Perfect Alignment (8 page)

“It’s okay. Go into the bathroom for a few minutes. I’ll let you know when you can come out.”

She didn’t like it. Her eyes narrowed and he could see her think up an argument. He reached his hand up and brushed her cheek softly, his thumb caressing her slightly swollen lips. “Go on. It’ll just be a few minutes.”

Turning on her heel, she did as she was told. When the bathroom door clicked shut, Drew turned and let the room service waiter in. It only took a minute to have the items set up on the little coffee table, the waiter tipped and on his way.

“Emma. You can come out now.”

He enjoyed watching her expression change from irritation to another smile. He gestured for her to take a seat on the sofa and sat next to her, as close as he could without quite touching.

“I hope you like strawberries and champagne.”

“When the strawberries are dipped in chocolate, I certainly do. This is lovely.”

She started to reach for one, then stopped and looked at him, dropped her hand. “Are we starting?”

“Would you like to be starting?”

“I guess since you ordered me into my own bathroom, we already have.”

She said it wryly enough that he chuckled. “I guess we have. Would you like to have a snack here, then go out? Or stay in and start now, snack included?”

She watched him as if he were going to give her a clue to his preference, then drew a deep breath. “I’d rather stay here.”

“Is there anything you need to tell me? Any negotiations? Anything different for you since last time we were together?”

Keeping her gaze steady with his, she shook her head no.

“You’re sure? Because I won’t be relying on handcuffs to hold you down this time.” Her responding shiver kicked his pulse into a higher gear, but he forced it down. He wanted to take things slow and steady tonight.

He reached out, caressed his fingers down her cheek. “All right then.” Picking up a strawberry, he swiped it through the whipped cream, painted her lips with it.

“How’s that taste?” he asked.

She ran her tongue through the cream, swallowed.

“Very good.”

He raised a brow.

She blushed a little and looked down. “Very good, Sir.”

He added more cream and nudged the strawberry between her lips.


She did, licking her lips when she’d finished chewing to clean up the mess he’d left behind. Her eyes had closed in appreciation of the dessert and his cock jerked. He leaned forward and kissed her, tasting sugar and chocolate and Emma. His hands were threading through her hair, holding tight, before he knew it. Another reminder to himself to slow down had him pulling back.

“You had lunch with your friend?”

She blinked a couple of times before answering.

“I did, yes. It was good to see her and we had a great talk.”

“Does she know the other reason you came up here?”

“No.” She frowned. “I thought about telling her, but it never felt right for the conversation. Do you find it annoying, having to hide things like that? Or is it stupid to even assume that you hide too?”

“Not stupid, no. And yes, sometimes I find it annoying, but not as annoying as trying to live a totally vanilla lifestyle.”

“Which you’ve tried.”

“Honestly, I haven’t had much luck in long-term relationships, vanilla or not. I think—” He drank some champagne, knowing it was a stall tactic. He didn’t want to sound like a cynical bastard, but he didn’t want to lie, either. “I won’t say it’s the same for everyone in the lifestyle, but for myself, I’ve come to the conclusion that permanent, long-term relationships aren’t really possible. I don’t think it’s compatible with the life I’ve chosen to live.”

He watched her carefully, waiting for anger or even doubt. For some reason her nod as she swallowed her food was…surprising instead of a relief.

“That’s kind of what I’ve been thinking. When I move back to California, I’m going to have to figure out a way to balance living with my family, being the person that I want to be around them, and yet not denying this part of myself. I’m not quite sure how it’s going to work. I want to be true to myself but then again, a lot of what I do isn’t really other people’s business.”

“That is a very true statement.” He handed her the other glass of champagne while he bit into a strawberry. “Do you think you’d try a vanilla relationship?”

She shook her head. “No, I don’t really see how that would work. I mean, maybe if I met the right guy I could introduce him into the lifestyle, but that would be too risky. And he’d have to be pretty amazing for me to want to…well, train isn’t the right word. But I do prefer a Dom who already knows what he wants.”

“And if you met a Dom that you wanted to take home to your parents?”

“I guess that’s what I’m hoping for. But it’s kind of hard to picture. All the guys I’ve played with in the clubs have been just play. I can’t really imagine any of them turning into real relationships. And I guess it would partly depend on what kind of life he lived outside the clubs.”

He nodded. “My best friend and his wife were in the lifestyle, and they had a fantastic marriage. So I’ve seen it, respect it, but I was always afraid it would become public somehow and ruin their lives. They were both high school teachers. I just can’t risk my job like that. The best compromise I could come up with was keeping the play to the clubs, which doesn’t leave much room for an out-of-club relationship.”

He fed her another strawberry, then set their empty glasses aside, deciding one glass each of champagne was enough.

She rested one arm along the back of the sofa, her fingers drumming a soft beat. “So it can be done, but you live your life in fear of being found out. That sucks.”

He reached out, touched her naked neck. “You’re not wearing your necklace.”

“No. I got it because I wanted to give myself this one year of really living that life, making the most of it, I guess. Not that I’m going to give it up, but that it will be different. More subtle. I guess I thought having a year of not having to be subtle would make it easier, later. Kind of like spending all that time out of the country made it easier to stay here and go to school. I’ll still travel, but never like that again.” She licked the cream off the strawberry he held out for her. “Does that make sense?”

“Sure.” And brought him the relief he’d been looking for earlier. “Makes sense to me.”

“This is weird, but nice.” She waved her hand between the two of them. “It’s like a club relationship, but without the noise and people of a club.”

He smiled. “That’s exactly what I was thinking.” Now that he was sure they were on the same page, he was eager to get his hands on her. He fed her another strawberry, trying to keep his focus on what she was saying and not on the shape of her lips as she pulled the fruit in, licked the cream up.

She must have seen a change in his expression because her breathing picked up speed and her nipples beaded under her thin dress, making him wonder if she was wearing a bra. Luckily he didn’t need to keep wondering.

“Emma. Come here.” He took the accent pillow from behind his back and dropped it to the floor at his feet.

She rose, moved so she was next to his right knee, and knelt. Beautiful, absolutely beautiful. He cupped her cheek, rubbing his thumb along her lips. He was becoming addicted to touching her.

“Stand up. Leave your shoes on, but take your clothes off. Slowly.”

Her lips curled up slightly on his last word. She rose gracefully to her feet and turned, offering him her back. Obligingly, he inched the zipper down, one finger trailing behind to run down her increasingly bared back, bumping over the strap of her bra. So she was wearing one. He wanted to see what thin confection she’d chosen that had done nothing to hide her desire from him. He was pretty sure he’d approve. When the zipper was all the way lowered, he ran his palms up her back, parting the fabric until it barely clung to her shoulders.

When he withdrew his hands, she turned carefully until she faced him. One deep breath dislodged the dress and it pooled at her feet. She wore a stark red, lacy bra that cupped her breasts lovingly and didn’t cover her nipples. It matched the equally lacy underpants that did very little to hide her assets. He most definitely approved.

“Beautiful. Take it off.”

Her smile was full this time as she reached back to release the flimsy excuse for a bra. It, too, dropped to her feet, followed by the panties. He loved that while she was clearly not an exhibitionist, neither was she terribly shy about her body. She’d been embarrassed to be in front of the mirror at his house, but she stood in front of him now and she smiled. Oh yeah. He liked that a lot.

He directed her to remove her shoes and hang up the dress, then rose to stand in front of her.

“Now you can undress me.”

She didn’t hesitate, but reached for the knot of his tie. It occurred to him he’d never worn a suit and tie to a club, though it had seemed like a natural choice for picking her up at a nice hotel. He’d never had feminine hands loosen the knot at his throat and release the silk from around his neck. It was sexy, but somehow sweet. She slipped it over his head, bringing her mouth so very close to his, letting her breasts tease his chest.

He narrowed his eyes at her when she leaned in even closer, but she just smiled serenely and laid his tie over the back of the couch. It took more effort than it should to hold back the smile he wanted to let escape. She stepped back, though only a very small step, and brought her hands between them to work on his shirt buttons.

It was torture, one he nearly ended a number of times by pulling back and taking care of the job himself, but he maintained control and forced himself to savor the feel of her warm hands making their way down his front. When she’d released the last button, she followed his example and ran her hands up his chest to separate the shirt panels. He took in a deep breath and her fingers responded by digging into the muscles of his chest. Ten small points of contact that made him ache.

When she seemed inclined to linger, he forced his brain to clear.



“You’re supposed to be doing a job.”

She blinked up at him and stopped her explorations of his chest through his undershirt. The blush she’d held back while he’d examined her naked sprang to her face and he had to bite his cheek to keep from laughing.

“Sorry, Sir.”

She yanked her hands from him and moved them to the hem of his shirt, sliding it up his chest with a bit more speed. He raised his arms until she had the shirt clear of his head before he took over the job and dropped the shirt to the chair behind him. Her attention had already refocused on his belt.

Emma wanted to rip the belt from Drew’s pants and get down to business, but she was pretty sure he’d see that as disobeying his orders. Instead, she forced herself to remove the belt slowly and add it to the growing pile of his things. She resisted the temptation to curl her fingers into his waistband while unbuttoning his pants, and instead held them as far away from his skin as was possible while sliding the zipper down. She let the pants fall to his ankles while she dealt with shoes she’d forgotten. She untied the laces and held the shoes steady while he stepped clear.

“Hang the clothes up,” he directed.

She did as she was told and turned to find him sitting at the foot of the bed, the throw pillow again on the floor at his feet. Licking her lips, she didn’t need his pointed finger to know what her next task was. Sinking to her knees, she waited for his instructions though her mouth watered in anticipation.

“Tell me what you want,” he said.

She blinked. Okay, not the order she’d been expecting. “I want to take you in my mouth.”

“Be more specific.”

“I want to lick your cock and wrap my lips around you. I want to hold it in my hands and play with your balls. I want to smell you and taste you and swallow you down.”

He gripped her hair in his hand, wound the length around his fist and pulled until she was forced to look up at him. The heat in his eyes matched the fire racing through her system. Without rushing, he lowered his face and kissed her. It was slow and easy, when she expected hard and fast. She wanted to run her hands through his hair, over his body, pull him closer and coax him to matching his kiss to the need building between her thighs. She sighed.

His lips curled against hers in answer and he backed away, holding her head still when she tried to reach higher.

“Go to it, then,” he said.

It took her a second to understand that he was giving her permission to do the things she’d said she wanted. Less than a second later, her hands were on him. Last time she hadn’t been allowed to touch. Now she’d make up for that. She wrapped both hands around him, gently at first to feel the softness, then tighter to feel the underlying hardness. When he didn’t react, she squeezed just a tad bit harder and hid her smile when the thighs that bracketed her tensed. She loosened her grip and slid her hands up and down, one thumb exploring the tip while her other hand moved down to cup his balls.

Lowering her head, she stiffened her tongue into a point and drew it up the underside of his cock. His legs jerked in against her, holding her tight. Without pausing, she flattened her tongue and followed the same path, then opened her mouth wide and took him in. She worked his length up and down until she’d taken as much as she could, one hand braced on his thigh, the other continuing to work his balls. His grip on her hair tightened when she sucked in her cheeks and wiggled her tongue.

“Christ,” he gasped.

“Mmm,” she hummed.

She continued for long minutes before releasing him to use her stiffened tongue to tease at the sensitive spot under the head. When he shifted in his seat, she darted back in, engulfing him in one smooth thrust, able to take him farther now. She would have moved but he used his hold on her hair to keep her still and thrust in and out, in and out, then erupted into her in one long stream. She swallowed quickly and held still, letting him use her as he wanted.

When he pulled her back she carefully withdrew, giving one thorough lick to clean him up as best she could. He released her and she sat back on her heels, eyes down, waiting for more.

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