Read Planning on Forever Online

Authors: Ashley Wilcox

Tags: #General Fiction

Planning on Forever (11 page)


getting through the mob of people, we sit down at a booth that’s labeled
reserved. I look at Amanda in confusion, but she shrugs her shoulders like she
has no clue. Hot pants and his friends wait for us to have a seat and then
takes our drink order.

we aren’t twenty-one,” I whisper to him.

worry about it, what's your poison?” he responds with that, ever so sexy, grin
and a wink.

my lip because I really don't have “a drink”, I say the only thing that comes
to mind. “A Screwdriver.” I have no clue what's in it, but I know it's an
alcoholic beverage.

with the rows of people around the bar, they are back within minutes with our
drinks. Each of the guys has some kind of beer, and Nicole and Amanda both have
fruity looking drinks. I’m happy to find that a screwdriver is some liquor
mixed with orange juice, and is actually pretty good. Squeezing into the booth
next to me, hot pants rests his arm on the back behind my shoulders.

birthday,” he speaks softly in my ear, again making my body quiver. Is this
seriously going to happen every time he talks to me?

for the drink,” I respond, feeling my cheeks starting to blush.

Nolan, by the way.” he introduces himself, using his other hand to shake mine.

I reply as he leans down and kisses the top of my hand, making my body melt
under his touch.

chit chat, I’m ready to shake what my momma gave me.” Amanda stands up, waiting
for people to move so she can get out of the booth.

wanna dance?” Nolan asks, looking me in the eyes.


my hand, he escorts me to the dance floor. In the beginning, we dance facing
each other, not really touching, just joking and laughing. Taking my hand, he
spins me around, and then dips me. Even though the style of music doesn’t match
our style of dancing, we’re having fun, and couldn’t care less what the people
around us think.

you wanna go get another drink?” he yells in my ear over the music.


we get to the bar the bartender greets us, ignoring all the other people that
were here before us, taking our order first. After placing our drinks in front
of us, she doesn’t ask for money, just winks and walks away; There’s no
mistaking that he has the

we finish our drinks, he grabs my hand and pulls me back on to the dance floor.
I’m definitely starting to feel a little tipsy at this point.

on, let’s go” he says with a big smile on his face.

time when we get out to the middle of the dance floor, he swings me around in
front of him, holding me closely, and dancing exactly the style one would dance
to this music. Grinding, he has one of his legs in between mine, and his hands
on my hips. My hands are around his neck with our faces so close that I can
feel his breath on mine. Staring at each other intensely, we focus on our
dancing; hot, steamy, and full of attraction. Moving in closer, he presses his
lips against mine, kissing me long, deep, and hard.

his tongue touch my lips, I open my mouth, granting him permission to enter. He
tastes delicious. A mixture of beer, cigarettes, and mint; the perfect bad boy
blend. My fingers start creeping north to tangle in his hair and his hands move
south to cup my rear.

up for air, I lean my head back, and take a deep breath. Not only to fill my
lungs with air, but to bring me back to earth, again. He takes this as an
invitation to run his mouth down my neck, placing wet, hard kisses along the
way. I let out a sigh of pleasure, loving the way his mouth feels pressed
against my skin. He continues his trail of kisses until he reaches the top hem
of my dress. I can feel my heart rate increase, and my breathing getting heavy,
wondering what his next move will be.

his next move is not what I’m expecting. After resting his forehead on my chest
for a second, he pushes back off of me.

think it's time for another drink,” he says, running his hand through his hair.

yeah, that was freaking crazy hot!

we approach the bar, I whisper in his ear that I have to use the restroom, and
will be right back. I don’t really have to go to the bathroom, but I do need a
moment to collect myself. I have a dozen different emotions running through me,
and I am having a hard time understanding them all.




lifting, we decide to head back to my house and play some video games. Matt
uses my computer to sign onto his Facebook account. I can’t remember the last
time I signed into my own account. I think it is the dumbest thing. I couldn’t
care less what people are doing at every second of the day, but it seems like
everyone else does. I over hear Matt say “huh” to himself.

so interesting?” I ask.

jumps like I startled him and then quickly shuts the laptop closed. “Nothing,
same crap, ya know?”

can see in his face that he is holding something back. Walking over to where he
is sitting, I open the computer, and log into my account. Thankfully, my screen
name and password are saved into my computer because I have no clue what they

man, it’s nothing.” Matt tries to intercept and close the laptop.

his hand out of the way, I open the screen back up. In the recent updates, I
see a picture of Amanda, Alexa, and Nicole all dressed up. Wait a second, she’s
with Nicole? That’s a little freaking weird, and what the hell does Alexa have
on? I definitely have never seen that dress before. To add to the craziness,
they’re standing in front of that new downtown club. My stomach immediately
falls to the ground, and I can feel the anxiety building within. I click on her
profile; her status says “Clubbing it up with my girls tonight”. Then I look at
her information and notice she has already changed her relationship status to
single. There is no sign of me anywhere on her profile. She must have deleted
all of our pictures. Every time we took pictures of us together, she would
always say “This is definitely a Facebook picture” so I can only imagine how
many there were.

thought she just needed time away, like a break. She has moved on, and looks
happy. She’s even at a club. She hates clubs. She thinks they're disgusting,
but now, all of a sudden, she is wearing the tightest dress possible, and
grinding on guys in clubs? Well, guess what, beautiful, two can play at this

my relationship status to single, I type “Bottoms up tonight” in my status bar.
Closing the computer, I turn to the guys standing there, waiting for my next

we're going out.”

all take showers, style our hair, and get dressed. Thinking it would be a
little much to show up at the same club as her, we pick a bar a couple of
blocks away that Travis's brother, Troy, bounces at on school breaks.

he is working the door when we get there and lets us right in. After getting
our first round of drinks, we start scoping the crowd for prospective females.
Travis immediately snags a girl with blonde hair and huge tits, meeting his
requirements. She has some friends, but none that look appealing. I talk to a
couple of girls that approach Matt and I but it’s like talking to dumb and
dumber, they won’t stop playing with their hair and giggling. Beginning to
think that this night is going to be a bust, I see a group of girls dancing in
the middle. One girl in particular stands out. She reminds me of Alexa, which
is the last thing I need, but seeing that my options are limited, I can't be
picky. She looks a little taller than Alexa, with long blonde hair. She has on
a tight, black leather skirt with a cream silk top and is pretty hot, dancing
by herself. All of her other friends are dancing with other dudes. Never being
one to just start grinding on some random girl, I walk up to her and tap her on
her shoulder, not knowing what else to do. She quickly turns around, giving me
a puzzled look. Without making it too awkward, I reach out my hand and say,
“Collin. I noticed you dancing out here by yourself and wondered if you would
like some company?” Not the smoothest line, but I guess it will have to work.

actually even cuter up close. Her eyes are light brown and seem to sparkle even
in the dim bar. “Summer, and since you were nice enough to ask instead of just
pouncing on me, sure.” she replies, placing her hand in mine.




I walk out of the bathroom, I notice Nolan talking to a guy near the bar, still
holding our drinks. Standing there, I take in the heavenly view. He really is
quite wonderful to look at. On cue, he spots me and catches me staring. Arching
an eyebrow, he glances down his body with a sexy grin. He knows he’s hot, and
he knows I agree. He motions for me to come over, so I do. I think I’d do
anything he asks me to. Once I get within arm’s reach, he hands me my drink and
slips his arm around my waist.

this is my brother-in-law, Dylan.”

this gorgeous lady is Alexa.” Nolan introduces me, while Dylan reaches out to
shake my hand.

married and in a club with a bunch of half-naked women; that would not be okay
with me. As if he can read my mind, “It is a pleasure to meet you. My wife is
the knock out behind the bar” he says, pointing to the bartender.

did I not pick up on that earlier? She’s a female version of Nolan.

own the place,” Nolan adds. Well, that explains our VIP treatment.

you guys have done a wonderful job, this place is beautiful.” I comment, not
really knowing what to say, especially since I’m only nineteen and drinking in
his bar.

you, I’m glad you're enjoying yourself, I hope to see you here more often,” he
says, smiling at me and winking at Nolan. “I’ll let you guys go, I need to do
my rounds. It was lovely meeting you, Alexa.” Dylan excuses himself, smiling
before he walks away.

down and kissing the top of my head Nolan asks, “You wanna go sit down?”

would love to,” I say with a smile.

my hand, he leads me to a back stairwell. At the top, there’s a new hulk like
bouncer who shakes Nolan's hand and opens another red velvet rope for us.
Turning the corner, we enter a beautiful lounge area; couches, chairs, and
tables to the right, and a balcony overlooking the club below, to the left.

it's beautiful up here.” I say, looking around before sitting on one of the

it’s nice and chill up here. It’s reserved for friends and family,” Nolan says,
sitting down next to me.

awkward silence, I start rambling on about nothing; however, I get the distinct
feeling that he’s not hearing a word I’m saying because all he’s doing is
staring at my lips with a quirky smile. Apparently, he finds my lips
intriguing. I find his whole body intriguing. I wish he’d just cut to the
chase, and kiss me already.

what happened to single Alexa, and finding herself on her own? Hot pants is
throwing me a curveball.

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