Pressure Point (Rhinestone Cowgirls Book 3) (19 page)

“Not when it comes to you. It’s impossible.”

“What are we doing?” She slightly turned to face him.

“Hell,” he pushed his hand through his hair. “I have no freakin’ clue.” He hadn’t felt an urge like this ever before. “Being with you, it’s more than a fuck, I assure you.”

A smile played at her lips. He sighed, amazed at her ability to turn him into a massive hurricane.  “You mentioned enjoy each other. What is involved?”

“To explore each other. To let things go with the flow.” He bent close and pushed a tendril of her hair behind her ear.

“With no expectations or emotions?”

“Not a one.” His throat constricted.
His emotions were already involved, but he couldn’t deny the temptation sitting before him. Sweat beaded on his brow and he wiped it away, the sun suddenly seemed like an oven.  “And what could it hurt? Your family already thinks we’re an item. They’re going to question why I’m sleeping in a separate room.”

Her hands shook. “So we should continue to pretend we’re a couple?”

“A relationship of your own creation.”

She nodded. “And what would be the first fringe benefit of this arrangement?”

He slipped from the seat and sank to his knees in front of her, slipping between her thighs. A whimpered sigh slipped from her parted lips. He growled in response. He bent closer and smoothed his hand around her nape, steadying her. “There’s something I want to do, and we’ll both get something from it.”

“Yeah?” her voice was breathless.

He bent and captured her lips with his, slipping his tongue in, and their tongues touched and dueled.  All resistance left her body as he sank deeper between the apex of her thighs. She melted against him and he explored her mouth, tasting her, drawing her against his chest. She whimpered and he took it as an invitation to take everything she had to give.

Hunger raced through him, daring him to touch more of her. He dropped his hand to her breast, cupping the firm mound, slipping his thumb across the pebbled nub. She moaned and rolled her hips, and a heat warmed his dick. The sun’s heat enveloped them and sweat slicked their bodies.

He pulled away but not far, still cradling her in his hands. His breaths came in pants and mingled with hers. For a very short time she would be his, and he wouldn’t let one minute go to waste. 

He reached for the button on her shorts and popped it loose. The zipper sounded loud to his sensitive ears.

“I-I…is this possible. Not to rock the boat?” she asked, her nails digging into his bare shoulders as he slid her shorts down her legs.

“I’ve never done this before so I have no clue. You swim, right?” He slid his fingers along the elastic of her panties.

“I swim, but feeling as I do at the moment, I feel drunk,” she admitted.

“No worries, baby. I’d save you.” He followed the moist seam and she moaned, the sound going straight to his cock. “I want you. I want to taste and touch all of you.” He slid the material aside and found her clit, gently pinching the nub, feeling it swell.

He kissed her cheek, her chin, and more kisses along the smooth line of her throat. The chirping of birds mingled with her moans. Her scent wafted up to his nostrils and he thought he’d go insane if he didn’t have her soon. He dipped his fingers inside of her, rolling his digits around the rippled muscle.  She rewarded him with a squeeze.

“This is nature at its best.”

He looked at her. Her lips were pink from his kisses and the glaze in her eyes spoke of her unleashed desire. His needs seeped into his bones.

“This is better than fishing any day,” he said against her skin as he moved downward to her stomach. He swirled his tongue in her belly button and she clutched his hair in her fist. He made a moist path to the waist of her panties and followed the line with the tip of his tongue. He continued to thrust his fingers in and out of her opening as her hips moved.

Grasping the satin material between his teeth, he dragged them lower on her hips, tugging them to her thighs and with his free hand, pulled them from her legs. He admired her, his mouth salivating. “My God, you’re so beautiful. Sweet, bare pussy for my taking.”

“Nash.” His name slipped from her.

“Yes, baby. I’m going to give you pleasure.” He lowered his face, mouth to pussy, and licked the creamy slit. He savored her sweet taste and went back for more, this time burying his tongue between her lips and she spread her legs wider, giving him better access. He rewarded her by twirling his tongue around the nub of her clit, then suckling before blowing a raspberry on the sensitive flesh. Her moans were caught up with the breeze and seemed to waft on the wind. Her fingers entwined in his hair as she jerked her hips.

Her juices became creamier. Her scent grew muskier.

He pumped her faster as her opening tightened.

Slipping his fingers out, he replaced them with his tongue, burrowing as far as he could inside of her. He brought his tongue back to her clit, rolling, licking and blowing until her knees closed and squeezed his head and her cries of release broke the afternoon air.

Sitting up, he wiped the back of his hand across his moist lips. She was still spread on the seat, her pussy glistening in the sunlight. She lifted her chin and their gazes met. Her heat radiated from her body. “Please, Nash. I need you.”

“We have a problem, sweetheart.”

Her gaze narrowed. “What?”

“I don’t have a condom with me.”

One corner of her mouth lowered. “This isn’t good.”

“Not one fucking bit.” His dick threatened to explode.

She sat up and gave her hair a toss. “Trade me spots,” she demanded. “But first, take off your clothes.”

He wasted no time. He jerked the button off his jeans, hearing seams pop as he dragged them from his hard body. His cock saluted the sky and the cooler breeze teased his skin. She stared at him and he loved the wicked expression that skimmed her beautiful features.

He took her seat, still warm from her body and waited for what she had planned. When she dropped to her knees, he realized he wouldn’t be disappointed.












































KNEELING IN FRONT of Nash’s naked body, she admired his thick length. Hard and ready for her. Placing her hands on his knees, she shifted forward and wrapped her lips around his head, slippery with pre-cum. She twirled her tongue around the slit and suckled him. His fingers threaded in her hair as she slipped her mouth further on him, as deep as her mouth would take. She swallowed and he groaned from deep within his chest.

As she continued to lick and suck, she glided her hands upward on his hips, his flat stomach and to his smooth chest, flicking his nipples. He jerked in response.

Bringing one hand down, she cupped his balls, gently squeezing them, rolling them, testing to see how he liked her touches on his most sensitive part. His body tightened and she knew he was close.

“Em, I want you,” he groaned.

She allowed him to slip from her lips, looking at him through the veil of her lashes. “I want you.”

Desperation clouded his pale gaze.

No words were needed as she moved and situated herself across his lap, his hard length pressing into the soft apex of her thighs. He reached between their bodies and rubbed his head along her wet seam. Once he was soaked with her juices, he pressed himself against her opening. “All yours baby,” he whispered.

Steadying herself on her knees, she rolled her hips. Sliding her hips lower, closing her body around him, he moaned and she held onto his broad shoulders, clinging as she grew accustomed to his size. When her muscles enclosed him, she moved, lifted her hips high, then lowered, picking up speed until she reached a pace that had them both moaning and panting for breaths.

His fingers were entwined in her hair and her nails were clawing his skin as she felt his body tighten. The spasms started deep inside of her uterus, pounding and intense. She rode him as the spirals reached a crescendo that she could no longer control and release grasped her in its sweet hold. She laid her head against his shoulder as he took over the thrusting, ramming his length deep inside of her until his movements stiffened and out came a gut wrenching moan. His entire body hardened.

They sat there for the longest time. Neither saying anything. No words were needed.


  “I’m sorry. You’re bleeding.”

Nash looked at his shoulder. Fleshy marks marred the skin and a small drop of blood had dried on his flesh. “This is nothing.”

“Those marks are going to last for days,” she warned. He reached for her hand, helping her from the boat. “No fish. Oh darn.”

“You can’t possibly be worried about fish after what we just shared.” He saw her teasing smile and he swatted her on the behind.

“Fish is the last thing on my mind.” She wagged her brows. “You have the marks and I have an internal peace within me that’ll last for days.”

“As much as I like the sound of that, I’d like to show you a few more tricks I have up my sleeve.” And he doubted it’d still be enough to get her out of his system.

They walked the path, side by side. Once they reached the clearing of the cabin, a voice sounded.

“There you two are.”

Nash looked across the yard, seeing DJ and Pearl, both holding a bag. “I guess our alone time is over.” Disappointment made his gut ache.

Em gave him a wavering smiled and left his side to meet Pearl. “The bridge was passable I see.”

“All good. Jewels and Spark will be here in an hour or so,” Pearl said. “Hi there, Nash.” She waved.

He waved back, but on the inside, he felt a stab in his chest. He was at a cross between being glad to see them, and wishing they wouldn’t have come.


Em plopped down on the couch next to Pearl and tugged her feet up under her bottom. She looked to her left and Jewels and Spark were sitting hip to hip on the loveseat, exchanging looks of admiration. To her right, Pearl and DJ were holding hands and repeatedly telling each other how much they loved one another. It was a love fest between the two couples.

She then looked at Nash who was sitting on the stool he brought in from the kitchen. He’d taken a shower since their escapade in the boat. His damp hair looked like black satin. He hadn’t shaven and he had a good two days’ worth of beard on his jaw, making him appear rougher, more dangerous. He looked up and their gazes met. She offered him a small smile and he gave her a slight one. Since her sisters and their husbands showed up, Em hadn’t gotten achance to say more than a few words to Nash.

Em still reeled from their lovemaking. Who would have thought sex in a boat in the middle of a pond could be so erotic? She’d never even thought of rocking the boat—so to speak. Although as great in bed, or boat, as he was, she had been moved more by his consistent acts of kindness. Did the man have an evil bone in his body?

She’d spent the last few hours attempting to listen to her sisters and converse with them, but her mind kept rolling back to Nash and the unexpected feelings she felt every time he was near.  She had a fairly good idea where her emotions were stemming and she didn’t like it—not one bit. Could she care for Nash?

She tore her gaze away from the vicinity of him and concentrated on filtering through her thoughts, one by grueling one. Nash seemed fine with the idea of a ‘sex’ only relationship, but Em was having doubts about her own stance on the subject. Her stomach twitched as though she’d eaten something bad.

Or maybe it was the fact that he’d made her come over and over since yesterday. Coming was good—very, very good, but having emotions was very, very bad.

“I’m glad you all could make it here this weekend.” Jewels had a glow in her cheeks. “Spark and I have news to share.”

Spark scooped up her hand into his larger one, and he had a similar glow in his expression. “We are having a baby.”

It took a good ten seconds for Em to process the news. She dropped her feet to the floor and stood, going to Jewels and hugging her. “I’m so happy for you. So happy for you both.” She patted Spark on the shoulder.

“Well, we have some news too.” Pearl chimed in as she and DJ stood, his arms wrapped around her waist, holding her tight.

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