think of my whip coming at you?”

“No. It frightens me you want to punish me when we were supposed to be having fun. This is not a good incentive.” She blinked and searched his face. “How did I offend you? You created a game with a few rules, but I was left nothing to defend myself with, so I had no choice
to break the rules. You set me up for failure. Is that not unjust?”

He rubbed noses with her and smirked. “Your intellect is truly spectacular.” He kissed her cheeks. “You are right. I wanted an excuse to use my whip on you.”

“All you need to do is explain to me how it works, how it might feel and then ask me.”

He held his breath. It could not be that simple. “No one ever loves the whip but me. How can I expect to ask you and have you say yes? I had to devise a way and reason to use it on you.”

“What are you basing this on? Your previous whores? They did not like anal coupling either, did they? Have I agreed with them and their assessment?” Her brows lifted and creased.

“No—you love it and readily take it—to my utter and constant astonishment. That is why I must have more.”

“You can have it. Tell me how it feels, what you plan to do and I will see if I can meet your expectations.” She reached out and set a hand on his right, flexing forearm.

“I thought the cold would aid you—numb your skin a little. And you are wet, so you are tingling no doubt from the frostiness out here.” He sucked in a chilly breath. His stomach was trembling.

She nodded. “Tis true. All of it. I can see how thoughtful you were trying to be. Now trust me to honor you and your needs. Where will you whip me?”

“Anywhere I am struck with the need to.” His gut tightened and lifted so much, it was hard to speak. Would she truly allow this?

“Will the blows hurt?”

“Yes.” His eyes went heavy, and his heart raced.

She shrunk away a little. “Can you spank me first—warm me up that way and then whip me after? If I have a little pain in the beginning and build up to it, maybe my tolerance will be more than you or I would think it capable of.” She stroked his arm, and her voice was so soft, so lovely, it was as tender as a snowflake, barely touching down.

His chest damn near exploded with anticipation and excitement. “You would do this delicious, deviant act for me? Take my hand on your ass and my whip after?”

“Yes, William. For you, I hid behind a bush naked in the cold night air. I will incite your senses higher if we can do this together so we both mutually benefit. I want you to kneel first, and ask me properly to be your wife, and then I will do what you so desire.” She removed her hand off his arm and took a measured step back.

While she stared at him with a look of adoration, he sunk to the cold, grassy ground and bit his tongue. He huffed, and his heart stopped as he whispered, “Clarissa Stone, you are the woman that makes my life not only bearable but worth living. You are the reason I am a happy man. Make me happier still and do me the honor of being my wife?”

“Yes, William. I am in the same state as you—so I will be proud to be called your wife and take your hand.”

He jumped up, hugged her and backed her up to the tree.

He kissed her with a fierce passion, then traded places with her so his back was against the tree. A moment later, he spanked her and gripped her ass cheeks over and over while he kept kissing her.

She jerked and made these amazing yelping moans each time his hand contacted her flesh with a smack.

When she was damn near melting in his hands, he turned her toward the tree, rested her cheek against the trunk and tied her up so she was spread out, yet held fast to the trunk.

His whip was out, and he was brandishing it, making it crack in the air as he warmed up his arm.

She made the most luxurious groaning sounds imaginable with each snap of his whip above her head.

He walked the stripes down the trunk of the tree and then stopped abruptly.

After a deep breath and widening his stance, he finally did it.


It clipped through the air, sailed toward her body, making her jump and leaving a small pink stripe on her right ass cheek.

“Darling, if this gets to be too much and you need me to stop—I want you to call out ‘Pearl.’”

“I will.” She nodded and held still, her hands loose.

She looked relaxed. Ribbons of electric heat danced through his body. She was handling this. She was not screaming, calling him a monster or running away. She was in his world now, and in it to stay.

He grinned so wide, his teeth made a grinding sound.


This time when it touched her, she went on tiptoes, emitted this soft cooing noise and made fists, but made no attempt to yank at her bindings.

She desired to remain here—to experience the way he unleashed.

With the next slight flick of his wrist, her ass extended out behind her and her gentle sound from before grew and rose to an edgier, needier sound.

His body rushed with a need so urgent, he was barely able to eke out two more lashes and then he was flinging himself at her.

He failed to get more than a handful of licks in, but it was enough.

“What did it do to you? God, please tell me.” He brushed her hair over her shoulder, kissed her neck with soft lips and crushed his body against hers, but remained careful about touching the stripes on her ass.

“It was . . . The sting was harsh at first.” She sucked in a tight breath, closed her eyes and when they opened he was mesmerized by what he saw. She was glassy-eyed and glowing. “Those last few—my God, William—my mind was humming with a soft buzzing sensation. Everything tingled, and it was like I could float into the tree all while being tied down. It was the oddest sensation to be so fuzzy.” She licked her lips. “I loved every second. It excited me beyond measure.”

? You’re certain that’s how you would define it?” He edged closer to her and caressed her naked bottom.

“Excitement the likes I could’ve never dreamed. Thank you.” She sighed like she was in a daze. “No more hiding. I may be the one that likes this game of hide and seek, because you come after me like a predator, but you cannot hide your base desires from me anymore. Share them. I need the opportunity to fulfill your fantasies, otherwise I will become nothing to you.” Her voice was barely more than a whisper.

“That will never be possible—I assure you. But you are right. I have been hiding. That will cease from this day on.”

She nodded and smiled, slumping over, her body lax as could be.

He growled, kissed her and ripped her bindings free.

His brute strength as he swung her up into his arms made her squeal.

“You have done the most amazing thing for me—now I shall return the favor. This time, no ropes. Only a pearl, you and my body. That is all you need to reach maximum euphoria this night.” He dipped his head down, nuzzled his nose in her cold, damp hair and brought her inside.

Instead of the dark room, he took her to
private room.

He set her on the bed and before he instructed her, she spread out—splaying her legs open wide for him.

“Have I ever mentioned there’s this deliciousness about you that I shall never tire of?” He licked the right corner of his lips.

She made this purring sound as she swallowed and stared at him, appearing content.

“What do you hope to accomplish by saying such things to me?” She fluttered her lashes at him.

“Why, to woo my intended wife, of course.”

“I think that’s a guarantee, but you proceed—see how I react.” She settled into the bed, wiggling her hips.

“If you’re not sopping already from all my play, then I will be highly disappointed.” He ran his hands over her legs, up past her knees, then squeezed, pulling her legs apart even further.

He dropped down with a speed that was nothing short of indelicate.

His mouth was on her, and this low, intoxicated moan poured out of him. “Drenched—the way I want my slut to be.”

She tipped her hips up, encouraging him to taste her some more.

His heart swelled—she was growing bolder and more wanton by the minute.

How could he resist such a woman? Innocent and sweet, but alternately trusting him enough to spread her legs open wide and welcome his debauched ways.

It did not take long to bring her to ecstasy, and she released with a soft gush of her fluids.

He savored it on his tongue, lapping at her and sucking with greed. At some point he brought the pearl out, but he never wound up using it. He was too busy having her on his taste buds.

Her writhing only spurred him on, but she had been through enough.

So, instead of edging his cock inside her, he simply crawled up her lithe form, lowered himself over her and held her to his chest, whispering sweet promises of enduring love.

This evening had been the culmination of all he could ever desire.

“I love you,” he said.

“Ferrismore, you are the devil to my sleep.” She yawned, stretched and entangled her limbs with his. “But God help this weak woman, because I love you more than the Heavens can allow.”

He smiled and drifted off to sleep for the first time ever in a bed that was not his own and happier than a man like him should ever be.


* * *


“I’m not wearing that,” Clarissa balked, batting his hands away the next morning.

“You agreed. I consented to allow you and your lady friends to take my motorcar and shop for new clothing, if and
if, you wore the underthings I provide for you. This is it. This is what I so desire, and it pleases me for you to wear it.”

“Think of the chafing!” She grimaced.

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