Playing for Keeps (Honky Tonk Angels Book 5) (18 page)

“No. Why?” Cody asked.

“They’re not keen on the clientele I guess.” Hannah answered. “Or not enough people wanting their buttholes bleached.”

“Oh ugh, don’t get Roxie started on that,” Dini said.

“Or Cody,” Hannah added.

Suddenly they were all chattering a thousand miles an hour, tossing out one idea after another. Before they knew it, the champagne was gone.

“So, I guess this means you like the idea?” Roxie asked.

“Yes!” Dini squealed, followed by a, “Definitely.”

“Then what would you think about being my partner?”

“Oh my god, no more waiting tables?” Dini heaved a dramatic sigh.

Roxie grinned. “Beckett said it would be his wedding present to me, but I said he would invest and we’d pay him back. That okay with you?”

“Absolutely,” Dini agreed. “We’ll make this thing a smash!”

“Indeed we will,” Roxie replied. “And I was thinking of a name. What do you think about Sequins and Spurs?”

Dini grinned at Roxie. “I think you better see if there’s another bottle of champagne in the fridge, ’cause it’s time for a toast.”

Roxie dashed for the refrigerator. Minutes later, she stood with her best friends, glasses of champagne rose. “A toast,” she said.

“To new beginnings,” Dini said.

“To friendship,” Cody added.

“To love,” Roxie offered.

“Amen, sister.” Hannah clinked her glass to Roxie’s then Dini’s and finally Cody’s.

“It’s been a hell of a time around here lately, hasn’t it?” Hannah asked.

“No shit.” Roxie agree. “Cody getting trapped with Riggs at the drill site and Hannah taking up with Cooper?” She looked at Cody. “Which reminds me, now that Riggs is out of the hospital, do I feel a
let’s get it on
moment about to happen?”

Cody shrugged. “We’ll see. But this isn’t about me. It’s about you and Cade.” She lifted her glass. “So here’s to Roxie and Cade. Friends and family. We love you.”

They all drank, then Roxie giggled.

“What?” Dini asked.

“It’s just strange. I mean when we left Vegas, who would’ve thought it would end like this?”

“End?” Roxie jumped when she heard Cade’s voice behind her. “Honey, we’re just getting started. We’re playing for keeps.”

She smiled at her friends, then at her husband.

Indeed, they were.

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