Return of Condor Heroes (87 page)

In reality, her Master was just Lin Chaoying’s maid, she only had the name that Lin Chaoying gave her, and even she herself did not know what her surname was.
At this time, all the heroes gave a toast towards Guo Jing, Huang Rong, Yang Guo and Xiao Longnu, celebrating the fact that they defeated such a strong opponent as Jinlun Fawang.
Because Guo Fu was always by her parent’s side, she had the respect of others, right now she was being overshadowed, and she couldn’t stop from feeling depressed. Apart from the Wu brothers by her side who revered her, no one took any notice of her. She felt annoyed, she said, “Big brother Wu, little Brother Wu, let’s go outside and play instead of drinking wine.”
Wu Dunru and Wu Xiuwen both agreed. The three of them stood up and were about to leave the hall when Guo Jing suddenly called out, “Fu’er, come over here.” She turned her head and saw that her father had changed places and was now sitting at the same table as her mother, smiling and signaling her over so she went and called out, “Father, mother!” and leaned on Huang Rong.
Guo Jing smiled and said to Huang Rong, “At first you were worried about Guo’er’s character and were afraid that his martial arts weren’t up to scratch, you can’t say anything now, can you? He has achieved a great merit for the heroes of Wulin, without saying that he hasn’t done anything wrong. Even if he had, it cannot compare to what he has done today.”
Huang Rong nodded, she smiled and said, “It was my mistake, Guo’er’s character and martial arts both are good, I am very pleased as well.”
Guo Jing heard that his wife had now agreed about their daughter’s marriage and was delighted, he said to Xiao Longnu, “Miss Long, your disciple’s father and I are sworn brothers. The Yang’s and Guo’s have had a great relationship for generations, I have a daughter, her beauty and martial arts are both passable…” He had always been straight forward, whatever is in his heart will be said.
Huang Rong interrupted, she smiled and said, “Ai ya, who praises their own child like that, you’re not afraid of making sister Long laugh.”
Guo Jing laughed and followed on, “I wish to betroth my daughter to your disciple. Both his parents have passed away, the responsibility of making the decision is now passed onto Miss Long. I want to take the opportunity with all these heroes here, to add another celebration on top of the last one. Let’s ask two heroes of a venerable age and eminent virtue to be the matchmakers, and arrange the marriage, how about that?”
Marriage is decided by the orders of the parents and the words of the matchmakers, the boy and girl don’t actually have a say. This is why, years ago, there was the matter of an arranged marriage decided by Guo Jing’s father Guo Xiaotian and Yang Guo’s grandfather Yang Tiexin for their children.
When Guo Jing said this, he laughed out loud and looked at Yang Guo and his daughter, thinking that Xiao Longnu will definitely agree to this. Guo Fu was already embarrassed, her face was red and she hid in her mother’s arms, she felt this was inappropriate but she didn’t dare to say anything.
Xiao Longnu’s face changed slightly and before she replied, Yang Guo stood up and gave a prolonged bow to Guo Jing and Huang Rong and he said, “The gratitude that I have for Uncle Guo’s and Auntie Guo’s love and care would be impossible to repay. But nephew is from an ordinary family, my character is lowly, I am not worthy for your precious daughter.”
Guo Jing thought that because he and his wife are famous throughout the Wulin world, and his daughter’s character, beauty and kung fu are first class, now that he’s personally saying that he wants to betroth her to him, he thought he would definitely be ecstatic. He couldn’t have known that he would reject this, he couldn’t help being startled. Then had another thought; it must be because he is young, it was unexpected and he wanted to postpone it. Guo Jing gave a laugh and said, “Guo’er, the two of us aren’t exactly strangers, this matter involves your future, there is no need to be embarrassed.”
Yang Guo gave another deep bow to him and said, “If Uncle Guo has any other requests, nephew here will oblige without delay. But I dare not comply with this request of marriage.”
Guo Jing saw that his face was serious and he was surprised, he looked at his wife in hope that she would explain it.
Inside, Huang Rong blamed Guo Jing for being so straightforward. Without checking beforehand, he openly raised this matter in front of all these people, making a big mistake. She saw that the way Xiao Longnu and Yang Guo treated each other was like a couple in love, but they said they were Master and disciple, could it be that the two act in a manner contrary to the norm and have actually intermixed the relationships?
This was something that was extremely hard to believe, she thought that although Yang Guo may not be a man of honour, he would not do such a thing as this. The Song respect tradition above all; the relationship between Master and disciple were like that of an emperor and his minister, a father and son, they can never intermix. Though Huang Rong suspected it, this matter was so serious that she didn’t dare to believe it so she asked Yang Guo, “Guo’er, Miss Long really is your Master?”
Yang Guo said, “Yes!”
Huang Rong asked again, “You’ve kowtowed and gone through the ceremony of entering a Master’s tutelage?”
Yang Guo said, “Yes.”
His mouth was replying to Huang Rong but his eyes were fixed on Xiao Longnu, his face filled with joy, tenderness, love and affection. Without mentioning how clever and wise Huang Rong was, even an ordinary person could tell that the two’s relationship was not a normal Master and disciple relationship.
Guo Jing did not understand what Huang Rong was doing, thinking, “He has already said that Miss Long is his Master, their kung fu is from the same school, what’s untrue about that? I was talking about our daughter’s marriage, why did Rong’er ask them whether they were Master and disciple again? Ah, he first entered Quanzhen sect and then entered another sect later on, though it’s not according to the rules of Wulin, it’s not that difficult a thing to clear up.
Huang Rong was secretly alarmed at Yang Guo’s and Xiao Longnu’s expressions, she signaled with her eyes towards her husband and said, “Fu’er is still young; why is there a need to rush things? Today the heroes of the world are amassed here, it’s more important to discuss how to protect the country. Let’s put aside our personal matters.”
Guo Jing thought this was correct so he quickly said, “Yes, yes. I almost put my personal affairs over public matters. Miss Long, we’ll carry on discussing Guo’er’s and my daughter’s marriage at a later date.”
Xiao Longnu shook her head, “I myself will be Guo’er’s wife,” she said, “He cannot take your daughter as his wife.”
Those two sentences were crisp and clear, hundreds of people in the hall heard this. Guo Jing was startled, he stood up and didn’t believe his eyes, he saw her holding Yang Guo’s hand, looking affectionate towards him, he had to believe it, he stuttered, “He’s… he’s your disc… disc… disciple, could it be that he’s not?”
Xiao Longnu had lived in the ancient tomb for a long time; she was not exposed to the sunlight, because of this there were no traces of color in her cheeks and her was skin permanently white. But right now her heart was filled with joy and delight; her face looked tender and enchanting, just like when a flower first blooms. She smiled and said, “Yes! I taught him kung fu but now his kung fu is as strong as mine. He loves me in his heart and I love him. Before…” As she reached this point she lowered her voice, though she was very innocent, the embarrassment and shyness of girls began to show, she said gently, “Before… I thought that he didn’t love me, he didn’t want me to be his wife, my… my heart was in unbearable pain and I thought death would be better. But today, I know that he really loves me, I… I…”
Hundreds of people in the hall were silent, listening to her revealing her feelings. Even if a girl is filled with love, how could she tell it all in public? And how could she tell it to Guo Jing who had nothing to do with it? But she does not know anything about customs, tradition and the conduct of others, she just felt that these words needed to be said and immediately came out with them.
Yang Guo was extremely moved by her words of love but he looked at the crowd, some were startled and surprised, some looked awkward and some did not approve. He thought that Xiao Longnu was too unknowing, she shouldn’t have said this in this place, he pulled her hand and stood up, he softly said, “Gu Gu, let’s leave!”
Xiao Longnu said, “Yes!”
The two of them headed towards the exit shoulder to shoulder, though the hall was filled with people, in Xiao Longnu’s eyes there was only Yang Guo.
Guo Jing and Huang Rong looked at each other startled, the couple had been through countless strange events, endured many dangers, but they could never have predicted what was happening right now. For the time being, they didn’t know what to do.
Xiao Longnu and Yang Guo were about to leave the hall when Huang Rong called out, “Miss Long, you’re the Chancellor of Wulin, everyone is under your command, you need to think this over.”
Xiao Longnu turned her head and showed a smile, she said, “I don’t know how to be whatever Chancellor, sister if you want it, then you take the position.”
Huang Rong said, “No, if you want to elect someone else, then you ought to elect senior Chief Hong.”
The Chancellor of Wulin is the most revered position in the view of martial artists, but Xiao Longnu couldn’t have cared less and just replied, “Just do whatever you want, I don’t understand it anyway.” She pulled Yang Guo’s hand and headed for the exit again.
Suddenly there was a gust of wind, the candlelight swayed, and a person darted out. The person was dressed in a Taoist gown, a long sword in his hand; it was the Quanzhen Taoist Zhao Zhijing. He blocked the exit with his sword and said loudly, “Yang Guo, you disobeyed your Master and showed disrespect for Quanzhen’s founder, and today you have done such a monstrous thing, how can you still have the nerve to stand on this earth? As long as Zhao has one breath in him, I will not allow it.”
Yang Guo did not want to argue with this person in front of everyone, he deepened his voice and said, “Move!”
Zhao Zhijing said, “Apprentice brother Zhen, come over, you have a say as well, that night on Mount Zhongnan we saw with our eyes two people naked, what’s all that about?”
Zhen Zhibing stood up shakily, his left arm rose. People could see that the last two fingers on his hand were missing; though they didn’t know the intricacies of the situation, but judging from the way his body froze and the strange expression on his face, they knew that there must be something more to this.
That night, Yang Guo and Xiao Longnu were practicing the “Jade Heart Manual” in the flower thicket when Zhao and Zhen saw them. Yang Guo had forced Zhao Zhijing to take up a venomous oath, he couldn’t tell this matter to a fifth person, how could he have known that today, Zhao Zhijing would belittle and accuse them without restraint in front of everyone, Yang Guo was extremely furious, he shouted, “You swore an oath, you are forbidden to reveal this to a fifth person, why are you now… why…”
Zhao Zhijing laughed and said loudly, “Correct, I swore I won’t reveal this to a fifth person but in front of me there is a sixth, a seventh. It’s not a fifth person when there’s hundreds and thousands present. Naturally, I can tell everyone about this immoral thing that you two did.”
Zhao Zhijing had seen the two naked, in the middle of the night in a flower thicket, how could he think that they were practicing advanced martial arts? It came out now due to anger, and he didn’t care if he was falsely accusing them or not.
That night, Xiao Longnu was so angry that she threw up a pool of blood, almost losing her life. Now she heard him twisting his words and arguing his way, she couldn’t stand it any longer, she stretched out her hand and lightly grabbed his chest, she said, “You’d better stop talking rubbish.” She had completed the “Jade Heart Manual” and now the palm came out of nowhere, that, plus the fact that the “Jade Heart Manual” is the Black Star (the matching opposite) of Quanzhen’s kung fu made the move extraordinary. Xiao Longnu’s hand had went through Zhao Zhijing’s urgent attempt to repel it, grabbing his chest.
Zhao Zhijing blocked thin air and was startled, but the opponent’s palm just touched his chest briefly and then immediately departed, he didn’t feel anything and didn’t take it to heart, he chuckled and said, “Why are you touching me? I’m not…” Before he finished, he’s eyes suddenly went blank, a ‘peng’ sound was heard as he fell onto the ground, he had suffered a severe injury.
When Sun Bu’Er and Hao Datong saw their martial nephew hurt, they dashed forward to see his chi and blood had been forced upwards, his face was completely red as if he was drunk. Sun Bu’Er chuckled and said, “Fine, your Ancient Tomb sect really wants to start something with my Quanzhen sect.” She held out a long sword, about to start a fight with Xiao Longnu.
Guo Jing urgently got out of his seat and stood between the two, he said, “We’re on the same side, stop this fighting.” He said to Yang Guo, “Guo’er, both sides are your Master and elders. Advise them to return to their seats, and then we can quietly clear things up.”
Xiao Longnu had never thought that such a thing as not keeping to your word and breaking a promise existed, she was really troubled, she pulled Yang Guo’s hand with a frown, saying, “Guo’er, let’s leave, we won’t see these people ever again!”
Yang Guo followed her lead and took two steps forward.
Sun Bu’Er’s sword moved and she shouted, “You’ve hurt someone and now you want to leave?”
Guo Jing saw that both sides were about to fight, he said seriously, “Guo’er, you must stop your feet, you must be a good person, don’t destroy yourself and your name. I was the one who named you; do you know what the word ‘Guo’ means?”
When Yang Guo heard this, his heart trembled, he suddenly remembered all the events from when he was a child, thinking about all the sad and painful events he’s been through, and then he thought, “How come it was Uncle Guo who named me?”

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