Pie and Pastry Bible (64 page)

Read Pie and Pastry Bible Online

Authors: Rose Levy Beranbaum

If you wish to speed freezing, don’t add the alcohol or vanilla (which is distilled in alcohol) until after the ice cream has started to harden.


Use a wooden spoon or high-heat rubber spatula, not a whisk, to stir if not using an accurate thermometer (and you can also use it for the coating test), because the foam caused by a whisk makes it difficult to see when the mixture is getting close to boiling.

Be sure to scrape the sides of the pan when stirring.

The custard mixture must be heated adequately (to at least 160°F.) to thicken and prevent the amylase in the egg yolks from thinning it out on cooling, but for a silky-smooth sauce that does not curdle, the mixture must not be allowed to boil. (The boiling point of water is 212°F., but the ingredients in the custard lower the boiling point to 180°F.) If the custard is overheated and slight curdling does take place, pour it instantly into a blender and blend until smooth before straining it.

The vodka or liqueur acts as antifreeze, preventing the formation of large ice crystals. Do not add more than the recommended amount of vodka or liqueur, or it will lower the freezing point so much that the ice cream will not freeze at all.


his is an American ice cream parlor classic in a pie. Eating a slice of this pie is like diving into a treasure trove of goodies. A cross-section of the pie reveals a thin crumb crust topped with two layers each of vanilla ice cream and banana slices, interrupted by a scattering of chopped walnuts, topped with lacings of caramel and hot fudge and large rosettes of whipped cream, and garnished with more chopped walnuts and banana slices.

This is a fun, easy to make pie, yet the caramel and hot fudge lacing on top give it an elegant appearance. It would make a great hit at any special occasion from a children’s birthday party to a Fourth of July picnic or even a New Year’s dinner.

SERVES: 10 TO 12
* If making your own ice cream, use 2 tablespoons plus 1 teaspoon of Cræme de Banana (banana liqueur) in place of the optional vodka. (More is needed as “antifreeze” because Cræme de Banana is only 50 proof, whereas vodka is 80 proof.) You will have a little more than the 3 cups needed for the pie.
Vanilla Crumb Crust for a 10-inch pie (page 68), pressed into the pan and frozen

3 large firm bananas, cut into ½-inch slices
3 cups (sliced)
1 pound 5 ounces (1 pound peeled)
595 grams (454 grams peeled)
Cræme de Banana
1 cup
9.5 ounces
270 grams
freshly squeezed lemon juice
1 tablespoon
0.5 ounce
15 grams
1 recipe Bourbon Butterscotch Caramel (page 598)
½ cup + extra for passing

walnuts, toasted and coarsely chopped
¾ cup, divided
2.6 ounces
75 grams
Triple Vanilla Ice Cream* (page 232) or good-quality commercial ice cream, softened
3 cups (1½ pints)

1 recipe Hot Fudge Sauce (page 596)
¼ cup + extra for passing

optional garnish:
1 baby banana or ½ small banana

Whipped Cream Garnish
heavy cream
1½ liquid cups
12.25 ounces
348 grams
1½ tablespoons
0.66 ounce
19 grams


A 10-inch pie pan; three pastry bags or reclosable quart-size freezer bag and a number 8 large star pastry tube

Make the crust (page 68). Press it into the pan (see page 69) and freeze it.

In a medium bowl, place the banana slices and add the Cræme de Banana and lemon juice. With a rubber spatula, mix gently to coat the bananas. Cover with plastic wrap and allow them to sit for 1 hour at room temperature.

Drain the bananas well, reserving the liquid for the optional banana garnish and the whipped cream.

Use a plastic squeeze bottle or a reclosable quart-size freezer bag with a small piece of one corner cut off to lace about ¼ cup of the caramel over the bottom of the prepared crust. Place half the banana slices evenly over the caramel and sprinkle ¼ cup of the walnuts on top. Spread half the ice cream over them. (If the ice cream starts to melt, place the pie in the freezer for about 15 minutes or until it is firm.) Repeat with the remaining bananas, another ¼ cup of the walnuts, and the remaining ice cream. Cover the pie with plastic wrap and freeze for at least 24 hours.

Chill a large bowl for the whipped cream.

The caramel and hot fudge can be swirled on top any time after the ice cream has set firmly (at least 3 hours or more, depending on the freezer temperature), but it can also be done 30 minutes before serving, while allowing the ice cream to soften. (When serving, pass any remaining caramel and hot fudge in the plastic bottles or reclosable bags and let the guests help themselves to extra.)

At least 1 hour before serving, if using the optional baby banana, slice it and macerate it in the reserved Cræme de Banana mixture for 30 minutes. Drain the slices well, again reserving the macerating liquid.

Thirty minutes before serving,
combine the cream, sugar, optional Cobasan, and 1½ tablespoons of the macerating liquid in the chilled mixing bowl. Beat the mixture until it forms stiff peaks when the beater is raised. Cover and refrigerate. Remove the pie from the freezer to the refrigerator, to soften slightly.

Just before serving, fill a pastry bag or freezer bag, fitted with the number 8 star tube, with the whipped cream and pipe large rosettes around the border of the pie. Garnish with the remaining ¼ cup of chopped walnuts and the baby banana slices.

To serve, run a towel or sponge under hot water and wring it out well, then run it over the sides and bottom of the pie plate to help release the crust. (Do this two or three times.)


Frozen, up to 1 week.


For a 9-inch pie, you will need a Vanilla Crumb Crust for a 9-inch pie (page 67) and three quarters of the recipe.


The caramel should be at room temperature when laced onto the pie so that it does not melt the ice cream.


The banana slices do not become icy on freezing because they have been macerated in the banana liqueur.

Adding the macerating liquid to the whipped cream not only flavors it but also keeps it from becoming icy if returning the pie to the freezer.


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