Playing With You (13 page)

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Authors: Cheyenne McCray

Vaguely she wondered where Xena had been while Ricki and Garrett had been rolling around on the floor. The dog had probably been watching, wondering what in the world was going on.

At the thought of what she and Garrett had just done, the ache in her chest doubled and she practically ran from the living room, into her bedroom, and then her bathroom. Tears continued to stream down her face as she stripped out of her wet and muddy clothing and tossed everything on the bathroom floor. Xena stood in the doorway looking sad and like she wasn’t sure what to do.

Ricki turned on the shower and shivered uncontrollably as she waited for the water to warm, then stepped beneath the spray. She started rubbing her skin with a washcloth while she stood beneath the water, trying to wash away everything that had just happened.

But she only cried harder, wondering what she’d done wrong. Maybe she just wasn’t loveable enough. Maybe she wasn’t desirable enough.

The pain in her chest didn’t ease. If anything it magnified. She knew the truth. She’d fallen for a man who didn’t want her and her heart had just shattered into so many pieces that she didn’t know if she could ever pick them all up.


* * * * *


Garrett didn’t give a shit that he was breaking the speed limit. The damn cops could haul his ass to jail if they wanted to.

He ground his teeth. What in the hell had he been thinking? He hadn’t been thinking. Not with the head that was attached to his shoulders, anyway.

Rain pounded on his windshield, the wipers going back and forth in a frenzied pace as his truck barreled toward his ranch, well out of town now. All day he hadn’t been able to get enough of Ricki, no matter that he knew better. And then to almost take her right on the entryway floor?

Damn but she deserved better than him. He’d known from the beginning that he shouldn’t get too close to her yet he hadn’t been able to stay away.

What was wrong with him?


The tires bounced over the uneven dirt road leading to his ranch and the truck rattled. It slid in a couple of muddy patches, but he didn’t slow until he reached the cattle guard, and barely then.

He brought the truck to a hard stop in front of his house and slammed the door shut after he climbed out and into the rain. He stormed into his house, slamming that door shut, too, not giving a damn for the moment that his athletic shoes were caked with mud.

In the entryway he came to a stop, breathing hard. He clenched his fists and ground his teeth before toeing off his shoes and leaving them near the door.

He strode into the kitchen, jerked the refrigerator open and grabbed a can of beer. He popped the tab and downed the entire contents before setting the empty down hard on a countertop. Not strong enough. He went to the pantry and grabbed a bottle of whiskey on the top shelf before grabbing a short glass out of a cabinet and pouring a double shot.

The liquid burned as it rolled down his throat. The glass thumped on the countertop before he poured himself another double shot and tossed it back, too.

His anger started to ebb but he couldn’t think straight. Instead of feeling a sense of clarity that he’d done the right thing in leaving Ricki, he felt like he should be there right now with her.

What the hell was the matter with him? He knew that she deserved better than being with a man like him.

But he couldn’t stop thinking about the hurt in her eyes as he’d left her.

Ah, hell. He’d really fucked up and he’d hurt her, something he’d never wanted to do.

He sat down hard on a wooden chair at his kitchen table. He braced his forearms on his thighs and looked at the floor. The heat of the whiskey had warmed him, but he still felt cold and lonely inside. He knew the only thing that could thaw him out and warm him was Ricki.

With a groan he straightened and pushed his fingers through his hair. He must’ve left his cap at Ricki’s. After the way he’d left her, she’d probably burned it by now.

Although the last thing Ricki could possibly be was vindictive. She was a sweet and special woman who had stolen his heart.

He let his breath out in a rush. Damn. He’d fallen hard for her. He pushed himself out of his chair and started pacing the floor. Tomorrow he’d apologize to her and then stay out of her life.

The whiskey bottle called to him and he grabbed it up from the countertop. He plopped on his recliner, wet and muddy clothes still sticking to his skin. He took a swig of whiskey then clutched the bottle’s neck as he rested it on his knee.

He dragged his free hand down his face and leaned back in the recliner and stared up at the ceiling, trying to work everything through in his mind.

As he calmed he thought about her sweet smile and pleasing personality. He thought about how good it could be between them. He’d always thought of her as his ideal woman, even though he’d known he’d never let any woman get close to him.

After all, he’d had a sonofabitch for a father, and he had his father’s temper.

Yet…as a kid he’d championed those who couldn’t defend themselves. Even when he’d gotten into scraps, he’d never hurt anyone like his father had hurt him, his brother, and his mother.

In his younger days he’d gotten into a couple of bar fights. One time was because some dumb shit was pushing around his girlfriend, something Garrett couldn’t tolerate. A second time was because he’d tried to break up a fight and one of the men had taken a swing at him and had landed a good blow on his jaw. Garrett had shown the bastard a thing or two about getting into bar fights.

Garrett continued to stare up at his ceiling as his mind went from one memory of his temper to another.

He’d never hurt a woman, he knew that. He’d never fight for the sheer pleasure of it or with the intent to hurt someone.

He lowered his gaze and studied the old wooden clock on the mantel. Ten. Ricki would be asleep now and then she’d be getting up in an hour or so to head into work to start baking by midnight.

The clock seemed to tick loudly in the silence of the living room as he stared at it. Without taking another swig of whiskey, he set the bottle down on the end table beside his chair.

He’d come to a decision. He just prayed it was the right one.


Chapter 17


Ricki hadn’t been able to sleep before going to work, and she was exhausted and drained as she came in the back door of the bakery. She hadn’t been able to get Garrett off her mind. She’d wanted him so badly. And he’d just left.

Confusion made her head ache as she tossed her purse onto the couch in her office. She bit her lower lip, trying to hold back a storm of emotions.

Half the time she was angry at him for leaving her like he had. The other half of the time, her heart hurt like it had never hurt before. She didn’t want to ever feel this way again. Even if it meant never loving another man, she couldn’t allow herself to go through anything like this.

She went on autopilot as she left the bakery’s office and started to get to work. Baking was usually therapeutic for her and she hoped that would be the case today. She needed to stop thinking about Garrett.

Like that was even going to be possible.

First thing she’d make would be some of the artisan breads that were one of her specialties. After making different kinds of breads, she would move on to cakes, beginning with red velvet. She got out some of the bread starter that was unique to her bakery and gave her bread its signature flavor.

She set the starter on the counter and was just about to put her apron on when the sound of the back door closing caused her heart to slam against her chest. She’d locked the door, she remembered doing it. Could it be Poncho or Lettie?

Not Poncho, he wouldn’t be coming in today. And it was way too early for Lettie.

Who was it?

Blood thrumming in her ears, she dropped the apron onto the floor and grabbed a butcher knife from the block to the right of the counter where she made her breads. It hadn’t occurred to her to keep her phone close. It was in her purse in her office.

Her breathing came a little quicker as she stared at the short hallway that led to the back door. “Who’s there?”

She saw a tall shadow come toward her and she pressed her back against the counter.

Garrett stepped into the light.

Relief made her sag against the counter but then she tensed. Her temper flared. “What are you doing here? How did you get in?”

“The door hadn’t latched properly.” He came toward her as he spoke. She didn’t move but her heart continued to thud against her chest and her body tingled.

When he reached her, his eyes burned into hers. He looked away long enough to take the knife out of her hand and set it aside. He put his hands to either side of her on the countertop, blocking her in, his gaze never leaving hers. She put her palms on his chest, feeling the hardness, the power, the strength within him. She wanted to push him away for hurting her at the same time she wanted to draw him closer.

“I’m sorry,” he said, his voice a low rumble, right before his mouth claimed hers.

He kissed her hard and she clenched his T-shirt in her fists. The kiss was amazing, making her head spin until she almost forgot herself completely.

She fought to come to her senses and she shoved him away. He was too big, too powerful to do more than break the kiss.

“You think you can walk out on me like that and then come in here and—and do
” She shook her head. “No. You might as well leave now.”

He studied her for a long moment. “You’re right. I should go.” Instead of moving away, he moved closer. “But I can’t.”

“What are you talking about?” She did her best to glare at him. “You know where the door is. Just go.”

“I’m sorry,” he said again. He closed his eyes for a moment and she waited, wondering why he was so hesitant. He opened his eyes. “I left because I didn’t think I was good enough for you.”

She frowned. “How could you think that?”

He took a deep breath. “I promise, I’ll tell you. But right now I want you. I
you, Ricki. Don’t send me away.”

She gripped his T-shirt in her fists again, trying to make up her mind. And then she went with instinct and a need of her own. She tilted her head and moved her mouth to his and kissed him. He gave a low groan and took control.

The kiss went on until her head was spinning and she didn’t think it would ever stop. When he raised his head she was breathing hard. His jaw was tight and she could tell he wanted to take her right then and there, flour and all.

She pressed her palms against his chest. He didn’t move for a moment but then let her push him back.

“Ricki,” he started, closing in on her again.

She grabbed his hand and tugged on his arm. “Come with me.” He let her lead him to her office, but the moment they were inside the room, he took control.

He pressed her up against a wall, next to the file cabinets. He kissed her, moving his hands over her body like he couldn’t get enough of touching her and as if he couldn’t get close enough to her. He grasped the bottom of her T-shirt in his fists and she raised her arms as he pulled the cloth up and over her head before throwing it aside. He unfastened her bra and removed it, sending it sailing somewhere in the room.

Their movements were hurried, frenzied, as she pushed his T-shirt up and he pulled it over his head and dropped it to the floor. She kicked off her athletic shoes as he unbuttoned her jeans and pushed them down, leaving her in black panties and white socks.

She rushed to unfasten his jeans as he toed off his own shoes and shoved them away. He grabbed something out of the back pocket just before she pushed his pants down with his underwear too. He stepped out of his clothing, kicked it aside and stripped off his socks.

His cock was thick and long and she wanted to drop to her knees and take him into her mouth. She wanted to suck him, to have him shove his length all the way to the back of her throat.

Instead, he caught her up in his arms and carried her to the couch. With one hand, he shoved her purse off and it thumped onto the floor, at the same time he laid her on the couch. In moments he had her panties and socks off and then he was on the couch with her, his hard, naked body on top of hers. He kissed her then drew back long enough to tear a foil packet open with his teeth and roll a condom down the length of his cock after flinging the empty packet aside.

She spread her thighs wider, inviting him in as she reached between them, grasped his cock, and held it to her entrance. “Take me hard.” She swallowed as she saw the wildness on his expression. “I want you hard and fast.”

With a feral gleam in his eye, he drove his cock inside her.

A shout escaped her and her eyes widened as he began to fuck her. He was bigger than she’d realized and he stretched her wide. He was so deep inside her, deeper than she’d ever felt before, that it was driving her nearly crazy with lust. He slammed into her over and over again. Never taking his gaze from hers, he continued to thrust in and out. Sweat beaded on his brow and his expression was fierce.

The orgasm building inside was rushing toward her faster and faster. Her mind spun and all she could do was feel him while her breasts bounced up and down with the movements as he took her.

“Come, honey.” The words were a demand, an order. “Come hard all over me.”

She shrieked as her orgasm hit her with the kind of power and force she’d never experienced before. Her head grew light and she began to think she was going to pass out from the way her head felt like it was going to float off her shoulders.

Her body thrummed and vibrated and she was barely aware of him pulling out and lowering himself between her legs.

He kissed the insides of her thighs and then moved his mouth to her folds.

More shockwaves rolled through her and she cried out again as to her surprise she felt another climax brewing inside her. He slid his hands beneath her ass and pressed his face hard against her folds as he licked her clit.

She screamed this time, the second orgasm somehow feeling more intense than the first. She hadn’t even caught her breath as he slid back inside of her and began fucking her again.

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