Perfect Alignment (5 page)

Marching her up to the cruiser, he pushed her down over the hood, his leg automatically going between hers to spread hers wide. She didn’t need much encouragement.

“Please, Sir! I haven’t done anything wrong.”

He could hear the smile in her voice, the excitement at picking up where they’d left off.

“I’ll be the judge of that, missy. Don’t you move.”

He let go of her arm and ran his hands down her sides to rest on her hips.

“But, Sir, you’ve already searched me. I’m not hiding anything.”

“Nothing physical. But that doesn’t mean you’re not hiding something. Like information. Tell me what you know, or I’ll have to force it out of you.”

“I-I don’t know what you mean.” She managed to get a little quaver in her voice, but couldn’t stop her ass from giving an inviting shimmy.

“Are you sure about that?” he asked, making the rasp of his belt as he unbuckled it as loud as possible.

“I swear it! Please don’t hurt me, I don’t know anything about those guys.”

He folded the belt in half, gave it a snap. She gasped and wriggled again and he realized she was pressing her clit into the car. He pulled back and gave her a good solid lash with the belt.

Her cry was mostly shock and a little bit of pain. He grabbed her hips and tilted her up away from the car. “Don’t. Move.” The steel in his voice froze her minor squirming and she sucked in a breath. “Now. Tell me about these guys.” He pressed the ridge of his dick between her legs, his fingers firm on her hips to make sure she followed his order.

“Wh-what guys?”

“The guys you just told me you know nothing about.” He pressed harder, then pulled back and gave her two lashes. Watching her—her face, her hands, the slashes of red developing across her ass, he was tempted to end the game and haul her up to his bed. Instead he cupped her from behind, the heat of her pussy convincing him the game was worth it.

“I swear, I don’t know where they’re hiding!”

He stepped back, tossing the belt to the car’s roof. “Stand up. Turn around.”

She struggled to rise and turned to face him, her chin down near her chest, posture totally subdued. Except for the nipples reaching out for him and the fact that she kept her legs spread apart.

Moving in close again, he made sure the fabric of his pants chafed over her clit, the buttons on his shirt flirted with her nipples as he grabbed a handful of her hair and yanked her head up and back.

When her eyes met his, fierce with need, he almost smiled. “You need to tell me. They’re dangerous men, they could hurt you.”

She blinked and he thought she might have lost the train of their conversation. “They’ll hurt me if I tell,” she whispered.

“I’ll protect you.”

She gave him a shy look and licked her lips. He loosened his grip on her hair, making it more of a caress. Brought his other hand to her breast, cupped it gently. “Give me what I want. Tell me what I need to know. And I’ll protect you. I’ll help you.”

“Why? Why would you?”

He pressed his thigh harder between her legs, tweaked her nipple, stared her down. “They’re bad men and I want to take them down. You can help me, I can help you. Trust me.” He made the last part a croon, rubbed his cheek along hers. “Trust me.”

Her body went soft under his and he smiled into her ear, moved his hands to her shoulders and pressed down. She resisted only for a moment before sinking to her knees. When his hands went to the button of his pants, she licked her lips. He was pretty sure she was forgetting her character, but that was fine with him. She struggled against the cuffs for a second, trying to bring her arms forward, before subsiding. She didn’t look up at him, didn’t move her gaze as he lowered the zipper and dropped his pants, then slid his boxers down. He was absurdly pleased when she started to lean forward but then stopped herself and finally glanced up at him.

“Please, Sir, I’m not that kind of girl.” She batted her eyelashes at him, in direct contradiction to her words.

“I thought you were the kind of girl that wanted my protection.” He fisted his hand in her hair again and pulled her face into his cock. She needed no more encouragement than that, licking him from bottom to top, then sucking the head into her mouth. Her cheeks hollowed out and he closed his eyes in ecstasy. She moved on him, taking more of him in, and he opened his eyes to watch.

There was no more lipstick left on her, just her bare lips pressed around his dick. Her eyes were closed in concentration, and she relied on his hold of her hair to keep her balance, throwing herself forward to engulf him. He couldn’t keep the grunt from escaping and wasn’t surprised to see her smile around his shaft. Tightening his grip to remind her where her focus should be, he pulled her back and held her still, pushing himself into her, taking the little bit of control she’d managed.

She made no noise of complaint, just kept still and used her tongue to caress him as he moved in and out, slowly working his length in farther each time. When she’d taken all of him, he paused. She raised her eyes to meet his and for the first time it occurred to him that he might not get enough of this, of her, in one day. She waited patiently, and he took it for the gift it was. His free hand caressed her cheek once, then he slowly drew back before pulling all the way free.

One more soft caress of appreciation, and he returned to the game at hand.

“Tell me where they’re hiding.”

She lowered her eyes, unable to drop her head with his firm grasp, and whispered, “In the old Miller house.” Then she bit her lip, and he was positive it was to keep from smiling.

“There, that wasn’t so hard now, was it, missy?”

“No, Sir. Thank you, Sir.”

“Stand up.”

He helped her stand, then turned her around again, folding her back over the hood of the car. He fished the handcuff key out of his shirt pocket, as well as the condom he’d stashed there. Setting the package on the car roof, he unlocked the cuffs and tossed them aside. “You’re going to be good now, aren’t you? Do what you’re told?” he asked.

“Yes, Sir.”

He pulled her back up and turned her to face him. “Take off my shirt.”

She responded eagerly, attacking the buttons with relish. Her eyes went a little wide and a lot greedy when she bared the Celtic tattoo that swirled over his shoulder and down his arm, ending just above his elbow. She started to lean in, licked her lips, and froze, before straightening and finishing the job he’d given her.

“Get the condom,” he told her, gesturing to where he’d set it.

She moved quickly, tearing the wrapper open and waiting for his nod before rolling the rubber down his length. If she spent a little more time and effort smoothing it down than was strictly necessary, he wasn’t about to complain.

He moved them over to the driver’s side door and pushed her against the car. His hands under her ass, he lifted her until she wrapped her legs around his hips, and he drove into her. Her short cry rang out, her arms wrapping around his shoulders, her pussy gripping him tightly. He rested his forehead against hers, fighting to keep from spilling his release like a damn teenager.

“Drew.” She moaned, her fingers flexing against his shoulders the only movement she allowed herself.

“Fuck.” He forgot all about the game, all about anything except finally being inside her, the feel of her, the look on her face as he began to move.

“Christ, Emma. You feel so good.”

Her heels dug into his ass as she did her best to meet him thrust for thrust. The car rocked slightly under her, her breaths coming out in panting gasps.

“Please, Sir. Please. I can’t—”

“You can come when I come,” he told her forcefully. And made himself slow down. Concentrated on slowly sliding in and out. Her legs trembled against his hips, her breathing was almost a sob, but she held on, held back, until he no longer could. He dropped his head back and shouted. Her short nails bit into his shoulders and she screamed.

Gravity helped him support her against the car while he regained his sense of the world. She’d rested her head against his shoulder and was giving tiny little licks to his neck. He pulled back so she could drop her legs and gave her a slow, leisurely kiss. When he was pretty sure they could both walk, he pulled off the condom, stepped back and gathered up his things. Silently, she followed him back into the house and to the couch where they both dropped down. He pulled the blanket from the back of the cushions down around them and she snuggled into him.

“Missy?” she asked him after a few minutes, her finger lightly tracing over his tattoo.

He frowned at her. “What?”

“Why did you call me missy?”

He smiled. “I try to be a polite cop. I usually call women ma’am, but that didn’t seem quite right.”

She laughed. “No, I suppose not. Drew?”


“Thanks. That was fun. All of it, I mean. Today.”

He kissed the top of her head. “My pleasure, believe me.”

They rested for a while before he nudged her up. “You need to go make your phone call.”

“Seriously? You want me to call another man right now?” she teased.

“Better than having him show up here. I might have to shoot him then.”

She laughed. “Yeah, that wouldn’t be quite the right ending to the day.”

He helped her roll off him and get to her feet, then followed, enjoying the view. She plodded unself-consciously to the kitchen to retrieve her phone, and didn’t seem to mind when he leaned against the wall instead of offering her privacy.

“Richard! What are you doing answering Taryn’s phone? I figured Caleb would want to grill me.” She paused, listening. “Ah, you’re so sweet. Yes, I’m still alive and very, very well. You go help Taryn entertain Caleb and tell her I’ll call her later.”

She slapped the phone back onto the table and looked at him. “Okay, you’re safe for another day.”

“Are you going to stay a while?”
Smooth, Drew. Real smooth.

“Are you inviting me to?” she asked.

“It seemed like a better idea than ordering you to.”

She laughed, stood and walked to him, wrapping her arms around his waist, laying her head against his shoulder. Only two inches shorter than him, he realized. He liked the fit.

“Yeah, that’s definitely better. Good call.”

He cupped her ass and lifted her even closer into him. She lifted her face, offering her sweet lips to him. He took what she offered, enjoying that despite the fact that earlier he’d insisted her kiss be submissive, now she wasn’t shy in giving as well as taking. He massaged her ass in encouragement, sucked her tongue hard into his mouth, then let her loose to play as she pleased. When her leg began to climb up his, he gripped her hips and pushed her back a step. “Let’s take this to a bed.”

That sounded like a brilliant idea to Emma. She turned toward the stairs, giving what she hoped was a saucy shake to her ass. She was excited to see his intimate space. The downstairs had been fairly neat, only moderately cluttered for someone who hadn’t been expecting company. Pushing open the door he directed her to, the first thing she noticed was that while the bed hadn’t exactly been made, the blue comforter had been pulled up to the pillows, leaving a cozy, casual and totally inviting scene.

Drew took her arm and led her to the closet, which had a full-length mirror on one door. Ugh. She wasn’t fond of mirrors mixed with sex.


She assumed the position, watching his reflection as he pulled the bedding down. She hadn’t had much of a chance to ogle him when she’d been wrapped around his body. Not a huge fan of gym rats, she appreciated that he had just the right amount of muscles to show he took his workouts seriously, without enough to bulge unattractively. And she figured a cop had more need than most to stay fight ready. He bent over to reach the far side of the bed, and the flex of his butt muscles was a visceral reminder of the strength he’d used to hold her against the car and thrust into her.


He winked at her as he came over and dropped down behind her, his thighs bracketing hers. He put an arm around her stomach and eased her back to rest against him.

“Excuse me?” he asked in that tone that meant
did you really just say that out loud

Had she? “Er. Yum, Sir!”

His lips twitched, and she was glad for the mirror after all.

“Put your hands under your thighs.”

Not sure exactly what he wanted, she lifted her body up slightly and slipped her hands under her thighs, then lowered her weight back down. Immediately she realized that her own weight would trap her as surely as most restraints, unless she moved out of position. She checked the mirror for his approval and found it in his steady gaze, then blushed as his focus lowered, the mirror hiding nothing. He swirled a finger lightly through the hair between her legs, pulling on the short strands that had gone super curly with the wetness he’d caused. His warm hands moved up to her stomach, toyed with her belly button, then moved on to her breasts. He cupped them gently, weighing them in his palms, then closed his hands in a firm grip that had her struggling to stay still.

“Eyes open,” he told her firmly. She hadn’t even realized they’d drifted shut, was surprised they had when she was now mesmerized by the view of his large, tanned skin gripping her darker flesh, her nipples jutting out in need. He slid his grip forward, slowly, squeezing tighter as there was less flesh to fill his hands until he gripped only her nipples in his strong fingers, pulling them out against the weight of her breasts. It was almost too much, but when he let go, she cried out, already missing the sensation.

His chest was hard against her back, slick from their combined sweat, the hairs moving against her sensitive skin as they both breathed hard. His cock was pressed against her ass, already hard again, and she suddenly felt empty, wanting him inside. She squeezed the muscles of her channel, which only made the emptiness worse.

“Tell me what you want,” he whispered into her ear before pulling the lobe between his teeth, his gaze steady on hers in the mirror.


He suckled for a minute before letting go and nipping her shoulder. “Be more specific.”

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