Pressure Point (Point #2) (30 page)

Read Pressure Point (Point #2) Online

Authors: Olivia Luck

Tags: #Pressure Point

I won’t take no for an answer. If I need to convince her mother, her father, every cousin, Violet—whatever she demands, I’ll do. To have her back in my arms, smelling her sweet scent, touching her milky white, silky skin is what I want more in this world.

“You out, man?” I ask Cam once we’re both dressed and walking down the black and gold carpet toward the main entrance.

“Yup. Gotta take the dog out. Not to get all emotional on you, bro, but I like Stella for you, too. She makes you more human.”

More than you know.

“Let me know how it goes. Okay?”

Out of the corner of my eye, I find him looking at me sincerely. I jerk my head once. “Thanks, Cam. I will.” The goalie roughly slaps me on the back, as if to assert his testosterone levels. I’m smirking to myself when I veer toward the stairs leading toward the set of offices. Briskly, I walk through reception. It’s lunchtime on Friday and Marla’s away from her desk. Most of the team is working steadily, preparing for the launch of a new season in a few weeks.

Thinking of the impending hockey season turns my thoughts to Stella. When I got back from New Point and cooled down, I realized how little I knew about Stella’s work with the Chicago Center. Brent, the Director of Operations for the Center, got a few phone calls from me asking for a status report. To no surprise of mine, Stella wowed him on the regular and has been working her ass off since she was assigned to the project in April. Brent told me he had no idea how she found the time to consistently deliver top-notch work.


Despite Violet and Max’s wedding festivities beginning tonight, she has an important presentation for Brent and his little minion Ryan Sullivan. In fact, they’re going to her office in a few minutes to see her presentation and then, at Brent’s prediction, sign on for the next phase.

Deep in thoughts of Stella and her relationship with the Chicago Center, I’m not paying attention to my surroundings until I hear the cackle Sullivan.

“Yeah, now that Campbell’s dumped her, I’m moving in. Bitch will need to keep me happy to keep our business.”

Come again?
My shoulders go tense and my body goes rock hard, pausing outside of Sullivan’s office.

The door to the office gaps open while this guy runs his mouth.

“Not really sure how Stella landed a guy like Blake, she must give amazing head. I’ll let you know when I find out.”

My instantaneous reaction is feral. A growl gurgles in my throat when I lay a flat hand on the palm of the already open door and slam it against the wall. The fucker jumps, literally startling in his chair and dropping the cell phone in his hand.

“What the fuck,” I hiss. My body’s taut, three seconds from violence, hands clenched in tight fists.

Sullivan’s lips go white and fall open like a cod fish, gulping with silent shock.
Now you don’t want to talk?
Fury rips through me at some peon daring to speak of my Stella so disrespectfully. And in my place of business, no less. If it weren’t for the fact that I plan to get my girl back tomorrow, I’d pulverize him. I’d rather not spend the night in jail, so I use my words.

“Did I stutter?” I snarl, taking a step forward.

“Blake. This is a simple misunderstanding. You didn’t hear what you thought you heard,” he lies.

A red mist settles over my gaze. Clenching my fist tighter as to not punch this loser across the face, I fight to maintain control.

“Pack up your shit and get out of my sight. There is a zero tolerance policy for sexual harassment against employees and vendors. You should know; you were on the fucking committee that organized the employee pledge.” My tone is steely, conveying I don’t buy his bullshit.

“Blake, come on –”

“Do not speak. You disgust me, Sullivan. Get the fuck out of my building. You have three seconds or I will have security escort you out.”

Knowing the spineless fish will do as I say, I stalk out of the room and make a beeline straight to Brent’s office. Without knocking, I thrust the door open. Brent turns toward me, surprised.

“Blake, what can I do for you?” The man’s all class, professionalism down to the crisp suits that he wears to work every day. How he works with garbage like Sullivan shocks me. But that won’t last for much longer.

“Ryan Sullivan no longer works here. I overheard him making derogatory comments about my girlfriend. Were you aware that he was sexually harassing her?” Rage nearly boils over. I want to blame someone for this fuck-up.

“I – No, of course not. That’s unacceptable,” Brent says immediately.

I’m furious. Yeah, I’m pissed beyond belief at Sullivan, but really…

“You’ll deal with this? If I see him again, I’ll do something I regret and embarrass the organization. We don’t need a lawsuit on our hands,” I say shortly.

Brent rambles his apologies, blabbering on about getting rid of Sullivan. But I hardly hear a word. Outside, I’m furious with Sullivan, but the truth is, if I had been more involved with Stella, I would have known about this.

At the end of the day, I’m mad at myself.



By the time Saturday rolls through, I’ve lost the cloud of self-doubt. I’ve stopped beating myself up for the past. I can’t change that. Now, there’s only the future for me and Stella. But first I need to man up and apologize.

Yes, without Stella, the past few weeks of my life have been one painful lesson after another. How could I have been so blind? Inconsiderate. Selfish. I’ve called myself every name in the book and it hasn’t been enough. I’ve looked back on my relationship with Stella, remembering every time that she gave up a little piece of herself for me. I relished in her attention and the way that she offered herself without reservation, but I never considered that she would need the same thing in return. I took and took and took.

That stops now.

Dragging the razor along my shaving cream-covered cheek, I finish the ritual quickly. I pat the aftershave Stella loves on then head into the closet to dress. I step into the dark navy suit pants, button the white dress shirt, and knot the tie that Stella helped me pick out. She doesn’t know how I spent the past three weeks considering our relationship. She doesn’t know that I’ve been planning on seeing her today for the past three weeks. I’m going to her humbly begging for another chance.

Never let ‘em see you sweat.

When it comes to Stella, all my walls and defenses came crumbling down. Tonight I’m going to show her the confident man, the one who knows that he is meant to be with her. Forever. There’s not a whisper of worry haunting me when I navigate my car to the Lane Hotel where Violet and Max are getting married and having their wedding reception.

I had forgotten about the event, the one that Stella had been looking forward to for months, and I knew it hurt her. Hell, I saw the wound before my very eyes and let it pass. Well, I’m here now, and I’m never forgetting something important to her again.

The wedding is being held at the rooftop deck of a boutique hotel in Lincoln Park. Indian summer has stuck around and the weather is pleasant enough for an outdoor ceremony. It’s a small affair, though with the Baccino family that still means fifty people are milling around the deck waiting for the event to begin. Teresa, Stella’s mother, spots me before anyone else does and flounces toward me. I don’t tense in apprehension of what she might say. If she needs convincing that I deserve her daughter, I will gladly do whatever it takes.

There’s no need to lay forth my case because Teresa nods approvingly when she reaches me. I bend down automatically to accept the kisses that she presses into my cheeks and murmur a respectful greeting. “Good man,” she says sharply. “But you mess up again, and you’re gone for good.”

“It won’t happen.” I say humbly.

We have an unspoken conversation, but the matriarch knows what’s in my heart by looking at me. Twinkling wind chimes interrupt our reunion and indicate that we should take our seats. Teresa tugs me into a row with her and Carlo, though I politely request the aisle seat. Carlo greets me stiffly, but when I shake his hand and offer a sincere request to see his daughter after the ceremony, he relents.

Two down, one to go.

Soft music plays, a song that I don’t recognize, but one clearly set for romance. First comes the officiant then Max’s brother, Dominic, walks down the aisle, and I hardly notice the guy. My entire body hums in anticipation of seeing Stella and being near her again. On wedding days, everyone wants to spot the bride. For me, it’s the maid of honor who literally strips the breath from my body.

Silky raven-colored hair tumbles down her back. She’s wearing red (
The garment molds to every inch of her delectable figure. The make-up she wears is subtle. In contrast to her sweet complexion, the black stilettos on her feet are anything but demure. My entire body is rigid with attention.
Goddamn, I’ve never seen her more beautiful.

Like she can feel my presence (I sure as hell can feel her), Stella’s eyes snap to me. Her pouty lips part in a gasp and she almost stumbles. Almost. Then she looks away and plasters on that sexy, sweet smile, looking anywhere but at me. Part of my silent pledge to Stella is to stay attuned to her needs and be present in her life. I’m already breaking the damn pledge by focusing on her the entire wedding. I hardly hear the vows, the first kiss, all the yadda, yadda because Stella’s all I see.

A cheer goes up from the crowd and I know the ceremony’s over. Violet’s beaming and Max looks dazed, like he can’t believe his good fortune in marrying Violet. There’s a sense of wonder emanating off both of them—they both seem surprised at finding the love of their life. I’ve noticed that expression in my reflection once or twice. Once you find a person who makes life easier, better, happier, you want to pinch yourself daily to make sure it’s real.

This time when Stella walks past me, I catch a whiff of her floral scent, and I all but growl. It’s been two damn long since I had my hands on her.

I know it’s rude, but I don’t make small talk with anyone in her family immediately following the wedding. There’s one singular mission on my mind, and when I hone in on her sipping champagne, by herself no less, I stalk toward her with purpose.

“There’s no seat for you at the reception,” my sweet girl says with bite. Her eyes are trained over my shoulder. The words aren’t spoken aloud, but I can see it explicitly. Stella’s hurting. Badly. I’m the cause of it, but I won’t allow her to hurt for much longer.

“Then I’ll stand for the entire thing.”

“Even while we’re all eating?”

“Whatever it takes.”

That catches her attention and she trains her clear blue eyes on mine. The full effect of her appearance has me stalling again. Gorgeous isn’t enough of a word to describe her beauty. It barely scratches the surface. “What is that supposed to mean, Blake?”

“You have to forgive me, Snow White, but you’re looking particularly stunning tonight. It’s hard for me to concentrate on the task at hand.”

“Try,” she orders softly.

Tell her how I feel? Easy. “Whatever it takes to get you back, Stella. Whatever it takes to have my girl in her rightful place. With me. Whatever it takes to talk out what went wrong. Whatever it takes to get you to come to New Point with me next week. I want to introduce you to Zoe properly. I want her to know all about the woman who I can’t live without. Yes, she’s known you for years, but she hasn’t known you as
For that matter, she doesn’t know me as
and it’s way overdue that she get the chance. Wouldn’t you agree?”

Stella shakes her head sadly. “This isn’t the right place to have this conversation, again, Blake. Couldn’t you wait until after the wedding?”

Around us, guests are mingling, sipping on cocktails, and drawing closer. I take a step toward Stella, blocking out the rest of the party with my back. She has to tilt her head back to look up at me. I know that she smells my aftershave; she inhales deeply and her eyes flutter closed for a moment. She wants me as badly as I want her; there’s no hiding her desire.

“No, this couldn’t wait. You asked me to accompany you, and I made a gross error in forgetting about the event. This wedding, your family, they’re important to you and they are important to me. I want to share this memory with the Baccino family. We don’t have to talk any more now, but once it’s time to go home… You’re mine.” I notice her pulse leaps in her delicate throat and I hear her breathing increase.
“This is happening, Stella. Don’t fight me.”

My girl likes the commanding side of me, because she nods and lets her lashes close. I lift my hand to her neck and stroke my thumb along her pulse point tenderly. “Let’s have fun.”

At that exact moment, Max cuts through the party to where we stand. The man doesn’t seem to realize that it’s his wedding day; he’s staring at me intently.

“Stella, may I have a word with Blake?” he asks quietly.

Stella uses that moment to escape. My arms are empty in her absence; she threads through the crowd toward Violet and Felix where they are hugging excitedly.

“Thanks for coming, man,” Max says.

I cover my surprise. There’s no anger in his words, only determination. Then, I realize with a start that he doesn’t know that Stella and I haven’t spoken in the past three weeks. Instantly, I know why. Stella wouldn’t bother Max with her relationship issues because she’s selfless. My woman cares
much for everyone.

“Congratulations. Wouldn’t have missed it for the world,” I tell him truthfully.

“Listen, I need to talk to you about something serious. If Violet heard us having this conversation, she’d be furious, but I can’t help but think about this. She’s my
man. When I put that ring on her finger, I realize now more than ever that she’s under my care for as long as she lives.”

There’s an underlying morbidity to his words, but I don’t press him. “Whatever you need, Max, I’m here.”

“I know you are.” He glances around as if looking for Violet. When she catches him staring at her across the room, she smiles lovingly and waves. The woman looks at him like there’s no one else in the world. Like Stella used to stare at me before I screwed up our relationship. I don’t deserve her, but I’ll do everything in my power to make her see that I will do whatever it takes to make her happy, keep her safe, and provide for her needs.

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