Return of Condor Heroes (132 page)

Qiu Qianchi nodded and said, “You really are clever; you didn’t need anyone to tell you.”
Yang Guo thought, “It’s better to take half a pill than take nothing.” He took the half pill and swallowed it.
Qiu Qianchi said, “There was only one Passionless Pill left in the whole wide world. You’ve just taken half of it. The other half will be kept in an extremely secretive place. If you bring the heads of Guo Jing and Huang Rong in eighteen days time then I’ll give you the other half. Even if you hold me at knifepoint and threaten me or throw me down that cave again I will never give it to you. The word of Qiu Qianchi’s is as solid as rock, I’ve never taken back what I’ve said. To all the guests, please leave on your own accord. Master Yang, Miss Long, we’ll meet again in eighteen days time.” She then closed her eyes and ignored everyone.
Xiao Longnu asked, “Why have you set a deadline of eighteen days?”
Qiu Qianchi said with her eyes closed, “The Passion Flower poison in his body originally would have reacted in thirty six days time. Now that he’s taken half a passionless pill, the poison has all come together and is now concentrated in one place; the poison will now react twice as quickly. The poison will be cleared if he takes the other half of the antidote eighteen days from now, otherwise… otherwise… ha-ha!” After she said this, she waved out her hand, ordering everyone to go quickly.
Yang Guo and Xiao Longnu both knew that this person does not listen to reason and so the two bid farewell to Lu E and quickly left the Narcissus Manor. Yang Guo couldn’t be bothered to find a boat to get out of the valley and instead, he and Xiao Longnu utilized their lightness kung fu and left the valley by going over the mountains.
Yang Guo had stayed in this valley for only three days; but within these three days, he had experienced many near deaths. Now that he’s left this place of danger with his lover, it was like he was in a different world.
It was now dawn. The two of them stood on top of a mountain ridge shoulder to shoulder and looked down at the valley. As the morning light sparkled on the luxuriant emerald forest, their eyes were filled with the green color. They felt filled with boundless joy; their hearts floating and swaying around as if they were at one with the clouds.
Yang Guo held Xiao Longnu’s hand and the two walked up to a locust tree. He said, “Gu Gu…”
Xiao Longnu leaned on him and smiled, “I don’t think you need to call me Gu Gu again.”
Yang Guo had stopped viewing her as his Master long ago; the reason he called her ‘Gu Gu’ was because he was used to it. When he heard this, his heart was filled with a sweet feeling and he stared into her black eyes. He said, “What should I call you?”
Xiao Longnu said, “Call me whatever you want; it’s up to you.”
Yang Guo thought for a little while and said, “The happiest time of my life was when we were in the tomb together. At that time, I called you Gu Gu. Just let me call you Gu Gu until I die.”
Xiao Longnu laughed, “I used to spank you in those days; were they happy days?”
Yang Guo stretched out his arms and embraced her. Yang Guo’s soul was completely enchanted as he smelled the fragrance of Xiao Longnu’s scent mixed up with the scents of the surrounding flowers and trees. He seemingly lost himself and said softly, “Let’s just live like this happily for the next eighteen days; we don’t need to go and kill Guo Jing and Huang Rong. Living happily and peacefully for eighteen days is better than rushing about and fighting for our lives.”
Xiao Longnu smiled and said, “We’ll do whatever you say. Before, I wanted you to listen to me; but from now on, I’ll listen to you.” She has always had an icy cold disposition; but now she was filled with love. She felt warm all over and felt that the greatest thing in life was to listen to Yang Guo with all her heart and soul.
Yang Guo looked at her startled; and said slowly, “Why are there tears in your eyes?”
Xiao Longnu took his hand and stroked her cheek gently with the back of his hand. She said tenderly, “I… I don’t know.” After a while, she said, “It must be because I love you too much.”
Yang Guo said, “I know what you are sad about.”
Xiao Longnu lifted her head and suddenly tears burst from her eyes as she threw herself into his arms. She cried, “Guo’er, you… you… we’ve only got eighteen days; how is that enough?”
Yang Guo patted her shoulder lightly and said softly, “No, it’s not enough.”
Xiao Longnu said, “I want you to treat me like this forever; I want a hundred years, a thousand years, ten thousand years.”
Yang Guo lifted her head and kissed her on her pale red lips. He said resolutely, “Fine, we’ll go kill Guo Jing and Huang Rong.” When he tasted her tears on his tongue, the love is his heart was stirred and his whole body felt like as if it wanted to explode.
Suddenly, a voice laughed out loudly from some high place to the left of them and said, “You don’t have to be that intimate.”
Yang Guo turned his head around and saw Jinlun Fawang, Yin Kexi, Xiaoxiang Zi, Nimoxing and Ma Guangzuo standing shoulder to shoulder about a hundred feet away. The person who said this was Jinlun Fawang. When the two left the valley hurriedly together, Fawang and the others followed. The two of them were oblivious to everything around them; they didn’t see or hear anything but each other. When the two stood below the locust tree acting lovingly towards each other, they did not notice that Fawang and the others were watching them from faraway.
Yang Guo recalled the many times that Fawang tried to stir trouble for him in the valley which almost cost him his life on many occasions. If he could turn back time he would chose to kill Fawang. He had the chance when Fawang was recuperating on the mountain top instead of helping him. He’s meant to be a great Master of this generation; yet he repays kindness with ingratitude.
Xiao Longnu saw the fiery anger in Yang Guo’s eyes and said, “Ignore them, those people will never experience a second of the happiness that we have.”
Ma Guangzuo called out, “Brother Yang, Miss Long, let’s leave. There’s nothing around here in these wild mountains; no wine, no meat, it’s boring around here.”
Yang Guo just wanted to spend some quiet time with Xiao Longnu but these people had to come and disturbed them. However, he knew that Ma Guangzuo meant well and so he said clearly, “Brother Ma, you go first, I’ll be there in a second.”
Ma Guangzuo said, “Fine, just hurry up when you’ve finished.”
Jinlun Fawang laughed, “Who needs you to worry about them? They just want to spend eighteen days here on this wild mountainside.”
Everyone had heard Qiu Qianchi talk about how Yang Guo’s poison would react in eighteen days. When Ma Guangzuo heard this he couldn’t stop himself from getting angry and grabbed hold of Fawang’s sleeve, cursing him, “Bald scoundrel, you really are evil! We came here together with brother Yang; you should have helped him but you didn’t. Instead you tried to stir things up; what are you trying to do?”
Fawang gave a wry smile and chuckled, “Are you going to let go?”
Ma Guangzuo said angrily, “I’m not letting go; what are you going to do about it?”
Fawang threw his right fist towards his face.
Ma Guangzuo said, “Fine, you want to fight?” He raised his massive hand to grab Fawang’s fist but this fist of Fawang’s was a decoy; his left hand suddenly came out and pushed him on the back. He used soft and hard force at the same time, causing the great body of Ma Guangzuo to fly away and down the mountainside. Luckily for Ma Guangzuo, the mountainside was covered in long green grass and he was thick skinned so he wasn’t seriously injured. However, his forehead was covered in green bruises. He roared and climbed back up.
When Yang Guo saw the two starting to fight, he knew that Ma Guangzuo would suffer at Fawang’s hands so he went forward to help him. But it was too late; he had moved just three steps and Ma Guangzuo had already been sent tumbling downwards.
Though Ma Guangzuo wasn’t the sharpest tool in the box; but he knew how to protect his life. He saw that he would not be able to beat that monk face to face and he cried and hollered, “Oh no, oh no, that bald bastard’s broken my arm.”
Xiaoxiang Zi and Nimoxing did not like the fact that Jinlun Fawang had been proclaimed the First Protector of Mongolia by Khubilai; they were now even angrier with him when they saw how brutish he was; the two glanced at each other.
Xiaoxiang Zi said, “Reverend’s martial arts are indeed excellent, you are worthy of the title of the First Protector of Mongolia.”
Fawang said, “You’re too kind.” Fawang knew that the two wanted to make their move on him right now while Yang Guo and Xiao Longnu were also edging forward to make their move. As to what Yin Kexi was thinking, Fawang wasn’t too sure. He knew his martial arts were strong; but if the five great fighters join together and attack him all at once, not only will he not be able to fight them off; but his life will also be threatened. While his mouth replied dutifully, in his mind he was thinking of a way to escape.
While Ma Guangzuo was calling and hollering, he was making his way slowly towards Fawang. Suddenly, he threw out a fist and struck the back of Fawang’s head. With Fawang’s abilities, this sneaky attack of Ma Guangzuo’s would never have succeeded; but at this moment in time, he was just concentrating on Yang Guo, Xiaoxiang Zi and the others. The idiot he had ignored actually managed to strike him on the back of his head. This attack was hammer like; hammering him into a starry daze. In his anger, Fawang sent his elbow backwards striking Ma Guangzuo squarely in the chest. Ma Guangzuo called out and his body fell forward right onto the shoulders of Fawang. Fawang’s legs bent a little and he dashed straight down the mountainside.
Yang Guo was the first one to chase after Fawang as everyone shouted. Though Fawang had a great three hundred ‘jin’ (150kg/330lbs) body on his shoulders, he still moved like the wind. Yang Guo, Xiao Longnu, Nimoxing and the others all had first-rate lightness kung fu; but since Fawang made the first move, they were not able to catch up with him for the first hundred feet. Yang Guo and Xiao Longnu increased their speed and gradually got closer to him.
Fawang suddenly stopped and he turned his head around. He laughed, “Fine, are you all going to come up on me at once or will it be one on one?” He held Ma Guangzuo and placed his head next to a large rock on the mountainside. He was about to smash Ma Guangzuo into the rock.
Yang Guo went around him to first block his way before saying, “If you kill him, then of course we’ll all attack you at once.”
Fawang laughed and threw Ma Guangzuo to the ground before saying, “Do you think I’d trouble myself with this kind of idiot?” He then sent his arms into his gown and out came a white light in his left hand and a yellow light in his left; he had taken out his silver and bronze wheels. He clashed the wheels together and the sounds resonated throughout the valley. He said arrogantly, “Who’s first?”
Yin Kexi laughed, “I’m just a merchant, so I’ll just watch from the side and see everyone test each other’s skills.”
Fawang thought, “That’s one less strong foe for me to face.”
Xiaoxiang Zi thought that he should let someone else go first and allow them to wear Fawang down a bit before he stepped in and finished him off. So he said, “Brother Ni, your martial arts are better than mine, please go ahead!”
When Nimoxing heard his words, he knew what Xiaoxiang Zi was planning; but then he thought about how good his martial arts were. He was matchless in India and had never met a match in his life; even if he can’t beat Fawang he wouldn’t lose to him. He went over to one side and casually grabbed hold of a large rock. He shouted, “Fine, I’ll test out your two circular things.” He picked up the large rock and smashed it towards Fawang’s chest. This rock was at least three hundred ‘jin’ and everyone was startled when they saw him using this to fight.
Jinlun Fawang did not know that this dwarf would possess such strength and actually use a large rock to attack him. He didn’t dare to meet it head on and dodged to the side and swept his bronze wheel across the back of Nimoxing. Nimoxing used the large rock to block the attack. The wheel and rock collided with each other and sparks flew everywhere with the sound of the collision echoing throughout the valley.
Fawang’s left arm felt slightly numb and he thought, “This dark dwarf’s martial arts are extremely strange, I cannot be careless. But even if he was stronger, how long can he last holding up such a large stone?” So he moved his wheels, circling it around Nimoxing’s body.
Yang Guo helped Ma Guangzuo up and then stood next to Xiao Longnu. Both were surprised with Nimoxing’s great strength and his strange martial arts.
The two of them battled for a while before suddenly Nimoxing shouted, “A Po Xing!” He lifted the large rock and shot it forward towards Fawang.
This throw was one of the greatest skills of Indian monks; it was called “Elephant Shooting of Shijia”. In the scriptures it recorded; ‘When Shijiamouni (Buddha) was still a prince, he left the city one day and found an elephant blocking his path. He lifted the elephant by the legs and shot it up into the sky. The elephant came back down three days later and when it landed it made a deep ditch, now called the Shooting Elephant Ditch. This was of course just a story that describes the unimaginable wonders of Buddhism. The later Indian martial artists developed a powerful external martial art, that allowed the user to shoot large objects and was subsequently named after this story. Nimoxing called upon the divine strength of this technique and shot the boulder towards Fawang. The large rock traveled extremely fast towards Fawang, creating a ferocious wind as it went forward.
Though Fawang was greatly skilled, he still didn’t dare to receive such a large heavy object head on and moved out of the way. Nimoxing suddenly flew up and struck the large stone with his palms, sending the stone back towards Fawang once again. This second attack was much stronger than the first because it was the combined force of the second propulsion from his palms with the remaining force from the first attack.

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