Red Moon Rising (15 page)

Read Red Moon Rising Online

Authors: Elizabeth Kelly

“No.  I – I like it.”

He grinned at her, his eyes lightening to green, and she
took a nervous step back as he started towards her.  “Good.  I like fucking you. 
I’ve missed fucking you.”


“Have you missed fucking me?”  He reached out and gathered a
strand of her long blonde hair between his fingers.  He tugged on it gently.

“Have you Bree?”


“Say it.”

“I’ve missed fucking you.”  She said hoarsely.

He growled low in his throat and reached for her waist.


His face tightened with anger at the woman’s voice and he
dropped his hands to his sides.  “Yes Martine?”

“Is everything okay?”

“It’s fine.  Leave us please.”

“Bree, I’m sorry I frightened you.”  Dani’s voice, low and
hesitant, drifted into the room and Bree gave James a small smile before
hurrying forward.

Martine and Dani were standing in the doorway.  Dani was
staring at her anxiously but Martine was giving her a suspicious look.

“It’s fine Dani.”  Bree gave her a warm smile.  “You didn’t
mean to and honestly, everything seems to frighten me.”

Dani hooked her arm through Bree’s.  “Martine and I were
going to go for a ride.  Would you like to join us?”

She nodded.  “Yes.”

James cleared his throat.  “Put Bree on Rosie.  She’s the

“Okay.”  Dani said cheerfully.  She led Bree from the room
as Martine gave James a hard look before following them.

Chapter 17


Bree sighed and stared out the window of her bedroom into
the darkness.  Tia whined softly from the bed and Bree made a soft cooing
noise.  “Go to sleep Tia.  Everything’s fine.”

It was the night before the full moon and today had been
strange and a bit stressful.  She rubbed her arms briskly and then stripped out
of her clothes, leaving her thick woolen socks on.  She pulled James shirt over
her head, and wrapped herself in a blanket before standing at the window

She had continued to keep his shirt, hiding it under her
other clothes piled neatly in the dresser, and only wearing it when she was
alone.  He hadn’t asked her to return it, but she didn’t know if he had
forgotten she had it or just didn’t care.  She sighed and stared blankly into
the darkness. 

James had avoided her all day, and she was confused and a
little hurt by it.  He had spent most of the day either in his room or in the
barn with Nicky and Sophia.  She reminded herself that it was for the best and
pulled the blanket closer.  Just like Dani said, the Lycans were moody and
out-of-sorts today.  Even Nicky, normally so cheerful, had snapped at her when
she accidentally bumped into him.  He had apologized immediately but his tanned
face had been strained and distracted.

Leta had been whiny and temperamental.  Not even Tia could
cheer her and finally, just after dinner, Avery had gathered her into her lap. 
She sat down in the rocking chair next to the fireplace and rocked her for
several hours, singing softly to her.

She hadn’t even had the chance to apologize to Avery for
what she had walked in on yesterday.  Dani had been right when she said that
Avery and Tristan would spend most of the day in their bedroom. 

Bree rested her forehead on the cold glass.  Tomorrow would
be the full moon, and James would undoubtedly mate with Martine either before
or after the hunt.  Jealousy flowed through her, strong and unpleasant, as she
pictured Martine in James’ bed.  He may regret it later, but at the time he
would be more than willing to give Martine the same type of pleasure that he
had given her.

She rapped her forehead sharply against the glass, relishing
the sting, as she tried to shove the images of Martine and James wrapped around
each other out of her head.  She banged her head again and then froze when he
spoke softly.

“Is there a reason you’re trying to break the glass with
your forehead, little one?”

Tia woofed softly in greeting.  Bree didn’t need to look at
the dog to know that her entire body would be vibrating with excitement.  Her
heartbeat sped up, and she stared into the darkness as she heard the soft click
of the door shutting.  Her ears strained to hear him.  Unfortunately he could
be as quiet as a cat when he wanted to be.  He was standing directly behind
her, his hot breath blowing on her neck, before she realized he had crossed the

“Why are you here James?”  She asked softly.

“To ask a favour of you.”


“I want you to stay in your room all day tomorrow.  Do not
come out until we have left for the hunt.”

She frowned into the darkness.  “Why?”

He gave a grunt of frustration and stepped closer to her. 
“Please, will you do as I ask?”

“Tell me why and I’ll consider it.”  She replied.

“Gods be damned Bree!”  He snapped.  “I’m asking you to stay
in your room.  It’s safer for you.”

“You told me I have nothing to fear from you James.”

“You don’t.  It’s just…” He trailed off and gave her a
pleading look.  “Please Bree.  Just stay in your room until I am gone.”

“No.  Not until you tell me why.”  She said stubbornly.

She gasped when he abruptly pushed her up against the
window. She could feel the cold creeping through her blanket as he held her
firmly against the window.  He knotted his fingers into her hair, and forced
her head to the side so he could whisper in her ear.

“You should stay in your room because if I see you, I won’t
be able to stop myself from throwing you over my shoulder and taking you to my
room to fuck you.”  He muttered hoarsely.

There was a hardness pressing against her ass that sent a
heavy thrill of excitement through her, and a flood of wetness between her legs. 
She pictured James carrying her to his room, pictured him pushing her legs
apart and taking her like she belonged to him, and she couldn’t keep her ass from
rubbing against his cock.

He growled hoarsely and yanked her away from the window.  He
tugged the blanket away and cupped her breasts through her shirt.  She moaned
when he tugged hard on her erect nipples, and pressed her ass firmly against
his cock again.

His hand left her breast and slipped under her shirt.  She
parted her legs willingly, and her hips arched when he plunged two fingers deep
inside of her. 

“Your pussy is so wet.”  He moaned.

She made a soft noise of need and pressed her pelvis against
his hand, driving his fingers deeper into her.

He inhaled sharply and pressed his mouth against her neck. 
“I want you so badly.”

“Fuck me James.”  She whispered, her face reddening. 

He stiffened against her.  “What did you say?”

She stared into the darkness.  “Fuck me right now.  I want
you just as badly.”

He pulled away and she moaned with disappointment.  He was
rejecting her.  Before she could turn to face him, his hands were reaching for
the hem of her shirt.  He yanked it over her head and dropped it to the floor. 
He pressed against her and she realized he had only backed away to remove his
shirt.  She sighed with delight at the feel of his chest hair against her
smooth back.

He pulled her away from the window, and she could feel his
hand at the small of her back as he unbuttoned his pants.  He pushed them down
impatiently before sitting down on the wooden chair in the corner of the small


“Straddle me Bree.”  He demanded.

“What?  Backwards?”  She gave him a bewildered look, her
eyes widening at the look of dark lust on his face.

“Yes.”  He said impatiently.  He pulled her backwards,
steadying her when she stumbled a little, and waited as she awkwardly spread
her legs around his.  She stood there for a moment, feeling uncertain and shy,
before looking down.  His cock was standing straight up and he was gripping the
base of it with one hand. 

“Sit down Bree.”  He cupped the back of her neck and pressed
her downwards. 

“James, I don’t think I’m flexible enough for…” 

Her protest turned into a long, drawn-out moan when he
guided his cock into her wet and ready core.  He impaled her fully, stretching
her tightness around his thick length as she moaned again.  His thighs shaking
with need, he waited as she adjusted to his size. 

Bree, her legs stretched wide around James’ thighs and her
sock-covered feet dangling, looked down between her legs as James gripped her
hips and lifted her easily up and down.  A stab of desire went through her at
the sight of his thick cock sliding in and out of her.

“Put your hands on my legs.”  He rasped.

She did as he asked, gripping his legs firmly and rocking
against him.  He groaned, his breath stirring her hair, and reached upwards to
cup her breasts.  He stroked and kneaded them, pinching and tweaking her
nipples as she moaned.

He thrust back and forth, the chair creaking loudly beneath
them, as Bree held on to his thighs and arched her back.  He leaned forward and
licked a slow, meandering path up her spine with his warm wet tongue.

“Gods…” She moaned.  Her nails were digging into his thighs,
leaving moon-shaped crescents, but if it hurt he made no indication.  He nipped
at her shoulder blades and she shivered with delight. 

His right hand left her breast and moved downwards to her
soft curls. 

“Watch.”  He demanded.

She opened her eyes and watched as his fingers made tiny
circles in her soft blond curls before sliding to her clit.  She cried out when
he rubbed it firmly, and little sparks of liquid need ignited in her belly.

She arched her back again as he circled her waist with one
arm and bounced her on his cock.  His fingers never stopped their circling and
rubbing, and she cried out his name as her orgasm rushed through her.  She
shook and shuddered around his thick cock before collapsing against him.

He growled in her ear, his beard rough against her cheek,
and thrust rapidly in and out before his pelvis arched and he drove his cock
deep into her.  Warm wetness flooded through her as he climaxed.

They stayed that way for a few minutes until Bree began to
shiver in the chilly room.  He stood, she felt a fleeting sense of loss when
his cock slipped out of her, and carried her to her small bed.  Tia wagged her
tail excitedly and he dropped one of the blankets on to the floor before
placing the small dog gently on it. 

She smiled a little when he tucked the blanket around Tia,
before he climbed into the bed beside her and curled his large body around
hers.  His hand brushed against something hard, and he pulled the
flannel-covered rock out from the under the covers and looked at it curiously.

She smiled at him.  “It helps warm the bed.”

He tossed it to the floor with a loud thud.  “Using rocks to
keep you warm when you have a Lycan very able and very willing to keep you
warm.”  He snorted.

He cupped her breast and kissed the back of her neck and she
smiled happily to herself.  Tomorrow she might have her regrets, but for now she
had never been happier.

* * *


They had been lying in the darkness for nearly an hour.  Bree
was on the verge of sleep when his hand started to squeeze her breast.  He
rubbed her nipple, teasing it into a hard point, before switching to the other
one.  When both nipples were hard and throbbing, he turned her on her back and
bent his mouth to her right breast.  He spent long minutes sucking and licking
at both of her nipples, until she was gasping and arching under the thick stack
of blankets that covered them.

His hand moved downwards and he pushed her legs roughly
apart, cupping her pussy and sliding his fingers against her sensitive skin. 
He rubbed her clit as his mouth nibbled on the small swells of her breasts.  He
lifted his head and kissed her deeply, his tongue exploring her warm mouth with
renewed urgency, as he teased her clit until it was swollen and hard beneath
his fingers.

She was close to coming when he suddenly stopped, and she
pushed at his hard chest in frustration.  He gave a low laugh and turned her to
face him, bringing her leg up and over his hip.  As his hard cock probed at her
pussy, she gasped out, “Again?”

“Yes.”  He pushed into her and she bit her lip with pleasure. 
He rocked back and forth, his hand slipping between their bodies to cup her
breasts.  They kissed until Bree was breathless.  She kissed his neck, trailing
her tongue down his throat and then kissing his broad chest.  She tasted his
warm skin, nipping at his collarbone as his cock moved in her in a smooth,
slide and retreat motion.

Their soft moans and gasps filled the tiny room as they
touched and kissed, and rocked against each other.  Finally, when James was
shaking with need, he reached between them and rubbed her clit, bringing her to
another explosive orgasm.  Her pussy tightened around his cock as she came, and
he groaned her name and gave in to the sweet release that his body was
screaming for.

Panting harshly, she buried her face in his neck and wrapped
her thin arms around him. 

“How do you feel little one?”

“I feel super.”  She muttered sleepily, making him grin into
the darkness.

He stroked her hair as her breathing slowed and she relaxed
against him.  He would let her sleep for a couple of hours and then wake her
again.  He had no idea if she would allow him into her bed again after tonight,
and he planned on taking advantage of her willingness.

He pulled her closer and buried his face in her soft hair. 
Gods, he had fallen for her, and fallen for her hard.  The thought of her
leaving him, of never seeing her again, filled him with a wordless horror and
his arms tightened involuntarily around her.  She squirmed against him in her
sleep and he loosened his grip.

He would rescue her brother even if it meant losing her.  He
stared into the darkness.  Perhaps he could speak with her brother, convince
him how much Bree meant to him and that he would never hurt her.  He sighed
softly.  He couldn’t let her leave him.  She needed him and he needed her.

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