Redemption Road (Roughneck #3) (12 page)

Chapter 22


It was still a little dark outside. My adrenaline was pumping, and I needed something to occupy my time until daylight. I hadn’t tasted her in days, and I missed her sweetness on my tongue. I knew she was still sore, and I wouldn’t push for anything else. But I needed her pussy. Before her, I never went down on many women. I never really knew where they had been, and the thought of it was a turn off. But Mackenzie was different. I craved her sweet pussy. I thought about it day and fucking night. It made my dick hard just remembering that sweet taste.

I crawled on the bed gently and started to kiss her ankles. I made my way up her knees, and ran my tongue up her inner thigh. I heard her moan quietly and that made the craving stronger. I buried my face into her panties and took a deep breath. So fucking sweet. I pulled her panties down slowly as I looked up at her. I could only see her shadow, but she was propped up on her elbows trying to watch me. I started to kiss her stomach, and then gently rubbed her breasts. They were so fucking soft, and I had to put those nipples in my mouth. Everything about her was sexy.

“Oh, Kash,” she whispered, as I flicked her nipple with my tongue, and she lifted her hips so that smooth pussy rubbed across me.

“Fuck,” I moaned, as my dick got harder. I started to kiss her neck, and then put her earlobe between my teeth, gently. I put my finger inside of her and listened to her moan.

“Do you know why I call you sweetie?” I asked, and I felt her shake her head.

“Because you are the sweetest fucking thing I’ve ever tasted. I crave that pussy every second of the day. Can I taste it? I need it,” I asked, already knowing the answer by the wetness soaking my fingers.

“Please, Kash,” she said, and bucked into my hand.

“Fuck yeah,” I whispered, as I crawled down her body and found the spot I needed. I wisped my tongue slowly on each side of her clit, basking in the taste. Then I licked her clit slowly and squeezed her ass cheeks.

“So fucking good,” I said into her pussy. I felt her grip the sheets on either side of my head before she moved them to my hair. She pulled it gently, and that just made me lick her harder and faster. I knew she was close, she was so fucking wet. I felt her clit get harder and I sucked on it gently.

She cried out loudly, and I felt her body shaking. Fuck. Yes. I wasn’t finished tasting her when she grabbed my hair and pulled me away from her.

“I want you inside me, Kash. Now. Please,” she begged, as she pulled my hair closer to her face. I kissed her hard and reached over on the nightstand, trying to grab a condom out of my wallet without breaking away from her. I ripped it open as fast as I could and put it on, anxious to slide inside of her.

“I’ll be easy,” I whispered, not wanting to hurt her, sliding in and out of her gently.

“Harder, please,” she begged, as she grabbed my ass and pushed me deeper into her.

“Fuck, baby,” I said, as I thrust inside her, not wanting to hurt her, but refusing to deny her what she wanted.

I came quicker than I wanted to, but between her begging and that sweet pussy, it was fucking unavoidable.

I rolled over on my back and pulled her on top of me, not wanting to press all my weight on her. She kissed me gently on the lips and then nuzzled into my neck.

“Mornin’,” she said with a giggle.

“Mornin’,” I repeated.             


We both must have fallen back to sleep, because the sun shining into the window woke me with a jerk that scared Mackenzie awake. Her brown eyes were wide and full of fear as she took in her surroundings. I squeezed her against me.

“Sorry,” I whispered. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”

“You didn’t,” she said, but I could feel her heart pounding through her chest against mine.

“Liar,” I whispered in her ear, and squeezed her ass. She looked a little more normal in the light, and that made me feel a little better. I kissed her lips and then stared into her eyes as I swept her hair away from them. The redness was finally gone and the purple dots had lightened up. She really did have the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen. They were big and brown, and most of the time they spoke more than her mouth ever did. My eyes gazed down to those perfect plump, pink lips. They were moist and begging to be tasted, as I ran the pad of my thumb over them. I looked down and the bruise on her neck was still noticeable, but I tried not to focus on it. It only pissed me off.

“Do I still look that bad?” She asked, breaking me from my trance.

“What, no, why?” I asked.

“You’re staring,” she said, and crinkled her eyebrows at me.

“You look beautiful,” I said, as I put my hand on her cheek and pressed my lips against hers. She immediately opened for me as I swept my tongue inside her mouth. My dick started to get hard, and I felt her grind into me, her pussy still wet from earlier. Fuck.

“Wait, I have to stop, for just a minute,” I said as I rolled her off of me, and couldn’t help but smile at the pouty look that she gave me. She was so fucking sexy, and she didn’t even realize it.

“I have to make a phone call,” I said, as I stood up and grabbed my boxers.

“Now?” she asked, as she rolled onto her side and snuggled against the pillow.

“I’ll be right back, hopefully with good news,” I said, as I held up my index finger and then jogged out of the room.


Once I got off the phone, I was excited and nervous. Things were changing, and it was all new to me. I wasn’t sure which feeling was stronger, until I walked back into her bedroom and saw her lying flat on her back, still naked, with her forearm covering her eyes from the sun, her other arm draped over her stomach, exposing that new tattoo that I had been waiting for her to show me. I first noticed it in the shower after the attack, but it wasn’t the right time to ask. I didn’t think she could get any hotter, but a little bit of ink on that body blew my fucking mind. My dick twitched just watching her lie there.

“Do you even know how fucking sexy you are?” I asked her, as I climbed back in bed and slid close enough to touch her. She started to giggle with her eyes still covered, and shook her head.

“I’m serious,” I said, and then rubbed my finger gently over the tattoo. “And this…holy fuck.”

“I meant to show you,” she said, as she uncovered her eyes and squinted a little.

“You like it?” she asked with a little smile.

“Oh yeah, I like,” I said, as I kissed her shoulder. She rolled over on her side to face me; she had a sad look in her eye.

“The swallow represents freedom; I guess I jumped the gun a little on that one, huh?” She gave me a weak little smile. Fuck, I hated what he did to her. I hated the way he made her feel.

“He won’t hurt you again,” I said, and scooted up against her, wrapping my arm around her waist.

“I wish I believed that,” she said, and looked down.

“Listen to me.” I grabbed her chin and forced her to look at me. “I won’t let him hurt you.” I would make damn sure that he never touched her again.

“You’re a good man, you know that?” she said, and then swept her lips across mine.

“I’m trying,” I said, honestly. Because I wanted to be a good man, for her. I had to be. I had never been very good at it, but she gave me a reason.

“So what was so important at the crack of dawn?” she asked, changing the subject.

“Oh, yeah, you laying here all naked and shit, I almost forgot,” I said, as I squeezed her ass. She just giggled and kissed my chest. It was the little things like that, that caused my stomach to do a flip that fucked with me. This would take some getting used to, but I liked it.

“I got a transfer,” I said.

“A transfer?” she asked.

“Yeah, well, I got a promotion, and I’ll be working at a rig about an hour from here, so I get to come home every day,” I said, watching her reaction.

“You got a promotion?” she said with a smile, but there was worry in her eyes.

“Yeah, but what’s wrong?” I asked. Her eyes always spoke volumes.

“Nothing, I’m happy for you.”

“Something’s wrong,” I said. She wasn’t going to keep this to herself.

She was quiet for a minute.

“Are you ready to be around me, every day? I don’t want you to get sick of me,” she said, quietly. “I know this is all new for you, Kash. I don’t want to mess this up.”

“You’re right, it is new for me. But I won’t get sick of you, I don’t think I could,” I said, as I moved her hair away from her face, so I could get a good look at her.

“Are you ready to be in a relationship with me,
live with me? Like, every day?” she asked. Well, damn, when she said it like that, it made me a little nervous. I hadn’t been in a relationship in years, and that ended completely fucked up. But Mackenzie was different than any other woman I had ever met. I knew she would never do me wrong, it wasn’t in her.

“It’s going to be different, sweetie, but I care about you,” I said. I hadn’t said anything close to that to anyone in a long time; it surprised me that it came out of my mouth. “I want this to work. Are
ready for it?” I asked.

“Kash, I’ve cared about you for a long time, long before I thought we could ever happen. I dreamt about you almost every night, hating my reality when I woke up. I’ve wanted you for so long, I’m ready. I just hope I’m enough for you.”

“You’re more than enough, Mackenzie,” I said, as I rolled her over on her back and hovered over her. “I hate that he fucking broke you down, and you feel like you’re not good enough. You,” I said, and then kissed her lips. “are fucking perfect.”

I watched as tears welled up in her eyes, and then closed them as a single tear fell down her cheek. I didn’t want her to cry. I wanted to see that smile. I needed her to be happy.

“You dreamt about me?” I asked, and there it was. A small smile.

“Was I naked?” I asked, and a huge grin came across her face, but her eyes were still closed.

“Well, I dreamt about you, too,” I said, surprising myself again for putting that shit out there.

“You did?” she opened her eyes and stared at me, with a look of surprise.

“Fuck yeah, I dreamt about you up against the wall, moaning my name,” I whispered into her ear.

“Oh God, Kash,” she said quietly.

“Just like that,” I whispered, as I started to kiss her neck.

How could I ever get sick of her? I couldn’t fucking get enough.

Chapter 23


“You’re up and at ‘em early,” Mackenzie said with a laugh, as she walked out of the bathroom Monday morning, ready for work. She had on more makeup than usual, trying to hide the bruises and skin discoloration, no doubt.

“I’m taking you to work,” I said, as I stood up and walked over to her.

“You don’t have to do…wait, I still have a flat,” she said, when it dawned on her.

“I’ll fix it today, but I want to take you anyway,” I said, as I wrapped my arms around her.

“No, you’ve done plenty. I’ll have one of those mobile people come fix it for me,” she said with a shrug.

“I’m fixing it, and I’m picking you up for lunch.”

“Thanks,” she said, as she hugged me.

“That’s what boyfriends are for.” I almost choked when the words came out of my fucking mouth. Mackenzie took a step back and looked at me with wide eyes.

“I know, I’m shocked, too,” I said, when she kept staring at me. But when that smile broke out on her face, I couldn’t help but kiss those lips.

“Well, I like the way it sounds,” she said, as she rubbed against me.

“None of that, if you plan on going to work,” I said, and had to back up a little.

“I can’t help it, my boyfriend is so fucking sexy,” she said, as she ran her hands through my hair, and then bit my bottom lip. She couldn’t say shit like that and not expect a reaction out of me.

“Well, my girlfriend is about to get bent over that bar,” I said, as I rubbed my hand between her thighs.

“Don’t tease me,” she said, with that sexy fucking look she didn’t even have to work at.

“I never tease,” I said, as I started backing her up until we were close to the bar, and I turned her around. I pulled her hair gently as a little moan escaped her throat.

“Kash, please,” she said, as she stuck her ass out for me.

Whatever this woman wanted from me, she would get.



“Thanks for taking me to lunch,” Mackenzie said, as we were on our way back to her job.

“Gotta keep your strength up, I plan on wearing you out the next couple of days,” I said, as I glanced at her and gave her a wink. I watched that beautiful smile come across her face and had to force myself to concentrate on the road. That’s when I looked in my rearview mirror and noticed that mother fucker a couple of cars back. This piece of shit just doesn’t get it. I gripped the steering wheel trying to contain the anger that was bubbling up inside me. I was so fucking sick of dealing with this son of a bitch. I didn’t want to freak Mackenzie out, I had to stay calm. I reached over, squeezed her knee then gave it a pat as we pulled into the clinic. The parking lot was pretty crowded, and the only empty space was about midway to the front, so I pulled into it. I glanced in my mirror and noticed him park across the street.  Mackenzie reached over and gave me a quick kiss, and started to grab her purse.

“I’ll see you this afternoon, ok?” she said with a smile, as she reached for the door.

“Ok,” I said, with a smile. I watched her open the door and stand up.

“Hold up, sweetie,” I said, as I opened my door. This mother fucker was about to see that she was mine. She belonged to me, and he wouldn’t get near her. He was about to get the hint. Or, I was going to make him even more fucking crazy than he already was.  I didn’t care which. I jogged over to Mackenzie’s side and watched her stare at me with a sly smile.

“I forgot one thing,” I said, as I grabbed her gently on both sides of her neck and brought my lips to hers. I pushed her mouth open with mine and slid my tongue inside. I heard the thud of her purse falling to the ground. She instantly fell into me, and I let my hands run from the back of her neck, slowly down her back and then cupped her ass. Her arms went around my neck as I lifted her and forced her legs around my waist.

“Kash, I’m at work,” she whispered, as she broke our kiss.

“Just one more kiss,” I said quietly into her neck, as I spun her around so my eyes could find his car. There it was.

“You have to put me down,” Mackenzie giggled, as she glanced toward the clinic doors.

I did as she asked, and pushed her gently against the side of my car. I knew that fucker was watching, so I was making sure to give him something to see.

“So fucking sexy,” I whispered as I touched her lips to mine, and then bit her bottom lip gently, knowing what that did to her. I put my weight against her, and she leaned into me as I kissed her hard.

“Oh, Kash, we have to stop,” she said breathlessly, when our lips broke apart.

“Ok, sweetie, get to work,” I said, as I grabbed her hand and pulled her away from my car. She just shook her head and gave me that beautiful fucking smile. I reached down and gave her a quick peck, then a slap on the ass as she walked away from me.

“See you soon,” she said, as she turned around and blew me a kiss. She was only looking at me, so I knew she didn’t notice the prick.

“Hell yeah, you will,” I said as I gave her a smile, and watched her walked inside.

Once she was safely inside, I turned around and spotted his car. I started to walk to my car, but then stopped in my tracks and stared at him. I wanted him to know he wasn’t fucking hiding from me. I stood completely still, with my arms crossed, and just watched him, waiting for him to make a fucking move. He didn’t. He sat there, staring right back at me. I couldn’t see him clearly, but I knew he saw me. I knew he was watching me. Fuck this piece of shit. I darted to my side of the car and jumped in. My baby roared to life as I threw it in drive. This mother fucker was about to learn his fucking lesson, once and for all. I was sick of him. No one would pull me off of him, this time. I tried not to squeal my tires; I didn’t want to draw any attention to myself as I pulled out of the parking lot. But I was determined to get to him, and the sound must have got his attention, as I sped to the highway, needing to get across. I was going to rip him the fuck apart. My hands were white knuckling the steering wheel as I waited for the opportunity to pull out. Fucking lunch time traffic in this town. His car started to move as an 18-wheeler decided to creep by me.

“Mother Fucker!” I yelled, as I punched the steering wheel. My anger was getting the best of me.

Once the truck finally drove past me, he was fucking gone. I scanned all directions, hoping to see him. I didn’t. He was gone. Fuck that. This town isn’t big, and I knew where the fuck he worked. So, I drove. I drove down all the streets, through the bank parking lot, front and back, looking for him. He fucking vanished.

“Son of a bitch,” I mumbled, as I sat at the red light.

His payback was coming. I would make sure of it.

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