Redemption (13 page)

Read Redemption Online

Authors: Randi Cooley Wilson

Tags: #paranormal romance, #young adult, #college, #fantasy romance, #fae, #gargoyle, #shifter, #dark romance, #new adult

“Just say it. The faster you do, the sooner
I can feel you up.” He bites his lip.

“What?” I laugh, causing a stern look from
my protector. “Fine.” I exhale.

“Wait,” he commands, settling back in.
“Okay, ready. You may sweet-talk me.”

“Now, I really don’t want to,” I huff.

“Siren.” It’s a warning for compliance.

“Asher St. Michael, you’re full of gargoyle
awesomeness,” I murmur begrudgingly.

His lips tilt into a wicked smirk. “I’ll
never get tired of hearing you say that.”

“What if I get tired of saying it?” I tease
and try to escape his clutches.

Suddenly, I’m on my back. Asher is above me,
staring at me with a fierce concentration.

“You won’t. Not ever because you’re mine.”
His tone leaves no room for argument.

“That’s not barbaric or anything.” I push at
his shoulder gently.

“I’m a gargoyle. We’re intense and hot
blooded when it comes to our mates.” Asher’s face is

After holding his stare for a bit, I choke
out, “Mate?”

His eyes darken with resolve. “Mate,” he
confirms with authority.

This is too much, too soon. I’m still
working on forgiving him. He can’t just come back and claim me.
Oh shit, I can’t breathe.

“Ash.” I try to move out from beneath

My motion causes his body to press me firmly
into the bed. “Listen to me, siren.”

At his pointed tone, I stop fidgeting and
nod that I’m paying attention.

“I know I fucked up by leaving. I’m sorry.
If there had been another way, I would have done it. I swear to
you. I’m still the next in line to the throne and there are rules I
must follow. There’s also the tiny issue of your ascension, and the
demonic legion hunting you. We have some heavy burdens, yeah? But
when this is all over, when all the battles have been fought and
won, it’s you and me, siren. I promise. I’ll fight for us. I’ll
light the world on fire if I have to. If it takes my last damn
breath, I will lay my sword at your feet in front of every realm
and being in existence. Claiming you as mine, forever.”

My heart soars at his words then falls at
the reality. “It’s not that simple, Ash.”

“It IS that simple, siren.” His tone is

“Professor Davidson told me the divination
of redemption prophesizes this, us. I don’t want what we have to be
based off a plan that was predestined. I want us to be real.”

Asher goes quiet for a moment, in deep
thought before his eyes search mine.

“Hear me when I say this to you, yeah? I
don’t give a fuck what the scrolls say. If our souls are fated for
one another, then fucking perfect. That just proves that you’re
meant to be mine,” he determines.

“If the divination is true, how do I know
what we feel is genuine?” I ask worriedly.

Piercing my eyes with his, Asher interlaces
one of our hands. He pulls them toward his mouth before taking mine
and flipping it over in his. Slowly, he lifts my palm to his lips,
dropping the barest of kisses into the middle, searing my soul.

“It’s real, because I say it’s real,” he
says, ending the discussion.

. Who could really argue with
that? Especially when Asher’s entire body is pressing against me.
Oh. My. God.
After the longest few seconds of my life, Asher
shifts so he’s leaning on his elbows. His hands come up and cradle
my head, preventing me from moving.


My eyes flick to his mouth before locking
with his. I swallow hard because my throat is dry from the hungry
way he’s looking at me. Asher looks like a predator ready to pounce
on its prey. My body hums with energy and anticipation as he slowly
lowers his mouth to mine.

“I’ve fucking missed touching you,” he
offers against my lips before teasing my mouth by brushing his lips
back and forth over them. The light contact sends shivers down my
spine, leaving my body wanting more.

My hips lift, trying to bring his aroused
body closer as he consumes me. He pulls his mouth back so there’s
only a sliver of air between us. His gaze penetrates each of my
layers until finally it hits its mark. I know the exact moment it
happens, because I can literally feel my soul shudder inside my
body. Clawing to get out and attach to his.

Asher moves his hips the slightest bit and
the friction causes me to release a soft mewl. At the sound, his
face morphs with desire. I lift my lips to his, aching for contact
so I can have the relief I’m so desperately craving. Yet, he pulls
away, denying me.

“Asher.” His name comes out a breathy

He licks his lips. “Say it,” he demands.

My brows pull together, not understanding.
“Say what?” I pant out.

Asher rocks his lower body into mine again
and my entire body arches into his. I let out a sharp breath at the
roughness of my breasts touching his chest. He pulls his lower lip
into his mouth as his top teeth rake across the spot I want my lips
sucking on.

“Tell me you believe this is real.” He

I whimper, because my body is hungering for
more. Each of my hands moves up, wrapping themselves around his
wrists. The feel of his leather bands increase my already sensitive
response to him.

He’s still holding my body hostage with his,
my head firmly trapped between his hands. If I wasn’t in such a
lust-filled daze, I might be embarrassed with how I’m literally
breathless for his touch.
This has to be real, right?
feelings for him can’t just be about the bond or divination.

Asher’s tongue darts out, running along my
bottom lip, wetting it with promises of release and bliss. He
hasn’t even blinked. His intense stare bores into me, stirring the

“Siren?” He pulls back again, watching me.
Waiting for me to answer.

I close my eyes and tighten my grip on his
leather bands as my brain plays back all the moments we’ve shared
together and apart. I recall every emotion and feeling he’s awaken
in me. I try to imagine my future with him, and then without him. I
can’t. If he’s not in it, there is only darkness. He. Is. It. Asher
is my soul purpose for being. I begin and end with him.

Slowly my eyes flutter open. I take in his
face, marred with an anxious expression.

“It’s real.”

Without hesitation, Asher’s mouth fuses to
mine, inhaling my words.



The inviting scents of honeysuckle and
lavender trickle into my nose as I glide quietly through the lush
green forest. I admire the sun bouncing off the tiny flecks of
glitter in the cobblestone pathway leading to the Emerald Castle. A
light, warm breeze washes over me while tiny giggles tag along,
following my journey toward the castle.

Some of the twinkling fairies place flowers
in my hair as we walk. Others just express amusement at my presence
in the Kingdom of the Fae as they guide my expedition through their

I make my way to the large glass doors that
protect the castle’s opening. The fairies release the double
gateway, allowing me entrance into the grand foyer gardens. The sun
beams through the translucent walls, draping everything in a
calming green hue. My presence wakes the vegetation.

The flowers stretch and bow, greeting me
during my walk down the elegant entrance hall. It’s lined on each
side by crystal blue streams of water. Miniature waterfalls cascade
down the glass walls as the sound of the collecting water bounces
off the high glass ceilings. Pink and white water lilies float
dramatically through a web of green lily pads in the collecting

All around me, nature is alive. The flora is
so bright and lush. It’s easier to breathe and feel the tranquility
of life here. Following the labyrinth of glass corridors, I finally
come to the arched doorway I’m in search of. I knock once then
enter the exquisite domed study.

I discover Lady Finella on her outdoor
veranda, overlooking her kingdom. A warm, flower-scented breeze
trickles through the arched aperture and washes over me.

The queen of the fae is always so regal, yet
seeing her pose on the terrace strikes a chord, a reminder that she
is truly a supernatural ruler of this magical dominion.

I fidget for a moment. Even though I’ve
visited this place so many times the guards no longer escort me or
announce when I arrive, I’m still unsure how to address her. She’s
in deep in thought and I don’t want to startle her, so as
gracefully as I can, I clear my throat to announce my presence.

When she turns, her long, red ringlets drape
elegantly over her slender shoulders. The color offsets the emerald
green of her dress and eyes. Her peach lips pull into a warm smile
as the golden runes on her arms begin to move. She bows her head
ever so slightly.

Eve, as always, it is a pleasure to have
you visit our realm,” the queen offers.

I bow my head in respect. “Your grace, I’m
sorry if I’m late for our tea. I had an urgent matter that had to
be dealt with prior to my realm jumping.”

The stunning fairy flitters her translucent
wings in delight before smirking at me. She ambles toward me,
drawing me into a warmhearted embrace. When she pulls back, she
takes my hands in hers and looks me directly in the eyes.

This pressing issue, did it perhaps have
something to do with the return of a certain gargoyle protector?”
she muses.

Damn fairy insight. “Maybe,” I allude

Lady Finella laughs softly at my antics.
“Well then, daughter of Heaven, now that you have made the journey,
shall we converse about the occurrences in your realm since we last
saw one another?” The queen motions to the sitting area in the
large room.

I sit while she pours tea. My eyes scan the
lovely chamber, taking in the white flowers climbing on the walls.
They almost give the impression of wallpaper, though I know they’re
real by the perfume they’re giving off.

I love being here,” I blurt out without
thought. “It always feels like home when I’m here, and no matter
how busy you are, you always find time to see me,” I offer

The regal fairy sits back in her chair and
smiles at me. “I adore having you, Eve. I could not be more pleased
that you feel welcome in our realm. Now daughter of Heaven, please
be kind enough to discontinue distracting me with flattery. In its
place, enlighten me to your happenings.”

I’m not sure how long I’ve been in the
queen’s sitting room, rambling. I explain in great detail my aunt
and Michael, as well as Asher’s return, and my visit with Gage to
the Land of the Leprechauns. I end with the scrolls and lay out my
fears about my feelings for Asher and my concerns with being
manipulated by the divine path.

Since Aria’s death, Lady Finella seems to be
the only being I can confide in. When I finally finish, she’s
watching me with deep intrigue before placing her teacup and saucer
on a tree stump, her version of a coffee table.

Heavens, you have certainly been through
a great deal since our last appointment.”

I chew on the inside of my cheek nervously.
“I know.”

I must admit that my fondness for those
pesky leprechauns is nonexistent. They have become quite a poor
representation of the magical realms. Though I do hope that Mr.
Gallagher explained their land is overseen by the darkness,” she
ends solemnly.

He did. I was surprised to hear that
each dominion has light and dark in it. I haven’t seen any dark in
this realm. Is there?” I ask and take a sip of rose infused

I’m met with silence as Lady Finella becomes
less regal and more rigid at the question.

Where there is light, Eve, there is also
dark. It is the law of balance. Each of the realms must maintain
that equilibrium in order to exist. So yes, in this kingdom, as in
all others, sadly there is darkness. Its presence, perhaps, is not
as visible as in other worlds.”

I’m not sure why, but I find her response
unsettling. I awkwardly smile at her answer. As if shaking
something off, her posture becomes more relaxed and I see her
warmness return.

As for Mr. St. Michael and the scrolls,
an appointment with Sorceress Lunette is in order. The magic
dimension is home to the Sorceresses of the Black Circle. Lunette
is very wise and powerful. If she is guarding the scrolls, as you
say, then be assured they are in good hands. I must forewarn you,
however, that you ought to enter the dimension with your protector.
There is treacherous and dark magic lurking within the enchanted
forest,” she offers the caveat without a smile.

I swallow. “I’ll talk to Asher and Gage when
I get back to confirm the visit.”

The fairy’s face takes on a maternal
expression. I brace myself for the lecture. Crap.

Eve, forgive me for speaking out of
turn, however, such a journey will require the warrior of Heaven to
be in agreement as well.”

I roll my eyes and sit back on the couch.
“We aren’t on speaking terms, your grace.”

Her mouth tilts slightly. “I appreciate that
you are suffering from the angel’s untruths. It is amenable that
you embrace those feeling. Conversely, it is my wish that you also
grant acceptance of your lineage. Elizabeth and Michael meant well.
They love you deeply, Eve. I trust when your antagonism dissipates,
your love will resurface,” she says gently.

I sigh and remain silent.

Patience and acceptance are commendable
divine gifts. Nonetheless, amongst all the human attributes,
forgiveness is by far the most revered by supernatural

My eyes meet hers. “Forgiveness is not
something that is easy to do when those who are supposed to love
you, lie to you,” I throw back.

In spite of that, forgiveness has come
effortlessly for you as it relates to your protector, and he you.
Deceit is a mirage. Love is an oasis. I do not presume to be
familiar with your emotions when it comes to Michael and Elizabeth.
Though, if you were my daughter, I hope that your heart would be
open and forgiving to whatever treachery was committed in the name
of love, sacrifice and protection,” she offers in a chiding

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