PRINCE CHARMING: A Secret Baby Stepbrother Romance (22 page)

“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were trying to get me drunk.” It was meant to be a joke, but the way her face fell was just another hint to Quincy that this was not the woman he should be with. She was more concerned with bedding him than wedding him. “I think I’ve had enough for the night.”

“I could bring you something else,” she offered and rubbed her hip against his.

Quincy set the glass down on the tray of a passing servant. “No, I’m afraid today has been draining. I’ll see my father and stepmother off, then I shall retire for the evening.”

“Are you sure, Your Highness? I could join you for a late night drink if you want.”

“No, thank you, Gigi. Not tonight, but maybe tomorrow when I’m more rested.” He needed her to go away before anything ruder came out of his mouth, but she stayed by his side, watching the people with him.

Near the door, the announcer banged his staff on the floor three times, calling for silence as Lamont and Melinda stopped at the door with bright smiles on their faces and glasses of champagne in their hands.

“We wish to thank all of you again for attending, but the hour is late, and alas, we are not as young as we used to be,” Lamont said with a wink. “Please, enjoy the rest of the night on us!”

He lifted his glass in toast to his new wife, and they left the ballroom to the sound of loud applause and cheering. Quincy clapped with them, a smile spreading across his lips for a few moments before he felt it falter again. He gave Gigi a very quick goodnight and followed the king and queen out of the ballroom, except that he turned left instead of right, making his way to his room. The king and queen would spend their wedding night together in a private villa far out in the middle of nowhere so they wouldn’t be disturbed. A mini honeymoon for them to have before Melinda’s coronation.

Quincy wanted to disappear with them, to vanish from the isle and go missing so he could avoid the wedding he didn’t want to attend. If only it were that easy to run away and take Olivia with him, somewhere no one could find them. If only he wasn’t a damn prince.

His gaze drifted down the corridor, but he didn’t want to bother her. She’d said it herself plenty of times—trying was pointless. He might be willing to give up everything for her, but she wasn’t.

Fighting every instinct to charge into her room and make her see reason—even if that meant kissing her until the sun came up and she saw he didn’t care about anything but her—he walked into his room and sagged against the doors.

“I was wondering when you’d show up.”

He thought he was hearing things and shook his head, but when he lifted his eyes, there she stood on the balcony with the moon shining brightly behind her.

“Hello, Quincy.”

As he straightened, he swallowed hard. “What are you doing here?”

“I wanted to leave a painting for you. I’m getting everything ready to go for when I leave in a couple of hours,” she said, and her eyes darted away from him for only a second. She was up to something.

“You don’t have to do that,” he said as he walked towards her, stopping about ten feet away. His hands twitched towards her, but he stayed where he was. “Really, Olivia, it’s fine. I know you need those for your portfolio.”

“I want you to have this one,” she said and returned to the balcony.

She came back in holding the painting of the cove and the couple making love on the beach. Her cheeks were red as she handed it to him, and when his fingers brushed hers as he took it, her breath caught in her chest. Quincy saw how she trembled and knew all he had to do was pull her close and kiss her to make her melt in his arms. Carefully, he set the painting aside and let his fingers reach out to brush longingly down her cheek, running them through her hair and down to her neck.

“Quincy,” she whispered, a warning and a want tangled together as her eyes closed.

He didn’t stop and let his hand trail farther down to her side, bringing her close against his body. That close, he could feel her chest rise with every breath she took, and he pressed his cheek against her hair, breathing her in. Her hands crept forward to his shirt, tugging him even closer as her mouth searched for his. Their breath mingled when he lowered his head, but their lips barely brushed before she started and pushed herself away hard.

“No, we can’t.”

“Olivia, stop.”

“No,” she said and rushed past him to the door, but he caught her and pulled her back to him. He slanted his lips over hers and kissed her long and hard, letting his tongue dart into the depths of her mouth as he swallowed the sigh that followed. His lips moved with hers, nibbling her lip as his hands cupped her face, but she shook her head and pulled back again.

“No! We can’t… We just can’t!” She covered her mouth with a hand. Quincy stared at her beauty, her cheeks flushed and eyes wide, filled with passion and fear for what tomorrow might bring.

He didn’t want to agree with her, but he saw his father’s disappointed face as he lost the crown for the bad luck of falling in love with the one woman he couldn’t have. With his hands on his hips and muttering curses, he took a step backwards. He couldn’t be this close to her. He turned his back so she could leave before he tried to stop her again.

“You’re right, just leave, and I’ll try not to bother you the last—”

Olivia whipped him around so fast he wasn’t sure what was happening until her lips were pressed against his. He groaned as his hands wrapped tightly around her waist, lifting her off her feet. Thankfully, her dress wasn’t too much, and he lifted her higher so she could wrap her legs around his waist as he backed them up to the wall. He couldn’t get enough of her fast enough and tugged at the hooks holding the halter top of the dress together.

He tugged harder, and there was a loud rip. The pieces fell forward, and she shimmied a bit so they fell farther, exposing her chest to him. He rubbed his cheek against her breasts, and she pressed him closer, her hands digging through his hair. His tongue licked and teased before he took a nipple into his mouth and sucked on it hard enough to make her gasp. He tasted her sweetness and pressed between her legs, letting her feel just how much he longed for her touch, for her body to be splayed out beneath his. He wanted her body and her heart so no other man could ever touch her without her being reminded of him.

“Quincy,” she whispered and moaned as he switched to the other nipple, sucking until it was hard in his mouth and she squirmed even more against him.

He ran his free hand up her body, the touch of her soft skin setting him on fire as it had so many times before. And there was nothing he wanted more in that moment than to feel her wrapped tightly around him again, pulling him inside her inch by inch until he filled her.

Quincy lowered her to her feet, and his lips found hers, his tongue sliding against hers and sucking it as his fingers worked at the zipper of her dress. He grunted in frustration when it wouldn’t budge and gently spun her around so he could get it. She didn’t laugh but frowned at the loss of his kiss. When it finally came free, he didn’t waste a second pulling it down her body, tugging it over her hips and lower so she could step out of it.

When she tried to turn back around, he stopped her, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her against his chest. He let his hand snake down between her legs. His fingers found her soft curls and moved lower until he felt her warmth, wet and ready for him.

“God,” he muttered against her neck, ready to lose it from that one touch. “Do you want me?”

“Yes,” she whispered and pressed herself harder against him when he moved his fingers, massaging her most intimate parts. He slipped one finger inside, and her head fell back against his shoulder. “Quincy… God, I want you.”

His heart pounded in his chest while he kissed her neck and his fingers continued moving. His other hand pressed against her stomach, holding her against him as he ground his erection against her. With her body so close to his, he sensed the tension building within her as he cupped her warmth, rubbing his palm against her bundle of nerves as his fingers continued their onslaught, thrusting in and out of her, a preview of what would come next.

Olivia gasped, and her back arched while her muscles clenched against his fingers, holding him inside her as the orgasm overtook her. He held her tightly, her moans making him harder than he was until she finally took a deep breath and sagged against him. But he wasn’t finished yet.

Before she had time to recover, he scooped her up in his arms and carried her to his bed. After she was laid out, he stripped as quickly as he could and loved the way she watched him, her eyes slightly closed. Her hands moved up and down the length of her body, cupping her breasts and shivering at the sensation.

Quincy groaned at the sight and climbed into bed with her, pulling himself up over her body. The moment his lips found hers, his tongue darted into her mouth as he moved his hips and thrust himself deep inside of her. She cried out against his mouth and gripped his shoulders tightly, her nails digging into his skin. A groan escaped him as he pulled out then thrust again. Each time he moved, it was like the first time they were together on the beach, and he felt a little bit more of his heart flood with love for this woman.

How could he let her go?

This was what he’d been looking for his whole life, to be with someone and feel truly connected to her in every way possible. She moved with him, and when he stared into her eyes, the love he felt for her grew until he thought he would burst with it. She longed for this just as much as he did.

Quincy moved his hips and each thrust was deeper than the last, hard and strong as she clung to his body. There was no rushing tonight, no hurry to reach the end. This was going to be the last time he would hold her, and he wanted the moment to last as long as possible. When they couldn’t stand it any longer, Quincy kissed her fiercely and moved one last time, driving home and sending them both tumbling into oblivion.

After it was over, Quincy didn’t let go but held Olivia tightly to him. Deep down, he knew it wasn’t going to work out the way he wanted and that tonight was nothing more than a dream he didn’t want to wake up from.

“Quincy,” she whispered as she faced him. “I just want you to know… I don’t regret anything.”

He smiled sadly as he smoothed her hair back from her face. “Neither do I, love.” All he could do was hold her as she snuggled against his chest, warm and safe in his arms. Tomorrow morning was a new day, and he was more determined than ever to find a way to make this work.

He didn’t think he’d survive if he couldn’t.


Olivia opened her eyes and stared at Quincy’s sleeping face. He was so peaceful, lying there with her in his arms, but she couldn’t stay.
And at the same time I don’t want to leave. I can’t! God, I’m not going to last without him.
The thoughts raced through her mind until she forced herself to take a deep breath and do what she had to. She slipped carefully from his arms, pulled her dress back on as well as she could, and crept out into the corridor. Thankfully, it was empty and she tiptoed to her room.

Her bags were packed and ready to go. All she had to do was change. The flight home left in three hours, and by that night, she’d be in Nebraska, carrying the memory of the man she loved and their unborn child.

One day, she hoped, he would understand and forgive her for not telling him.


Quincy stretched and yawned, rolling over expecting to find Olivia, but his bed was empty and cold where she’d fallen asleep. Frowning, he sat up and saw her dress was gone, too. His eyes fell to the painting leaning against his wardrobe and stared at the couple making love, just as they had that first night. He hurried to pull on a pair of pants and t-shirt before he left his rooms and knocked on her door.

“Olivia?” He knocked harder. “Olivia, are you awake?”

“Prince Quincy,” Allete called from down the hall. “What are you doing, sir?”

“I need to speak with Princess Olivia. Is she down at breakfast?”

Allete’s face scrunched up as she shook her head. “She left this morning for home, sir. Didn’t she tell you?”

Quincy felt the world spin, and he struggled to keep his face from betraying his sudden heartbreak. She’d been saying goodbye last night and he hadn’t even realized it. Why would she leave like that and not tell him? He’d been ready to give everything up, to fight for them, and she made the decision for them both.

“Sir, are you alright?”

“Yes,” he said and cleared his throat when the word didn’t come out clear. “Yes, I’m fine. I forgot she told me last night.”

“Was there something you needed?”

I need her, and I let her walk away,
he thought and suddenly felt sick. “No… no, nothing. I’ll be in my room for most of the day if anyone needs me,” he said and quickly went back, locking the door behind him. She left him. Olivia was gone. Why hadn’t she just told him she was leaving?

Because you were holding on too tight and she was trying to do the right thing, unlike you.

He didn’t want to admit it, but through all of this, Olivia had put him and his duty above their love. She knew what this meant for him and had made sure he had a bright future here on the isle. Quincy’s face burned red with a newfound anger. How could she leave him like that? Damn his kingdom and his crown. That wasn’t for her to decide, it was for him.

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