Read Red Hot Obsessions Online

Authors: Blair Babylon

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Collections & Anthologies, #Contemporary, #Literary Collections, #General, #Erotica, #New Adult

Red Hot Obsessions (200 page)

Melanie mouthed, “Front.”

We slowly extracted them, and with the pull came a fresh wave of juice that ran down her legs. We shoved the vibrators quickly against her clit and held them there. She threw her head back and shrilled loudly at the surprise, and she wiggled and shook her ass as the pleasure grew and grew. I’m betting this girl has never even masturbated. I bet she has no clue how sensitive that nub can be or how explosive the ultimate release will be once it rushes through her body and hits her core with involuntary squeezes. She seemed to be holding her breath because when we pulled the vibrators away to give her a break, heavy gasps suddenly escaped her lips.

Two guys came in, and Melanie motioned for them to take over. We shifted out of the way to give them a turn. Melanie and I turned off the vibrators and set them in a bowl marked: USED TOYS. We washed and sanitized our hands in the small basin sink.

The guys crouched down behind her and scraped teeth along her calves, and then thighs. They licked and munched the spilled sugar water on their way up to her best assets. They were not deterred or repulsed in the least that their heads, mouths, tongues, were getting closer and closer. And they just let them dance together, sometimes crossing paths even, as they dove into her folds, right under her leaky faucet. They turned her over and laid her flat on her back, then joined her on the bed and staked claim on either side of her. As they tore at her neck and ears with hungry mouths, their hands mauled her covered breasts and moved down and slid the skirt up in front. She did at least trim herself up nicely, and I could clearly see how swollen and wet she was. She was breathing fast, and her mouth fell open as she was giving way to the new sensations rippling through her body. Their fingers roamed all over, tucking inside her stupid, white bra, across her belly and up into her glossy hole.

Watching the double takedown, my own pussy was ablaze, and my mouth, watering. I was so freaking turned on. This girl, my roommate, only
prudish, but on the inside, she was a naughty girl quite like me. Well, not quite as freakish I’m sure, but naughty nonetheless. And she would absolutely die if she knew I was here to witness the dissolving of her innocence. My number was called over the speakers, and I groaned in frustration that I had to leave, right when it was getting really good too. I wanted to see her writhe and come.

I returned to the great room, raised my hand and shouted my number.

The same girl came up to me and said, “Hi, Thirty-four. Just double checking that you’ve chosen Cherry?”

Still a mystery, I nodded. About to find out. I wonder what the hell ‘Bomb’ is.

She waved, “Come this way.”

Butterflies fluttered in my abdomen, and I pushed down saliva in a tight swallow. I followed her to the back of the house, through a sunroom with an orgy going on in a jacuzzi, then outside where the air held the promise of snow. What the hell!

Some people were stuck to their choices, half-naked out here in the frigid cold. And I was going to be one of them? I’m not a fan of cold, and this would be my fate? I reminded myself that it was better than tickles. We passed a covered pool and my chest took on the heaviness of rocks. Where were we going?

She brought me into a cabana, heated and very toasty, thank goodness. There were three padded, wooden sun chairs, one with a beach towel, pillows and neckties on top; a wicker, glass-topped table with some Solo cups that held the remnants of watery soda and punch; and an attendant with an ice bucket for the drinks. Stringed lantern lights in stoplight colors with the addition of hot pink hung along all the walls to illuminate the room. I was still very, very lost.

“This is Number 34. Have fun.” She flitted out of the room.

“Hi,” the attendant said. “Number 34. Thank you for choosing Cherry. You can call me Kat. I will be your attendant this evening.” I shuddered when she pulled a dripping, 3-inch, raspberry-colored popsicle out of a watery abyss. No way. No freaking way. “You have no time limit. You will remain here until this is entirely consumed off your body. Guests can use it anywhere they wish, in any hole they wish, with the exception of your anus, to lick, suck and nibble off cherry juice. Guests can, however, lick the juice in and around butt hole if it drips there. It must be inserted inside your vagina between encounters, but will be inside you for no longer than ten seconds. If no one attends to you in ten seconds, I will remove it and eat you out myself. Only people with red bands are approved for contact around the pelvis and mouth. It hasn’t happened yet, but if a piece happens to break off inside you, your guest is expected to stay with you until it is sucked out and eaten. Your panties need to come off, but the rest of your clothing is optional. Know that guests can raise or move your clothes out of the way as they desire. You will be blindfolded and your hands and feet will be restrained to the chair by me, so you must decide before we start what you would like to do regarding your clothes. To exit your session for any reason, you can say the safeword,
, but you must leave the premises, immediately upon release. I have a knife, so I can cut you free quickly if there’s an emergency or you need or want to stop in a hurry. Do you have any questions?”

Stunned and horrified, I shook my head that I didn’t have anything to ask. Yeah, did I mention I’m not a fan of cold? I looked at the frozen torture devise in her hand and decided it was not that bad. At least it wasn’t a rocket pop or even close to the size of an average dick. It was even shorter than your typical frozen treat, just stubbier. Maybe it was homemade. At least I could keep my clothes on. I quickly slid off my underwear and tossed the balled up things beside the chair. “I’ll keep the rest of my clothes on.”

“Very good.” The attendant put the pop back in the bucket, spread out the towel, set the pillows on the arms and patted it. “Come on down.”

She gathered my wig hair in her clutch and set it over my left shoulder. I cringed as I laid down normally like I would if I were sunbathing. I was already flat in the full recline, but she slid me down much further. She placed the pillows on each arm and raised my legs back, back towards my ears and bent my calves up over the arms. So crudely on display, this was worse than a gyno exam. Again, here I was in a tell-all, flashing position, which only made me think of Logan and long for his belt.

She secured the hands she bound over my head, then my knees and ankles to the slats and chair legs and roped one pass of silk over my waist. I’d underestimated the strength of silk ties, but her knots would shame any Boy Scout’s, and that, I just discovered, was what mattered most. Knots. Now, I was fully exposed and stuck. Next, she draped my wig curls over my hands and shut out my sight with a night mask rather than a black scarf.

My breath caught and I winced when I heard a slosh and frigid drops ran down my thigh.

She drew slow circles with the popsicle, and then her finger, right at the cusp of my hole. She tsked at me. “You’re already very wet. I don’t even need the flavored lube that three other girls did. Do you want it anyway?”

I shook my head, no.

“Very good. Here we go.” I expected the cold to drive in, but her cold index finger stuffed me, her knuckles punching me hard. I groaned. Then another joined it and another. She stopped with three, sliding in and out, her knuckles still wonderfully punching me. She let the popsicle, drip drip, drip on my lips, first on my mouth, and then the ones below.

I licked my lips. Yep, cherry, all right.

“You’re open, wet and ready.” And then, cold, freezing cold, blasted into me and chills exploded all over my body. She drove it up and didn’t stop until it was engulfed. It took a few seconds for it to register exactly
cold it was. Unexpectedly, it felt a little good, at first, until it started to ache, and then burn. I arched my back but barely moved against my restraints. I cried out. My walls clenched around the dripping intrusion and tried to spit it out. She kept it in there as she called to guests and opened my room. I screamed as I waited and prayed for extraction. I bit my lips and silenced the words,
Take this fucking thing out, somebody! Please.
In addition to it being sopping wet to begin with, my hot pussy was melting the juice and its chill ran down my crack.

Soon, hands were on me, soft, small fingers, fluttering down my legs.

The frozen fucker slid out of me, thank god, and tentative lips kissed the void so softly, then more fully, surrounding me in whole. The person, girl I believe, yes, I could tell by the long hair brushing my legs and the occasional girly moan, sucked and licked the juice that had drenched my folds and the gulf between my cheeks. She ran the chiller over my puffy labia and went back to eating me out. It felt pretty good. Until, she cruelly pinched me, like, really pinched me, hard.


She held the popsicle in one hand at my thigh, letting cold drip on me as she lapped juice off my clit, and pinched my chilled lips to death with the other. “Aaahh.” First on one side, then the other. She shifted back and forth, from side to side, pinching with all her might.

Ow. Fuck! What the hell!
I writhed under her assault, and crunched sobs skipped out of my lips.

She immediately stopped and soothed the soreness with the cold stick, and I “Aaaahed” more deliriously and sank down to a state of pleasure as she ran it over and all around. Cherry juice from my hot body was dripping everywhere. She ran the wet popsicle over my stomach, right under my bellybutton, and it was too tickly and cold on the sensitive flesh there, but I weirdly liked being restrained and forced to take it. She went back to sliding it in and out of my vagina.

I was amazed at how much more enjoyable the cold felt now, after that god-awful pain. And that’s when I figured out who this was. The Indian girl I spanked. I gasped and grinned like a fool at the illumination.

She knew exactly why I was smiling too. “Yes, it’s me. It took some effort, but I found you.” She brought the popsicle up to my lips and tucked it into my mouth. I sucked it and cheated by biting off a little on the end. Dripping like they do on a hot summer’s day, it wasn’t that big now. My cunt was melting it fast. She then kissed the juice off my lips, giving me one slow slip of the tongue and coming off with a gentle pucker. “Returned favor, from one sub to another. Thanks for getting me blissfully fingered and giving me the best spanking of the night. Goodnight, Ice Princess. Have fun.”

Standing up, she shoved the popsicle up inside me. This time, I smiled and moaned, as the chilling sensation delighted my interior walls, in glorious contrast to the pain–that wretched sting of her pinch. Plus, my fatter lips were now hyper-alert, and the cherry streams running down made them tingle … and ache to be smacked and bitten and sucked until they went back to flat. But I felt shattered by her word,
, and I started to blubber and lose tears. In order to
a sub, truly one, you had to be submitting to someone, and the person I wanted to be falling down to and on top of was ignoring my craving.

A guy shushed me and wiped my tears, extracting the popsicle at the same time. “I’ve gotcha. This must be hurting like hell, huh? Don’t worry. I won’t torture you with it. I was first one in on two other girls. This is about halfway melted. Pussies work fast. You don’t have long to go.” He tilted my head back and drew a cold stripe down from my chin and stopped it between my breasts. He traced the line with his tongue and exposed my breast. “Wow. You have such a pretty body, I just want to taste your skin. The hot-to-cold thing turns me on. You should try coffee too sometime. Taking a nipple into my mouth, right after I make it all cold, or a coffee-heated mouth sliding over my junk after a few drops of ice water. Mmm...Best sensation ever.” He huffed loudly and stood up fast, ripping his hands off me, maybe to attend to the heated guy voices outside. “Hold on. I’ll be right back.”
Hold on? Sure. Not going anywhere.
The heat of his body left my side. My breast was still exposed, my nipple reaching for the sky.

I’m not sure where he put the popsicle, but its absence was not lost on the attendant.

“Stick it back in!”

I jolted as he was back with a whoosh. Cold filled me once again. He left the cabana I think. I waited. What the hell? The door opened and closed several times, footsteps shuffled. I heard low, angry voices. Was no one going to lick me? I felt pissed and hurt that more people weren’t rushing in to suck juice off my pussy or out of my belly button. It had to be close to ten seconds by now.

A breeze brushed over me and footsteps approached. He yanked the chilled toy out of me. “Sorry ’bout that. My friends and I have been arguing about where we should go next,” he said, through a wall of clenched teeth. “They’re sick of me coming back here.” He sounded mad. He was about to feast on my body, so what the hell was this guy’s problem? He exposed my other breast too with a jerk and swathed them both entirely in cherry juice like a crazed painter. The tight fabric of my dress mashed my twins together for using and abusing. His anger, or whatever, turned out to be an asset though, as it fired frustration into his actions, which made me burn.

I cried out in ecstasy as one nipple then the other fell into the cruel clutches in his savage, sucking, biting mouth. He was right about the temperature contrast, and I loved it. He devoured my fruit, and seamlessly slid the popsicle back inside me. No, he didn’t just slide it in, he began fucking me with the thing, fast and hard, as he continued to snack on my boobs. I got so hot and wet from his frenzied, furious thrusts, I cried out and arched my back in the scant way I could under the binding over my waist. Uh, it felt so good.

And then, that same ravenous mouth that had paid my breasts a wolf’s attention, suddenly jumped down to my cherry-filled cunt. The wild, hot-cold beast was all over me, loving me up with a vengeance. After a few swipes of popsicle, he staked home at my clit and sucked me into insanity. My mind whirled like an out-of-control carousel, and my body shook like Jell-O on tractor ride.

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