Playing With You (16 page)

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Authors: Cheyenne McCray

“I promised I’d make love to you properly the next time we were together.” He cupped her face in his hands. “There’s not time to do all the things I want with you. If you didn’t have to work in the morning, I’d make love to you all night long.”

She moved her palms up his chest and looped her arms around his neck then slid her fingers into his soft dark hair and pulled him down to meet her. “Just kiss me.”

He groaned and kissed her as he grasped her ass and raised her off her feet. He broke the kiss and in a couple of strides he reached her bed and set her on her feet beside it. She kicked off her shoes as he unbuttoned his shirt and stripped out of it, leaving his magnificent torso bare.

His muscles flexed as he removed his boots and socks and she pulled her T-shirt over her head and ditched it before taking off her bra and tossing it aside. He narrowed his gaze as if it was taking everything he had to control himself.

“Let go.” She put her hands on his biceps. “Don’t hold anything back.”

“You’re asking for trouble,” he said.

She dug her fingers in his biceps. “I want trouble with you.”

He jerked her to him and crushed his mouth against hers as he pressed his bare chest against her naked breasts and her nipples hardened. His kiss was so fierce he took her breath away.

Her breathing grew harsh and her mind spun as he kissed her. She couldn’t believe how much she wanted him when she’d just had him not that long ago. Yet it seemed like it had been forever since she’d had him inside her.

He moved his hands to the button on her jeans and unfastened them before shoving them over her hips along with her panties. They fell to her feet and she kicked them to the side as she reached for his belt buckle.

She broke the kiss and pushed the jeans down along with his underwear. As she brought them down she slipped from his arms and knelt before him. As he stepped out of his clothing, she grasped his long, thick cock in one hand and brought her other hand to his heavy sac and squeezed. In the low lighting, semen glistened at the head of his cock.

When her gaze met his she saw his fiery expression as she parted her lips and brought them close to the head of his cock. His eyes narrowed with intensity as he slid his hand into her hair, cupping the back of her head, and drew her down on him.

She took his thick, long cock in as much as she could. He was so big that it was impossible to take every inch of him into her mouth like she wanted to.

The fierceness in his expression held her captive as she moved her mouth up and down his cock and she couldn’t tear her gaze from his. Even though he seemed to be in control with his fist now clenched in her hair and moved her up and down his length, she knew she was truly the one in control. She had the power to please him and she wanted to please him more than anything.

Enjoying his salty taste, she sucked him until his balls seemed impossibly tight and he pulled her head back to force her to stop. She licked her lips as she looked up at him.

“Damn, honey.” His chest rose and fell with his deep breathing. “I don’t know where you learned to do that, but I can’t take anymore without coming in your mouth.”

“I’d love that,” she said with what she knew was a sensual smile.

He groaned and closed his eyes tightly for only a moment before looking at her again. “I want to be inside you too badly.”

She ran her palms up his thighs and over his taut abs up to his chest as she stood. He felt so good, so hard. She wanted to sink her nails into his flesh, wanted to rake them down his back. She’d never felt that way before—as untamed as the way he was looking at her.

He dragged her up against him again, thigh to thigh, breast to chest, and she felt the hardness of his cock against her belly as he kissed her again, an intense kiss that seemed to singe away the memories of all the kisses before it. She put her hands on his where he grasped her hips, and linked their fingers together before breaking the kiss and stepping back. She gave him a look of need as she tugged him toward the bed.

She turned and slid onto the bed on her knees and was about to move to the center of the bed when he grasped her ass from behind and pulled her back toward him. Her heart beat faster as she found herself on her hands and knees on the bed, her thighs spread, and his cock pressed against her ass.

“Damn, you’ve got a beautiful ass.” He rubbed it with his palms and then squeezed the soft flesh tight in his hands. “I’ve always loved to watch you bend over your cases while you clean them, or pick something up off the floor.”

She swallowed and rocked back against him then forward and back again. “Take me like this.”

He still gripped her tightly. “I should make love to you slow and easy.”

“I don’t want slow and easy.” She shook her head. “I want it like this and I want it now.”

He made a guttural sound and she heard the sound of a foil packet and was glad he was thinking clearly in that regard because she sure wasn’t. All she’d been thinking of was Garrett taking her over and over again. She wriggled her ass, rubbing against him, knowing he would love it.

“What do you want?” he said in his deep voice. “Tell me.”

“I want you.” She started rocking to and fro again. “Inside me.” And then she said the words that were sure to ignite the flames in him even more. “I want you to fuck me.”

She felt the press of his cock against her core. He growled as he grasped her by her hips and drove into her.

Her eyes widened and she gasped, already having forgotten what it felt like to have him inside her. He took her hard, slamming himself against her ass as he plunged his cock in and out of her. Her breasts swayed with every thrust and her mind spun with the sensations. He was reaching a place so deep within that she knew she wasn’t going to be able to hold back.

The oncoming orgasm wound tighter and tighter inside her. She could barely breathe, could barely think as she neared climax.

He put his hand on the back of her neck and pushed her face against the comforter in a dominant move. At the same time, while he continued to fuck her, he reached around her and stroked her clit.

The comforter muffled her scream as she came hard. She was vaguely grateful that her neighbors wouldn’t have been able to hear the shriek she’d let out.

But mostly she just felt rather than thought as wave after wave of her orgasm washed through her while Garrett continued to thrust in and out. He grabbed her hair and pulled her head back at the same he growled out his climax.

Her core throbbed as his cock pulsed inside her as he continued to move in and out but slower now. And then he was leaning over her back, breathing hard as he braced his hands to either side of her. The harshness of his breathing was loud in the room, the rhythm of each breath matching her own.

He slid out of her and as she rolled onto her back he removed the condom and tossed it in the bedside wastebasket. She moved so that they could both slide under the covers and then he shifted her so that her back was against his chest, his arm around her middle, and they were spooned together.

“Goodnight, honey.” He kissed the back of her neck. “Sleep well.”

In a relaxed state of pure bliss, she slipped easily into a deep sleep.


Chapter 22


Sunday morning, Ricki was grateful that Deena’s moving day was going to be a sunny and mild day with no chance of rain in the forecast. She tested her wrist. It was still sore from having sprained it yesterday at the bakery.

Once again she’d woken up in Garrett’s arms and she couldn’t imagine being happier than she’d been all week. As much as they’d been together, it was hard to believe that the Easter event with the McBride family had only been a week ago.

Ricki hadn’t wanted to wake up the morning after their second bout of wild sex. She’d wanted to stay cocooned in Garrett’s arms and sleep for hours. But he had woken her around one, after they’d had about five hours sleep. She’d panicked that she was up too late to get everything done, but he’d said he’d help her again and they’d get it done together.

They’d taken a shower at the same time, having to force themselves to avoid the temptation and the distraction of shower sex and then he’d gone with her to the bakery.

That had been Tuesday morning and now it was already Sunday. Their sex seemed to get wilder, like they’d never get enough of each other.

After working at his PI office for the day, he’d head to his ranch to take care of chores, then go straight back to town to stay with Ricki. He’d show up at her house after the bakery closed and they’d spend the evening together, having dinner, cuddling, watching TV.

They’d always end up in bed—although they’d had sex in just about every place imaginable in her home. Kitchen counter, living room floor, in the shower, up against a wall, and on the washer as a load had been on the spin cycle.

It had turned out that they’d both given blood since the last time they’d each had sex with another partner, and she was on the pill, so they felt comfortable enough to ditch the condoms. That had made their raw sex all the more spontaneous and exciting.

Ricki sighed and smoothed her hands over her T-shirt and Levis. What an incredible week together. It was like they couldn’t get each other out of their systems.

She stood in the kitchen, pushed her braid over her shoulder, and smiled. She didn’t want to get him out of her system. Ever.

“What’s that smile for?” Garrett walked into the kitchen and her smile broadened.

“Oh, nothing.” Her athletic shoes squeaked on the tile as she went to him and brushed her lips over his. “What do you have planned for the day?”

He took her arm with the wrist that was wrapped in an elastic bandage wrap. “I thought I’d help you and Deena get her things moved so that you and I can have more time together when it’s finished.” He brought her wrist to his mouth and brushed his lips over the soft skin not covered by the bandage. “And you don’t need to be carrying heavy things with a sprained wrist.”

Ricki linked her arms around his neck. She didn’t think Deena was going to like the idea of Garrett being there. Throughout the week Deena had stopped by the bakery. The times Garrett would come in or was there before Deena, she would freeze up, the place practically turning frigid. Ricki wasn’t sure why Deena was reacting the way she had been except for the fact that she didn’t like men. Hated men would be more accurate.

But if Deena wanted to continue to be friends with Ricki, she was going to have to get used to Garrett being around. Maybe today would be a good opportunity for Deena and Garrett to get to know each other more than just the few short moments when they’d been in the bakery at the same time.

But she still wasn’t sure about today. “It is feeling better, so you don’t need to worry about me.”

“I’m going,” Garrett said as he looked into her eyes. “I’m not about to let you carry anything heavy, and I want to take you somewhere afterward.” He glanced at her wrist. “As long as you feel up to it.”

“I feel great.” She leaned up against him. “Thank you.” She hugged him and breathed deeply of his masculine scent, letting it fill her. She just hoped Deena wasn’t going to be too upset.

Before they left, Ricki opened the doggy door for Xena and made sure she had food and water since she didn’t know how long they’d be gone today.

After they were ready, they climbed into Garrett’s truck and drove the couple of streets over to Deena’s new place. They could have walked, but they didn’t know if they’d need his truck to help Deena move. Ricki brought a box of pastries left over from yesterday along with a thermos of coffee. She’d put Styrofoam cups, stir sticks, packets of sugar, and several half and half singles in a bag to take with them.

When they reached the rental that Deena would be calling home, Ricki saw that Deena had already pulled her big car in front of the house with a trailer attached. A blue tarp was tied down over the trailer. Ricki glanced at the house and saw that the front door was open.

After Garrett had parked his truck and had helped Ricki out, she walked up to the house with the pastry box that she’d insisted on carrying, while Garrett grabbed the thermos and the bag. When they reached the porch, she knocked on the open front door.

“Deena?” Ricki called out as she looked into the unfurnished living room. The walls were plain white and the light wheat-colored carpeting appeared older but looked clean. “I’m here.”

“Hi, Ricki.” Deena’s smile was bright as she rounded a corner from a hallway to the left. She wore a light blue tank top and navy blue shorts with athletic shoes. She looked beautiful and trim, her white-blonde hair spiky and her brown eyes had a friendly light to them. “What delicious things did you bring?” she said when her gaze lighted on the box Ricki was holding.

“We brought coffee and goodies from the bakery.” Ricki stepped into the house.

“We?” Deena’s gaze slid past Ricki to Garrett, who stepped into the doorway. Her full lips went thin and Ricki winced. “Oh.” Deena frowned.

Ricki glanced over her shoulder to Garrett who gave Deena a nod. “Good morning, Ms. Samson.”

Deena looked like she was forcing herself to remain calm but the iciness of her displeasure rolled off her. “You really don’t have to stay. I don’t have that much to move so we can handle it.”

Ricki bit the inside of her lip. This was going even worse than she’d thought it would.

“Not a problem at all,” Garrett was saying. “I’m glad to help and I wouldn’t want Ricki to injure her wrist any more than she already has.”

Deena turned her attention on Ricki and the frostiness of her gaze seemed to thaw a little as she looked at Ricki’s bandaged wrist. “What happened?”

Ricki shrugged. “One of my baking sheets filled with cake batter slipped and I hyperextended my wrist when I tried to catch it.” She glanced at Garrett. “Fortunately Garrett caught the pan.”

Deena looked resigned to having Garrett there thanks to Ricki’s sprained wrist. “I don’t have much in the way of furniture so I’m going to have to buy some first chance I get.” Deena took the box of pastries from Ricki. “In the meantime we can put these on the kitchen counter.”

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