Rebound (Pro-U Book 3) (11 page)

Chapter 20




"Micah?" I reached for the railing on the stairs inside and tried to scan the crowd, but the room kept spinning. One drink. One damn drink and I could barely hold myself up. I was pretty sure I'd seen him outside, that we'd spoken, but I couldn't remember what we'd said. His room was upstairs, right? Maybe he'd gotten mad over me being drunk and stormed off.

"Yeah, he threw the punch all over the yard." I gripped the railing tightly and took a shaky step.

"Whoa. You all right, Tasha?" A cute redhead moved up beside me and wrapped his arm around my back. "You need help?"

"Yeah. Please." I smiled and leaned against him. "Who are you again?"

He chuckled and helped me take one step at a time. "I'm Thomas. Nice to meet you."

"Have we met before?" I stumbled, but the guy picked me up and carried me up the rest of the way.

"No, but I'm glad we're meeting now. You're a wiz on the basketball court. I swear if the WNBA doesn't pick you up next year, they're idiots." He set me back down on my feet and gave me a warm smile.

"Thanks." I touched the side of my face and hiccupped. "Am I blushing?"

He laughed. "Yeah, you are. It's nice. Looks good on you."

"Micah." I glanced around.

"Hmm? You looking for Micah Sanders?"

"Yeah. You know him?" I reached out and gripped the guy’s shirt as my knees shook. What the fuck was wrong with me?

"I sure do. He was just busting up a fight between two idiots out back. Seems he's the one that takes care of anything that goes down here." He gripped my shoulders and glanced down the hall. "One of these rooms is his. You want me to take you in there and then go find him for us?"

"Would you?" I rocked forward and rested against the guy. He seemed nice. Maybe he would find Micah for me. Something was off... wrong. I shouldn't have been as drunk as I was.

"I sure will. Come on." He helped me walk down the hallway as I tried to stay focused on the wall to my left. The room kept spinning, causing my stomach to turn.

"I might be sick. How gross is that?" I slurred out before laughing and hiccupping again.

"It's all right. Don't worry about a thing." He picked me up again as my legs gave out beneath him.

"I'm sorry. My legs aren't working." I rested against him again and let out a soft moan as he laid me down on a cold bed. The smell of Micah filled my senses and lit my body on fire. "This is his room."

"Yeah, I think it is. There's a lot of basketball shit in here." The redhead moved me up to the top of the bed and brushed my hair back. "Stay here and I'll find him."

"Thank you," I mumbled and rolled on my stomach, pressing my face to the pillow below me. I breathed in deeply and laughed into the pillow. Micah was going to walk in and find me sniffing his pillow like a stalker would. The thought had me in stitches, my sides aching at laughing so hard over nothing. The liquor. Had to be the liquor.

I rolled over to face the window as the door opened behind me. I wanted to roll back over, but I felt so fucking heavy.

"You find him?" I mumbled and closed my eyes.

"Mmmhmmm." The voice was deep. Too deep. Whoever he was, he crawled on the bed and moved up behind me, pulling me close and snuggling against my back.

"Who..." I sighed and moved my hair off my shoulder as his lips brushed by my neck. Warmth spread throughout my body, waking me up and leaving me needy for a long night of fucking. A warning kept brushing by my mind, but I couldn't seem to grab hold of it.

"You smell so good." The voice was wrong.

"Who..." I turned a little and screamed as the door to the room opened and smacked against the wall.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Micah yelled, scaring me.

I scrambled to my knees as he jerked a big guy off the bed and dropped to the floor, punching him in quick succession.

"Oh fuck." The redhead ran into the room and grabbed Micah, pulling him backward as tears filled my eyes.

"I didn't... I didn't..." I couldn't form a thought. What the hell was wrong with me. I needed to tell him that I didn't know. I wouldn’t cheat on him. Was it cheating? Tears rolled down my cheeks as the guys muscled the big guy into the hall and closed the door to the bedroom, leaving me alone. The sound of fighting started up again, and I dropped down onto my side and pulled the covers up around me.

I needed to get out of there. To go back to my dorm by myself where everything was safe. Just me. Behind a locked door where nothing could hurt me.

The door opened and I scrambled back to my knees as Micah walked in and closed the door. He pressed his back to it and covered his handsome face with his hands.

"I'm so sorry," I whispered as another wave of tears dripped down my face. "I didn't... I didn't..."

"Baby, it's all right. You were drugged." He moved across the room and got onto the bed, pulling me up and squishing me against him as he hugged me. "You okay? That bastard didn't hurt you, did he?"

"Who?" I pressed my nose to the side of his neck and breathed in deeply as I gripped the outside of his thighs where my hands rested.

"Darren. He's the asshole I told you keeps messing with all of us." He moved back and cupped my face. "He didn't touch you, did he? I'll fucking kill him if he did."

"No." I shook my head and tried to blink past the thick haze resting on me. "No. He didn't touch me. Was he supposed to?"

Micah chuckled and brushed his thumbs down my throat rhythmically. "No, Tasha. He wasn't supposed to touch you. I'll get someone to get a glass of water for you, baby. It'll help flush your system. We'll just lock the door and let you sleep this shit off."

I ran my hands up his thick thighs to grip his hips before rubbing myself against the front of him.

"Stay with me?" I licked my lips and took a shallow breath. "Don't leave me in here alone. It's dark."

"No, I'm not going anywhere, okay?" He helped me lay back down before moving down the bed to take my shoes off. I reached out and squeezed his butt seeing that it was so close.

"Hey!" He jerked up and chuckled as he glanced over his shoulder. "Come on now. A man only has so much control when the girl of his dreams is in his bed."

"Where?" I turned my head left and right as he laughed again and moved to lay down beside me. He ran his hand over the top of my chest, rubbing softly.

"Right here, baby." He leaned down and kissed the tip of my nose. "You're gonna be okay. I'm not going to let anything happen to you, all right?"

"Just don't leave me." I reached up and touched the side of his face, enjoying the soft five o'clock shadow that dusted his cheeks and chin.

"Never." He cupped his hand over mine. "What happened with your dad today? Emily said you were upset."

"Yeah." I closed my eyes as emotion swirled deep inside of me. Where was I? Why was Micah in bed with me?

A knock at the door had me trying to sit up. "Who's there?"

"It's all right." He pushed at my chest softly and got up. "I'm sure it's just someone checking on us. Probably Jacob or my friend Thomas."

"With the red hair?" I rolled onto my side and watched him as he walked to the door.

"Yep, he has red hair. I've known him since we were kids." He opened the door and talked to someone for a few minutes before walking back with a glass of something. "Let's get this in you."

"Okay." I took his hand and sat up before downing the whole glass of water. The cool liquid helped to calm down the franticness inside of me a little. "Where am I?"

"In my bedroom." He took the glass and sat down beside me as I laid back down.

"I want you," I whispered and reached for his hand, pulling him toward me.

"It's the liquor talking, Tasha. Let's just chill tonight and if you want me in the morning, I'm all yours." He moved closer and didn't pull away from me when I tucked his hand under my t-shirt. I cupped his strong fingers and pulled them up, squeezing one of my breasts and groaning as pleasure shot through my center.

"It's been so fucking long," I mumbled and slid my other hand into my jeans as he groaned loudly beside me.

"Tasha. Come on, baby. You don't wanna-"

"I do though." I squeezed my breast again, using his fingers as I ran my other hand over my mound and dipped a few fingers into the sticky wetness between my legs. "So wet. You turn me on so much."

"Fuck," he mumbled and moved in closer, leaning down and kissing the side of my face. "I'm not sleeping with you tonight."

"Why?" I turned my face toward his as rejection burnt up my insides. "You don't want me?"

"I want you more than I've ever wanted another woman in my life." He touched the side of my face and leaned down, kissing me as I released his hand and pulled my other one from my panties.

"Then stop fighting me." I pressed myself to the front of him and whimpered at the firm press of his erection against my stomach. "I've wanted you since my sophomore year when you showed up."

"No you haven't." He brushed my hair back, his dark green eyes filled with so much turmoil.

I needed to tell him how much I liked him, how much I hoped that he was going to be part of my future, but the words got lodged in my throat. I pushed him onto his back and crawled on top of him.

"You're so fucking hot." I sat up and ran my hands down his chest before tugging at his t-shirt. "Take it off."

"Natasha." He lifted up a little and took his shirt off before pulling me down and kissing me deeply.

The fear of getting pregnant again caused me to jerk back. "Where am I?"

"In my bedroom, baby. Come lay down beside me and let’s get some sleep." His voice was tight with tension.

I glanced around and pressed my hands against his perfect chest. "I'm scared of getting pregnant again."

"We don't have to sleep together, sweetheart. Just come let me hold you." He ran his hands up my arms and over my shoulders. Everywhere he touched, he left tingles under my skin.

I moaned and rolled my hips. "It's been so long. I want you so bad."

"And you can have me." He ran his hands down my sides and gripped my hips tightly. "Stop doing that, okay? I'm not going to be able to resist you much longer if you keep rolling your damn hips."

"You like it?" I smiled wickedly and raked my fingers down his chest. The thick head of his cock poked above his jeans thanks to me repositioning his underwear.

"I love it." He glanced down and reached for the top of his pants, but I swatted his hands away. "Tasha, I'm not taking advantage of you when you're drunk. You're going to wake up pissed and confused. I care about you, baby. Look at me."

I glanced up and the adoration in his eyes sealed the deal for me. I wanted him and there wasn't much he could do but full on reject me to keep me away.

"What if I take advantage of you instead?" I shifted down between his legs and leaned over, brushing my tongue by the head of his cock as his body tightened and he cried out. I couldn't get the zipper open fast enough.

Chapter 21




I stopped fighting her somewhere along the way and started to help. She was going to kill me in the morning, but I'd deal with the aftermath then. I'd imagined her naked and spread out across my bed too many times over the last two years to not give in. Rejecting her was the right thing to do, but fuck the rules. She had enough emotional baggage to deal with.

Her fingers tore at the front of my jeans, leaving my pulse racing and body aching like a bitch for her hands, her tongue and teeth, her everything wrapped around me.

"Here. Let me help." I unbuttoned my jeans and pulled them over my hips, taking my underwear with them. I'd barely pulled them down when she pressed her hand into my chest and went down on me.

Had she said she didn't want to get pregnant again?

Every thought left my mind as her soft warm tongue lapped at my shaft. I glanced down and moved her hair out of the way to watch her worship me a little.

"Fuck," I groaned as she stroked me and moved up to take me deep into her throat. "Don't hurt yourself, baby."

"Hush." She pulled off and nibbled at the head of my cock, loving on me like I'd only seen in porn videos. Where the fuck was this woman when the liquor was locked back in the cabinet. If she was this passionate when she was sober, I was in for a world of hurt. She had to be exhausted, holding back this much while she walked around with an unimpressed expression and a chip on her shoulder.

I wanted to offer her the world.

"You taste so good. I knew you would." She moved down and sucked one of my balls in her mouth as she worked me with both hands.

I groaned and dropped my head back on the bed as my stomach tightened. Pleasure like I'd never experienced before burst through my center, blistering my insides and leaving me ravenous to turn her over and return the favor.

"You didn't tell me." She moved up and sucked me back into her mouth as I lost my load.

I glanced up and sunk my fingers into her beautiful silky hair, thrusting as best I could from the odd angle she had me in. Watching her drink me down left me high, dizzy, fucked up completely.

"I didn't know you liked it." I tugged at her arms and pulled her up my body easily.

"I want all of you." She pressed herself to my chest and leaned down, kissing me passionately as I ran my hands down her back and cupped her ass.

A long groan left me as I massaged her and rolled my tongue against hers. How long had I dreamt about touching her? Holding her? Making her cry out my name?

I rolled us over and moved down to press my teeth lightly to her nipple. I tugged on it as she wiggled underneath me and moaned. I kicked off my pants and underwear as I moved down and worked her out of her shorts.

"Take off your shirt. I wanna see you." I glanced up and gave her a stern look before leaning down and running my nose over the tiny white cloth covering her pussy. "Someone's wet."

"Me. You always make me wet." She worked herself out of her shirt and pulled her bra off before laying back down and sighing with a sexy little sound. The sight of her breasts left me moving back up her body. I had to get a good view of her in case this was all I'd ever get. Some nice guy I was. Taking advantage of her while she was shit-faced drunk.

"We don't have to do this. We can wait until you're more yourself, you know." I hovered above her, unable to help myself from letting my eyes move down her body slowly.

"We're already doing it." She pulled me down and kissed me before wrapping her taut legs around my waist. The warmth of her soft center pressed against my cock left me grunting as I rolled my hips and massaged her with my cock.

"I want inside of you," I whispered against her ear.

"I'm scared." She turned and brushed her nose by mine as her eyes widened.

"I'd never hurt you."

"People say that all the time." She ran her fingers down the side of my face. "What if you’re lying? What if you change your mind?"

"That's not happening, Tasha." I kissed her softly and moved back down her body, taking my time to bathe her nipples and kiss the soft skin under her breasts. She lifted her hips and rubbed herself against my stomach, leaving me no choice but to push us forward whether she was unsure about it or not.

I pulled her panties down and took in a quick breath as my heart hammered in my chest. Her sweet center was shaved and glistening with wetness.

"Fuck, you're beautiful, baby." I shifted my hips forward and ran the head of my cock through her folds, dipping into her a little as she arched her back and pressed down on me. I pulled back and panted a little. She was beyond tight, and I wasn't going to last long inside of her. It'd been years for me, which felt pathetic every other day of my college life but this one. Something about knowing that she was the only woman I'd make love to in college felt good. Right.

I moved down and slid my hands under her knees, lifting a little as she whimpered.

"What are you doing?" She reached down and gripped my hands her stomach tightened.

"Loving on you, Tasha." I brushed my lips over her stomach and moved down to press my mouth against her mound, licking slowly as she moaned and rolled her hips. It didn't take more than a few minutes of taking my time with her, and her legs were spread wide, her fingers lost in my hair and the sound of my name filling up my bedroom.

I glanced up and rolled my tongue through her soft skin as she shook, her breasts bouncing and fingers gripping the inside of her thighs. I thought I might come again just watching her enjoy herself.

"I'm so close," she whispered hoarsely. "Fuck me, Micah."

"Anything you want, baby." I pressed my thumb inside of her and leaned back down, sucking her clit into my mouth as her body buckled and the bed shook. The guttural sound that came out of her rocked my world. I wanted to hear it again and again. Every fucking chance I got to.

She rode me hard for a few more seconds before collapsing beneath me. I slipped my hands under her ass and squeezed as I leaned down and cleaned her up. The soft brush of her fingers along my shoulders left me feeling loved. It was stupid and perhaps a little naive, but I didn't care. I wanted it too bad to not revel in the moment, no matter how fleeting it might be.

"Come here. Please. I need you."

I licked her once more, memorizing the sweet taste of her on my tongue. "You're so perfect for me. Did you know that?"

"You really think so?" She reached up and wrapped her arms around my neck as I rested myself against her.

"I know so." I leaned down and brushed my nose past hers before kissing her a few times. "You sure you want me to make love to you?"

"I want you to, but I'm worried."

"Then we'll wait." I brushed her hair back, glad to see she was slowly coming back from the high the drugs had her on. I'd fucking kill the idiot that kept spiking our punch at every party. Where it was annoying before, it had hit far too close to home this time.

"No, just promise me if something happens and I get pregnant that you won't leave me." Tears filled her eyes, and I knew more in that moment than I'd found out previously. Someone knocked her up and left her. That's why she served at the pregnancy care clinic. She understood those women. Felt their pain.

Sadness rose up inside of me as I leaned down and kissed her cheeks, her nose, her lips. "I'll never walk away from anything with you, Tasha. I promise, baby."

"Okay," she whispered and ran her hands down my back. "Get a condom."

I moved off the bed and walked to my dresser, wondering if I even had one. "I gotta run to the bathroom to get one. I'll be right back."

She mumbled something and rolled onto her side as I walked out into the hallway with a towel around my waist. The party was still raging downstairs. I had no fucking clue how we got away without getting busted, but we did.

I closed the bathroom door behind me and tossed the condom I had in my hand into the basket of condoms by the toilet. I wouldn't need to be gone more than a few minutes and she would be asleep. It wasn't what I wanted to do, but having her wake up tomorrow and think I took advantage of her more than a few kisses here and there was more than I was willing to swallow.

In the heat of the moment, I was ready to dive in deep and work her until she begged me to stop, but in the cool air of the bathroom, I was good. I could wait until it was her decision to take me to bed with her. I had little doubt that it would be too long.

After sitting there as long as I could, I got up and walked back toward my bedroom. Jacob bounded up the stairs, stopping in his tracks and giving me a cheeky grin.

"You old dog. You took Tasha to bed, didn't you?" He walked toward me, leaving me very little personal space, but the guy was one hundred percent comfortable with being himself. I had a ways to go.

"Naw. I mean, yeah, she's in my bed, but she got ahold of some of the fucking punch." I ran my fingers through my hair.

"You need a condom? You don't have any, do you?" He moved around me, but I reached out and grabbed his arm.

"No. I don't need one. I'm not going to take advantage of her with her being out of it. She means too much to me." I turned to face him and shrugged, half expecting him to give me hell over my decision to not sleep with her.

"I like it. Better yet," he patted my chest, "she'll like it. You're a good man. I know we say that shit all the time, but it's true, brother. I'm jealous."

He turned and walked toward his bedroom, lifting up his hand as if to wave.

"Jealous of what?" I called after him.

"Of you being you no matter what." He disappeared into his bedroom and closed the door, leaving me standing there with the afterthought.

"Interesting," I mumbled and walked back into the darkness of my bedroom. The sound of Tasha breathing deeply filled me with relief. I didn't want to push her away or make her feel like I wasn't completely and totally into her, but I would have. I should have from the beginning of the night together, but I needed her touch too damn much. I was greedy for it.

I got in the bed behind her and tucked myself against her back before pulling her into my arms and pressed my face against the crook of her neck.

"Sleep tight, baby." I kissed her ear a few times and bit back a groan as she snuggled into me, tucking the sweet curves of her ass around my erection. "Sleep. Go to sleep and all this will be yours soon."

I forced myself to calm down, though it had to be one of the hardest things I'd done in a long time. Sleep swept in and I've never tried so hard to chase after it. I wanted to be that guy - the good guy.

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