Return of Condor Heroes (191 page)

Huang Rong and Li Mochou didn’t dare to underestimate the enemy so they tightened up their guards. Gongsun Zhi turned his body around in midair and when he dropped to the ground, he got up again and rushed up the mountain. With a smile, Huang Rong and Li Mochou looked at each other and both thought, “This person had powerful martial skills and was also cunning. If fighting by myself, I’m afraid that I wouldn’t be his match.”

The Wu brothers pressed their wounds with their hands and moved forward to kowtow to their Shi Mu [Martial Mother]. Then they both stood up and angrily stared at Li Mochou. Huang Rong said, “You won’t settle the old debt today. Your father’s injury would be in the way, wouldn’t it? Who are these two people? Ai yo, wretched! Li Zi Zi [Elder Sister Li] come with me quickly!” She didn’t even waste time getting on the mule but flew her body toward the road and rushed out. Li Mochou didn’t get her meaning but still followed her. Then she asked, “What’s the matter?” Huang Rong answered, “Fu’er, Fu’er will run right into this person!”

The two used their internal energy to pursue him but Gongsun Zhi was really fast. Only with a somewhat small delay, he’d already left them far behind.

Guo Fu was supporting Wanyan Ping with both hands. Both of them rode the red horse and slowly emerged from behind the mountain. Huang Rong saw them from a distance so she used her internal energy to call out, “Fu’er, be careful!” Her sound hadn’t even faded when Gongsun Zhi quickly approached them and jumped up onto the horse’s back. He stretched out his hand to hold Guo Fu still while pulling the reins to turn the horse’s head around. Seeing that, Huang Rong puckered her lips to whistle and then rushed forward.

Gongsun Zhi was startled and thought, “How come today all my affairs went wrong like this? Can’t I even befriend a domesticated animal?” Then he exerted his strength to rein in the horse. This force was not weak and so the red horse let out a long neigh and reared up. Thinking to flee southward, Gongsun Zhi forced the horse to turn around but instead it flitted about and kicked up its legs. And then it unexpectedly moved backwards step-by-step. Delighted, Huang Rong sped up. Gongsun Zhi saw that the red horse was incredibly stubborn and that Huang Rong and Li Mochou were closing in, he sheathed the weapons. Holding Guo Fu with his right hand and Wanyan Ping with his left, they got off the horse. Now Huang Rong and Li Mochou, with their lightness kung fu, were approaching fast and were only a short distance away.

Gongsun Zhi turned around and said with a smile, “If I squeeze my arms, will these two beautiful and delicate girls still live?”

Huang Rong asked, “Who are you, sir? You and I have never met. Why would you capture my daughter?”

With a smile Gongsun Zhi said, “This is your daughter? Are you really Wanyan Fu Ren [Madame Wanyan]?”

Huang Rong pointed at Guo Fu and said, “That one is my daughter!”

Gongsun Zhi looked at Guo Fu and turned to gaze at Huang Rong. With a grin he said, “Tsk...tsk...tsk, very beautiful. Mother and daughter are both beautiful, very beautiful!”

Although Huang Rong was furious, her daughter was in his hands. She had to be careful not to fight the enemy and harm her daughter in the process. Therefore she had used a delay tactic and reasoned with him. But suddenly she heard the two ‘Sou…Sou’ whishing sounds from behind. Two long arrows flew past her own left cheek and straight towards Gongsun Zhi. The arrows were fiercely fast and they made extremely loud sounds while cutting through the air. Upon hearing the sounds of the arrows, she was so happy she almost cried out, thinking it was surely her husband arriving. The martial masters in the central plains of China rarely learned arrow techniques. And even though Mongolian warriors’ bow techniques were refined, without solid internal energy it was difficult to send an arrow very far. These two arrows were making such loud and solid sounds. Except for Guo Jing, she’d never seen any other person who could do it. But this arrow skill was actually still far from Guo Jing’s level. By the time the arrows were halfway, Huang Rong realized that the shooter was not her husband.

Seeing the arrows zooming in, Gongsun Zhi opened his mouth and bit the tip of the first arrow and at the same time stepped aside, using the arrow shaft in his mouth to brush away the second one.

Huang Rong thought, “If it were Jing Ge Ge [Brother Jing] who shot those arrows, I bet using your mouth to catch an arrow like that would give you a hole in your throat.” As she was about to move forward, she heard a series of ‘Sou…Sou’ whishing sounds again. Nine arrows flew in one by one, aiming at the area between Gongsun Zhi’s eyebrows. And this time, in a tight situation, Gongsun Zhi had to put down the two girls and pull out his sword to block the arrows.

As Huang Rong and Li Mochou quickly rushed forward to rescue the two girls, they saw a flashing gray shadow rolling Guo Fu to the roadside. When that body turned over to get up, Gongsun Zhi, ignoring his gold knife, shot out his bare palm to strike the top of that person’s head.

Lying on the ground, that person turned over his palm to block the attack. There came a clashing sound. Dust flew up all over the place. Gongsun Zhi then called out, “Good!” and sent out his second strike, with more strength this time. Seeing that it would be difficult for that person to block the attack, Huang Rong lashed out her “Dog Beating Stick”, using the “seal” stance to intercept that palm strike. Gongsun Zhi saw himself surrounded by the enemies. He knew that he couldn’t win today. So with a ‘Ha-Ha’ laugh, he backed up three steps and turned his body to walk away. He appeared to carry himself naturally, with martial grace. Huang Rong and the others didn’t dare to pursue.

While still holding Guo Fu, the person stood up. Then he dropped his arms. Huang Rong saw that he had a tall body with broad biceps, with a long bow hanging from his waist. This was precisely that youth who fought with a sword earlier. Also, naturally he was the one who shot out those eleven arrows. Even though Guo Fu fell into Gongsun Zhi’s clutches just now, she wasn’t injured at all and so she said, “Yelu Da Ge [Big Brother Yelu], many thanks for saving me.” While saying that, she blushed prettily.

By this time Wu Xiuwen and a young girl caught up with them, leaving Wu Dunru to take care of his father. Normally, Wu Xiuwen should be the one introducing everybody but he was filled with rage and was viciously eyeing Li Mochou. He forgot everybody else at present. Huang Rong called him twice but he didn’t even hear it. Li Mochou actually moved far away from them with her hands behind her back, watching the scenery. She of course didn’t pay attention to these people.

Guo Fu pointed at the young man who had just rescued her and said to her mother, “Ma, this person is Yelu Qi, Yelu Da Ge [Big Brother Yelu].” Then she pointed at the tall young girl and said, “And this is Yelu Yan, Yelu Zi Zi [Elder Sister Yelu].” Huang Rong then praised them, “You two have quite wonderful kung fu!” The Yelu siblings together replied, “Guo Fu Ren [Madame Guo] praises us!” and moved forward to pay respect.

Huang Rong then asked, “It looks like you two use the Quanzhen sect’s kung fu. May I ask which of the Quanzhen Seven Masters your master is?” She saw Yelu Qi’s martial skills and, except for Yang Guo, couldn’t think of any other fourth generation disciple of the Quanzhen sect. Yelu Yan said, “My brother taught me my martial skills.” Huang Rong nodded and turned to look at Yelu Qi. Yelu Qi felt quite awkward and said, “Elder asked me a question, I really should give you a truthful answer. Only my master has forbidden me, the young generation, to mention his old name. Guo Fu Ren [Madame Guo], please forgive me.”

Huang Rong was startled and thought, “Would the Quanzhen Seven Masters come up with this strange rule? This young man’s martial skills were quite excellent, why couldn’t he say his master’s name?” Having thought this out, she suddenly burst out into a laugh and bent over with hands on her belly. This matter was really extremely funny. Puzzled, Guo Fu asked, “Ma, what’s so funny?” She heard her mother seriously asked Yelu Qi which sect he belonged to. And suddenly she breaks out laughing like this. She was afraid that Yelu Qi would be upset so, embarrassed, she asked again, “Ma, Yelu Da Ge [Brother Yelu] can’t say it. That’s okay. What’s so funny?” Still laughing, Huang Rong didn’t answer. Yelu Qi had a smiling expression on his face and said, “Seems like Guo Fu Ren [Madame Guo] guessed correctly.” Guo Fu was at a loss. She turned her head to look at Yelu Yan and saw that she was also in the dark, not understanding what the two were laughing about.

Right now Wu Xiuwen was kneeling down to bandage Wanyan Ping’s injury. Just now, while she was held hostage by Gongsun Zhi, she twisted her left ankle while escaping. Huang Rong asked, “Xiu’er how’s your father’s wound?” Wu Xiuwen replied, “Father was cut by that old Gongsun’s sword. His left leg was injured but luckily the sword didn’t damage his bone.” Huang Rong nodded and walked over to lightly stroke the precious horse’s mane. She gently said, “Horse, oh horse, our Guo family won’t be able to repay you for your deep loyalty.” Then she saw that Wu Xiuwen, with his rather strange expression, didn’t speak to Guo Fu at all but took extremely good care of Wanyan Ping. But she didn’t know whether he did this to show Guo Fu he was over her or he really was fond of this girl. She decided not to pursue the matter and said, “Let us go get your father.”

Wu Santong was sitting on the ground. When he saw Huang Rong approaching, he called out, “Guo Fu Ren [Madame Guo]!” and got up. He had a leg wound so his body was swaying. Wu Dunru and Yelu Yan reached out to hold him at the same time. As their hands bumped, they looked at each other with a smile.

Huang Rong secretly laughed in her heart, “How nice, another couple! Just a few days ago, the brothers were willing to kill each other for Fu’er, not thinking about their blood ties. Now that the boys have met pretty girls, they’ve instantly turned around and forgotten all about their original feelings.” Suddenly she thought about Guo Jing and her heart couldn’t help but swell with pride. Jing Ge Ge [Brother Jing] always stayed true to her and never changed, be it in good or bad fortune. How would these youths be able to compare to him? Then she thought about Yang Guo. She felt that his relationship with Xiao Longnu was unseemly. But she also knew that he was smart about relationships and stayed faithful to his love both in life and in death. That was actually something to be revered and respected.

The Wu brothers and Guo Fu grew up together on Peach Blossom Island. Firstly, on the island there was no other girl of their age. Second, time made the hearts grow fonder. If the two brothers didn’t fall in love with Guo Fu, that wouldn’t make sense at all. Later on, they suddenly found out that Guo Fu didn’t return their feelings; they were brokenhearted and said that they would live a life without joy forever. They had no way of knowing that a short while later they would meet Yelu Yan and Wanyan Ping who they really should sympathize with. This time when the Wu brothers ran into Guo Fu, they secretly compared their sweethearts to her. The brothers felt that their loved ones were not only not inferior to Guo Fu but also even better. One thought, “Yelu Guniang [Miss Yelu] is open and kind. How could she be like you who are scheming and narrow-minded?” The other thought, “Wanyan Guniang is clearly sympathetic. She is also gentle and polite. How could she be like you who everyday makes people miserable?” The brothers had earlier vowed not to see Guo Fu again but had now ran into her by accident and couldn’t quite escape. They both thought, “Today I didn’t intend to go looking for you so this can’t be regarded as breaking a vow.”

In Guo Fu’s mind, she only thought about how she had been captured by Gongsun Zhi just now and how Yelu Qi had saved her. She stole a look at him several times and saw that he was tall and handsome. She couldn’t help secretly thinking, “I met him for the first time last year and later forgot all about him. At that time I didn’t know that his martial skills would be like this. Mother and he were laughing together. What were they laughing about?”

Huang Rong examined the sword wound on Wu Santong’s leg. Fortunately, it wouldn’t be a great obstacle. Then everybody shared their stories.

On the day that Wu Santong, Zhu Ziliu and the Martial Uncle Indian monk left for the Passionless Valley to seek the antidote for Yang Guo, just outside of Xiangyang, Wu Santong ran into his two sons. Startled and afraid that they would fight again, he quickly told Zhu Ziliu to accompany Martial Uncle on ahead. Then he rushed out to stop the Wu brothers and asked questions. As it turned out, the Wu brothers both followed their vow spoken to Yang Guo about not seeing Guo Fu again so they didn’t want to stay in Xiangyang any longer. Wu Santong was reassured so he praised them, “Good boys, you’ve got guts!” He also said, “Yang Xiong Di [Brother Yang] risked his own life to save us. Now he is in trouble, how can we not try to help him? The three of us, father and sons, should go to the Passionless Valley together.”

The Passionless Valley was like a paradise outside this world. Although Yang Guo had told them about its approximate location, it was actually not easy to find the entrance. The three people went around in circle and took many paths but still they couldn’t find the Valley entrance. The Indian monk and Zhu Ziliu had already fallen into the enemy’s trap and been captured by the fishnets of Qiu Qianchi’s disciples. Wu Santong and his sons tried many times to help them without success and almost fell into the gorge. With no choice but to retreat, they thought that they would go back to Xiangyang to find help. Unfortunately, they ran into Gongsun Zhi who said the three of them were trespassing and then attacked them. Wu Santong was not his match and was cut on the leg. Gongsun Zhi didn’t really want the three people’s lives and so he just forced them to leave quickly and told them never to come back.

By this time, the Yelu siblings and Wanyan Ping happened to ride into view. The three people and the Wu brothers used to fight together so they got off their horses and started talking about the old times. Gongsun Zhi was looking at them coldly from the side. He failed to marry Xiao Longnu and got kicked out of the sect by his wife so he was actually bored to death. Seeing that Wanyan Ping was young and beautiful, he couldn’t curb his evil desires and suddenly snatched her away with him. This time, the Yelu siblings and the Wu brothers all immediately jumped in to fight. If Wu Santong hadn’t been injured, it would be six people joining forces and they would have had a chance against Gongsun Zhi. However, his leg was wounded so Yelu Qi was the only strong fighter among them but they couldn’t fend off Gongsun Zhi. It just so happened that the precious horse [Han Xie Yu] was running back by himself from Mount Zhongnan and heading towards Xiangyang. Wu Xiuwen grabbed him and let Wanyan Ping ride away; hoping that Gongsun Zhi would lose interest after the swan was gone. They didn’t expect that Huang Rong and Li Mochou would rush into the scene like this.

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