Redemption (7 page)

Read Redemption Online

Authors: Randi Cooley Wilson

Tags: #paranormal romance, #young adult, #college, #fantasy romance, #fae, #gargoyle, #shifter, #dark romance, #new adult

“Love?” Gage’s voice penetrates my reverie.
“We’re getting ready to dock.”

My eyes snap open, yanking me from my
daydream. I swallow the disappointment that it was only a dream
when I notice we’re about to port in Vineyard Haven.
Crap. I
miss Asher.

“You sure your aunt is going to be okay with
me tagging along today?” Gage’s voice is uncertain as he drags
nicotine into his lungs from his cigarette.

“Are you kidding? She’ll be thrilled to have
the company. I think she’s pretty lonely now that I’m living away,”
I respond.

“It’s nice that you’re still so close with
her.” His thumb rubs along his bottom lip.

“I missed her a lot when we were in England.
I’m looking forward to just spending some quiet time at home and
playing catching up.” I heave a sigh and fiddle with my

Gage is quiet for a moment, his face
thoughtful as he watches me play nervously with the piece of
jewelry. “Let’s head down to the car so we can get off the boat as
soon as we dock.”

Once we’re in the roadster, Gage drives onto
the main road heading to Oak Bluffs. After a silent ride, each of
us lost in our own head, we arrive at my aunt’s white gingerbread

Her spring wildflowers are starting to bloom
and climb the white picket fence, embracing the house lovingly
Gateway to Paradise

“This is…quaint?” he muses.

I turn to Gage and let out a short laugh.
“Are you asking me or telling me?”

“I’m not sure it’s very…beachy and

“I’m sure my aunt will be thrilled with your
assessment of our home.” I taunt as he pulls behind her hybrid in
the driveway.

We both exit the car just as my aunt
Elizabeth appears to greet us on the walkway. I run over to her and
she yanks me into a bear hug.

“Welcome home, love bug,” she says near my
ear in a quiet voice. “My goodness, look at you. Your hair is
longer and you look older,” she says with a slight sadness in her

I grin and motion behind me. “Aunt
Elizabeth, this is Gage, my temporary protector.”

“Actually, I’m her NEW protector.” He offers
his hand to my aunt. “Pleasure, Elizabeth.”

Hazel eyes look awkwardly between us as my
aunt forces a smile. “Well, it’s nice to meet you, Gage. Please
come in. I’ve got some hot chocolate waiting.”

The minute I step into the cozy living room,
I see him. Gage stiffens next to me and stops in his tracks. My
aunt turns and offers me an apologetic expression.

At his full height, the warrior looks even
more intimidating and while his jade eyes are warm when they meet
mine, I become unnerved at his mere divine presence. Even after all
our training sessions together, he still intimidates me.

The archangel stands to greet us. “Eve.” He
bows his head to me, reminding me that I need to follow protocol
and greet him the same way. “Mr. Gallagher.” His attention turns to

“Michael,” Gage responds, less than

“What are you doing here?” I ask.

“He’s here because the London clan doesn’t
trust you to be alone with me,” Gage explains.

The archangel just smiles, as my aunt steps
to his side. “Actually, I invited him. I thought it would be nice
if we all spent a little time together,” she says in her insincere

“Libby is correct. I was invited. Though
Gage is accurate as well. The London clan doesn’t entirely entrust
your safety with Mr. Gallagher. After being called to the council
meeting, they asked me to oversee your visit,” he offers.

My focus shifts to Gage, who rolls his eyes.
“I’m in need of some nicotine, love. Please excuse my absence
during your domestic reunion,” he says, stalking out the front

“I’m surprised that a warrior of Heaven
doesn’t have anything better to do than chaperone an
eighteen-year-old college student.” The jab causes my aunt to shoot
me a disapproving glare.

“Eve, please exhibit manners and respect.
I’ve raised you better than that,” she scolds.

“Sorry,” I mumble.
And I’m ten years old

“Apology accepted. How about while we wait
for Gage to return, we sit. I have some of your favorite snacks
spread out. I can’t wait to hear all about school.” My aunt ushers
us toward the couches. “So, tell me everything.” She beams

“It’s only been a week, so there isn’t much
to tell.” I sit on the couch across from them. After more prodding,
I finally offer bits and pieces about my semester and classes.

“It’s…different without Aria…and Asher.” My
voice cracks on the release of his name.

“I trust that your new protector is working
out well?” the dark blond-haired angel inquires.

“We’re fine. Right, love?” Gage says, coming
back into the living room. The smell of cigarette and spice
following him. My eyes linger a bit too long.
really is sexy.

I yank my focus from Gage back to my aunt.
“It’s not ideal, but the temporary situation is adequate.” I use a
formal voice.

Gage smirks at my assessment and flops down
next to me on the couch, leaving enough space so that I can breathe
comfortably. I snag a mug of dark cocoa before watching Michael and
my aunt closely.

The warrior of Heaven is sitting close to
her on the love seat. His muscular thigh is completely brushed up
against hers and her face is in a state of constant bliss.
Maybe she isn’t as lonely as I thought. Is that even allowed, a
human and an angel?

“The London clan told me about your visit to
the Land of the Leprechauns recently. I am happy to see you
returned in one piece and without permanent harm,” Michael

My eyebrows shoot up. “I guess nothing is
private anymore?” I murmur offhanded.

“After London, I would have to agree,
daughter of Heaven. Privacy is something that does not seem to
exist between us, does it?” The archangel smirks with intent.

“I guess that’s the price I pay for being
touched by an archangel’s spirit,” I retort with a mocking tone.
Damn my mood swings are back.

“How is your training going, love bug?” My
aunt steps in, hoping to end our undertones.

“Fine, I guess.” I shrug noncommittally.

“Eve still has a lot of work to do. However,
Elizabeth, her skills are improving each day. Her mental control
over her gifts is remarkable, and now that she is versed on
portals, she’s focusing on becoming more aware of her
surroundings.” Gage answers proudly.

“That is excellent news. I am glad to see
you take training seriously,” Michael interjects.

“As opposed to?”
Why does it feel like
he’s baiting me?

“Eve, I do not wish to upset you. However,
in my opinion, your time with Mr. St. Michael was not used
efficiently. With Gage, it is my belief that your skills, overall,
will improve and you will be better equipped when the time comes.
He understands the darker side of this better than you think. Then
again, I also deduce that you are able to focus more with Gage,
than with Asher,” the archangel challenges.

“Would your assessment of my relationship
with Asher happen to be one of the reasons you and the council
removed him as my protector?” I cleverly remark.
Real mature

The nerve-racking warrior of Heaven moves to
the edge of the couch, holding my gaze. “I had nothing to do with
Asher’s dismissal of your protection. That was a Royal Gargoyle
Council decision. The Angelic Council does not get involved with
supernatural tribunals.”

“However, it’s okay to be involved with
every other aspect of my relationship with Asher?” I snap.

“That is enough, Eve,” my aunt warns.

I’m still agitated. “Aunt Elizabeth, I was
under the impression my homecoming was to see you and spend time
with, you. If Michael wants to antagonize me, then he can do it
during normal training hours instead of under the pretenses of a
visit home.”

“Daughter of Heaven or not, I will not allow
you to speak to Libby in that manner,” Michael cautions, standing
and stepping protectively in front of my shocked aunt.

I bark a laugh. “I’m sorry, who appointed
you my parental guardian? I think I have a solid enough
understanding of how your world works now. You taking me from my
dead parents and handing me over to someone who pretended to be my
blood relative does not merit a scolding from you on appropriate
familial behavior.”

“Love.” Gage’s voice is quiet, but firm.

The archangel just studies me and swallows,
unsure of how to continue to address me.

“I need some air. If you’ll excuse me.” I
head upstairs to my room.

I reach the middle step when I hear my
aunt’s concerned voice. “Perhaps I should go and check on her?”

“Elizabeth, the stress on her protector bond
with Asher is causing her to be highly emotional and slightly
volatile. Let her cool off. Give her some room to breathe,” Gage

“Perhaps Mr. Gallagher is accurate. Libby,
let’s give Eve a moment to collect her emotions. Perchance, would
you like to join me on the beach for a walk?” Michael invites.

“Fresh air would be lovely.” As soon as I
hear my aunt’s shaky voice, I’m crushed. I drop to the stair and
Shit. I need to get my temper under control. Damn
gargoyle bond.

“They’re gone, love.” Gage’s voice drifts up
the stairwell.

I look up to see him at the end of the
staircase. He tilts his head toward the front door.

“Let’s go do something fun and normal. Want
to show me around the Vineyard?”

We just watch one another for a moment
before I nod and make my way down the stairs. Once I hit the bottom
step, Gage extends his hand to me. My eyes shift between it and his
palpable stare. I’m unsure if I’m ready to take it.
Am I ready
to allow Gage to be a part of my life

I swallow hard while he patiently waits for
me to decide. After what feels like an eternity, I take the last
step and walk toward him slowly. I keep my focus on the rise and
fall of his chest with each breath he takes.

Once I get close, I lift my gaze to his and
whisper, “I can’t.”

He stares at me for a moment, lowering his
empty hand. He nods in understanding and walks out the front door,
holding it open for me to follow, and I do.



Gage and I return a few hours later after
spending a really fun afternoon on Circuit Avenue, pretending to be
tourists. We ended up walking around in the whimsical shops,
grabbed ice cream at
Mad Martha’s
and he even allowed me to
buy him a t-shirt at
Soft As A Grape
, although it had to be
black. It was a perfectly normal day and exactly what I needed.

“Eve, is that you?” my aunt questions from
the kitchen as we enter the living room.

“Yeah, it’s us.” I shift my eyes to Gage. He
offers an encouraging smile.

My aunt enters the living room, playing with
a light brown strand of her long hair that has escaped her
ponytail. She looks at me like she wants to say something, but
holds back.

“I’m just going to run out to the porch for
a cigarette. I’ll be back,” Gage says and leaves.

My aunt’s eyes drop in disapproval. “He sure
does smoke a lot,” she mentions.

I exhale. I need to apologize. “I’m sorry
about earlier. My temper lately is short.”

“Thank you. And I’m truly sorry about the
situation with Asher. I understand you care for him very deeply.
But, Eve, Michael and I are not the enemy. Yes, we’ve made
mistakes, but everything he and I have done has been to protect
you. Our decisions were never made lightly or in a malicious way.
They’ve been determined with consideration and love for you,” she

“I get it. Everything just sets me off these
days. I feel like I’m crawling in my own skin. It also doesn’t help
that everyone keeps lying to me. Except Gage, surprisingly,” I

“Untruths for protection reasons are
different than everyday lies,” she replies quietly.

“Not if you’re the person on the receiving
end.” I exhale. “Anyway, Asher being gone is just making me a
little unstable, so…” I look everywhere but my aunt.

She opens her arms to me, and I accept the
invitation. I can feel myself relax as she embraces me. “Come in
the kitchen and tell me all about it. I know we discussed it on the
phone, but it might help to get it off your chest in person. I
realize it was hard to lose Aria, and then to have Asher disappear…
I’m sure it was crushing.”

“It was,” I whisper, inhaling her scent. She
smells like the ocean and home.

“You can help me prepare dinner while we
chat. I think the
I Believe In Gargoyles
apron Callan got
you at Christmas is still here.” She smiles.

“Great,” I drag out and roll my eyes.

My aunt was right. After two hours of ‘girl’
talk, I do feel a lot better, lighter as the four of us sit down
for dinner. The conversation flow is easy and to be honest,
pleasant. I’m just gathering the last of my things to catch the
ferry back when I hear Gage and Michael in a heated discussion on
the front porch.

“You aren’t going to tell her?” Gage
questions, anger lining his voice.

“Mr. Gallagher I realize that you are
somewhat lax when it comes to following oaths and protocol, but
this is truly none of your concern, nor is it part of your

“If it has to do with Eve, then it is my
concern. Temporary or not, I’m her protector.”

“She is not to know. We are not ready to
tell her. The London clan understands this.”

“Don’t you think she should decide what
she’s ready for?” Gage seethes.

I head out to the porch and see Gage
standing tall, arms crossed, lit cigarette hanging from his
fingertips. His expression is menacing.

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