Read Protect Me Online

Authors: Lacey Black

Protect Me (28 page)

“Fine,” she replies quickly with a small, forced smile. Too quickly.

I reach for her hand under the table and hold her close. Dinner is served a few minutes later. The smoked pork chops, steamed vegetables, and roasted potatoes smell good. I’m flippin’ starving so I can’t wait to dive in.

As dinner progresses, I notice that Lia is pushing more food around her plate than she’s eating. In fact, if I were to piece together all of the small pieces of food on her plate, I’d probably find out that she hasn’t eaten anything. My girl is official freaking me the hell out. I’m worried, and I don’t like it. Not one bit.

After the dinner dishes are cleared from the tables, Erin and Mayor Thorsten make their way to the podium at the front of the room.

“Good evening, fine citizens of Rivers Edge,” Mayor Thorsten begins, earning a large round of applause from the crowd. “Tonight, we are all gathered to raise funds for much-needed improvements to the children’s section of the library. Mrs. Erin Stevens is here and is going to talk a little bit about the expansion. When she’s finished, please remember to dig deep into those pockets of yours and visit the silent auction tables in back. Every little bit helps,” he says with a smile.

Erin steps up as the applause dies down. “Thank you, Mayor, and good evening. When I moved back to Rivers Edge almost two years ago, it was with the sole intention of taking over as librarian here in town. What I found when I returned was so much more,” Erin says and gives Jake a knowing smile. “The library has made several improvements since I took over. We installed many new programs for toddlers, grade schoolers, and teens. We updated all of the computers and started adult computer classes. We have made the slow transition to a digital Dewey Decimal System. And we’ve added evening hours during the school year. Now, our focus is on the children’s section. The chairs are worn and in desperate need of replacing. We want to construct walls and all new easily accessible shelves, giving children their own room to learn and grow. We want the room to
be bright and fun and a great place for children to learn. But, in order to do all of that, we have to raise the money. So, from the bottom of my heart, I want to thank you for coming this evening and supporting the Rivers Edge Public Library.”

A huge round of applause erupts in the room. “And now, let’s dance,” Erin says with a smile.

Music from the small band begins as couples around the room rise and head towards the dance floor. “Dance with me, beautiful,” I say to Lia before I place I kiss on her bare shoulder.

She doesn’t answer, but turns and stands before me. She’s fucking magnificent in that gown. I take her hand and slowly make my way towards to dance floor. Jake and Erin are already on the floor, spinning and swaying to the music.

“I meant what I said earlier,” I whisper softly into Lia’s ear. I inhale quickly, sucking in all of her sweet scent.

“What was that?”

“You are the most beautiful woman here tonight,” I tell her confidently. She smiles that beautiful smile as she lays her head against my shoulder. We sway back and forth to whatever oldies ballad the band is playing. “You blow me away, Lia. When I’m with you, I want things I haven’t wanted in a very long time. I want to imagine the future and a life with you in it,” I confess. I’m nervous to say the words, and I tried to stop myself
from saying them, but I just couldn’t. I’m spewing my guts in the middle of the damn dance floor like some love-sick sap.

Lia looks up with tears in her eyes. My lips descend on hers as if completely on their own. I love feeling her in my arms and I damn sure love the feel of her lips on mine. Mine. That’s what she is. I claim her as my own in a total caveman, barbaric way. The gentle touch of her tears between our cheeks is my undoing. I long to take every ounce of pain away from her in this moment. Everything. No horrible past. No fear for today. No worry about tomorrow.

“You’re in public,” Jake chastises from next to us. “Don’t give the old ladies something to gossip about tomorrow at the salon,” he adds with a smirk.

“What about you? You’ve had your hands all over your wife all night,” I say.

“Well, we’re still in the honeymoon phase. No one is going to be surprised when we sneak off to the storage room in about five minutes,” Jake says with that cocky smile of his. I know that smile. I have one that matches.

Erin laughs nervously from within his arms. “Behave yourself, cowboy. These people are paying for my new library project, and I don’t want them to put their wallets away just yet because you can’t keep it in your pants for one evening,” she says with a rueful smile.

Lia and I laugh at my brother and his new wife. It’s hard to picture Jake before Erin, and the fact that they’re having a baby just makes the picture that much more complete. He’s a lucky bastard.

The song is nearing its end when I see Vicki walking towards us in a long black gown. She looks good, but she’s nothing compared to the woman currently in my arms.

“May I cut in?” she asks from behind Lia. I feel Lia tense in my arms as she turns to look at the woman behind her. I’m just about ready to reply to Vicki when I feel Lia start to pull back.

“Actually,” I start, grabbing a hold of Lia and pulling her back in my embrace. “This dance is for Lia. Vicki, this is Lia. My girlfriend,” I say, slowly so that there’s no question as to who I’m holding in my arms.

“Nice to meet you, Lia,” Vicki says without extending her hand. “Girlfriend? Wow. I never thought I’d see the day.” Vicki seems to give Lia the once-over before turning her attention back to me. The smile she gives is pleasant but I can detect the hint of sadness. “I’m glad to see you happy, Nate. Enjoy your evening,” she adds before she turns and walks away.

That went well. Actually, that was better than I could have imagined. There was no scene. There was no drama. Nothing. Vicki walked away, even if she might have wanted more. She knew that what we had was temporary. Lia is permanent.

After several more dances and a walk-through of the silent auction tables, I gather Lia in my arms and prepare to make our escape. The party is winding down now, and I’m ready to take her back to my place and make slow, sweet love to her body. I’ve been hard since she pressed against me during that first dance.

I head over and kiss my mom on the cheek. “Good night, Mom.”

“Good night, Nate. Good night, Lia,” Mom says as she leans over and wraps Lia up in a motherly hug. The same hug I see her give my sister and sister-in-laws. I want that for Lia. Family. Something she’s never really had before. I’m all too ready to share mine with her.

“We’ll see you tomorrow night,” I say as we head out.

I place my hand on her lower back and guide her towards the exit. The dress dips dangerously low in the back; to feel bare skin along with the soft satin material is a big cock-tease. Her skin is warm and soft and I can’t wait to feel so much more of that bare skin shortly.

We’re inside the car and heading towards my house a few minutes later. I move our linked fingers up to my mouth, placing soft kisses along her knuckles. I hear her breathing hitch as I run my tongue along the soft bumps of her fingers. I slowly start the art of seducing her. I press down a little more firmly on the gas pedal - I can’t help it. I need to get her home. Now.

The car is barely in my driveway when I have
the ignition shut down and the door open. I move with long strides towards her door and have her out a moment later. I pull her flush against me, leaning her back against the warm metal of the car. I close the door as I devour her mouth with my own, threading my hands in her long hair. God, she tastes so damn good.

“I need you inside, right now,” I growl against her lips.

“Take me inside, Nate,” she whispers just before taking another kiss for herself.

I growl, again, and lift her up. Thank fuck for that slit in the dress. It’s the only thing that saves the material from being ripped apart when she wraps her legs around me. My legs take big strides to get to the house. I’m up the porch, unlocking the door, and slamming the door closed behind me within seconds.

I press Lia against the back of the front door. She grinds her sweet wetness against my painful erection as we continue to make love with our mouths. My hands are everywhere. Her hair. Her neck. Her breasts. I need this damn dress gone. Stat.

I spin around and practically sprint to my bedroom. Once inside, I don’t lay her down on the bed; no, not yet. First, I want to slowly remove that tease of a dress from her delicious body.

Lia stands before me and my eyes don’t know what to feast on first. Her hair frames her beautifully flushed face. Her breasts are practically spilling out of
the top of that amazing dress. Her leg is exposed just enough through that slit. I want it all.

I find the zipper at her side and slowly - painfully slowly - tug it down her body. The dress begins to part and the top starts to fall away. What I find underneath steals my breath away. There is no air in this damn room anymore. My eyes practically bug out of my skull as I take in the goddess in front of me. Lia shimmies until the dress falls loosely around her hips then pooling into a pile of red material at her feet. She is wearing a red lace corset, red lace panties, and garter belts. Fucking garter belts. I almost come in my pants like a teenager and probably would if she were to moan right now.

“Damn, you take my breath away,” I finally say, not taking my eyes off of her for one second.

Lia tugs on my shirt, pulling it out of my pants. Her fingers fumble with the small buttons and the cuff links. I try to help, but end up ripping a few buttons off in the process. “Fuck it. I’ll buy a new one,” I say, as I rip the shirt off me, the rest of the way.

Her hands send lightening through my veins as she touches my bare chest. I release the button on my pants and let them fall to the floor before I pull her flush against me. Her body is hot and soft. The red lace scratches against me in the most delicious way. My lips find her neck; the long, slender column is so enticing.

Lia pulls away and sets herself back on my bed.
Our eyes are glued to each others as she lies back on my covers. She looks like a beautiful goddess in red lace lying there. I want to - no, I need to - worship her body. Right. Now.

I make quick work of removing my shoes and socks and releasing my pants from around my ankles. I reach for my nightstand and pull out a condom from the drawer, setting it down on the pillow next to her head.

Lia pulls me down for another earth-shattering kiss. Her lips are urgent and intense and match my own. I run my hand down her torso, feeling the stiffness of the corset. She is a vision in red.

I reach the junction of her legs and find the lace material already wet. Soaking wet, clear through. I suck in a deep breath and remind myself to take it slow. Lia doesn’t need me losing my shit and taking her urgently. She needs me to worship her for the beautiful woman she is.

I push aside the material and stoke her wetness. Her body shakes under my touch and her eyes flutter shut. Her nub is already swollen and practically pulsing against my finger. I know that a few more seconds of concentrating on that part of her body and it’ll be over for her.

Well, for the first one of the night.

I rub my thumb around and run my tongue down her neck. Her thighs quiver against my legs and it takes all I have not to thrust myself deep inside of her right
here and now. She’s so damn close.

I pull away from her neck and run my tongue down her body. Her breasts are peeking out of the top of the corset and there’s a sexy little strip of bare stomach visible between the corset and the panties. I move my hand under her ass and pull it up towards me. The act pushes her glorious pussy up. It’s practically begging for my mouth, so I don’t deny myself any longer. She tastes like a very aroused woman as I lick and suck on her core. Her hands dive into my hair, holding my head firmly in place as she grinds against me.

“Nate,” she moans breathlessly.

“I want to hear you,” I mumble against her sex, the vibrations of my words sending her closer to the edge.

I dive my tongue deep inside of her - as deep as it will go - as I continue to rub around on her clit. It takes a matter of seconds before Lia is screaming my name in ecstasy. Her juices coat my mouth as I savor the taste and feel of her coming against me.

I find her mouth with my own, loving the taste of her arousal mixing in our kiss. We don’t speak as I reach blindly for the condom on the pillow. I make quick work of sheathing myself before I move fully between her thighs.

I pull back from the kiss and look deep into her blue-gray eyes as I move myself to her entrance. Our eyes remain locked as I slowly push myself inside of
her. Her breath hitches, but her eyes only show pleasure. I pray that my eyes show the same reaction because the feel of her body surrounding mine feels so fucking right.

I return my mouth to hers and slowly pull back out. When I reach the tip, I slide back inside in one slow, fluid motion. Lia’s hands grasp my back. The bite of her nails is almost my undoing as my hips flex a little harder this time. My lower body starts to take over and moves on its own. I make love to her body, mind, and soul. She’s the one. She’s the one I want forever.

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