Return of Condor Heroes (127 page)

Fan Yiweng was shocked, these words of “damage to the ‘Spirit Stage’ will lead to ruin of the veins” were the exact words of warning that his Master had told him when teaching him pressure point sealing martial arts. He didn’t dare to go against this person’s orders and pulled Yang Guo and Lu E up with his arms. The falling force he had just opposed was extremely ferocious; right now he felt pressure in his chest and a desire to throw up blood. He knew that he had suffered an internal injury and he shouldn’t use any force; but his life was in the hands of his enemy, he could only risk his life and comply. He pulled Yang Guo up very easily and then felt his chest widen, his limbs became limp and he threw up blood violently before falling down onto the ground.
The roped slipped once more as he loosened his hand. Qiu Qianchi called out, “Quickly save her!” Yang Guo did not need any prompts; he grabbed the rope and eventually pulled Lu E up. Lu E had fainted from shock after being dropped down and pulled up so many times. Yang Guo first sealed the ‘Hidden Rabbit’ and ‘Large Bone’ pressure points of Fan Yiweng to stop his arms and legs from moving before waking Lu E up.
Lu E regained consciousness slowly; when she opened her eyes she did not know where she was; under the moonlight she saw Yang Guo laughing and looking at her. She threw herself into his arms and called out, “Brother Yang, are we dead? Is this the underworld?”
Yang Guo laughed, “Yep, we’re both dead.”
Lu E noticed something was wrong with his tone; there was a hint of teasing behind it and she moved backwards to look at his face clearly. She saw her mother looking at her with her expression that was neither a smile nor a scowl; Lu E was embarrassed and called out, “Mother!” She stood up.
Yang Guo saw that although Qiu Qianchi had lost her martial arts, she was still able to subdue Fan Yiweng and saved his life as a result. He had much respect for her and asked, “How did Senior subdue that shortie?”
Qiu Qianchi gave a faint smile and raised her hand; there was a sharp stone in it. She taught Gongsun Zhi’s pressure point sealing techniques and Fan Yiweng was taught by Gongsun Zhi. The same things were passed from Qiu Qianchi down to Fan Yiweng with no difference in the formulae. She had placed the sharp stone on Fan Yiweng’s ‘Spirit Stage’ pressure point and called out the frightening words of “damage to the ‘Spirit Stage’ will lead to ruin of the veins”; how could Fan Yiweng not get alarmed? But with the strength in Qiu Qianchi’s hand and with such a small stone, how could she cause ‘ruin of the veins’?
Right now Yang Guo’s thoughts were only about the safety of Xiao Longnu. Since Lu E and Qiu Qianchi are safe and Fan Yiweng subdued, he said, “You two wait here for a while, I need to deliver this Passionless Pill.”
Qiu Qianchi was surprised and said, “What Passionless Pill? You’ve got a Passionless Pill?”
Yang Guo said, “Yes, please take a look to see whether it’s the real thing.” He then took out the little jar and removed the square shaped pill from it.
Qiu Qianchi took it from him and sniffed it a few times before saying, “This is it, how did it get into your hands? Since you’ve got the poison why haven’t you taken it yet?”
Yang Guo said, “It’s a long story, I’ll tell Senior all about it once I’ve delivered the pill.” He took the pill back and was about to go on his way.
Lu E was sad and concerned for him, she said quietly, “Brother Yang, you must avoid my father, don’t let him see you.”
Qiu Qianchi shouted, “You still call him father! If you ever call him father again then don’t call me mother.”
Yang Guo said, “I’m delivering this pill to my Gu Gu to cure her poison; Valley Master Gongsun will not stop me.”
Lu E said, “If he tries to do something evil to you again, what then?”
Yang Guo laughed wryly and said, “Then I’ll just deal with it one step at a time.”
Qiu Qianchi asked, “You’re going to see Gongsun Zhi, aren’t you?”
Yang Guo said, “Yes.”
Qiu Qianchi said, “Fine, I’ll go with you; maybe I’ll be able to help.”
All Yang Guo wanted to do was to deliver the pill to Xiao Longnu; he hadn’t even made a plan yet; when he heard these words of Qiu Qianchi, his mind suddenly lit up. “If that scoundrel’s wife is there, how can he marry Gu Gu?” In his delight he suddenly thought, “But there is only one Passionless Pill; though I’ll be able to save Gu Gu, death is unavoidable for me.” He became depressed as he thought about this.
Lu E watched the sudden changes on his face, from delight then to distress; she then thought about her parents meeting up again and what kind of trouble that would bring. Her heart was in confusion and turmoil.
But Qiu Qianchi was feeling great, she said, “Lu E, carry me on your back.”
Lu E said, “Mother, you need to wash first and change your clothes.” She was really afraid of what would happen when her parents meet up again and was just hoping to delay things as much as possible.
Qiu Qianchi said angrily, “I’m in rags, I’m dirty all over, whose fault is this? Could it be…?” She suddenly thought about the times when her brother Qiu Qianzhang pretended to be her second brother Qiu Qianren; he had frightened countless members of the world of Wulin by doing this. The tendons in her arms and legs had been destroyed so even if she sees Gongsun Zhi, how is she a match for him? How could she take revenge? The only thing she could do is pretend to be her second brother and frighten Gongsun Zhi; she’ll then wait for an opportunity to take his life. Luckily he had never seen her second brother before and he must have thought that she had died in the grotto long ago; he would have no suspicions. Another thought went through her mind, “We’ve been husband and wife for so many years; how will he not recognize me?”
When Yang Guo saw the troubled expression on her face, he was fairly certain of what she was thinking and said, “Senior is afraid that Gongsun Zhi will recognize you, right? I’ve got something on me that may help.” He took out the human skin mask and put it on her; a terrifying face was now seen instead.
Qiu Qianchi was delighted and took the mask, she said, “Lu E, we’ll first go and hide in the forest behind the manor. Go and get me a coarse grass linen gown and get me a large fan, and don’t forget.”
Lu E nodded and picked up her mother.
Yang Guo took a look around and saw that they were on the peak of a mountain. There were luxuriant forests everywhere; he could see the stone manor. It was a couple of li away.
Qiu Qianchi sighed and said, “This peak is called the Angry Ghost Peak. Stories about the peak have been passed down from generation to generation in this valley, saying that there are ghosts around here. No one dares to come up here. Who could have thought that my return into this world would be by way of this Angry Ghost Peak?”
Yang Guo shouted at Fan Yiweng, “What are you doing here?”
Fan Yiweng showed no fear and shouted, “Just kill me quickly, stop your babbling.”
Yang Guo said, “Valley Master Gongsun sent you here?”
Fan Yiweng said angrily, “Yes, Master ordered me to scout the surroundings in case there were evil scoundrels around; master was right, there are people sneaking around who are up to no good.” As he talked, he took a look at Qiu Qianchi; he didn’t know who this old granny was and why on earth did Miss Gongsun call her mother. Fan Yiweng was older than the Gongsun couple; when Gongsun Zhi took him as a disciple, Qiu Qianchi had already been trapped down in the grotto. Because of this, he didn’t recognize her; but from the words of the three, he knew they were plotting something against his Master.
From his words, Qiu Qianchi could tell that he was extremely loyal to Gongsun Zhi; she was furious and said to Yang Guo, “Quickly kill that short man, don’t leave trouble for the future.”
Yang Guo turned around to Fan Yiweng and saw that he showed no fear; he respected the fact that he was a good man and wanted to spare him. Right now he needed help from Qiu Qianchi and couldn’t disobey her. He said, “Miss Gongsun, take your mother and make your way, I’ll follow immediately once I’ve killed him.”
Gongsun Lu E knew that her senior apprentice brother was a righteous and good man; she couldn’t bear to see him die and said, “Brother Yang, my senior apprentice brother is not a bad person…”
Qiu Qianchi shouted angrily, “Go, go! You don’t listen to anything I say, what use have I got for a daughter like you?”
Lu E didn’t dare to say anything else and searched for a way down the peak.
Yang Guo went to Fan Yiweng and whispered, “Brother Fan, the pressure points of your arms and legs have been sealed; they will unseal by themselves in twelve hours time. I haven’t got anything against you and I can’t kill you.” He then utilized his lightness kung fu and chased after Lu E.
Fan Yiweng had closed his eyes and was waiting for his death; there was no way that he could have predicted that Yang Guo would treat him like this. He was stunned and couldn’t say anything; he opened his eyes and watched the three disappear into the darkness.
Yang Guo was anxious to see Xiao Longnu and didn’t like the slow pace of Lu E so he said, “Senior Qiu, I’ll carry you for a while.”
At first Lu E was worried about the frosty reception between Yang Guo and her mother; but when she heard that he was willing to carry her, she was delighted and said, “It’s your turn to work a little.”
Qiu Qianchi said, “I carried this beautiful daughter in my womb for nine months and she became yours with just a word, don’t you think that I deserve to be carried by you for a while?”
Yang Guo was startled but felt it was inappropriate to reply; he put her on his back and stirred his chi, then shot down the mountain like an arrow from a bow.
Qiu Qianren was named the ‘Iron Palm Water Floater’; his lightness kung fu could be as considered as the best in Wulin. Years ago when he was chased by Zhou Botong for ten thousands of miles, he went from the central plains straight to Xuyu. Even with Zhou Botong’s great martial arts he wasn’t able to catch up with Qiu Qianren. Qiu Qianchi’s martial arts were taught to her personally by her brother; before her martial arts were lost, her lightness kung fu was first class. Now, as she was being carried by Yang Guo, she felt him move as if his feet weren’t touching the ground and he was flying along. He was running fast and steadily; she gave him much respect and was surprised, “This little kid’s lightness kung fu is completely different to my clan’s but it is definitely not below that of the Iron Clan’s martial arts; I cannot look down on him.” She had felt that her daughter was losing out in not marrying this kid; but her daughter had decided there was nothing she could do. Right now she was beginning to feel that this future son in law was deserving of her daughter.
In a short while Yang Guo reached the bottom of the peak. He turned around to look for Lu E and saw that she was still somewhere around the middle. After a long while she reached the bottom of the mountain; by that time she was breathing heavily and her forehead was covered with sweat.
The three of them made their way quietly to the back of the manor. Lu E did not dare to go into the manor and went to a neighboring building to borrow clothes for herself and the gown and fan that her mother wanted. She also borrowed a gown for Yang Guo. Qiu Qianchi wore the human skin mask and put on the gown; her hand held the fan and she let Yang Guo and Lu E support her as they made their way into the manor.
As they made their way, the three of them were filled with thoughts. Qiu Qianchi had not been back here for over ten years; as she returned to old grounds, she felt a great release. But then she saw that grand red lanterns were hung at the door of the manor; she took a closer look and saw that the doors were decorated for a celebration; drums and music could also be heard from inside the hall.
All the servants were startled when they saw Qiu Qianchi and Yang Guo; but when they saw Lu E with them, they didn’t dare to say anything.
The three went straight into the hall and saw that it was filled with guests; most of them were the neighbors of the Narcissus Manor of the Passionless Valley. Gongsun Zhi was dressed in a groom’s outfit and stood on the left. The bride was standing on the right wearing a Phoenix Hat and red veil; though her face was covered, one could see that she had a fine figure; this was Xiao Longnu.
The firelight in the courtyard flickered. Three loud noises were heard. The person leading the procession sang, “The time has come, the newlyweds bow to the heaven and earth!”
Qiu Qianchi laughed; it made the candlelight flicker and tiles of the house tremble. She said clearly, “If the newlyweds bow to the heaven and earth, what about the wed of old?”
Though the tendons in her arms and legs were snapped, her internal energy was not affected. She had nothing to do in the grotto and practiced bitterly night and day. Her ten years of cultivation was superior to those who’ve cultivated for twenty years. As these words were shouted out, the ears of all the people in the room rang. The room darkened as ten or so candles went out.
Everyone was shocked and all turned their heads. Gongsun Zhi was already shocked when he heard the shout; but when he saw Yang Guo and his daughter safe and sound beside this concealed guest, he was even more startled; he shouted, “Who’s this guest?”
Qiu Qianchi tightened her throat and chuckled, “You and I have a close relationship; are you pretending that you don’t know me?” When she spoke these words she had submerged her chi into her ‘dan tian’; though she didn’t speak loudly, the words reverberated far and wide. Mountains surrounded the Passionless Valley and after a while the echoes came back with repetitions of “You don’t know me? You don’t know me?”
Jinlun Fawang, Yin Kexi and Xiaoxiang Zi and the others were watching the procession from the side; when they heard Qiu Qianchi’s voice, they knew that an eminent person had arrived and everyone looked at each other.
Gongsun Zhi saw this person was wearing a coarse grass linen gown and was holding a fan; the description of his brother in law Qiu Qianren from his wife matched this person and this person’s internal energy was amazing. But the face looked odd; it looked like the face of Zhou Botong when he was disguising himself as Xiaoxiang Zi. There must be something awry here. He prepared himself and said coldly, “I have never met this guest before so isn’t this close relationship a joke?”

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