Read Presently Perfect (Perfect #3) Online

Authors: Alison G. Bailey

Tags: #Contemporary

Presently Perfect (Perfect #3) (15 page)

A large hand came down and landed on my shoulder, causing my umpteenth beer to slosh over the sides of the red cup. “What the fuck?”

I bounced slightly when Travis plopped down on the sofa next to me. “Hey buddeeey. How’s my buddeeey?” he slurred, sliding his upper body along the back of the sofa closer to me.

I glanced over and threw him a lazy smirk.

With a cocked eyebrow and lopsided grin, he informed me, “I gotta surprise that’s gonna make that smile and other parts of you grow bigger.”

“You’re making me really uncomfortable,” I said, leaning away.

“There are two lovelies that want to spend time with our pulsating masculinity. Their names are Heather and Melanie.”

Travis’s head flopped to the side, his gaze and wave aimed at a cute blonde and brunette standing across the room.

“They’re all yours, buddy. I’m not in the mood.” I downed more of my beer.

His head rolled back toward me. “Heather won’t leave Melanie. They travel in pairs. I want to get my hands on Heather’s pair, so you
in the mood.”

“I’m sure your immense charm will pry her away.”

“Come on. Be a friend.”

“Sorry, not tonight.”

Glaring at me, he bit out, “Not tonight… then what fucking night? I’d like to put that date on my calendar so I can stop wasting my time.”

“What’s your problem?”

“You’re my problem. You and this pussy-whipped, no balls, coochie slave attitude you’ve been sporting around for months instead of a rock-hard dick.”

“Fuck you! You don’t understand.”

I pushed off the sofa, stumbling a few steps toward the back door. I needed some air and to get away from Travis’s bullshit. The room spun, and then I spun as Travis grabbed my upper arm, turning me to face him.

“I understand. You’ve been hung up on this fucking girl ever since I’ve known you.”

My fingers curled into fists as I got in his face and snarled, “Don’t you ever refer to her as
this fucking girl.

Travis took a step back, ran his hands over his face, and huffed in frustration. “What’s the deal? I thought I was finally getting my friend back. You see her for like two seconds today and it sends you into a fucking tailspin. You gotta get past this.”

I could see the sincerity in his eyes. He wasn’t telling me these things in anger or because he didn’t like Tweet. He knew I was in a constant struggle and he was being a friend.

“I’m trying,” I whispered.

“Try harder, dude.”

“I don’t know how.” It was pathetic how weak and defeated my voice sounded.

After seeing Tweet earlier, the rest of the day had been spent replaying the few seconds encounter over and over in my head. She looked incredible except for the sadness in her eyes. A pang of guilt pinched my stomach because I was glad to see that sadness. It meant she was as miserable as I was. She disappeared in a flash but I didn’t need a lot of time in order to take her all in. Her hair was that summer mixture of dark brown and gold. The light sprinkle of red across her nose and cheeks was either a result of being at the beach or seeing me. I hoped it was the latter. She had on a plain white tank top and a pair of black shorts that were molded to her adorable round ass. Tweet was the only girl I knew who could wear the plainest clothes, little makeup, and still look like a supermodel. The memory of her hips swaying back and forth as she darted away had my dick twitching. I turned from Travis and headed out the back door, needing that air more now than before.

Once outside, I propped myself up against the house, closed my eyes, and sucked in all the oxygen my lungs could handle.

I need to get her out of my head.

There were a few people hanging out around the pool so I concentrated on them. That was a dumbass move because most of them were hooking up. Sounds of kissing, moaning, giggling, and more moaning filled my ears. I shifted my attention to the sounds coming from inside the house. Another dumbass move. The only thing I could hear was the pounding music, which made me think of Tweet’s swaying hips, which made me think of grabbing those hips and pounding into… I had to get out of there.

As I shoved off of the wall, the back door swung open, Travis stepped out, and headed over toward me.

“It kills me to see you like this.” He paused, his eyes shifting from me to something over my shoulder. “I didn’t want to say anything because I don’t play into the rumor bullshit.”

“What are you talking about?”

His expression showed how much he was struggling with whether or not to continue. “I heard Amanda is hooking up with some guy.”

My brows scrunched together as my jaw went slack. A small chuckle of disbelief escaped me. “Why are you telling me this?”

“Because I care about you. You’re like a brother to me. Noah, stop pissing your life away waiting for something that’s not gonna happen.”

Glancing away, I shook my head, and said, “It’s a fucking lie.”

“How do you know?”

My eyes pierced his. “She wouldn’t do that.”

“Why not?”

“Because she’s
Tweet!” I screamed.

Out the corner of my eye, I could see the people around the pool unhooking from one another.

“She’s not your anything! When are you going to get that through your fucking head?!”

I lunged forward, landed both hands on Travis’s chest, and shoved. He stumbled back, but made no move to come after me.

“I’m not going to fight you, man.”

“Who’s the no-balls pussy now?!”

I shoved.

He stumbled back.

Party people scattered into the house.

“I’m sorry,” he said, his voice full of pity.

I shoved.

He stumbled back.

And then I tackled him to the ground.

I landed one hard punch to his jaw before he flipped me onto my back, wrapped his massive arm around my neck, and held me down. I jerked and twisted for several seconds trying to break free of his hold. Finally, the alcohol and pain took over and I gave up.

Pressing the heel of my hands into my eyes, I choked back tears, and mumbled, “We’ve shared all our firsts together.”

Travis stood. “Let’s go inside and have another beer.”

I sat up, staring at his outstretched hand for a second before grabbing hold and lifting myself off the ground.

“I’m gonna stay out here for a while and get some air,” I told him.

We exchanged one more look of understanding before he turned and headed toward the house.


He spun around. “Yeah?”

“Thanks for looking out for me.”

“That’s what brothers are for. Besides, someone’s gotta keep an eye on your sorry ass.” He gave me a weak smile and went inside.

I walked to one of the lounge chairs by the pool, sat, and dropped my head in my hands.

Christ, was it true? Was that the reason Tweet barely looked at me and ran away today? Had she been with someone? Had she given that part of herself away?

I thought the sadness in her eyes was because she missed me. I concentrated on the quick glimpse I got of her. Travis’s words, the beer, and the overwhelming feeling of emptiness were clouding my memory. Maybe it was guilt and embarrassment for having moved on, leaving me behind. I hadn’t even thought about being with anyone since that night I told her I needed time.

Soft footsteps approached and then the cushion on the chair shifted as someone sat down. A small hand began rubbing circles between my shoulder blades. My elbows stayed grounded on my knees as I looked up at Brittani. She had on a tight strapless bright orange dress that pushed her tits almost up to her neck. Her hair was curly and ran down her back.

“Hey,” she said. Her eyes were full of concern. “Are you okay?”


“You don’t look okay. You look sad.”

Pursing my lips together, I forced a slight smile in her direction.

“I’ve missed you.” The tip of her tongue poked out and swept across her bottom lip.

The hand that had been rubbing my back made its way to my shoulder as her other hand rested on my upper thigh.

“Noah, stop pissing your life away waiting for something that’s not gonna happen.”

“She’s not your anything! When are you going to get that through your fucking head?!”

The hand on my leg began to inch its way up and over heading for my crotch.

Leaning away, I said, “Brittani…”

“I can make you feel better.”

I inhaled a sharp breath and stared into her glassy eyes. It was obvious she had been drinking. My emotions and willpower were drained. I was tired of feeling with my heart because all that got me was pain. I wanted to disappear for just a little while and get lost in sensation.

It was like I had stepped outside of my body, watching my hand find its way around the back of Brittani’s neck. I clamped my eyes shut, leaned in, and slowly brought her lips closer to mine until they connected. Her hand slid to my crotch, applying slight pressure as it rubbed up and down my dick. I pushed on the back of her neck with more force, taking her farther into my mouth. My tongue corkscrewed around hers. She tasted like stale beer and smelled like Fritos. I thought I had seen snacks in the kitchen on one of my beer runs.

She pulled back and said, “Let’s go to my room.”

“This is your house?”

“You didn’t know that?” she asked, giggling.

Without waiting for an answer, Brittani grabbed my hand and tugged me toward the house, through the crowd, up the stairs, and into her room, locking the door behind her.

I stood frozen, not sure what my next move should be. I thought we were just going to make out at the pool and now I’m standing in her bedroom with the door locked.

Kicking off her shoes, she moved toward me, a slow smile crept across her face. I stepped back until my legs hit the side of the bed, causing me to plop down.

Brittani stepped in closer, straddling one of my thighs. Her fingers twisted and tugged in my hair.

Tilting my head back to look up, she said, “I’ve always liked you, you know.”

“Yeah?” I breathed out.

Her lips crashed into mine. It was a sloppy kiss, loaded with spit. Grabbing the back of her thighs, I shifted her to one side. I needed to wipe my mouth. She was sucking and yanking on my bottom lip so hard that when she finally released it, it snapped back with a loud pop. I jerked slightly, grasping the edge of the bed to brace myself. She pulled my hair one more time before her hands made their way down my chest to the bottom of my T-shirt. Brittani dug her fingers into my shirt, ripping it over my head and tossed it behind her. Once the shirt cleared my field of vision, I looked up, and saw bright pink lips barreling toward me.

I was confused. Brittani and I had fooled around before and I had heavy make-out sessions with Beth, but I never had gone all the way. I assumed all of this was leading up to having sex, although neither of us had mentioned it.

I placed my hands on her shoulders, holding her back, and said, “Brittani, we should slow down.”

“Why?” she asked, shoving her body forward.

I held her back. “I don’t have protection.”

“I have condoms in my nightstand.” She leaned forward.

“What about your parents?”

“They’re never home.”

I stared at her, drew in a deep breath, and debated whether to continue. My body wanted to and my head knew that this was the drastic step I needed to take in order to escape the pain my heart was constantly in.

“I’ve never had…”

“Listen, I like sex and I like baseball players. Just close your eyes. I can be whoever you want me to be.”

Taking a step back, her fingers hooked in the top of her dress, and slid it down to the floor. She stood in front of me naked, no bra and no panties. I had seen naked girls before in magazines and on the computer. I had even seen Beth’s tits. But I had never seen a completely naked girl in the flesh until now. Heat, vibrations, prickling skin, pounding chest, pumping lungs, trickling sweat, and throbbing dick all assaulted me at the same time.

When she got close enough, I grabbed her waist and buried my face between her tits. My lips sucked their way across her chest until they found a hard nipple. I slid my hands down to her ass, squeezed and pushed her roughly against me. Her chest vibrated against my cheek. I assumed it was from a moan. Everything around me was blocked out. The only thing I was aware of was
body’s reaction. I was getting lost, which was exactly what I wanted to do.

Brittani pulled away and walked quickly to the nightstand. “Take your jeans off,” she ordered, as she searched through the drawer.

I slipped off my retro Jordans while my fingers fumbled to unbutton my jeans. Jeans and boxers hit the floor and were kicked to the side, leaving me standing naked in front of a girl for the first time. Well technically, this wasn’t the very first time I had been naked in front of a girl. When we were little kids Tweet and I used to take baths together.

Naked in front of my girl.

The final stage of my dick’s launch sequence was getting close.

Adorable round ass.

Swaying hips.

Gorgeous teal eyes looking up at me.

Pink pouty bottom lip being sucked on.

Tweet naked.

My dick felt like it was about to explode.

Is it physically possible for a dick to explode?

Brittani pushed me back onto the bed. Instead of handing over the condom, she ripped the foil, and rolled it down over me. We then traded places, with her flat on her back and me hovering over. Wrapping her fingers around my dick, she guided it into position. She ran the tip of it up and down her entrance a couple of times before pushing it inside of her. It felt hot, slippery, and tight. I buried my head in her neck and began to move. With each thrust, I fell into a trance-like, robotic state. I was there physically, but my mind was blank. I didn’t think of anything, not even the girl underneath me.

My thrusts got quicker and my breathing was erratic, as muscles stiffened. An intense burst of energy shot through my body. In less than four seconds it was all over. I rolled off of Brittani, laid on my back, and tried to calm my breathing. My gaze dropped to the deflated condom. The hollowness that had become a permanent resident in my chest seeped back in at a rapid speed. I felt movement next to me. When I turned my head I saw Brittani sitting on the edge of the bed, her back to me.

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