Queen of Hearts (The Risen King) (22 page)


You'll never leave me?”

He shook his head fiercely. “Never. I do not abandon my commitments.”

Aiofe stared at him some more. As much as she wanted to find fault, to find an excuse, she knew she wouldn't. He had stuck by Guinevere, a woman so wicked and vile that she would sleep with his best friend and betray him to no end. He deserved better. He deserved happiness. And so did she.

Yes, Arthur Pendragon,” Aiofe said. “I will be your queen.”

Arthur's face blossomed into a grin. He gripped her face and pulled her down for a kiss. She let him before pulling back. “On one condition.”

He sat back on his heels. “And what is that?”

We send Guinevere away, to one of the other castles.” She thought for a second. “We give her to Mab and let Mab do with her as she will.”

Arthur's smile disappeared. He lowered his head and looked at the pathway beneath his feet. It was a full minute before he glanced up again. His smile had returned. “I would love nothing more than to rid myself of that woman forever.” He stood and leaned over Aiofe, pulling her into him for a much bigger, much more intense kiss.




Two days later, after a whirlwind preparation, lots of bickering among the queens and generals, and some major meltdowns from Aiofe, the key nobles of the South, North, East, and West gathered in the field outside Castle Daor. Considered a small affair by faery standards, Aiofe nearly had another meltdown when she saw the large crowd gathered just outside the gates.

“I can't do this,” she breathed as she pressed her hands to her stomach. Lilia hovered about her, rearranging the flowers in her hair and the long, flowing train that trailed off her pale yellow dress.

You'll be fine, my dear.” Titania lounged on a chaise, still too weak to walk more than a few steps.

I'm not even wearing white. I'm supposed to be wearing white.”

Maureen laughed from her chair nearby. “White is the color for Northern brides, Aiofe. You're in Faery now. If you wore white to a Southern wedding, you would have a riot on your hands.”

“Maureen is right,” Titania said. “Besides, yellow looks good on you.” She smiled and her face lit up.

Are we ready?” Aloysius poked his head around the door. “Everyone is gathered. We're just waiting on the bride.” He smiled as his eyes settled on Aiofe. His mouth worked as he tried to speak, but he ended up just pressing his hand to his mouth and shaking his head.

Maureen grinned as she rose from where she sat. She walked to Alo and pressed her lips to his cheek. “You're such a softy, my dear.”

A pair of guards carried Titania's chaise down to the field and set her up just outside the gate, where the ceremony would take place. She was joined by Maureen and all the other queens and generals. Kane stood off to the side in the shadows.

Are you ready?” Alo and Aiofe stood just inside the gate, blocked from view by the massive wooden doors. He held out his arm and she took it.

Not at all.”

He smiled and kissed her cheek. “You were born for this, Aiofe. From the day you came into this world, I knew you were destined for something special, something more.”

“You knew I was going to get married to King Arthur and become a queen of faeries?” She laughed and he did, too.

I don't think I could have guessed that in a million years, but I'm happy that things have worked out the way they have. You're going to do great things as queen. I can feel it in my old bones.”

Aiofe smiled at her grandfather and leaned up to kiss him on the cheek just as the gates began to open.

He led her out and up onto the small stage that had been constructed. Arthur met them there, along with Lancelot at his side. Mab was standing in front of them, waiting to officiate the quick wedding.

Arthur, Aiofe,” Mab began. “I bring you here on this day to bind you together as one in the eyes of all around. Arthur, do you agree to be Aiofe's one and only suitor until the end of time?”

He nodded once and grinned at Aiofe. “I do.”

“Aiofe, do you agree to be faithful to Arthur and protect him from himself and others?”

Aiofe's face twitched at the strange words and her heart thudded so loudly she was certain everyone heard it, but she nodded. “I do.”

“Then by the power of the Four Queens, I name you husband and wife, forever to eternity.” She raised their hands and wrapped a string of flowers around them before spinning them toward the crowd. “Aiofe and Arthur,” she said to the crowd gathered there. “Forever and always.”

The cheers were so loud they vibrated the stage. By Faery standards, human weddings take forever. For faeries, the important part is not the ceremony. It's the party afterward that everyone looks forward to, and the faeries gathered there were ready to release some of the horrible tension that had settled over them since Leanansidhe's arrival.

“One more order of business,” Mab said. The crowd hushed around her as Titania was brought forth on her chaise. Mab bowed to her and took several steps back.

Titania half turned on the chaise to face the crowd. “As many of you know, I have lost my husband and I have been weakened as queen. I can no longer lead the South as would be befitting, so it is time I pass the crown.”

Rumbles went through the crowd among those who had not heard of the change in rulership.

After much deliberation, both by myself and with the other queens, I have come to a decision on my successors.”

The rumbles grew and Kane's name flew from many lips with vile contempt.

The official passing of the crown ceremony had taken place earlier in the day, among the only people who really mattered. Lilia and Rogan waited at the edge of the stage with both crowns and they now stepped up and walked across. Lilia held out a pillow to Titania and she took the small, gold crown from the soft fabric. Aiofe knelt in front of her and lowered her head. Titania placed it on her brow.

Aiofe, Queen of the South, I pass my mantle onto you. Wear it wisely and always serve the greater good.”

Aiofe kissed Titania's hand and stepped back. Arthur took her place and Titania repeated the motions and words.

Titania held out her hand toward Arthur and Aiofe. “I present to you the new Queen and King of the South, Aiofe and Arthur. May they rule with steady heads, kind hearts, and firm hands.”

Some cries of annoyance went up, but they were drowned out by the thunderous applause that rolled across the field.

“And now,” Mab cried over the roar. “Let's celebrate!“

The party was as raucous as any seen in Faery and went on long into the night.









“Do you have any children?” Ryanne perched on Leanansidhe's knee and played with a doll in a blue dress.

I had a daughter. She looked much like you when she was young.” Leanansidhe smiled and stroked the child's hair.

Can I meet her?”

The little girl looked up at Leanansidhe with her big blue eyes. “No, my darling,” the woman said as she cupped the soft cheek. “She's dead.”

“Your highness, she's here.” A young faery stood in the door, dressed in yellow livery. He had a cut on his forehead that was just starting to heal.

Very well,” Leanansidhe said. “Send her in.” As he left, she turned her attention back to the little girl at her side. “Ryanne, my love, I have a meeting I must attend to, but then we will take that walk in the garden, okay?”

The little girl smiled and nodded as a cloaked figure entered the room.

“Ah, good.” Leanansidhe rose to her feet. “You're late,” she scolded.

I had other business I had to deal with first.”

Oh? Do tell.”

The figure nodded to the girl. “Introduce me.”

Leanansidhe smiled and held her arm out to the little girl. Ryanne wrapped her arms around the woman's waist and snuggled close. “Ryanne, I'd like you to meet my friend.”

The woman's hood dropped to reveal long, flowing copper hair.

“This is Oonagh, Queen of the East.”

Oonagh held out her hand to the little girl. “Nice to meet you, Ryanne.”

The little girl smiled and returned the handshake.

Now go play for a bit while Oonagh and I talk about some things.”

The child scampered out and Oonagh removed her cloak.

“What do you have to report?” Leanansidhe said as she settled behind the desk that had once belonged to Titania.

Titania has chosen her successors.”


Oonagh's normally soft and kind face hardened. “Arthur and Aiofe.”

Leanansidhe narrowed her eyes. “I am not surprised. Disappointed, but not surprised.”

I want them to burn,” Oonagh said. “My son is dead because of this stupid war and my daughter has betrayed me. It is time to make them pay.”

Leanansidhe walked around the desk and wrapped her arms around the Queen of the East. “Join with me, Oonagh. Join with me and help me take over this land. Together we will rule, as one united front.”

“Yes,” Oonagh said. “Together we will watch the others fall.”

Thank you!


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Queen of Hearts.
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Other Books


Battle of Black River

Blood of the Dragon

Winds from the North


Vampire Assassin (Jane #1)

New Blood (Jane #2)

Blood & Tears (Jane #3)

Redemption (Jane #4)

Til Death (Jane #5)

Blood Moon (Jane #6)

A Magical Christmas (Jane #6.5)

Cursed (Jane #7)

Witchfire (Jane #8)

Bloodfeud (Jane #9)

Bloodshed (Jane #10)


The Seven Keys of Alaesha


Massacre at Lonesome Ridge


The Iron Locket (The Risen King #1)

Sir Kay and the White Lady (A TRK Short)



About the Author


Samantha Warren is a fantasy and science fiction author who spends her days immersed in dragons, spaceships, and vampires. With her pet dragon, Anethesis, she ventured to the ends of the universe, but the cost of space travel cut into her sock fetish fund, so she sold her ship and returned home. She milks cows for fun, collects zombie gnomes, and spends a lot of time in her weed patch (aka: garden), watching any show featuring Gordon Ramsay, or posting random things on her blog.


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