Pressure Point (Point #2) (31 page)

Read Pressure Point (Point #2) Online

Authors: Olivia Luck

Tags: #Pressure Point

“If anything happens to me, Blake, I need to know that you’ll watch out for her. She has no parents to protect her, no siblings who have her back, and it terrifies me to think of what would happen if I wasn’t here.”

I stare at him silently, astonished. “What brought this on, man?” Max and I have never been tight, though we get along well enough.

There’s a vulnerability emanating off Max that I’ve never noticed before. The guy’s nervous as hell. I don’t get it.

“It’s my wedding day, Blake. I promised that woman to take care of her
. With my line of work, sometimes that’s not as long as I’d like.” He takes a deep breath, shaking his head slightly. “My brother isn’t too fond of Violet; I can’t force him to have her back. But you… I’ve seen the way that you took care of Zoe and now Stella. If there’s anyone who could look out for Vi –”

“Say no more,” I interrupt, not wanting him to think about such a dark topic on his wedding day. “I’ll treat Violet like my sister.”

The words resonate with Max, and he claps a hand on my shoulder. “Thank you, Blake. I can rest easy knowing that Violet’s got you to look out for her.”

“What are you two talking about?” From the intensity of the conversation, neither of us notices Violet appearing at our side. The bride, in her whispery white dress, looks between us worriedly.

“Nothing, baby,” Max says, pressing a kiss to her forehead. Violet’s eyes find mine, blinking back a sheen of tears. I realize that she knows what we were discussing, but when Max takes her toward the dance floor, the unpleasant spell is broken.

I’m reminded of a time when Stella told me if Cam was important to me, then he was important to her. Stella gives and gives to everyone in her life. This trait drew me to her and is one that I want to impart on her loved ones, too.

Somehow, I make it through the next few hours without losing my patience. Most, if not all, of the guests were not privy to my history with Stella. They’re all pleased to meet me and I have to turn on the most charming version of myself. There are many questions about the teams and my career as a college football player. In any other scenario, I would be fine with shooting the shit with Stella’s family, but not tonight. Time drags on painfully; I manage to keep pleasant until Violet pulls Max out of the party. The moment they’re gone, I turn to Stella (Teresa annoyed the hotel staff until they added an extra chair to their table for me) and place my hand over her exposed kneecap. A shiver, sharp intake of breath, and dilated pupils all tell me that she wants to leave as badly as I do.

“Let’s say our farewells.” My voice is hoarse to my own ears.

“Okay,” she relents.

Another half an hour of kisses and promises of dinner at Baccino’s later, I bundle Stella into my car. “My place,” she requests.

“No. Mine.” I’m forceful, prickish even, but I need to give this message to Stella that shows her how deep she’s impacted me. How even though I’ve been selfish, I care about her deeply. She’s rooted in my life and will never get out if I have my say.

“Blake, really, I’d prefer to talk to you where I’m most comfortable.”

“Baby,” I soothe, reaching over to capture her hand in mine. I flick over to look at her quickly and smile before kissing the back of her hand. “You need to hear me this way. Believe me; I know how much I have taken advantage of your generosity. Please give me just one more little thing, and I promise that you won’t regret it.”

I notice that I caught her attention with the way that I phrased my statement. Her hand goes tense in mine and then relaxes. I knot our fingers together tighter, taking her silence as an acquiescence to my request.

“Three weeks have passed, Blake. Where have you been?”

The streetlights illuminate her face. A rosy glow lights her cheeks. I want to taste every inch of her, relearn all of her curves. Every freckle, birthmark, and dip of skin. Stella stares at me expectantly, waiting for an answer. I shake myself out of my fantasy, focusing on the pace of traffic.

“Don’t mistake my absence for lack of interest, Stella. Ambivalence is the exact opposite of what was going on. Ever since you left me in New Point, you’ve been the only thing on my mind.”

One perfectly shaped dark eyebrow lifts in disbelief.

“Okay,” I relent. “At first, I was furious. I thought that I was mad at you, but turns out I was pissed with myself for being such an idiot.”

Stella stares at me silently. I can’t figure out what’s passing through her mind and a dart of uncertainty fires. I power through it. “Stella, you mean the world to me. Please tell me that you know that.”

Her lower lip trembles before she catches it with her teeth. “Honestly?”

All but slamming on the brakes, I jerk the car onto an alley and turn toward her, giving her all of my attention. “Never be afraid to tell me how you feel.”

Stella takes a deep breath, fortifying herself for what appears to be something incredibly important to her. I focus all my attention on my girl, silently conveying my interest in whatever she has to say. “I’ve always been in awe of you, Blake. Because of that, I’ve put you on a pedestal. I thought that I was lucky that you chose me, but I’ve come to realize that we’re lucky to have each other. I’m just as much of a catch as you.” The last part is nearly a whisper.

“Stella, it’s me who thanks his lucky stars every single day because you’re with me. There’s so much more that I want to tell you, baby. Please let me.” She nods slowly. I can’t help myself; I
to kiss her, if only for a moment. She gasps when my lips brush against hers. They’re softer than I remember but just as sweet.

In the garage, I hustle over to her side of the car before she can exit and open the door for her. When we enter the kitchen, there’s the first massive bouquet of white hydrangeas. Stella pauses in surprise and whips her head to me.

“They remind me of you. I’ve kept them here. Focusing on my goal of having you back in my life. Replacing them with fresh ones every week. They belong here, like you do.”

Stella’s stunned silent, and I take it as a sign to keep going. I take her hand in mine again and lead her through the house to my office.
Where it all began,
I think drily.

The desk is clear, like I prepared it before I left, and I lift her to sit in the center. I place my hands on either side of her luscious hips and lean close enough that my breath whispers across her cheeks when I speak. “This was where we came together for the first time. I took you here in a completely self-centered way. You know that I’m sorry for the way that I behaved, and you forgave me for it. But that one apology wasn’t enough from me. No, I had this habit of taking things the way that I needed them, without much regard for your needs. God, Stella, you are so good. Everyone relies on you because you are responsible and caring. You’re everything that I ever wanted and didn’t know that I could have.”

Stella’s hands fly to my cheeks and she cups them tenderly. “Blake, I’ve had time to think, too. Yes, my feelings were hurt, but you can’t take fault because I didn’t stick up for myself.”

I smile wryly and shake my head. The feeling of her skin against mine is so pleasing that I nearly forget what I have to say. Then I remember that we’re still talking and I lift my hands to settle them on her waist. “That’s true; you should speak up for yourself more. However, I’m the last person who you should need to remind. I’m the one to communicate easily with; I’m the one who wants to be part of every aspect of your life.”

“It felt like I was the selfish one,” she admits. “Because you were caring for Zoe, I was sick of myself for being jealous. She’s your sister; of course, you should play a big part in her life. I told myself that you were more important than me and that’s no way to be in a relationship.” Her hands fall from my cheeks and I mourn the loss until they settle on my chest.

Even though I screwed things beyond repair a few times, she’s listening to me. I don’t deserve this many chances, but I won’t mess this up ever again. Those three weeks without her were the longest of my life.

“Let’s vow to not make these mistakes anymore,” I whisper huskily. “You can remember that I want to know about every detail of your life and I can remember to get my head out of my ass. Zoe laid into me, Stella. She’s been telling me over and over that she’s a woman who can take care of herself, but I didn’t listen. I got too caught up in the father role and not enough in the man-in-love role.”

Stella stops breathing, moving, blinking. Clear blue eyes stare at me in amazement.

“You love me.” It’s not a question, a statement of wonder.

“Worshipfully.” My voice is strong. Steady. I’m completely sure. “I love you.”

“I love you, too, Blake. I think that I’ve loved you since the first day that I met you all those years ago.” Stella drags her tongue along her lower lip in an unconscious gesture.
My body jerks at the sight. “It was always you. Always. I want you back in that way. I want to stop wasting time apart.”

“Stella, Stella, Stella.” I can’t stop myself; I drop a row of kisses along her cheek, across the bridge of her nose, and to the other side. I nip her earlobe with my teeth. “I couldn’t see it at first. I’m not as smart as you, Stella. I’m not as in tune with my emotions. But it’s always been you for me. From the time that I took you to that concert to the time I nearly killed that loser you dated to this moment, it has
been you. Forgive me for being blind; forgive me for selfishly taking what you offered. There’s never been a person who cares for me the way you do. I’m so blessed to have you, Stella, so blessed to be your man. Forgive me.
Forgive me.

Her eyes are closed through my passionate plea. It terrifies me that she might push me away, stalk out of my house, and never see me again. But then her eyes open. Love shines at me vibrantly.

She heard me.

It’s like the first time, then, but different. We attack each other hungrily; kissing like it’s our last night on earth. Our clothes come off in a fury of limbs. Stella’s breath is hot on my body, her lips teasing my lip, my collarbone.

My body’s moving without rational thought behind it. We’re panting, breathless, naked to each other physically and emotionally. I’m lifting her legs around my waist and then I’m inside of her. She locks me to her body, whimpering my name. I’m lost to her, lost to the moment, lost to the love.

It’s the greatest moment of my life, and it’s only just beginning.

Three months later


At first, it was hard. No, it was more than hard to trust Blake right away. I was going through a tumultuous period on my own because I quit Speck the Monday after Violet and Max’s wedding.

After Blake had told me what he overheard Ryan Sullivan saying about me, I decided my job at Speck wasn’t worth the drama. Of course, Katya was furious when I gave my notice, but I refused to take it to heart. She strung me along with the promotion and I decided that life was too short to stick around at a place that took me for granted. I didn’t care that there was no job lined up for me. I had a small pile of savings that would sustain me for a few months, and I could work at Baccino’s to make money in the meantime. I didn’t want to stay at a place associated with my memories of Ryan Sullivan, and I didn’t want to beg for a promotion when I knew I deserved it.

Blake stood by my side every step of the way.

When I needed to vent, or cry, and cuddle, he was there. When he traveled for work, he brought me with him, never wanting to leave my side. Zoe and Miles took regular trips to the city, and we visited them in return.

The first time he suggested that I take Ryan’s job at the Chicago Center, I balked. I wasn’t qualified to work there and certainly didn’t want to be accused (rightfully so) of nepotism. He wouldn’t relent, reminding me that he worked on the player side of things and that Ryan’s boss at the Center adored me.

I got the job. Now we work together, but don’t see each other too often in the office. We spend most of our time together in our home. It took less time for Blake to convince me to move into his place than to work with him. I’m preparing my condo to rent and living happily with the man of my dreams.

There’s nothing but goodness in my life.

Tonight, I’m snuggled against his broad chest, a few blinks away from sleep. We’re in New Point, staying with Miles and Zoe in their new place. They moved into Miles’ house a little while ago, and Zoe decided to put her house on the market. It’s become a monthly tradition, us visiting them or them visiting us. Blake and Miles are good friends and Zoe’s back to being my best friend. She’s even gotten to know Violet, and they’ve hit it off, too. Everything I’ve ever wanted is within my reach and it’s exhilarating.

Blake’s running his fingers through my hair and I’m in heaven. Couldn’t ask for anything more to be happy. “Love you,” I whisper. His touch is hypnotic, calming me into a state of bliss. I’m asleep before I hear his response.

Blaring from a cell phone jerks me awake sometime later. I sit up with a start, grabbing the bed sheet to my chest. Blake grumbles something unintelligible and leans over me to pick up the offending device. Apparently, it’s my phone.

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