Read Pearl on Cherry Online

Authors: Chanse Lowell

Pearl on Cherry (34 page)

“Too true, my friend.” Clyde sighed. “Yes, fine. Good. Good. Take a seat. We have less than an hour before rehearsal begins. I hope you rather enjoy it, Miss Stone. It was a pleasure hearing your candid audition. I was quite breathless through the majority of it. Brilliance like yours is a rare gift. Take care not to squander it.” His footsteps got louder as he approached her. She tried to look down and see past the blindfold, but it was useless. “William. Might I shake hands with her to welcome her to the fold?”

“You may.” William grabbed her behind her right elbow, helped her to lift her hand.

She was clumsy, but somehow she grasped onto this Clyde fellow’s hand and shook.

“Thank you. Enjoy your day,” Clyde said.

“You’re welcome, sir, and I’m pleased to meet you, even if it was under odd circumstances. May I inquire into your last name so I know to whom I’m grateful?”

“Clyde Fitch—and William here tells me you’re a student of truth, so my play you’ll be listening to—or watching if you both agree to your returned sight—is called precisely that.
The Truth
.” There was a clicking noise, followed by the unmistakable sound of Clyde walking offstage.

Chapter 18


Clarissa was a vision—humble, obedient, dependent on him and absolutely radiant with her submissiveness on full display.

He kept her blindfolded throughout the entire play, testing her as he slipped his hands under her skirt and fingered her delicate folds in such a way no one else would see.

There were few people seated about in the audience since this was merely a rehearsal.

This was the ultimate test of faith, and she was surpassing his expectations in every way possible.

She rested her head on his shoulder now as he drove her to a restaurant for some lunch.

“How did I ever live without you?” she whispered, holding on to his arm.

“The same way I did without you—barely at all. I existed, but it wasn’t anything to boast about. It was not a life I would wish on anyone. Though in some ways maybe you fared better emotionally, while I was more blessed in the monetary department—but we both suffered.” He set his cheek on top of her forehead for a moment.

Her innocence drove him wild with passion. It was more than he could withstand at times.

“Did you hear what Clyde told me after the rehearsal?” he asked.

Her lips parted. A soft breath left her, but she failed to answer.

“Tell me, or I may consider keeping this blindfold on you tomorrow as well.”

She gasped. “I’m not sure what you’re referring to, so I suppose the answer is yes—I heard bits, but not all.”

“What did you hear me tell him about you?” He lifted his head and sat a little taller.

“I heard you talk more about Tyrone Power than you did about me. You truly despise that man, don’t you?”

“Yes—even more so now that he covets you. He can’t have you.”

“Well, that’s a relief, since I was leaning toward finding a chastity belt and wearing it anytime he’s near—the dastardly villain will not take no for an answer.” She snorted. “Will you hear yourself, sir? He hasn’t really done anything, other than be a pompous, undignified ass, but there are moments we all act the spoiled brat, so it’s forgivable.”

“Let’s go back to that chastity belt around him. Hmm… I rather like this idea for you whenever you are away from me. I may have to devise one of my own making.” He laughed.

She swatted his arm blindly and chuckled too. “You will do no such thing, or I’ll make sure not even
can break the lock.”

“You would never injure me that way. You love me too much.”

“It’s a truly deplorable state I’m in over you. But it cannot be helped. What you did for me today—thank you.” Her breath hitched. “My God—I had no idea what you did to make that happen, but I cannot tell you what it means to me. If this is what being chained to you means, then yes, please add an extra set of chains. I will gladly take them.”

“Fuck—I must have you now.” He pulled the car over, his heart stuffed in his throat and his dick crammed tightly in his trousers as it throbbed and swelled uncontrollably.

His hands were frantic and shaking while his breathing went raspy and erratic.

“Do not be scared. Lie still, and I’ll do my best not to hurt you,” he said, pushing her flat on to the padded bench of the motorcar. “In fact—keep your hands tucked under you.” He took her hands in his.

“But, why?”

“I am barely in control right now. If I truly hurt you and scare you beyond what you can handle, say ‘Pearl.’ Then I’ll remove myself from your presence until I can gain back some semblance of control.” He growled and shoved her hands under her. His hands rammed themselves up inside her skirts and then he was tearing at her breasts, pulling them up and over the constricting fabric.

“No one will see. They will think I am ill—lying down in my motorcar. Just keep quiet,” he told her. He sucked a nipple in and bit it.

Her back bowed off the seat, and her right boot hit the inner door.

He growled even louder and bit harder, twisting the bud with his tongue a little.

His fingers plunged inside her pussy, and she was sopping in no time at all. He pinched her clit and even pushed himself off to the side of her and smacked her wet folds a few times with the flat of his fingers.

She whimpered and moaned. He licked his fingers, then pushed three of them inside her.

“I must see you unravel. Do it for me, Cherry girl. Show me you accept this—accept me. Take me inside your body directly after, and this time, I may not be able to stop myself from spilling inside you.” He bit at the top of her breast, then sucked.

He bit again, then sucked.

Over and over . . .

Bite. Suck.

Blood. He wanted it.

Right at the surface of her pale, thin skin.

He didn’t want to break it, just bring it about so he could see it—feel her vitality pulsing right under his tongue.

This was better than breaking bone.

This was being offered as she arched her neck back.

Her moans grew more incessant and louder as he brought her to the edge of ecstasy.

“Cave in for me—then coat my fingers with your essence. It’s you I long to taste and savor on my tongue.” He edged his teeth along her left nipple, then slid them up to the tip. He nibbled, and his fingers moved faster, rocking up toward that spongy, knot inside her upper wall.

His fingers swam in her wetness, and she gasped, “Oh God, William—I am . . . I want more!”

He yanked his fingers out of her, set one of her legs up on the steering column, and the other over his shoulder, and he ripped his cock free, then plunged ahead recklessly inside her.

He could barely hear her own pleas and groans of pleasure as he bit her neck, dug his hands into her waist and rammed himself inside her with no thought at all about how this might be too vicious.

He could not stop. And he thought she was telling him to keep going with the way she kept meeting his thrusts, and the way her insides pulled at him—sucking him back in like she would die if he disappeared from her body.

He extracted every ounce of passion he owned and poured it into her as his tongue thrust inside her warm, wet, inviting mouth.

She jerked under him when he pinched her clit once more and then she was crying out in euphoria, climaxing beneath him.

“Oh Christ—Clarissa—my wife. My heart.” He shook from head to toe, and he didn’t give a damn if this impregnated her and her acting career was short-lived because of it.

He had to let this happen—he would not be complete any other way—and hadn’t really been until this moment when he spilled over with emotions and all that he was now coated inside her core.

His semen was hers. His blood was hers. His breath—all of it—

“Oh my God . . . Oh my God . . . “ she chanted beneath him.

She rocked side to side, pulling her arms out from under her.

He finally removed the blindfold.

“I see you . . . And you are all that I ever want to see from this day forth,” she said, her voice a soft rasp. She studied his face, and her eyes swam with excitement.

“I was biting you.”

“I liked it.” She nodded.

“I scratched and pinched.”

“Yes, and I loved that, too.” Her eyes flamed darker.

“I slapped your puss. Did it hurt?”

“Did you hear me say ‘Pearl’ once?”

“No, but I . . . I’m sorry I was too rough.” He set his head on her chest. “Please forgive me for being a savage with you.”

“William.” She exhaled. “Do it again, please. I beg of you. That was the best way to end what has been an incredible day.” She stroked his hair and then squeezed the nape of his neck playfully. “I am boneless now, and there’s no better feeling in the world.” She sighed, and her hands rested on his upper back.

“You are entirely too good to be true. I would give up every penny I own if it meant I could keep you. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you.” He closed his eyes, shutting out the noise of the world outside.

“Let us be pleased then that I feel the exact same way about you.” She chuckled, and the rumbling of her chest made his head teeter for a moment.

He smiled. “Delicious woman. We should go before a policeman pulls us aside for questioning.”

“I have nothing to hide—only my breasts poking out above my neckline.”

He sat up, tucked them away for her and kissed the tops of them. “I so enjoyed tearing them free from your maddening dress. Whoever decided women’s breasts should be hidden away was an old goat with a wedge up his ass.”

“I thought you liked wedges up the ass?” She giggled.

“Only if it’s up yours while my cock is making its way inside you.”

“I cannot argue with that.”

He cleared his throat.


He would do those things and

She was an endless treasure to explore and play with.

He put his cock away like a sensible man would do, then drove them straight home without another word. As soon as they were back where they belonged, he wrapped her up in his arms, carried her inside and stripped them both with expediency. He placed her in his bed, where he proceeded to tangle her in the sheets and in his naked limbs.

“Let us wed soon. We leave for France next week so we can decide where to honeymoon, where to lavish each other with untold of affection. Say you are dying to be there with me in the land of unending lust and romance.” He stroked his hands down her neck, then cupped at the base.

“You know I can barely see straight when you even mention France. And remembering how to speak is damn near impossible when you slip into French as well. I am lost to you with the thought of that land.” She flushed around the tops of her breasts.

He tickled his fingers across them and pressed his palms over them to feel the heat.

“Good. We leave next Monday. Pack little, for I intend to buy you an entire new wardrobe while there and place jewels about this delicate throat.” His fingertips drifted up around her throat once more and he whispered them and dipped them into the hollow there.

“What of Clyde, though? Mustn’t I be in rehearsals—learning my lines and the songs?” She sucked in a tight breath.

“I’ll arrange it all. Don’t you fret about anything but baring your beautiful body to me on command.” He kissed under the edge of her jaw and nipped at her ear. “He knows what you have sojourned through.”

“You told him about where I come from?” she gasped. She fisted his shirt at the center of his chest.

“No, not that. I told him of Tyrone’s plans to exploit you and use you for his own talents and to drive me to a jealous madness. He knows I broke that man down with my fists and would’ve gutted him if I’d had the chance to. Some bowels do not need to exist in a man for the world to continue toiling. I would’ve happily removed his for free—bets notwithstanding. I would not take that blood money, since my payment would be in his crunching bones.”

She sighed. “I know I should not condone this behavior, but there’s this wicked piece of me that adores what you did to him. It helped me to see that I should’ve never sided with Miller when he tried to take advantage of me. But at the time, I only knew what it meant to be penniless, so I understood his struggle to survive.”

“Ah, yes—another man I would’ve happily ended if it had been my choice.” He rubbed noses with her and gripped her by the upper arms. “So, you forgive me for having a blood lust and a thirst for carnage with my fists?”

“Yes—but can you tell me where it stems from? I realize not all lusts can be traced back to a point of origin, but you said something when you were in full blows.”

“I did?” He backed his head away, tipped his head back and groaned. He knew . . . It must have slipped.

“You said something about not being a failure and then you said, ‘You—old man—are a blind fool.’ You were talking about your father?”

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