Redemption (23 page)

Read Redemption Online

Authors: Randi Cooley Wilson

Tags: #paranormal romance, #young adult, #college, #fantasy romance, #fae, #gargoyle, #shifter, #dark romance, #new adult

Asher and I spent the night curled up in bed
watching cheesy movies and eating takeout, only to wake up this
morning to Keegan’s authoritative voice letting us know Michael was
here and needed to speak with us at once.

The entire clan, including Gage and Michael,
are sitting in the sunken living room when I walk out. I squint at
the bright sun filtering through the large windows and curb the
desire to crawl back into bed and go to sleep.

Abby offers me a sympathetic smile as I
approach the quiet group with a skeptical look. I don’t know how I
know that something is wrong, but I can feel it. I start to feel
more uneasy as I look around at all the grave faces.

Asher moves toward me and my heart starts to
hammer in my chest. His gaze locks with mine and his blue eyes take
my breath with their intensity. For a moment, all I can do is stare
at him while all logical thought processes vanish from my mind. He
hands me a cup of coffee and pecks me on the cheek.

“What’s going on?” I ask no one in

“The Royal Court has requested an audience
with us,” Asher answers with an edge.

“Why?” I wonder aloud and sip my coffee.

“War has begun, love,” Gage mutters.

That earns him a quick, angry glance from
Asher before he turns his focus back to me. “It would seem that the
Dark Army and the Declan clan have set the war in motion.”

“I don’t understand,” I say through a tight

Michael stands and walks toward me with a
grace and gait that only an archangel can have. I recoil from him,
leaning into Asher. At my reaction, the angel stills.

“Lucifer has grown impatient waiting for the
Dark Army and the Declan clan to turn you over to him. Therefore,
he has taken it upon himself to make an even bolder move. In doing
so, he’s declared war on Heaven.” The archangel’s voice is

Asher snags my hand in his and I know more
bad news is about to follow.

“What was the move?” I demand harshly.

A sadness falls over Michael’s face before
he exhales. “They have Libby.”

“What?” I ask in a hushed tone.

“Deacon handed Libby over to Lucifer,” the
warrior answers.

Something primal in me tenses and breaks.
All of the heartache, rage, and frustration I’ve felt for the past
few months hits me hard and snaps all my defenses. I lunge for
Michael but Asher wraps his arms around my waist, hauling me back
to him as the mug of coffee tumbles to the ground.

pointing at the angel.

“Libby is, was. We had an internal issue.
Apparently, the St. Michaels are not the only one with a traitor
that they must deal with,” Michael offers, his voice even.

“Lucifer has her? Is she alive?” I ask in a
severe tone.

Michael’s eyes drop to the floor and skirt
around the room then land on me.

“At the moment, we believe so,” he answers

“You believe so?” I draw out and narrow my
eyes at him, mocking his answer.

Gage stands and faces me. “Lucifer and
Deacon are using her, love, to get to you. They’ll keep her alive
for that reason alone. They’ve taken her knowing what she means to
you. Knowing you would give your soul to save hers. Do you

My vision flicks to his. I exhale with
relief before it’s replaced with fear and then adrenaline. Asher
releases his grip slightly and I turn to face him. He’s looking at
me with understanding and compassion. He knows what it’s like to
lose everything in an instant.

I draw in a breath and blink away the tears.
“We have to get her.”

“We will, siren,” he answers through a tight

“Eves, The Royal Court is aware of the
situation. It’s why they’d like to meet with you and Asher.”
Callan’s voice drifts over to me, causing me to twist back to the

I push my shoulders back and lift my chin,
trying to be strong. “Good. Let’s go then. The faster we meet with
them, the sooner we can get her back.”

Callan’s expression drops. “You have an
appointment with them first thing tomorrow. In the meantime, the
Royal Gargoyle Council and the Spiritual Assembly of Protectors
will reach out to the Declan clan. Michael’s army is amassing and
searching for their traitor.”

I stare at him in disbelief. “You want me to
sit here and do nothing for an entire day?”

“We have our own strategies to devise,
love,” Gage responds in a gentle manner.

“Michael, is there anything we can do to
assist you?” Keegan asks in a militant tone.

“No, thank you. The Angelic Council and my
army can handle any internal issues and Libby’s return from here.
It was simply my request to inform you, Eve, of Libby’s situation
face-to-face, and personally assure you that I will make sure she
is returned, unharmed,” he says before his expression falters.
Despair lines his eyes. “Whatever you may think of us, your mother
is my world and I will walk through Hell to bring her back.”

My heart plummets. “Good,” I manage with a
curt nod.

Without warning, his face morphs back into
archangel mode. “I’m being called back. I was given a brief
reprieve to dispatch the news to you. Let me be clear, Eve, you are
not to go after her. Heaven’s army will take care of her rescue. In
the meantime, I suggest the clan meet with the Royal court and
other protectors to formulate a defense strategy for both the
supernatural and human worlds, as well as, Eve’s safety,” Michael

“Of course,” Asher responds in an
authoritative tone.

“I’ll be in touch when I have word of
Libby’s situation,” he says before leaving.

At the warrior of Heaven exits, my body
slumps and goes numb. My eyes cast downward and I notice the coffee
spill on the carpet.
Shit, that’s going to stain.

On autopilot, I move to the kitchen, grab a
wet rag and return to the spill. I wipe at it furiously as Abby
bends down so she’s at eye level with me. Her hands wrap around my

“Sweetie, I’ll get that,” she says, placing
her hand over mine.

I ignore her and keep scrubbing the wet

“Eves? Stop,” Abby coos in a soft tone.

“It will stain if I don’t clean it,” I say

“Siren.” Asher’s voice is gentle from behind

“I think she just needs some time,” Abby
speaks in a soft manner.

“Don’t talk about me like I’m not here,” I

Startled, Abby’s eyes widen as she backs
away and I stand, dropping the cleaning cloth. Asher’s strong arms
wrap around me, hauling me to him. I sag against him, my body limp.
Tears form on the edges of my eyes as a painful lump makes an
appearance in my throat.

“Come with me,” he whispers in my ear and
leads me into the front sitting room.

He sits on the small sectional and pulls me
onto his lap, so I’m straddling him.

“It’s okay to be upset by this, siren,” he
says, making patterns on my lower back.

“After the way I treated her, I have no
right.” I choke, unable to say anything else.

Asher doesn’t say anything for a moment.
“You love her. It’s normal to hurt after the news that was just
dropped on you. You don’t have to be strong here, siren. Not with

“We need to get her back.” I take a serious
tone. “It’s my fault.”

Asher’s expression softens. “You are not to
blame. Elizabeth knew what she was getting into long before any of
this was set in motion. Michael and the warriors of Heaven will get
her out of there. You will stay out of it, yeah?”

“How can you ask me to do that, Asher?” I

He wipes away a lone tear with his

“We have work here to be done. It seems the
war has begun which means, we need a defense strategy and to meet
with the Royal court. That is where you are needed at the moment,
daughter of Heaven. When Michael has word, he will send it to you,”
he says.

I shake my head as a wave of panic rolls
through me. “How can you be sure that Michael will rescue her?” I

Asher stops his lazy drawing on my back and
sits forward. “If he loves her, the way I do you, there is no place
that he won’t go and no lengths he won’t reach to get to her.”

Sighing, I cup his rough jawline and lean
in, placing a chaste kiss on his lips. Pulling back, Asher angles
his head, his eyes piercing each of my layers, trying to seek out
my soul. Swallowing the tightness in my throat, I stand and help
Asher off the couch. Nothing can change the fact that they’ve taken
my family, and despite my promise to Asher, I will try and save

“Strategy and the Royal court,” I offer in a
neutral tone.

He stands, taking my hand and kissing it
lightly. “It’s all going to be okay.”

I release an emotionless laugh. “Can I get
that in writing?”

He drops his jaw so he’s at eye level. “I’ll
sign it in my blood if you want, siren.”



A light, warm breeze floats through the open
walls of the Greek-style hallway that Asher and I are making our
way down to meet with The Royal Council. It’s ridiculously

The large white columns that flank each side
must be fifty feet tall. Everything is white marble and smooth,
like a Grecian palace. The clicking of my boots echo against the
stone as we walk at a leisurely pace. My eyes lift and I notice six
arched buttresses covering the ceiling of the long corridor. A
single, large black iron lantern hangs from each arches’ center.
Our path leads to a black lacquer double door with an arch adorning
the entry.

The sculptured stone detailing around the
entryway is stunning. I just stand there, admiring it for a moment
before Asher turns to me and releases his raven wings. My eyes take
in the beautiful sight of him as something flickers in his before
lacing our fingers together and pulling me to his side.
He seems nervous.

The gargoyle warrior pushes both doors open
and we enter another all-white, marble room. It’s completely empty
though. It looks like one big pallid square. In front of us, there
are wall-to-wall deep steps leading to a platform that has five
marble thrones. They’re larger than life. I’m in awe.

Lady Finella’s regal voice pulls me from my
state of wonderment. My eyes move to the far left and meet her
delighted ones. Seeing the queen of the fae in this location, I’m
reminded of just how powerful a supernatural creature she is.

“Daughter of Heaven, it is our great honor
to welcome you and your protector into the Hall of The Royal
Supernatural Court,” she says and bows. “The court offers our
deepest appreciation for your presence on this most sad

I offer a tight smile. “Your grace.” I
return the formal bow.

Asher nods his head in acknowledgement.

“Thank you for your show of respect to the
court,” Priestess Arabella says.

“Protector, would you be gracious enough to
indulge me as I present the daughter of Heaven to The Royal Court,”
the queen of the fae asks.

“We’re happy for you to make the
introductions,” Asher replies formally.

“Lovely, thank you. Eve, I believe you
already know Arabella, a member of The Seven High Priestess, as
well as, Lunette representing the Sorceresses of the Black Circle.”
At her preface, both ladies bow.

“It’s nice to see you again,” I reply in a
timid tone.

“The two gentlemen before you are Lucian,
King of the Werewolves, and Valentin, Lord of the Vampires,” she

For a king, Lucian is certainly rugged and
outdoorsy looking. His hair is sexily shaggy and golden blond and
his green eyes are soft and warm. He’s wearing loose fitting jeans,
hiking boots and what I would guess is his version of a dress
shirt, plaid. To be honest, he looks like he should be leading a
mountain climbing expedition not a royal seat.

“It’s nice to meet you, daughter of Heaven,”
he offers.

“You too,” I respond.

I turn to the Lord of the Vampires and take
him in. He’s the complete opposite of the werewolf. Breathtakingly
beautiful, he’s wearing a tailored suit and is much more formal in
presentation. His black hair is short and perfectly styled and his
slate eyes are assessing. He steps off the last stair to take my
hand in his and bring it to his mouth before kissing it.

“Daughter of Heaven, I am most honored,” he
offers with a Romanian inflection.

Apparently, werewolf and vampire stereotypes
are accurate. I laugh internally and take a small step closer to
Asher, forcing Valentin to relinquish my hand.

Not only does the Lord of the Vampires scare
me a little but I could swear he sniffed me when kissing my hand.
Maybe I’m overreacting with him being a vampire and all.

Valentin straightens to his full height and
looks at me with mischief in his eyes.
Nope, not

“Eve, dear, might we be so bold as to offer
our condolences. It’s with heavy hearts that we’ve been informed
that your guardian, Elizabeth, is being held captive by Lucifer and
the Declan clan. For this, we are truly sorry,” Lunette says as all
five supernatural beings sit.

I swallow the bile rising in my throat at
the thought. “Thank you.”

“Fear not, daughter of Heaven. In the end,
all will be as it should be,” Arabella comments with a sad

I nod at her response. It’s all I can bring
myself to do, especially since she is a seer and I’m sure she’s
seen my aunt’s fate.

“Ladies, please. Let’s move on to other
matters. Perhaps ones that do not make the daughter of Heaven look
like we’ve drained her puppy,” Valentin intercedes in a bored

“Yes, of course, dears,” Lunette chimes in.
“As you may or may not be aware, Lucifer has declared war on
Heaven.” She exhales. “It’s so sad that it’s come to this, once
again.” Her voice trails off and a faraway look crosses her face.
“Nevertheless, here we are.”

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