Return of Condor Heroes (91 page)

Yang Guo agreed and launched a fatal attack, “Cultivating the Chrysanthemum in the Little Garden”, “Speaking at Night at the Western Window”, “The Couplet in the Willow’s Shade”, “Bamboo Falling into the Pond”, when these stances came out, Jinlun Fawang nearly wasn’t able to evade these attacks let alone trying to counterattack.
Yang Guo had originally listened to Huang Rong’s instructions to take his life, but what he didn’t know was that when Lin Chaoying developed this particular swordplay, she was doing this to comfort herself, there was no intention to wound or kill the enemy especially with a heart filled with love. Though this swordplay was powerful, it did not aim to take the opponent’s life. Though Yang Guo and Xiao Longnu managed to force Jinlun Fawang to scramble around in a pathetic manner, taking his life was not an easy task.
Jinlun Fawang did not know about the background of this swordplay, he just saw that the opponent’s extraordinary stances folded in on each other, he knew that the enemy had yet to unleash their most powerful move. If the two attack, his old life would be lost. In this danger, a plan came into his mind; he used strength in his legs and snapped a stair step. He knew that with the obstruction of the hole in the stairs between him and the two, they would have no way to advance. By the time that a third step was snapped, the long swords could not reach his body.
Jinlun Fawang raised his iron wheel and said, “Today, I have seen the martial arts of the central plains, I am completely in awe. What is the name of your swordplay?”
Yang Guo said seriously, “The martial arts of the central plains are led by the “Dog Beating Stick Technique” and the “Donkey Piercing Sword”, our swordplay is the “Donkey Piercing Sword”.”
Jinlun Fawang was startled and said, ““Donkey Piercing Sword”?”
Yang Guo said, “Yep, a swordplay that pierces bald donkeys.”
Jinlun Fawang then knew that Yang Guo was insulting him, he was furious and shouted, “Rude punk, you’ll get to know the power of Jinlun Fawang.” The iron wheel rang out with ‘lang lang’ noises as he left taking large steps.
All they saw was his body floating away quickly like a flash, disappearing in the shadows by the corner. Yang Guo knew it would be difficult to catch up; he turned around and saw Da’erba stand up holding up Huo Dou, his face pale. He said, “Senior apprentice brother, are you going to kill me?”
Yang Guo saw that the two looked pitiful; he said to Huang Rong, “Auntie Guo, should we let them go?” Huang Rong nodded. Yang Guo saw that Huo Dou looked like he was in unbearable distress; he took out a bottle of Jade Bee honey from his pockets and pointed to Huo Dou. He took medicine to Da’erba and gave the jar to him. Da’erba was delighted and he chatted with Huo Dou for a while.
Huo Dou took out a packet of medicine and gave it to Yang Guo, he said, “The Senior who used the pen fell under my poison nails; this is the antidote.”
Da’erba saluted Yang Guo and said, “Thank you Senior apprentice brother.”
Yang Guo copied his actions and smiled as he imitated his Tibetan, “Thank you senior apprentice brother.”
Da’erba was surprised, “Why did Senior apprentice brother call me Senior apprentice brother?” A thought went through his mind and then he understood, “He’s reincarnated as another person and is allowing me to be the senior apprentice brother; he doesn’t want to fight for this position with me.” He was even more touched and bowed deeply, he stretched out his arms and picked up Huo Dou and then left with the rest of the Mongolian warriors.
Yang Guo gave the antidote to Huang Rong and made a salute, he said, “Auntie Guo, nephew will leave now. Auntie and Uncle Guo take care.” He felt sad as he thought about how this would be the last time he would see her.
Huang Rong asked, “Where are you going?”
Yang Guo said, “Gu Gu and I are going to live in seclusion in a place where there will be no people, never leaving again to avoid bringing shame to your and Uncle Guo’s name.”
Huang Rong thought, “Today he has risked his life saving me and Fu’er, this is not a small deed; now I’m watching him going down this dark path, how can I not save him?” So she said, “There’s no need to rush, we’re all tired; we’ll rent some rooms and rest for the night, we could part tomorrow.” Yang Guo saw that she was earnest and sincere, it would be inappropriate to reject her offer so he agreed.
Huang Rong took out some money and gave it to the restaurant owner for the damages done, and then they went to an inn to rest. That night after supper, Huang Rong got rid of Guo Fu by telling her to go and talk with the Wu brothers; she called Xiao Longnu into her room and said, “Sister, I have something to give to you.”
Xiao Longnu said, “What?”
Huang Rong pulled her in front of herself and took out a comb and brushed her hair, seeing her black silk hair hanging down across her shoulders, soft and shiny, extremely cute. She carefully rolled up her hair and removed a golden hair clasp from her own head and said, “Sister, I’m giving you this to wear.”
The gold hair clasp was exquisitely produced; the body of it resembled the stem of a rose, the stem and flower looped around; the place where it connected formed an unfolding rose. Huang Yaoshi collected countless treasures, out of them she had picked out this golden hair clasp of masterly artisanship.
Xiao Longnu had never worn any type of jewelry, to tie her hair she used a pine hairpin; though she saw the hair clasp was striking, she did not think anything of it, she just thanked her casually. Huang Rong fitted the hair clasp on her hair and then immediately chatted with her in a leisurely manner.
After talking to her for a while, she found that Xiao Longnu was very innocent and naïve, she didn’t know a thing about the ways of the world. Under the candlelight she saw her elegant and beautiful face, an extraordinary beauty; if she and Yang Guo weren’t Master and disciple, the two really were a great match. She asked, “Sister, you really love Guo’er, don’t you?”
Xiao Longnu beamed and said, “Yes, why won’t you people allow him to be with me?”
Huang Rong was startled, she remembered the times when she was young, her father wouldn’t allow her to marry Guo Jing, the Jiang Nan Seven Freaks called her a ‘little witch’, only after many trials and tribulations did she and Guo Jing finally marry. She saw that Yang Guo and Xiao Longnu really loved each other; could she make herself stop them?
But the fact is that they are a Master and disciple, if they become lovers it would be greatly unethical, what face would they have left with the heroes of the world? She gave a sigh and said, “Sister, there are many things that you don’t understand about the world. If you and Guo’er become husband and wife, others will look down on you for a generation.”
Xiao Longnu gave a slight smile and said, “What’s so important about others looking down on me?”
Huang Rong was startled again, she felt that her words had the same attitude as that of she and her father, a real feeling of ‘I do whatever I want’; not caring about the views of the world. When she thought about this, she nodded, such a character would not confine herself to the views of the world, but she then thought about the deep love and affection of her husband for Yang Guo. It wouldn’t matter whether Yang Guo was going to become her son in law or not, she just hoped that his character and morals would be perfect, so she said, “What about Guo’er? Others will look down on him as well.”
Xiao Longnu said, “He and I will live in a place where no one can see us for rest of our lives, happy for ever, why should we care about others?”
Huang Rong asked, “What place where no one can see you?”
Xiao Longnu said, “It is a large ancient tomb, I have always lived there.”
Huang Rong was stunned and said, “Could it be that you would live in there forever and never come out?”
Xiao Longnu was very happy, she stood up and paced back and forth across the room and then said, “Yes, why go outside? The people outside are so bad.”
Huang Rong said, “Guo’er has always roamed about since he was young, won’t he be bored staying in an ancient tomb forever?”
Xiao Longnu smiled and said, “With me by his side, why would he get bored?”
Huang Rong sighed and said, “At first of course he won’t be bored. But after a few years he would start to remember the beautiful outside world, if he can’t come out when he gets older, he would be greatly troubled.”
Xiao Longnu was originally very happy and delighted; when she heard these words her heart sank and said, “I’m going to ask Guo’er, I don’t want to speak with you anymore.” She left the room.
Huang Rong saw that her beautiful face suddenly showed signs of being disturbed, her words just now had really hurt the heart of this innocent and naïve girl. She immediately felt rather regretful but she had another thought, she had seen many things but this pair of young lovers were deeply in love, even if these words aren’t nice to the ear, it’s the heart that matters. She thought, “What would Guo’er say?” So she quietly went over to Yang Guo’s window to listen to their conversation.
She heard Xiao Longnu ask, “Guo’er, would you be troubled if your spent the rest of your life with me? Would you get tired of it?”
Yang Guo said, “Why are you asking me again? You know that there isn’t anything more I want in this world. We’ll be together until we’re old, our hair white and our teeth falling out, we would still love each other as we do now, not ever parting.” His words were said earnestly and with real sincerity.
When Xiao Longnu heard this, her heart was moved, she couldn’t stop herself from being overwhelmed, after a while she said, “Yes, my feelings are the same.” She took out a rope from her bag and hung it across the room, she said, “Go to bed!”
Yang Guo said, “Auntie Guo said, tonight you should go and sleep in the same room as she and her daughter, I with the Wu brothers in another room.”
Xiao Longnu said, “No! Why does she want two boys to be with you? I want to be with you and sleep with you.” She waved her hand out and extinguished the oil lamp.
When Huang Rong heard these words outside, she was extremely startled, “Those two really are doing such things! Then the words of that old Taoist Zhao Zhijing weren’t a lie!”
When she thought about the two of them sleeping together on the same bed, she felt that it would be inappropriate to eavesdrop on them and was about to leave when she suddenly saw a white flash going across the room. Someone was lying in midair, after moving for a bit, they stopped. Huang Rong was surprised and used the moonlight in the room to see what was going on. She saw Xiao Longnu lying on a rope in midair while Yang Guo slept on the bed. Though the two slept in the same room, they kept their respect. Huang Rong stood in the courtyard, she felt that the actions of these two were greatly different to others, it really was difficult to discuss their rights and wrongs.
She stood there for a while and was about to enter her room to rest when she heard footsteps, Guo Fu and the Wu brothers had returned. Huang Rong said, “Dun’er, Xiu’er, you brothers go and get another room to rest in, don’t stay with brother Yang.” The Wu brothers agreed.
Guo Fu asked, “Mother, why?”
Huang Rong said, “It’s none of your business.”
Wu Xiuwen laughed and said, “I know why. Those two are a Master and disciple yet they aren’t; that dirty couple is sleeping in the same room.”
Huang Rong reprimanded him; “Xiu’er, what dirty things are you saying?”
Wu Dunru said, “Master wife, you are too kind, why should you care about those sorts of people? I won’t speak to him.”
Guo Fu said, “Those two saved us; that was a great deed.”
Wu Xiuwen said, “Huh, I rather die by the hands of Jinlun Fawang than suffer a favour from animals.”
Huang Rong didn’t look happy, she said, “Stop talking, go and rest.”
Yang Guo and Xiao Longnu heard all this. Yang Guo had never gotten on with the Wu brothers ever since they were kids; he just snickered and didn’t take it to heart.
But Xiao Longnu was carefully thinking, “Why is it that if Guo’er and I are together, he becomes an animal and us a dirty couple?” She couldn’t grasp this and in the middle of the night she woke Yang Guo up and asked, “Guo’er, there is one thing that you must answer truthfully. After living with me in the ancient tomb for a few years, would you start to think about the outside world?”
Yang Guo was startled and didn’t reply for a while. Xiao Longnu continued to ask, “If you don’t go out, would you become troubled? Though your love for me will never change, would you get bored living in the tomb for such a long time?”
Yang Guo felt that it was difficult to answer these questions, as he thought about it, living with Xiao Longnu forever really would be better than living as a god; but in a cold and dark tomb, even if he didn’t get tired of the tomb in ten or twenty years, what about in thirty years? What about forty years? Replying casually, “I would never get bored” would be easy but he has always been frank and true towards Xiao Longnu, he had never said half a lie to her. He pondered for a while and said, “Gu Gu, if we get bored and tired of living in the tomb, we’ll go out together.”
Xiao Longnu gave an ‘en’ sound, not saying anymore. She thought, “Mrs. Guo’s words weren’t a lie. In the future he will get bored and will leave the tomb, and then everyone will be looking down on him, how can he live like that? Why do people look down on him if he and I get together? It looks like I’m an ominous person. I love him, I care for him; I would give my life for him. But these feelings will lead him to have an unhappy life; it looks like it would be better for him not to marry me. It must be for that reason that he refused to agree to marry me that night on Mount Zhongnan.”
She kept on going over this in her mind for a long while. Yang Guo’s breathing slowed; he was in deep sleep. Xiao Longnu leapt down lightly and went to his bedside, she stared at his handsome face, her heart was in a mess, her emotions kept on turning over, she couldn’t stop tears from flowing.

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