Read Red Hot Obsessions Online

Authors: Blair Babylon

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Collections & Anthologies, #Contemporary, #Literary Collections, #General, #Erotica, #New Adult

Red Hot Obsessions (202 page)

I gasped, looking down.
I didn’t check for hickeys? Shit. What an idiot!
Not that it would have mattered, but it would’ve been good to know beforehand. Maybe a little cover-up would’ve made them less garish.

“Eyes up.” He unbuttoned and unzipped my skirt and slid it over my butt, his fingers delighting my skin and conjuring up goose bumps. My short, skimpy thing floated to the floor around my feet. He turned me around and ran a finger down my spine. “Boots.”

I tugged my knee-high boots off, which had his long, huffy exhales skimming my shoulders as I straightened.

And that was it. I was now standing completely naked in Logan’s room under his smoldering gaze. I had never felt more exposed … because not only did he now know every inch of my body, I knew he could also somehow see into every hidden crevice within my mind and soul. I quaked, fighting the urge to rub my arms and cover myself up.

He sat on a padded bench near me at the foot of the bed, leaned forward and rested his chin on his fist. I was struck with a longing to be straddling that bench someday and hugging it tightly, pressing my pussy into its blue velveteen, as I received flogger swats.

I cleared my throat and folded my hands and placed them in front of my crotch.

“No, put them behind your head. Step closer.”

I did as he demanded, my eyes shifting, unable to remain locked on his.

He just sat there, watching me do nothing. “I want those breasts out. Arch your back a little, turn around, spin slowly.”

I stepped up and turned in front of his eyes, leaning back the best I could with my hands still laced together behind my head. His scrutiny left streaks of fire all over my body. When my back was to him on my fourth turn, he said, “Okay, stop! Bend over.”

I swooned and bent at the waist right in front of him. Knowing how the obscene view was, I quaked.

“Beautiful. Breathtaking, really.” He slid his hand up between my legs, so close but not close enough to my wet desire. He tapped each leg and said, “Spread further apart. Wide open.”

Good god.
I shivered at the tickle and slid my feet further apart.

“With your hands too. Open up those cheeks and expose that sweeping crack for me.”

I reached back, took hold of each cheek and widened the gulf. I cringed in embarrassment and shook with the urge to press my thighs together again. An ache besieged my loins. In spite of the humiliating display, I was so turned on, knowing his face was right there, his eyes, his mouth, like two inches away from my holes that ached to be filled with his flesh. Every breath from his lips caressed me with a feather’s kiss.

“Yes. Very good.” His fingertip swirled at the edge of my tight pucker, slowly, slowly, not going in, driving me insane. My teeth chattered. “So, tell me about this party. How’d you end up there? How does it help your sorority status? I want to understand it all. And tell me
that happened, don’t leave out a single detail.”

“Um, in Delta Gamma, and several other Greeks too, I just discovered, new members are given a series of tests to complete in order to pledge loyalty, before we can official get pinned and a permanent stay. It’s, uh, not just a few weeks like most...” I stopped cold and moaned when his one-fingered touch drifted slowly up and down my crack. “, goes on for a whole semes … ter.”

He finally stopped the sway and edged the very tip of his finger into my untapped hole, and I involuntarily hugged it. “A whole semester of tests, yes, go on.”

My breathing went ragged. “So, uh … aaahhh, this party,
I mean, knocks off the tests in December. Most of the month is Christmas break, so the fffirst half … the first half...”

He twisted back and forth, just the tip, up to one knuckle.

“… uh, god … fffuu … uh, it’s uh, knocked off. It’s haze-free I mean. As I said, at this party, you surrender to the … the … aahhh....”

“To theeee?”

My mind went blank. What was I talking about? “Um … whims of another’s desire,” I caved with, still lacking the words I’d intended to say. “You have to choose one sexual adventure out of two preselected mystery tasks. I think they’re hat-drawn. Everyone gets dolled-up in costumes...ow,” a smack hit my bottom, and he dove right back in, “...with masks and makeup. People are … uuuuhhh, they, uh, are referred to by number or fake names. With identity obscured for most of us, you’re free to be wild. No cock sex or anal is allowed though.”

“But oral, fingering, toys … spanking,” he crashed his palm into each cheek, “that’s all
, I’m guessing?”

“Unnn aaaahh, yes. All that happens. Bondage too. But oral is only allowed among those who are certifiably clean.”

“Naturally. Because getting STDs would kind of suck the luxury out of a ruby pin and a prime room.”

I snickered. “No kidding. So, my choices were Cherry and Bomb, obscure I know, and Shayna my roommate, was ...” He slid his finger out and stroked my labia with a gentle touch from his other hand. Every one of his hot exhales licked my flesh. His face was a tongue-stretch away from my sex. “Hers was Whipped or Double Dipped. I picked Cherry and she picked Double Dipped. We told the Ringmaster our selections, and I still got no clarification from him as to what Cherry was. We waited to be called.”

“What did you do while waiting?”


“Just watched? Watched what?”

“No, I didn’t
watch. You kind of cut me off there.”

“Oh, is this where you spanked a girl? You
you mean?”

“Yes. It was one of the scenes. I was mesmerized, jerked over there when I saw her tied up like a bean and blindfolded.”

“You were hot, watching that poor bound girl get her ass thrashed?”

“No. Well, yes, but, it wasn’t just watching her get whacked that was so thrilling, it was also how well she was taking the parade of implements. She shouted out from time to time, but she wasn’t crying at all. And I wasn’t
hot watching that. A swell of power and connection rose up within me when I realized I had possible kin in the room. I shot over there as fast as I could… and uh,” Logan’s middle and ring fingers slid up into me and pumped in and out. “Aahhh.”

Fingers still buried, he stood up and clutched my waist with his right. “Power, Addison? That’s my drug. It feeds me. You shot over there and did what?”

“I asked if she was, uuuhh, aaaaahhh, a bad … a bad girl. She denied it.”

“They always do.”

“So I slid all my fingers under her cunt.”

He pulled out and pressed up against me, his digits tightly together, drawing circles on my sex. “Something like this?”

“Aaahh, yes, and she was so wet.”

“Wet like you?” He rubbed back and forth along my slick folds.

“Mmm, uh, I don’t think anyone is wet like me.”

“Probably not. And then?”

“Then I told her what a naughty liar she was and what I was going to do. And I spanked her as hard as I could, again and again. I was stunned because I loved the way her flesh moved and pinked up under my might and the obvious pleasure she was getting out of it. I was so surprised at the realization, at the truth I never even knew, that I am a switch spanker.”

“Hmm. That’s a surprise to me as well, considering you’re so sub-minded.”

“I truly had no idea. And her responses, each as unique as a snowflake, were glorious to my ears, every note fueling me more. I was in a frenzy.”

“So, you spanked the girl and loved it very much? Did you spank her,” his palm blasted into my right cheek, “like this?”

I cried out and shook so hard I almost felt over, but he grabbed my shoulder to hold me steady and added, “Mmm. Yes, I agree. The
is always fun when pleasure and pain collide.”

Upon catching my breath, I said, “No, Sir. Please forgive my correction, but I spanked her
harder than that.” I grinned wide and let out a silent laugh, quaking under his tight clutch. I didn’t know if he would like my forwardness or not, so I bit my lip before spitting out, “I said I did it as hard as I could, and I
you pack more muscle and bite than that.”

He launched back and fired one hundred bees into my cheeks. “How about like that? Closer?”

I was so stunned at the pain, that silence hung in the air for two seconds before building into a shrill. “Oh, oh, ffff…” I was breathless and melting inside. My pussy was on the brink of release. “Aaaah. Ohmygod. Yeah, yes, ah, yes, exactly … like that. And then, uh, I was going to use a spoon on her, to finish her off, but a guy came over to relieve me, so I made sure she got that and received satisfaction for her beautiful surrender and ability to shut off tears.”

His fingers slid back up inside me. “Did you suck her off?”

“No, of course not. I told the guy to finger-fuck her swollen, juicy cunt and to not leave her in want.”

“God, that is so hot. You not only thinking that, but saying it out loud.”

“I thought so. I made his jaw drop. I’m not sure if he was more shocked at my request or the fact that I used the word cunt.”

“Mmmm. Did he service her like that? Did you watch?”

“He did, but no, sadly, I didn’t see.”

The aches assaulting my lower back built up in intensity. I curled up a couple of inches, and he shoved me back down. “I did not tell you to rise.”

“My back is killing me.”

“Too bad. You
hold position.”

“Yes, Sir,” I muttered, but I wanted to weep because I was hurting so badly and also, because he was letting me do this at all, hurt and hold for his pleasure, while he was technically not my Sir.

“And what did you do next?”

“Shayna’s number was called and I followed her to her room. For twenty minutes, she could be toyed or spanked or touched anywhere. But it always had to be by two people at the same time, matching strides. Once panty-free, she bent over on all fours, blindfolded on the bed, waiting to be touched. With her like that, I could see how puffed up she was and the moisture already building there. And again, it got me hot and drew me in to touch her. The room attendant and I stroked her, first, with our fingers, and then, mini vibrators. She was loving it.”

“She knows you touched her?”

“No. She’s a moral person, except on this one night, and I knew she was conflicted. I wanted to reassure her early that it would be okay and fun and start her off gently. She’d die if she knew it was me warming her up.”

“You should tell her. Did you like it? Touching a girl?”

“A little bit. I find so many things erotic now. So many new things.”

“Since you came to college?”

“No. Since you spanked me.”

He pulled me up, and I groaned in relief and at the roll of pain and stiffness that fell down. I went to reach for my back, and he slapped my hands away. “No. Clasp them together in front. I will take care of you.”
I will take care of you.
Those words were chocolate-covered honey. He slid his fingers around my waist and pressed his circling thumbs deliciously into my back, right where it ached the most. His massage felt wonderful. “So, Addison, you’ve been naughtier since I turned you red and brought heat to your upper and lower cheeks?”

“Yes, much, much naughtier.”

“I like hearing that. Have you been touching yourself more?” he asked, his voice husky and dripping with hunger, his lips on my ear.

“Yes. More than ever. I’ve been a very bad girl.”

“Mmm hmm. Go on. You were touching Shayna and...”

“As we were playing, two guys came in after us and got busy with her and rolled her over and laid down on either side. Their hands and mouths danced all over her quivering body. And that was so hot to see. Watching them go to town on her, knowing it was all new to her, set me ablaze. My face and pussy were burning hot. And my stupid number was called right at that moment.”

He kneaded harder, his thumbs also digging into the very top of my bottom. Until he started massaging me there, I’d had no clue those muscles were sore. Maybe from being bent back and bound? It was another pleasure-pain sensation that I loved, him driving and twisting knuckles into my knots. “That turns you on? The thought of being devoured by multiple men or watching such a scene? Did you mentally put yourself in her place?”

“It was hot. I’ve always been turned on at the thought of being the object of desire for two or more men. Yeah, so, for a minute I imagined it was me, but watching was nearly too much for me, and I shut the thought out of my mind, quickly realizing I really would not want that to happen. ”

“Why not?”

“I used to want that, but I don’t now.”

“Answer the questions I ask.” He popped my ass. “Why not?”

“Ah, because I don’t trust myself.”

“To what?”

“Not come.”

“Right. Well, it’s kind of late now, huh? You

“I know,” I blubbered. “I’m so sorry. Please don’t hate me.”

“I don’t. But I think we need to wash off your filth, Addison.”

“I do too. How do we do that?”

“I’ve drawn a bath for you. It will be a symbolic cleansing as much as a physical one.”

“A bath. That sounds perfect. But … isn’t it cold by now?”

, but so what!” he roared and smacked my ass again. “Do
whine. I know how to care for you. My bathtub is heated, but even if it
cold, you should accept it and thank me for being so thoughtful and concerned with your well-being.”

I nodded. “Yes, Sir. Thank you.” I loved calling him Sir. Hopefully, he would really be mine after fixing the rend between us and helping me pay the penance for my misdeeds.

He let go of me and said, “Follow me.”

I started to walk with him and he said, “On your knees. Crawl.”

I smiled as I got down on all fours and crawled behind him like a loyal pet. I can’t remember crawling since grade school and I was surely doing it like a fourth grader. I switched to a sexy, panther stalk. He stood at a doorway and turned around to watch me. His eyes burned into mine. He didn’t say, “Niiiiccce,” but I could tell it’s what he was thinking. He extended his hand in invitation, and I went in first, still on my hands and knees. The room was black marble, with a large, oval tub against the wall under a shelved arch that held books and vases and Asian accents. Milky, white water and rose petals filled the tub. The shades were drawn and lit candles dotted the edges of the surround that the black jacuzzi was sunken into. This was gorgeous … and so sweet, with so many details brought to light for my benefit, after I failed him so miserably. I teared up.

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