Redemption (11 page)

Read Redemption Online

Authors: Randi Cooley Wilson

Tags: #paranormal romance, #young adult, #college, #fantasy romance, #fae, #gargoyle, #shifter, #dark romance, #new adult

I turn my focus onto Callan. He and Thoren
are in a battle of mind control. Callan’s face is marred in
frustration. Thoren just looks pleased. The higher-level demon’s
eyes are no longer black but a chilling red while he chants in

The twin demon splits again and one of them
shoots toward me at an inhuman speed. Abby manipulates the air
around us, locking the first clone in an invisible hold. Without
even realizing what I’m doing, I start focusing on the darkness,
pulling Asher’s gift to me, blanketing us all in black. The only
light is the soft blue glow from Callan and Abby’s eyes.

The momentary obscurity confuses the demons
as the twins stare at me in disbelief. Abby takes advantage of the
distraction and wields her sword into the trapped demon’s heart.
The wound causes him to vanish into blue flames. She turns angrily
onto the second demon that is also just standing in awe, watching
me. The angelic gargoyle plunges her knife into his back, through
his heart then he exits the shop in the same manner as his

I smile at Abby as she winks at me. We turn
to see Callan in the air, rotating to the right as Thoren’s sword
connects with his black wing, slicing into it painfully. He grunts
in pain before landing on the black and white tiled floor. Abby
doesn’t flinch, but the worry is evident by her slight intake of
breath. Out of nowhere, a vicious circle of fire appears around the
injured gargoyle, caging him in. No doubt produced by Thoren.

“Abby, focus your energies on Callan. I’ve
got Thoren,” I plead through the dark.

Her conflicted, glowing eyes transfer to me.
“I-I can’t do that, Eve. You’re the charge.”

“You have to. Please. I’ve got this.” I
point to Thoren. “Save Callan,” I beg.

“Shit!” She pulls the rain, sourcing her
powers to create a water tornado then moves it toward the flames in
front of Callan to fight off the fire, which is growing wilder by
the minute.

Thoren chooses that moment to teleport. None
of us see it until it is too late. His hand whips out and snatches
my throat, squeezing it tightly and lifting me off the ground.

The wind from the waterspout flies around
the store, creating chaos with the shards of glass, but Abby has to
keep it up to keep Callan safe.

I use every last bit of energy I have to
raise my arms and bring my daggers downward. The sharp points slice
into each of the demon’s cheeks as thick, black tar oozes out.

Thoren doesn’t even recoil. He just walks us
backwards, effortlessly through the chaos.

Cold, lifeless eyes bore into me with
hatred. “You’re mine now, daughter of Heaven.”

“Actually, she’s mine, asshole.” At the
sound of his deep voice, my heart rate slows.

The demon twists me so my back is pressed
against his chest, never letting go of the tight chokehold. My eyes
lift and connect with a pair of glowing Indigo ones. I stop
breathing and not because Thoren is cutting off the circulation.
Asher looks menacing and untamed. Like at any moment, my beautiful
dark prince would light the world on fire to get to me.

With the angelic sword in his hand, he
rushes for Thoren. In one sharp movement, the arm that was
squeezing my neck is removed from the demon’s body. I drop to the
ground, gasping for air. My eyes dart and I see the fire around
Callan has disappeared. Then I’m being yanked back and wrapped in
Abby’s protection next to Callan.

Taking advantage of Thoren’s pain, Asher
lunges and spins again, making contact with and effortlessly
removing the other arm from the demon. Thoren releases a painful
howl before Asher’s sword slices through the air and removes his
legs. Black blood seeps and flows everywhere as my stomach rolls
again. Abby pulls me tighter into her embrace so I can’t watch
Asher torturing the demon.

Thoren growls. “Dark prince. You end me and
you will seal your fate.”

Worried, I look up to see that Asher isn’t
moving and his eyes are feral. “She is my fate.” In an instant, he
lunges forward and plunges the angelic sword into the demon’s
heart. Within seconds, Thoren vanishes in blue flames and it’s

Not even out of breath, Asher just stands
there, like a dark avenging angel. His raven wings extended while
the sword in his hand drips with the demon’s remains. Soft, glowing
eyes connect with mine. Behind him, the rain pours down outside and
the wind whips through the storefront.

“Ash, so good to see you, bro,” Callan says
through the deep breaths he’s taking.

“You too, man,” Asher replies, never taking
his eyes from me.

“Let me ask you something, would you order
fruit flavored ice cream?” Callan asks.

Asher gives me his sexy signature smirk.
“Forbidden fruit is my favorite flavor.”

My heart just stopped.



I let my eyes soak him in. They’ve been
starved of his beauty for too long. The rain drips over Asher’s
face and his lips part. We stand there, unmoving, holding one
another’s gaze. While Abby tends to Callan’s injuries, I fight
every instinct I have to run and jump into Asher’s strong arms.
He’s here. He’s really here.

Curbing the need to crawl inside his soul, I
do the only thing I can in this moment. I walk right past him
toward the opening of the broken window. With the wind and rain
whipping at me, I twist slowly and hold his stare then walk
backwards into the rainfall.
God I love him and at the same
time, I’m still so angry with him for lying to me. I’m a hot

As soon as the warm drops hit my face, I
lift my daggers and throw the weapons at him, one on each side. I
don’t wait to see if they hit their mark, I simply turn and walk

“Is that anyway to greet me, siren?” Asher’s
voice cuts through the downpour.

I keep my focus trained ahead of me as I
continue to escape. Each step weighs me down. My chest begins to
What the hell is he doing here?
Without warning,
strong arms wrap around my waist, pulling me tight against a warm,
muscular body. Asher’s minty breath crosses my ear, and the
butterflies in my stomach awaken from their long slumber.

“If I wanted to play rough, siren, I would
take you to the chamber.” I shudder in his arms.

Yanking out of his grip, I keep moving
forward. I don’t get far before his large hand grabs my upper arm.
He spins me so we’re face-to-face. He looks at me, memorizing every
detail. Devouring me with his eyes. With every caress, the months
of absence from one another fade away, and we just absorb each

Damn, he’s so beautiful
. I scan the
depths of his eyes as water drips from his long, sooty lashes and
runs down his stubble-dusted cheeks, onto his perfectly kissable
lips. My body hums with longing and energy as the bond we share
feeds off one another. All my senses reawaken, igniting my skin.
The darkness recedes, and in its place, light fills me. Making me
whole. I can finally breathe again.
No Eve, focus. He hurt

Asher leans his forehead on mine while his
hands bury themselves into my soaked hair. He tugs once, forcing my
head up as his eyes dart to my lips. This feeling is addicting.
It’s official. Asher is my drug. The way he’s studying me is
intense, empowering.

“I’ve fucking missed you, siren.” His voice
is raw with need. “Tell me you missed me.”

I have. With everything that I am, I
“No,” I murmur in a stubborn tone.

Asher takes my denial as a challenge. He
raises his eyebrows and smirks at me. “Say it.”

“Go to hell,” I bite out, allowing his
betrayals to fuel my anger and frustration.

“I’ve already been there, sweetheart,” Asher
taunts, using the nickname I hate.

My eyes turn to slits, pinning him. Rain
continues to trickle down his body and his eyes darken with desire.
He jerks my hair again, roughly. My chest begins to rise and fall
rapidly at his proximity.
Damn traitorous body.

“Tell me, siren,” he demands, becoming
irritated. Good, he’s getting mad. So am I.

“No!” I push at his chest and back away an
inch before his arm shoots out and grabs me again, yanking me to
him. His wet body presses against me everywhere I need it to. I
moan at the contact, unable to control it. I’m lost in the
sensation of him near me after a long absence.

Our breathing is ragged, coming out in angry
pants as we stare one another down.

Asher’s hands lock onto my waist, forcing me
even tighter against him. Passionate dark eyes bore into me,
weakening my resolve.
He lied to you and he left. Stay

“Let me walk away,” I whisper the plea.

“Never!” His face is furious and

“I hate you,” I speak softly.

“You love me, siren,” he counters.

Asher’s eyes narrow before he leans in and
lightly brushes his lips across mine. A soft whimper escapes my
lips, parting them, granting him full access. Breathing him in.

An invitation that he takes without thought
as his lips press forcefully to mine, and his tongue invades me.
This kiss isn’t sweet or adoring. It’s angry and raw, punishing.
Each of us giving just as good as we’re getting. It’s maddening and
intoxicating. He’s all around me. His scent. His body. His touch.
I’m drowning in all that is Asher St. Michael.

My fingers tangle into his damp hair and
pull, hard. At the painful grip, he growls into my mouth. We match
one another, stroke for stroke, swallowing the primal noises one
another makes. A clap of loud thunder booms in the distance. At the
intrusion, I realize I can’t breathe and have to pull away. The
momentary oxygen reprieve brings me back to my senses.

Tears of rage, and relief that he’s here,
begin to form, stinging my eyes. “You’re right, I do love you. It’s
why it shattered me when you left,” I snap and lift my eyes to meet

“I’m sorry, siren.” Asher’s face is pained
as he releases the apology.

“That’s not even the worst part. At least
when you’re shattered, you can eventually put the pieces back
together and become whole again. But then, I discovered that you’ve
been lying to me this entire time about my parents and the
divination, breaking my faith in you. Putting an end to my
allegiance to you. You’ve broken us, forever.” My voice is

Asher stops breathing. “What?” he says with
fear lining his voice.

“I know everything. I know that Michael and
Elizabeth are my biological parents. I know that your bloodline
carries the mark of Lilith and Adam. I know that we were created to
fall in love and fulfill the divination.” My voice rises with each
statement. “This entire time, you pretended to feel for me so we
could fulfill a prophecy. Knowing how I craved normalcy and a sense
of family, you kept me in the dark about my biological parents. All
you’ve done is lie to me. You’ve broken my loyalty to you,” I

“I didn’t lie to you, siren.” He runs a
frustrated hand through his damp hair and down the back of his
neck. “Is that the shit Gage has been feeding you while I was

I’m not sure why, but bringing Gage into
this seems below the belt, which makes my blood boil. “YOU LEFT ME
WITH HIM!” I shout and point at him.

Asher’s face turns dangerous. “YES! I
FUCKING DID!” he yells back. “And for the record,” his voice cracks
with anger, “I’d do it again.”

“WHY?” My temper flares as I seethe at

“I HAD NO CHOICE,” he screams. The veins in
his neck bulge. “Christ, siren, the fucking council was down my
back. I TOOK AN OATH!” Asher takes an angry step toward me, and I
retreat. “By the grace, I’m the next in line to the royal throne.
For shit’s sake, I’m a member of the protector council. I was
accused of breaking my oath to my people and family. That kind of
accusation doesn’t come with a slap on the goddamn wrist.” His
voice drops to a heated calm, vibrating straight through me.

I look away, not knowing how to respond to
him. My tears are flowing freely now, mixing with the rain. Another
sound of thunder claps as Asher pulls in air, reigning in his

“I’ve never fucking lied to you, siren. Not
about the divination or your biological parents. I had my
suspicions about Michael and Elizabeth. Believe it or not, I’m not
privy to all that is the Angelic Council. It was on the tip of my
tongue to tell you on numerous occasions, but without any real
proof, I didn’t want to get your hopes up only to crush them if it
wasn’t true. I’m not sure what Gage told you about the divination,
but I haven’t seen the scrolls for myself. So no, I don’t fucking
know what it prophesizes about you and me. As far as having
Lilith’s blood running through me…its demon blood, siren. That’s
not something to be shouting about from the rooftops. When I was
stabbed by Dimia, Callan explained the demon blood to you, perhaps
not in divination details, but you knew.”

“Omitting the facts to me is the same as
lying,” I counter as my anger dissipates.

“In that moment, my brother didn’t feel you
were in the right emotional state to hear every minor detail of the
bloodline. Looking back, I think you’d agree, siren. I’ve never
looked you in the eyes and lied to you. I swear to you, on my
honor.” I watch Asher’s face. The hurt on it hits me in the gut.
Crushing my resolve.
No. Eve, you have to be strong.

“Asher, the divin—” Cold eyes meet mine,
stopping the progression of my sentence.

“I told you early on not to look too deeply
into who I am. That all you would find is darkness, siren. All I
know about the divination is the lineage grants me the gift to
sense higher-level demons, like Thoren, and it protects me from
turning into stone dust if stabbed. Beyond that, you’ve lost me. I
have no knowledge of what else the scrolls state,” he says, his
voice returning to a more tolerable decibel.

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