Red Moon Rising (6 page)

Read Red Moon Rising Online

Authors: Elizabeth Kelly

“I – I thought I would leave her here, if that’s okay?  I’ll
come back after visiting my aunt and pick her up.”  She replied nervously.

“That’s fine.”

She was standing in front of him now, and she stared
silently up at him.  She studied his mouth and blushed at the excitement that
was growing in her belly.  It dulled the pain in her side, and she stepped
closer until she was nearly brushing against him.

He bent until his face was only inches from hers but kept
his hands behind his back.  He didn’t say anything, and she licked her lips
nervously and then pressed her mouth against his.  His lips were warm and firm,
and she started a little when his mouth opened and his lips pulled gently at
her bottom lip.

She moaned softly and he pulled his head back.  He smiled at
her, and she took a deep breath and pressed her mouth against his again.  The
kiss had been too brief, barely even recognizable as a kiss, and she wanted to
try it again.

He didn’t object and returned her kiss.  She swayed towards
him, and he put one arm around her waist and drew her up against his hard
body.  His tongue traced her lips and she parted them, a small whimper escaping
her mouth.

He slid his tongue into her mouth, sweeping along her teeth
before pushing past them and stroking at her tongue.  Bree shuddered and
gripped his broad shoulders with her hands.  The pain in her side had faded,
and she barely noticed when James pulled her gently towards the armchair. 
Without breaking the kiss, he sat down and drew her onto his lap.  She
straddled him, pushing her tongue into his mouth enthusiastically.

She explored his warm mouth with her tongue as his hands
stroked her back through her shirt.  When his hand slid to her front and cupped
one small breast, she arched her back and gripped the back of his neck
tightly.  He pulled his mouth from hers and trailed warm, wet kisses down the
slender column of her throat.

She didn’t even notice when he unbuttoned her shirt.  One
moment his hand was cupping her breast through the fabric of her shirt, and the
next it was touching her bare skin.  His large, tanned hand completely covered
her tiny breast.  She had lost so much weight while being held captive by the
Lycans that she was embarrassed by how thin and sickly she looked.  The
embarrassment cut through the desire, but before she could pull away his thumb
rubbed along her nipple.  It hardened immediately and his low groan, the first
sound he had made since they started kissing, brought a new surge of desire to
her insides.  He pinched it lightly and she jerked and stared at him with wide

“I’m sorry.  Did that hurt?”  He asked huskily.

She shook her head and he brushed her shirt back until both
of her breasts were bared to his hot gaze.  He cupped them both and moved his
thumbs in lazy circles around her nipples.  Embarrassed by the small moans and
whimpers coming from her mouth, she buried her face into his neck.  She wanted
to taste his skin and he angled his head so that she could lick a slow path
down his throat.  She nipped experimentally at his warm flesh, and was
delighted by the sharp inhale of breath and the way his hands tightened on her

James took a shuddering breath and controlled his urge to
thrust his pelvis against the woman on his lap.  He had coaxed Bree into
kissing him as a last-ditch effort to heal her before she ran.  He sucked in
his breath when she nibbled at his throat.  He hadn’t expected to feel such a
strong pull of need for the tiny blonde woman, or to be so excited by the feel
of her mouth on his.  She was obviously inexperienced, but the way she so
sweetly responded to his touch had his cock rock hard.

He stripped the shirt from her upper body.  She blushed and
tried to cover herself, but he tugged her hands down gently and kissed her
collarbone, sliding his tongue across her flesh. 

She moaned and arched her back, pushing her pelvis against
him as he kissed between her tiny breasts.  When his mouth closed over her
nipple and pulled lightly, she cried out and her nails dug into his broad

“James, please.”  She moaned. 

He released her nipple and quickly pulled his own shirt
off.  He pressed her upper body against his and sucked her earlobe into his
mouth.  She made a soft cry of pleasure, and turned her face towards him.

“Kiss me, please.”  Bree pleaded quietly.  He kissed her
immediately, his tongue thrusting deep into her mouth as he cupped one breast
and squeezed and kneaded it gently.

Bree squirmed on his lap.  There was a strange heaviness
between her legs, a throbbing that wasn’t exactly painful but she couldn’t stop
herself from rubbing against James, trying to find relief from it.

James was kissing her slowly and thoroughly, and each stroke
of his tongue was sending delicious shivers up and down her spine.  She could
kiss him forever, she thought dimly.  She had never felt so good in her life. 
Her entire body was tingling and buzzing, and for the first time in months she
felt no pain. 

He rolled her nipple between his thumb and finger before
pulling firmly on it.  It sent a throb of pleasure straight to the area between
her thighs, and she made another soft moan of need.  She ran her hands over his
broad chest, threading her fingers through the coarse hair that covered it, and
he made his own quiet noise of need.

“Your skin is so soft Bree.”  He whispered against her
mouth.  “So warm and so soft.”

“James, I need -“ 

She stared at him anxiously and he stroked her hair back
from her face.  “What do you need?”

“I don’t know.  It aches so much.  I can’t stand it.”  She

He frowned.  “Where does it ache?”

She blushed furiously.  “It aches between – between…”

A look of understanding dawned on his face.  “Between your

She nodded.  Her face was so red she could feel herself
starting to sweat. 

He kissed her lightly.  “I can help you with that ache
Bree.  Come to my room and I’ll make the aching stop.”

“Do you – do you promise?”  She whispered.

“Yes.”  He kissed her again.  “I promise.”

She stared into his dark eyes and nodded her agreement.  He
shifted and then froze before sitting back abruptly.  He pulled her forward until
her breasts were mashed against his chest, as Nicholas strolled into the room.

“Gods be damned, it’s cold in here.  Why haven’t you built
up the fire you lazy red bastard?  I can see my – “

He paused and stared in surprise at Bree and James.  “Woops! 
Sorry to interrupt baby brother.  I’ll uh, just go now.”

Before he could leave, Leta came bounding into the room and
Bree felt, more than heard, James’ low groan.  “Nicky!  Mama says that I – “

She skidded to a stop and stared in astonishment at James
and Bree.  “What’s going on?  Why isn’t Bree wearing a shirt?”

Bree stared wide-eyed at James.  She wanted to die of humiliation. 
Just when she thought it couldn’t get any worse Avery, followed by Tristan,
entered the common room.

“Mama!  Bree’s sitting on James’ lap and she’s not wearing a
shirt!  Why isn’t she wearing a shirt?”  Leta squealed loudly.

Avery didn’t hesitate.  “Leta, you know that the healing
works best with bare skin.  Remember the time you fell and skinned your arm? 
James let you rest it right against his bare chest didn’t he?”

“Yes.”  Leta said doubtfully.

“Well, Bree is hurt as well.  Only her injuries are on the
inside and much more painful than a skinned arm.  In order for your brother to
help her heal better, she had to take off her shirt.”  As she spoke, Avery
crossed the room.  She took the blanket from the back of the couch and wrapped
it around Bree before tucking it behind James’ back.

James grunted his thanks and Avery smiled at the two of
them.  “I’m so glad you decided to let James help you heal my sweet Bree.  We
were worried about you.”

Bree looked down in embarrassment.  She suspected Avery knew
exactly what they had been doing, but Bree was grateful for her charade. 

Avery clapped her hands briskly.  “Leta, go and wake your
sister and brother please.  Nicholas, could you build up the fire?  It’s chilly
in here.”

Nicholas nodded as Tristan cleared his throat.  “I’m uh, I’m
going to go find out what’s for breakfast.”

“Alright Tristan.  I will join you shortly.”  Avery smiled
warmly at him before squeezing Bree’s blanket-covered shoulder. 

“James and Bree, you stay right where you are.  It’s important
that Bree starts to feel better.  I’ll send Nicky for you when breakfast is

Chapter 7


Nicholas built the fire up without speaking to either of
them and then, after a cheeky grin at his brother, left the common room.

Bree couldn’t look at James, and she didn’t object when he
cupped the back of her head and urged it towards his chest.  She rested her
cheek against his skin and listened to the steady beat of his heart in her ear.

“Do you feel better Bree?”

“Yes, other than wanting to die of embarrassment.”  Bree

“You have nothing to be embarrassed about.” 

She snorted.  “Nearly your entire family saw me half-naked
and kissing you but no, I don’t need to be embarrassed.  Thank the gods your
mother is a fast thinker and told Leta you were helping me heal.”

He chuckled.  “I am helping you heal.”

“What do you mean?” 

He shifted under her.  “Kissing me, touching me, helps you
heal faster.  I don’t know why it does, but my mother was speaking the truth
when she told Leta that.”

Bree didn’t reply.  Her stomach was burning with shame. 
James had only kissed her in order to heal her.  She thought he had kissed her
and touched her because he wanted her.  She swallowed her disappointment. 
Believing someone like James would ever want someone like her was ridiculous. 
Besides, it was for the best.  He was a Lycan and she hated Lycans.

Still, she couldn’t help but recall the way it had felt when
James had touched her.  She shivered lightly at the memory of his deep voice promising
to help her with the ache between her thighs. 

“Are you cold little one?”  He hugged her closer to his warm

“No.”  She said shortly.  “I think you can let go now.  My
side isn’t hurting at all.”

He tightened his arms around her.  “Are you trying to get me
in trouble with my mother?  She told us to sit here until breakfast, and that’s
what we’re going to do.”

She could hear the grin in his voice but she refused to look
at him.  “Will this be enough to heal me completely?”

“I don’t know.  We’ll find out when I let go of you.  Of
course, since you have a tendency to lie to me about how you’re feeling, I’ll
probably have to join you in my bed tonight just to be on the safe side.”

She stiffened against him.  “No!  You promised me you

James frowned at the fear in her voice.  “I’m only teasing
you, little one.  I’m sorry.  I did not mean to frighten you.”

“I’m not afraid.  I’m just – I’m very tired.  Can we please
stop talking now?”

“Yes.”  He sighed and stared into the fire as Bree trembled
lightly against him.

* * *


“How do you feel now?”  Avery sat down on the couch beside
her and rested her hand on Bree’s leg.

“Better, I think.” 

It was just after breakfast and Avery had invited her to sit
in the common room with her for a bit.  The others had disappeared, and Leta
had been thrilled when Bree had given her permission to take Tia to her room to

“Are you sure?”

“Yes.  My side doesn’t hurt anymore.”

Avery smiled.  “Why don’t you let me hold you for a while?”

It was a strange thing to offer but Bree didn’t really think
about it.  The idea of being held by Avery was very appealing to her, and so
she scooted her butt across the couch as Avery opened up her arms.  She
snuggled into the redhead, resting her head on Avery’s shoulder and sighing
happily when Avery wrapped her arms around her.

She closed her eyes as Avery stroked her long hair.  “You
have very pretty hair Bree.”

“Thank you.  I like yours better.”  Bree said shyly.  “I
have never seen a Red before I met you and James.”

Avery laughed.  “We are uncommon.”

“I do not believe the stories you know.” 

Avery continued to stroke her hair.  “Sadly, there are still
plenty who do.  Five years ago, men from a nearby village attacked our home.  There
had been some strange animal deaths, and they blamed James and me.  They wanted
to burn both of us at the stake.”

“What happened?”  Bree whispered.

“The humans are no match for Lycans – even half-breeds.” 
Avery replied.

“Did they – did they kill them?”

“No, of course not.  Tristan would never kill a human unless
given no other choice.  Our children have been taught that all life has a value,
and we need to respect those who are different from us.”

They were quiet for a little while and Bree shifted closer
to Avery.  “Am I too heavy?”

“No.  You probably weigh less than Leta.”  Avery laughed.

“It’s so nice to sit with you.”  Bree murmured.

“Is it?  I’m glad.”  Avery replied softly.  A ghost of a
smile crossed her lips as she remembered a small dark-haired girl saying the
same thing.

Bree leaned into her.  She felt so calm and happy.  Sitting
with Avery felt almost as good as sitting with James.  Her eyes popped open and
she stared wide-eyed at Avery.

“You’re a healer too.”

“Aye, little one I am.”  Avery smiled down at her. 
“Although I believe James is more powerful than I when it comes to healing.”

“What do you mean?”

“When I help to heal someone, I often have to rest
afterwards or sit with someone who is healthy.  Both James and I can absorb a
person’s good health as well as their illness.  James doesn’t seem to need to though. 
He can heal someone and still feel strong and healthy himself.  I’ve never seen
him look tired or unwell until he and Nicky arrived home with you.”

A thread of guilt went through Bree.  “That’s my fault.  If
I had known it would hurt him I would never have -”

Avery interrupted her.  “Don’t feel badly Bree.  James was
perfectly fine after a night of sleep.”

She laughed softly.  “Of course, it probably also helped
that Leta missed her brothers terribly and was clinging to him for hours.  She’s
as healthy as a horse that one.”

“Do you know why he’s more powerful?”  Bree asked.

Avery shook her head.  “No.  Although perhaps it is the
combination of the healing powers he inherited from me, and his natural Lycan
healing abilities.”

“Do all of your children have this ability?”

“No.  But our healing gift does not reveal itself until
puberty.  We discovered that James had the ability to heal when he was
thirteen.  Evan is fifteen and shows no signs of it, but Leta is only ten.  She
may still develop the ability.”

As if she heard her, Leta, followed closely by Tia,
barrelled into the common room.  “Mama, can I please go to the barn and see

“Yes, you may.”  Avery smiled at Bree as Leta left the room. 
“Why don’t I take you around and introduce you to everyone?  I assume you’re
staying a few days with us before you travel to your aunt’s home?”

Bree gathered Tia in her arms and petted the dog nervously. 
“Um, I haven’t decided what my plans are.”

Avery didn’t push her for details; she linked her arm
through Bree’s and tugged her to her feet.  “That’s fine.  You can let us know
when you decide.”

* * *


Bree smiled uncertainly at Tristan.  It was her fourth day
here and every morning when she tried to sneak out of the house, she had stumbled
across a different family member.  The second morning it had been Avery.  She
had caught Bree as she was sneaking past the kitchen, and asked her to join her
for a cup of tea.  Afraid of hurting the redhead’s feelings, she had sat
agreed.  By the time Avery had made the tea, both Tristan and Sophia had joined
them in the kitchen. 

Yesterday morning it was Nicholas.  She had actually made it
out the front door that time.  Before she could close it quietly behind her,
Nicholas, yawning hugely and pulling a jacket over his thin shirt, had staggered
out behind her.

“Lovely morning for a walk!”  He had said cheerfully,
rubbing the sleep from his eyes.  “Do you mind if I join you?”

She had shaken her head no, and then spent an hour wandering
Tristan and Avery’s rather large and impressive estate as Nicholas chatted to

This morning, Tristan had been waiting in the common room
when she had slipped quietly down the hallway.  She sighed.  Her plan to sneak
away was obviously not going to work.  She would just have to gather her courage,
thank them for their hospitality and tell them she had to leave.

“Have you been given a tour of the barn yet Bree?”  Tristan

She shook her head no and he offered her his arm.  “I’m
heading there now.  Why don’t you come with me?”

She took his arm, not registering that even three days ago
she would not have touched him unless forced to, and he led her outside and
towards the barn.  They entered the warm and steamy building, and she stared
around in surprise.  It was a large barn but there were more horses than she
had expected.

“Good morning Tristan.”

A man was walking down the wide aisle in the center of the
barn.  Bree thought his name was Jeffrey, but she couldn’t remember if he was
human or Lycan.  As he approached, she shrank back against Tristan and he
patted her arm gently.

“You’re fine little one.”  He sounded so much like James
that she smiled a little.  They really were very similar.

“Good morning Jeffrey.”  Tristan nodded to the man.

“Going for a ride?”  Jeffrey gave Bree a friendly smile and
she looked away shyly.

“No, just showing Bree the barn.  She hasn’t been in here

“I’m heading to the smaller barn.  Ian says that Bella
should be ready to give birth any day now.”

“Alright.  Let me know when she goes into labour.”

Jeffrey nodded and, whistling under his breath, left the

“Who is Bella?”  Bree asked timidly.

“One of our mares.  We bred her with Samson and she’ll be
giving birth soon.”


Tristan led her down the aisle of the barn, telling her the
names of the different horses they passed.  When they were halfway to the end
of the barn, she cleared her throat nervously.

“May I ask you something my lord?”

“Call me Tristan, and yes you may.”

“Why do you have so many horses?  It seems strange for
Lycans.  Where I – where I was before they didn’t use horses at all.  Do you
not move faster than horses when in your Lycan form?”

Tristan laughed.  “Aye, that is true Bree.  We do move
faster than horses.”  He stopped in front of a stall, and reached in to pet the
small grey horse that was standing in it.  The horse snorted quietly and nudged
at his hand with its broad nose.

“I have loved horses since I was a boy.  My father had no
use for them, but he indulged my love and allowed me to have a few when I was
growing up.  About fifteen years ago, Avery convinced me to do what I had
always wanted to do and breed them.  I’ve been breeding and selling horses for
nearly ten years now.”

“Is that why you are so rich?”  Bree blurted out without
thinking.  She stared at him in horror, afraid she had insulted him, but he
threw back his head and laughed loudly.

“We are not rich, little one.”

Bree gave him a doubtful look.  Their home was large, they
had not one barn but two, and they paid their slaves to work for them.  She was
two when her parents died and her brother, only twelve years old, had somehow
managed to keep them both alive.  Even before they had been captured by the
Lycans, they’d never had enough to eat.  They’d slept in abandoned buildings
and in fields, and she had never once had more than a few coins to her name. 
The most stable time of her life was the three years they had worked as slaves
for a human family that lived just outside of the city. 

Her brother had gotten them into the household, she had no
idea how and he wouldn’t say, and she had worked in the house while he had
worked the fields.  They weren’t paid, but they were given one meal a day and beds
in the slave quarters.

Her face darkened.  Draken’s pack had attacked the home and
taken the humans as their own slaves.  She had spent the next two years living
in fear, never knowing when she would be chosen to be hunted.

Tristan was staring at her and she gave him a timid smile. 
“I am sorry my lord.  I did not mean to offend.”

“You didn’t.”  He replied.  “My father did very well for
himself.  When he died his wealth passed to me.  I have lived a very fortunate

“Is your mother still alive?”

“Yes.  She lives with us actually.  She is visiting my adopted
brother Marshall and his family at the moment.”

He stopped in front of a stall that held the largest horse
Bree had ever seen.  It was completely black in colour except for a white blaze
on its forehead.  Its coat looked silky soft, and she took a nervous step back
when it hung its large head over the stall door and snuffled at Tristan’s coat.

Tristan stared at her curiously as he rubbed the horse’s
forehead.  “Are you afraid of horses Bree?”

She licked her lips nervously.  “No.”

“Do you know how to ride?”

“Of course.”  She lied.

He gave her a stern look.  “I would prefer if you tell me
the truth, little one.”

Her mouth dried up and she took another step backwards. 
Even though Tristan had not raised his voice and his body language was relaxed,
she could feel her pulse speeding up. 

“Don’t be frightened Bree.”  Tristan said gently.  “I know
why you fear my kind, but I promise no one here will ever harm you.”

When she didn’t reply he took his own step backwards,
putting more space between them.  “Have you ridden before?”  He asked again.

She was opening her mouth to squeak out an answer when a
familiar voice spoke behind her.  “Good morning.”

She whipped around, her body sagging with relief when she
saw James.  He frowned at the look on her face and put his arm around her,
pulling her slender body against his.  “What’s wrong little one?”

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