Red Moon Rising (8 page)

Read Red Moon Rising Online

Authors: Elizabeth Kelly

“Tell me pretty one – are you a Lycan or a human?”

“Human.”  She said shortly.

“Like me!”  The man gave her a delighted grin and moved
closer, ducking around one of the sheets flapping gently in the cold breeze.

He looked her up and down.  “I’m not surprised you’re human. 
The Lycans would never allow one of their own kind to be a slave.”

She didn’t reply and took a few steps backwards under the
pretense of straightening the already straight sheet on the line.

The man looked around, taking in the large house behind Bree. 
“These Lycans have done very well for themselves.  Everywhere I look there are
human slaves.  They seem to have a great amount of them.”

He reached for Bree’s arm and she took another step
backwards, glaring at him.

“Come here girl.  I wish to take a better look at you.”

“No.”  She replied shortly.

He laughed.  “You dare to deny me?  A slave?  The Lycans
allow their slaves too much freedom I think.”

He stroked one of the sheets with a rough and dirty finger. 
“Do you think the Lycans would consider selling something else to me other than
a horse?  I am in need of a slave to clean my house and warm my bed.”

She gave him a look of disgust and he frowned.  “What?  Do
you not find me pleasing to the eye?  I’ve not had any complaints before.”

He crooked his hand at her.  “Come here girl.  I grow tired
of your games.  If the Lycan’s consent to selling you to me, you will learn
quickly that I am not to be disobeyed.  My last slave found herself abandoned
at the outskirts when she defied me.”

When she didn’t move, he shot forward with terrifying
quickness and grabbed her upper arm through her sweater.  “Would you like to
live with me sweet one?”

She tried to pull her arm free and his hand tightened harshly. 
Her breath hissed out between her teeth at the pain, and she raised her free
hand and slapped him hard across the face.

He stared in disbelief at her as his tanned cheek started to
redden.  “You did not just do that, you silly little bitch.”

He raised his hand but before he could strike her back, a
soft voice spoke behind them. 

“Let her go.”

Relief coursed through Bree at the sound of James’ voice.  The
man dropped her arm and she stumbled backwards towards James.  He put his arm
around her waist, and pulled her back until her body was pressed firmly against
his.  His hand cupped her hip and when he spoke, she could feel the vibration
in her back.

“Go back and join your friends.”

“Now hold on half-breed.”  The man smiled at him.  “I wish
to purchase this slave from you.  How much for her?”

“She is not for sale.”

“Come now, everything is for sale.”  The man crossed his
arms across his chest.  “You have more than enough slaves.  Sell this one to me
– I’ll give you a fair price for her.”

James, his nostrils flaring angrily, spoke softly.  “She is
not a slave.”

The man arched his eyebrows.  “Well then, she is free to
make her own decision.”  He winked at Bree.  “My home is not as large as the
half-breed’s but that isn’t a bad thing is it?  You will spend less time
cleaning and more time warming my bed.”

There was another vibration against her back as James
growled low in his chest.  His hand tightened on her hip.  “The woman belongs
to me.”

A look of disgust passed over the man’s face.  “Keep her
then.  I wouldn’t take her into my bed knowing she has spread her legs for a half-breed

James growled again.  Bree could feel his chest expanding
against her back and she glanced upwards, her heart constricting with fear. 
His eyes were green and glowing, and she tried to step away from him but his
arm tightened around her waist.

“Say one more word about her, and I’ll kill you where you
stand human.”  James voice was thick and inhuman, and fear flooded the man’s

He backed up slowly.  “I meant no disrespect.”

James grunted loudly.  “I know exactly what you meant
human.  Scurry back to your friends, and finish your business with my father
before I lose my patience completely.”

The man nodded and backed away until he disappeared behind
the house.  Bree waited a few moments, her heart thumping loudly, and then
looked upwards at James.  His eyes were back to their normal brown and he was
staring down at her.  She sagged against him and he turned her around, keeping
one arm around her waist.

“Did he hurt you little one?”

“No.  He grabbed my arm but it’s fine.”  Bree whispered.

“Let me see.”  James tugged on the bottom of her sweater,
and she raised her arms so he could pull it over her head.  She stood in front
of him, shivering lightly in her thin sleeveless shirt.

James studied Bree.  Four weeks with a steady supply of food
had done her a world of good.  Her previous thin frame had filled out, and her
cheeks glowed with health.  He had been careful to touch her as little as
possible in the last month, and today was the first time he had allowed himself
to touch her on purpose.  Even as he had been talking with the stranger his
hand was registering the new fullness of her hip, and he raised the hem of her
shirt to the bottom of her breasts and examined her belly. 

She blushed and pushed his hands away.  She tugged her shirt
down nervously as he smiled to himself.  Her ribs were no longer visible, and
her hip bones didn’t jut out nearly as much as before.  His eyes dropped to her
breasts.  They were still small, not more than a handful really, and he could
see the outline of her nipples against her shirt as they hardened in the cold

A thread of lust went through him and he tamped it down. 
Skinny little Bree had gotten into his head in a way that no other woman ever
had.  The last four weeks his mind had constantly returned to the morning in
the common room when she had kissed him.  Her mouth had been so soft, and the
way she had timidly kissed him had set his body on fire.

Each riding lesson he gave her was a lesson in torture for
him.  He had to force himself to touch her as little as possible.  She was more
comfortable around him then she used to be, although he would freely admit that
had more to do with his mother than him, but he was afraid of doing anything
that would frighten her again.

She had wanted him that morning in the common room.  It had
been obvious in the way she had kissed him and in the way she had responded to
his touch, but the look of fear that had crossed her face when he spoke of joining
her in his bed had been heartbreakingly real.

He frowned as his gaze fell on her arm.  There was a red
mark in the shape of the man’s fingers, and fresh anger filled his body. 

He thought briefly of killing the man for touching her, but Bree’s
face was tightening and she gave him a worried look.  “My lord, have I done
something wrong?”

He took a deep breath.  “No Bree, of course you haven’t.” 
His fingers traced the red mark on her arm.  “This will be a bruise by tomorrow.”

She glanced at her arm dismissively.  “It’s fine.”

“Close your eyes.”

She gave him a nervous look but did what he asked.  He
leaned down and pressed his mouth against the red marks on her arm.  She
inhaled sharply, trembling against him as he placed a series of small, light
kisses against her arm.

“James.” She moaned softly.

“Yes Bree?”  His other hand slid up her back to cup her neck
under her mass of blonde hair.

“What – what are you doing?”

“Healing you.”  He whispered.

She moaned again as he let his mouth drift up her arm to her
shoulder.  He kissed the top of it, and then pressed his lips against her flesh
where her neck became her shoulder.  He knew he should stop.  He had told
himself he wouldn’t touch her this way again, but his mouth seemed to have a
mind of his own.

He pulled gently on the back of her neck and she tipped her
head to the side, giving him access to her throat.  Her eyes were still closed
and she was panting harshly as he traced her skin with his tongue.

She gripped his arms with her small hands and stepped closer
to him.  He kissed the curve of her jaw and then nuzzled his way to her ear. 
His tongue dipped into it and she shuddered, breathing his name lightly as he
kissed her cheekbone and the tip of her nose.

She tilted her head up, her lips parting invitingly, and he
groaned and dropped his mouth to hers.  She parted her lips eagerly and he
thrust his tongue deep into her mouth.  Her soft moans were driving him crazy
and he cupped her breast in his hand.  Her nipple was hard against his palm and
he pressed his pelvis experimentally against her.  His cock was hard and
throbbing, and he felt her tense as it brushed her stomach.

He threaded his fingers in her hair and held her head firmly
as he increased the pressure of his mouth on hers, and stroked her tongue
lightly.  She relaxed against him and he squeezed her breast, making her groan,
before he moved his hand around to her ass.  He kneaded it lightly before
pressing her up against his hard body.

He released her mouth and was just starting to lift her up,
he wanted to press his cock directly against her warm center, when Tia barked
loudly and Bree pulled away.  She looked behind him and her cheeks turned
pink.  He turned to see Leta staring at them, holding Tia in her arms.  

“Gross.”  She announced.  “I’m telling mama you were
touching Bree’s butt.”

“Leta.”  James said warningly.  “What did mom tell you about
spying on people?”

“I wasn’t spying!”  She protested.

“I told you to stay in the house.”

She gave him a defiant look.  “I wanted to make sure Bree
was okay.”

“She’s fine.  Go back in the house.”  Beside him Bree was
slipping her sweater over her head, and he had just enough time to see that the
red marks were gone from her arm before it was covered in fabric.

“Evan’s going to be mad when he finds out you were kissing
Bree.  He likes her.”  Leta said saucily.

“Leta.”  James sighed impatiently.  “You need to – “

Bree brushed past him and crouched next to Leta.  “Honey,
James was just helping me heal.  The man grabbed my arm and bruised it, so your
brother was kind enough to hug me and help my arm to stop hurting.”

Leta giggled.  “He touched your butt Bree.”

Bree grinned at her.  “Yeah, I know.  Will you do me a
favour and not tell anyone he did that?”

Leta nodded.  “Yep.  Sometimes I see papa patting mama’s
butt when she walks by him.  She laughs and smacks him.”

She stared at her older brother.  “You should have smacked

“I’ll remember that.”  Bree put her arm around Leta’s
shoulders. “Come, it’s too cold out here.”  Without looking at James she led
the little girl into the house.

Chapter 9


“Stop being so timid and strike at me Bree.”

“I’m trying!”  Bree panted and lunged at Nicholas.  He
dodged her easily and struck her sword with his own.  It tumbled from her hand,
and she cursed loudly and picked it up.

Nicholas grinned at her.  “You’re doing better.”

She rolled her eyes.  “No, I’m not.”

“Sure you are.  Two weeks ago you couldn’t even hold the
sword up for more than ten minutes at a time.”

“At this rate I’ll be a great swordsman by the time I’m
eighty.”  Bree said disgustedly.

Nicholas laughed.  “You don’t need to be a great swordsman
Bree.  You just need to be proficient at defending yourself.”

Bree lowered the sword and rubbed her aching arm.  She
didn’t want to tell Nicholas this but if it wasn’t for sitting with Avery every
night, she wasn’t sure she’d be able to train as much as she was.  She left
every training session with her arms and shoulders aching and throbbing from
holding up the sword, and only Avery’s healing powers allowed her to pick up the
sword the next day.

“Let’s try again.”  Nicholas urged her.

She shrugged out of her sweater, it was cold out but the
exercise had warmed her, and flexed her shoulders experimentally.

“Remember to try and think of the sword as an extension of
your hand.  Shoulders back, head up and – “

Movement caught her eye and she groaned when she saw James,
Tristan and Leta come out of the barn.  It had been two days since she had
kissed James behind the house, and she had avoided him since then.  Her cheeks
burned with embarrassment.  She wanted him badly but she wasn’t sure he felt
the same way.  She suddenly wished bitterly that she had more experience with
men.  She thought James wanted her – that hardness pressing against her belly
two days ago had been a good indication he did – but she had been here a month,
and he only touched her when she was hurt and needed healing. 

If he truly did want her would he not go out of his way to
touch her like Tristan did with Avery, she wondered.  The large Lycan was
always holding the Red’s hand or stroking her hair.  Last week Bree had caught
them in the kitchen making out like they were teenagers.  Tristan’s love and
affection for Avery was obvious, and it made Bree’s heart happy to watch them
together.  Perhaps one day she would find someone who would look at her the way
Tristan looked at Avery.

“Bree?  Pay attention.”  Nicholas tapped her leg with the
flat side of his sword.

“Sorry.”  She muttered.  She risked another glance at James
and the others, and Nicholas followed her gaze.

It was obvious they were going to stop to watch, and she
gave Nicholas a hopeful look.  “Could we go somewhere else to train?”

He shook his head.  “No.  It’s good to have others around. 
You have to learn to not be so distracted by your surroundings.”

She sighed as he raised his sword.  “Raise your sword little

James watched as Nicholas and Bree fought.  His stomach was
rolling and his fists were clenched tightly at his sides.  Leta was chattering
beside him but he didn’t hear a word.  Every nerve in his body was screaming at
him to shift and protect Bree from harm.

His heart was pounding in his chest, and he growled lightly
when Nicholas knocked Bree to the ground and held his sword to her throat.

“He won’t hurt her James.”  Tristan said quietly.

James didn’t reply.  A surge of jealousy went through him
when Nicholas took Bree’s hand and pulled her to her feet.  He picked some dried
leaves from her hair and then ruffled her hair.  She gave him a mock scowl that
made him laugh before he kissed her roughly on the forehead.

James took a step forward.  His instinct had swung from
wanting to protect, to showing his impudent brother that Bree was his.  How
dare he touch her.  How dare he try and take what belonged to him.  He would
show Nicholas that he would be wise not to –

“Papa?  Why is James shifting?”  Leta’s voice was thin with
alarm and she looked around warily.

“Control it James.”  His father’s low growl demanded
obedience, and James immediately looked away from Nicholas and Bree.  He took a
few deep breaths as Tristan lifted Leta into his arms and kissed her smooth

“What’s wrong papa?”  Leta was still looking around in alarm
and her eyes had lightened.

“Nothing is wrong my sweet.”  Tristan tugged on her braid. 
“Your brother is tired that’s all.”

“Oh.”  Leta replied doubtfully.  She stared at her brother’s
back for a moment before watching Nicholas and Bree again.

“She’s not very good at this.”  She said candidly.

“Hush Leta.  She will improve.”  Tristan replied.

“She’s too small.  The sword is too heavy for her.”  Leta
pointed out.  “She can barely lift it and she’s been practicing for weeks.  I
will be much better at it than she is.”

“Leta, you’re being rude.  Do you remember when your mama
and I talked to you about not saying everything that you think?”  Tristan gave
her a stern look.  “If Bree heard what you were saying, it would hurt her
feelings.  Is that what you want?”

“No papa.”  Leta said.  “But mama says I should always be
truthful.  Bree isn’t very big, and she’s not very good with the sword.”

“That may be true sweet Leta but you must be more tactful
with your words.”  Tristan tried to keep the laughter from his voice.

“What does tactful mean?”

“It means that you – “

Bree gasped loudly and Leta gave a small cry as James
whipped around.  Nicholas dropped his sword and stepped towards Bree, staring
horrified at the long, deep cut on her forearm.

“Bree, I’m so sorry!”  Nicholas’ face was as pale as her own,
and she gave him a shaky smile as she clamped her hand down on the cut.  Blood
was pouring out of it at an alarming rate.

“It’s fine Nicky.  It was an accident.”  She assured him.

Nicholas ran his hand through his hair and gave her a
decidedly panicked look before reaching out for her.  “Come with me little
one.  We’ll find mama right now.  She can – “

Bree’s eyes widened as James appeared.  Snarling loudly, he
grabbed his brother and tore him away from her.  He dragged Nicholas to the
ground and leaned over him, his fists twisting in Nicholas’ shirt.  “Do not
touch her again!” 

Nicholas’ face flushed and he shoved angrily at his
brother.  “Get off me!”

When James didn’t move, Nicholas punched him hard in the
stomach and shoved him on to the ground.  He climbed to his feet as James stood
up.  James’ body was swelling and a reddish brown beard was appearing on his
face.  His eyes glowed brightly and when he snarled at his brother, his teeth
had both lengthened and sharpened.

“It was an accident baby brother.”  Nicholas’ body was
swelling as well as he stared cautiously at James.  “I did not mean to – “

“If you hurt her again, I will hurt you.  Do you
understand?”  James said softly.

“You mean you will try.”  Nicholas’ eyes had turned yellow
and he scowled at James.  “Do not make me embarrass you in front of her.  Do
you really want your woman to watch me hand your ass to you?”

Bree watched in horror as James roared with anger and dove
at his brother.  Nicholas grunted loudly as James’ shoulder drove into his
stomach.  They fell to the ground, punching at each other as they growled and
snarled loudly.

“Stop it!”  She cried out.  Blood was still pouring from her
arm and she felt shaky and faint.  She looked at Tristan who was setting Leta
on the ground.  The little girl was actually grinning as she watched her
brothers fight. 

“Tristan, they’ll kill each other!”  Bree said frantically.

He rolled his eyes.  “They’ve been fighting like this since
they were pups Bree.  Come, we will take you to Avery while they work things
out.  You’re losing too much blood.”

She shook her head and backed away from him.  “No!  Please
Tristan – stop them.”

He smiled at her.  “Alright, little one.”

He clapped his hands sharply.  “Enough!”  When the two
brothers ignored him, he waded between them.  Although his sons were large and
powerful, he grabbed each of them by the scruff of the neck and pulled them
apart easily. 

“I said enough.”  He shook them lightly before letting them

James and Nicholas snarled at each other as they both climbed
to their feet, and Tristan growled a warning.  He frowned at James.  “It was an
accident James.  Nicky would never purposely hurt her and you know it.”

“I told him not to teach her the sword!”  James said hotly. 
“If he had done what I asked, this would never have happened.  She is too
little to learn the sword and we all know it.  I will keep her safe.”

“Will you?  Because your woman stands there bleeding while
you fight like a spoiled little pup with your brother.”  Tristan said dryly.

James froze and then strode towards Bree.  She stumbled back
as he approached her, but already his eyes were darkening to their usual brown
and the beard had thinned to scruff.

He took his shirt off and wrapped it around her arm before
picking her up gently.  He started towards the house without speaking.

Blood was trickling from Nicholas’ nose, and bruising and
swelling were starting to appear on his face.  Tristan clapped him on the
back.  “Let’s find your mother Nicky.  You can sit with her for a bit.”

* * *


James carried Bree through the house and to his bedroom.  He
shut the door behind them and Bree’s breath caught in her throat.  At Avery’s
and James’ insistence, she had been staying in James’ room.  There were no
empty rooms in the servant’s quarters, and James refused to let her move into
any of the guest rooms. 

“It is too cold in the guest rooms for you.  You are to stay
in my room.”  He had spoken with a finality that she hadn’t dared argue with. 

Just over a month ago he had carried her to this very room,
and she had been terrified he would make her join him in his bed.  Now her
pulse was speeding up with anticipation, and she felt a twinge of disappointment
when he carried her to the armchair by the fireplace instead of the bed.

He sat down with a soft grunt and gathered her against his body. 
She was facing away from him, and he pulled her back against his chest and
wrapped his arms around her slender body.  He was careful not to touch her arm
as she turned her face and tucked it into the curve of his neck.  He was
deliciously warm and she melted against him with a soft sigh. 

Already the pain in her arm was gone, and the now-familiar
fluttering was starting in her belly.  His heart was thudding solidly against
her back and she asked softly, “Are you hurt?”

He laughed.  “No.  My brother and I have had worse fights.”

“It was an accident.  Nicky didn’t mean to hurt me.”

He shifted further back into the chair.  “Aye, I know.  But he
should have been more careful.” 

He cleared his throat and chose his words carefully.  “I
fear you are too small to learn the sword Bree.”

“I’m not.”  She insisted.  “I just need to practice more.”

“Why are you so anxious to learn how to use a sword?”  He

“It’s smart for a woman to know how to defend herself when
she travels alone.  It’s a long way to Vanden.”

He didn’t reply but his arms tightened around her and he
tensed underneath her. 

“Are you alright my lord?”

“Aye.”  He grunted.  One of his hands slid down and began to
rub the top of her thigh through her pants while the other stroked her side

Deep within her belly, little flames of desire flickered
into life.  She closed her eyes and tried to ignore the feel of his hands
touching her, the warmth of his breath on her cheek and the hardness of his
chest against her back.

It was useless.  She wanted him to kiss her, wanted him to
touch her the way he had touched her earlier.  Her nipples hardened into twin
points, and she squirmed as the ache between her thighs appeared.

“Does your arm still hurt?”  He murmured.

It didn’t hurt but she was hit with sudden inspiration.  She
stared up at him and nodded shyly.  “Aye my lord, it does.  Perhaps –“ she
paused, her face reddening, “perhaps a kiss would help.”

A smile crossed his face and he reached up and cupped her cheek,
tilting her face towards his.  “Perhaps it would.”

He pressed his mouth against hers and she kissed him
eagerly, pushing her tongue at his lips until he parted them and she could slip
it into his mouth.  He kissed her deeply, holding her head firmly as he
explored and teased her warm mouth until she was wiggling against him.

He sucked on her upper lip before releasing her mouth.  She
made a soft moan of need and arched upwards, trying to take his mouth again. 
He pulled her head back and tugged lightly on her braided hair.

“How does your arm feel now, little one?” 

“It’s very sore my lord.  I can hardly stand the pain.”  She

“Hmm, it seems that a kiss is not enough.  Perhaps we should
try something else.” 

“Yes, perhaps.”  She responded eagerly.

His hands reached for the buttons on her shirt and he undid
them quickly before sweeping the thin fabric down her arms, carefully easing it
over the makeshift bandage on her arm.

He reached around her and cupped both of her breasts, his
thumbs rubbing against her nipples as she arched her back and moaned.  The back
of her skull pressed into his shoulder, and he groaned as her small ass ground
against his pelvis.

She was squeezing the arms of the chair compulsively as he
kissed the top of one bare shoulder, before tugging lightly on both her

“Ohhh...” She breathed, her back arching again.  She turned
her head and kissed him hard on the mouth.  He returned her kisses as his
fingers pulled and teased her nipples.

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