Read Queens' Warriors Online

Authors: Mari Byrne

Tags: #Romance, #Erotic

Queens' Warriors (15 page)

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Shari’s head spun as she found herself abruptly disengaged from Shan Lin. Before she could gather a coherent thought, Shan Lin lifted her up, repositioned her against himself and entered her pussy rapidly from behind once again. Contorting her legs so they were wrapped behind his back and flush with his hips, he left her front completely open to the elements. She felt like an acrobat in the circus, bent any which way needed to achieve the maximum result.

Too heady from her recent release to mind very much about the breeze hitting her extremely exposed body, Shari clung to Shan Lin as tiny tremors continued through her pussy. Shan Lin walked faster, Vincent nearly running ahead of them, as the three made their way to a room on their left.

Shari watched bemused as Vincent stalked through mumbling something about firsts through the door. Smiling lazily, her body beginning to respond to the jostling it received, Shari let out a stimulated keen. Vincent turned at the sound and Shari watched as he peeled himself rapidly out of his clothing.

“Mine. Give her to me.” The words commanded immediate obedience. Shan Lin chose to ignore them.

One moment, brother mine. The feel of her channel tightening around my cock is exquisite.

Shan Lin thrust himself once more into her pussy and Shari cried out at the friction. Her eyes closed briefly and when she managed to pry her lids apart once more, she found herself staring into the eyes of a savage predator.

The dual colored eyes of Vincent were glowing.

Managing to swallow the lust brought on by Shan Lin so soon after her recent climax, Shari tried to curl into Shan Lin further. He seemed to instantaneously sense her problem.

, relax. This is a normal reaction for an Aranakian husband. The glowing eyes are a telltale sign your husband is extremely eager to mate. If you turn and look into my eyes, you’ll find the same glow.”

Shari swiveled her head around and found Shan Lin’s eyes the same.

“You…you’re sure yyyy… Not demons…are you?” she asked as the glowing wonder of her climax began to fade.

“Does this feel evil to you?” Shan Lin asked as he shifted his hips to emphasize his point.

Unintelligible words flitted through Shari’s mind but she could not grasp hold of even one firmly.

“Mine.” A voice growled once again.

“Yessssss.” Shari spoke, her mind now firmly focused on the movement of Shan Lin’s hips.

Before she had time to protest, Shari’s legs were unwrapped from around Shan Lin’s hips as he apologized for having to leave her. Quickly unsheathing himself from her warmth, Shan Lin kissed her cheek as he gently handed her to Vincent.

Shari protested, but her words were drowned out by Vincent’s tongue swooping into her mouth and engaging her own. Shari returned his thrusts hungrily as her body began to clamor for more of the sexual play it had recently gotten.

Coming up for air, Shari gasped as Vincent’s mouth moved rapidly from her lips to her neck.

“More,” she begged helplessly as she felt the tip of his shaft nudge the entrance to her painfully aroused pussy. Lips and teeth tasted their way up her neck and bit down on the lobe of her ear before Vincent’s tongue soothed away the tiny pain.

“May I enter?” Shari heard Vincent grate out as she squirmed her body in an attempt to mount the thick head of his cock.

Incredulous, Shari shrieked.

“God yes! Stop asking me and just dooooooo…” Once again her breath left her as Vincent slammed his cock to the hilt into her already wet passage and began to piston his hips wildly.

Her oversensitive body shuddered into a climax instantly as she bit down hard on his shoulder. Vincent continued to pump his hips and within moments followed her.

* * * * *

Once again Shari found herself sated, her body still pulsing deeply as Vincent rocked his hips against her body.

She marveled at the turn her mind had taken since the trip into town. No doubt about it, she was a believer. These two men had married her, brought her to their home, and claimed her.

Hell, they were still claiming her.

She felt as if she was a maiden in some medieval romance taken by the knight of the Realm and…

Knights. There were two of them.

,” Vincent rasped as Shari shifted her hips higher.

Shari smiled thinking two could play this game.

“Would you like us to capture you as knights would a true maiden? We would be more than happy to clap you in chains and take your virtue. First, it would be our duty to see you submit. We could command you perform any sexual act we chose.”

The words, spoken in a rough timbre, caused a shudder to rip through Shari’s body.

“For me, I think you would need to coax my cock into a response with your mouth. To begin, you would lick the tip and swirl your tongue around the head. Then, bit by bit you would have to tease it into responding by taking it into your mouth…slowly…an inch…at…a…time.”

Shari could barely countenance it as her pussy began to contract for a third time. No small ripples, only hard, pulsing contractions, held Vincent’s shaft as her body undulated in climax.

“That’s it.” A deep voice purred sounding pleased.

“Brother mine. I do believe she might like it.” Vincent grated out holding still as Shari’s mind numbing climax continued.

“Do you trust us?” Shan Lin asked a few moments later.

Shari never thought about it before answering in the affirmative. Strangely enough, she already did.

* * * * *

It was sometime later Shari found herself blindfolded and physically restrained.

A length of some kind of nylon had been hung from the ceiling and her hands had been placed into velvet lined cuffs. Her feet had been spread apart at a forty-five degree angle and clamped in metal, lined in the softest fur her body had ever touched. Then the blindfold had been placed over her eyes and she strained to listen for sounds of what was happening.

Nothing. Not a thing had happened for some time. Shari waited in anticipation for the men to come and ravish her, but nothing happened. She waited, her body tense, and still, nothing. It was driving her crazy.

Were they going to leave her hanging here and go off on some jaunt? What if someone came in while she hung there, naked for all to see? Would someone take advantage of her vulnerable position?

“At this point, would you care?”

Shari nearly leapt out of her own skin. Was that her voice, husky from the tension thrumming through her body? She squirmed again and found her pussy was wet enough to begin running down the inside of her leg.

“Christ, I’m pathetic! Give a woman a fantasy and…” When she got out of this, Shari was going to give those two as good as she wasn’t getting right now.

To make matters worse, the fur and silk seemed to be alive. Tiny tongues of heat lashed her wrists and ankles as Shari squirmed in their hold.

I agreed to this
, Shari reminded herself, shivering at the loss of sight the blindfold took. She could only imagine what came next and her imagination was working overtime at the moment.

Startled by a sound behind her as Shari felt deliciously hot breath on the back of her neck. Lips feathered their way back and forth and Shari strained to listen for some sign of recognition.

“Wh-whooo…” Shari winced, clearing her throat. “Who are you?”

The words whispered out and she mentally kicked herself for being afraid. Of course it had to be either Shan Lin or Vincent. They were the only ones who knew she was here.


Shari groaned out loud as the lips became teeth scraping along the sensitive nape of her neck. Her nipples tightened, puckering into tiny buds as another set of lips wrapped themselves around one puckered nipple.

“Please.” The question came out huskily. “Who are you?”

The only answer was a quiet, aroused chuckle.

Shari let her pent up breath release as she thought she recognized his laugh.

A hand cupped the bottom of her other breast and slid upward where fingers grasped lightly at her nipple. The fingers plucked at and rolled the sensitive nipple, squeezing first hard, then lightly. Fingers rimmed the puckered bud, then clamped down and began the process again and again.

The teeth found purchase on her over-stimulated skin and bit down, sucking lightly, then moving on to the next area they found.

A hand behind her, skimmed down her butt cheek, kneading the plump cheek softly. A thumb massaged toward the slit of her ass, then with wider circles it nearly reached her puckered hole before stopping and making its way back to its original position, then starting all over again.

A third callused hand touched her stomach, causing Shari to suck in her breath. As it made its way lower, stopping briefly to circle her navel, the breath she held rushed out.

Fingers slid at a leisurely pace, lightly down her skin, spreading outward as it met springy, wet hair. Barely pausing in their forward progress, the fingers continued their way toward Shari’s silky nether lips. Skimming slowly down the outside of her moist folds, the fingers dipped near her bottom before their path reversed and journeyed upward producing exquisite friction along the way.

“More?” a purring voice inquired.

Shari nodded dumbly, her senses reeling from the contact of hands, lips, and teeth. The hand delving through her pussy began to make its way down the inside of her thigh, then back upward, slowly, oh so slowly, causing her to swing her hips minutely.

If I could just get this blindfold off…
Shari began.

A fourth hand joined in on her other ass cheek and kneaded in tandem with its partner. Thoughts of losing the blindfold fled.

“More?” Another voice whispered into Shari’s opposite ear as the mouth at her neck moved to her other earlobe. The fingers traversing up her inner thigh made their way back up to her pussy and dipped inside briefly.

Shari tried to bend her shaking knees to allow better access but was prevented from doing so when the length of nylon strained to its full breadth.

A frustrated cry escaped before she could stop it. Then, a tiny whimper, as the fingers left her channel and traversed, once again, upward. She stifled her cries as she bit her lip and waited.

She was soon rewarded as fingers began to tickle her clit.

Stifling the moan wanting to escape, Shari quivered in pleasure.

“More?” the voice queried again.

“Please…” It was all she could manage. Thoughts of what could possibly come next overwhelmed her. The pair of hands kneading her ass were, in turn, stretching her cheeks apart, then massaging them. A finger had begun to rim her puckered hole, occasionally scraping against one lip of her pussy.

Just how many hands are there on me now?
Shari asked herself as she felt those same hands tormenting her. Logically, she knew there were only four, but damned if it didn’t feel like multiple sets were teasing her.

The fingers at her nipple pinched harder as the mouth opposite them sucked harder. Teeth sank roughly into her neck quickly followed by a soothing tongue.

Then everything stopped as suddenly as it had begun.

Shari nearly screamed, her body on fire, her senses reeling from pleasure.

“More,” she ground out.

The only response was heavy panting from more than one person.

“Please. Shan Lin? Vincent?”

Her cries went ignored.

Grabbing onto the nylon as best she could, Shari tried to yank the material out of the ceiling. It held, just as she knew it would. Snapping out in frustration, Shari tried again.

“I demand my bridal rights as a maiden. Do me now!”

The heavy breathing only slowed then stopped altogether.

Okay. I can do this. It’s not the first time I’ve been denied sex. I can handle it.

How bad could it be? So she would have to wait a bit. No big deal.

* * * * *

! If I don’t sink my cock into her cunt soon, I’m damned sure I’ll have to go kill somebody!

Vincent pathed tightly as he, and Shan Lin waited. They would give her five minutes before her body calmed; then they could begin their tormenting again.

She is still debating if it is us. I wonder if it would make her hotter to think that we truly might not be Shan Lin and Vincent?

Vincent grinned at his brother’s thoughts.

We could always save that game for next time.

Shan Lin nearly laughed out loud.

Deal, brother mine.

Have you noticed she is already comfortable with us? There is no hesitancy in her trust of us. Do you think she knows we truly did marry her with the asking?
Vincent asked, not caring for a negative answer but waiting just the same.

Regardless of why we claimed her, she is now truly our wife. We asked entrance into her body and she gave it willingly. The Aranak laws have been fulfilled. She is now our mate.

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