Road to Redemption (9 page)

Read Road to Redemption Online

Authors: Natalie Ann

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

That’s It



When Brooke heard the sound of rapidly squeaking rubber soled shoes in the hallway outside of her office she paused her typing and glanced at the open doorway.  Two seconds later Cori appeared and promptly flopped her butt into the chair opposite Brooke.

“I need your help,” Cori pleaded desperately. “I will even go down on one knee and beg Lucas for your time tonight.  In case you were going to spend it with him, that is.”

Brooke grinned. “No, he has a late meeting.  So you don’t have to do any begging tonight.  At least not with Lucas,” she said with a teasing laugh at Cori.  “It depends on what you need help with.”

Cori waved her hand. “No time for jokes. This is serious.”

Concerned now, Brooke’s grin vanished. “Oh, sorry. What do you need my help with?”

“I need you to go shopping with me tonight,” she stated, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

“That’s your serious problem?” Brooke asked, eyes wide open.  “Not that I don’t take shopping seriously. But I’m not sure it’s in the way you mean. What’s so urgent that you have to go tonight?”

“I overhead some of the other nurses talking in the break room about the wedding on Saturday. It’s black tie. Did you know that meant you had to wear black?” she asked with a penetrating stare.

Brooke tried hard not to smile, but she felt her lips twitch anyway. “Yes. That’s generally what black tie means. What did you think it meant?”

“I thought it meant fancy,” Cori said solemnly. “Why does Cheryl want everyone to wear black?” she said with a wail.

Brooke rolled her eyes. “Really, Cori, it’s not a big deal. It’s supposed to be elegant.  Don’t you have a black dress? No, don’t answer that.” Brooke didn’t think Cori owned one piece of black clothing and she could only imagine what color dress Cori had planned on wearing.

“I can’t pick out a black dress, not by myself.  Are you kidding me? I run in the other direction when I see black clothing.  I don’t think black even looks good on me. I have red hair you know,” Cori said as she picked up a strand and held it out.

Brooke thought the question was funny.  Most redheads shied away from bright colors, but not Cori; she was worried about wearing black.  “Fine. After the gym we can go to one of the boutiques. They’ll have more choices to better suit you.”

“Boutique? I thought we’d hit the mall. I’ve never been in a boutique before.”

No surprise there, Brooke thought. “You asked for my help. So if you want it, we’re going to a boutique. No arguments,” she ordered before Cori could say another word.

“Fine,” Cori said with a huff. “But don’t pick some little old lady dress. I’m not going to a funeral. Oh, and I want to make sure no one else has one on like it either. That might be the worst.” She shuddered dramatically.




“I don’t know, Brooke,” Cori hedged, pulling the lace that covered the black sheath dress up a little bit higher on her legs. “It’s too long for me.  It’s supposed to hit mid-thigh and it’s past my knees.  And besides, I asked you not to make me look like a little old lady. This is covered in

Lace is classic and elegant.  You look lovely,” Brooke said with a polite smile.

“I don’t want to look lovely. I want to look like me. I’m not lovely. I’ve never been lovely a day in my life. Pretty, yes. Cute, yes. Hot, oh yeah. Lovely, no way. Fix it. Get me something else,” she said, sulking.

A saleslady standing close by came to intervene. “I couldn’t help but overhear. May I ask you few questions first? Maybe I can help you find something in our petite’s section.”

Cori rolled her eyes. “Great, petite’s section. I went from lovely to frumpy in a heartbeat.”

The saleslady wouldn’t be deterred and came back a few minutes later with several black dresses draped over her arm.  Cori immediately rejected one after another without trying them on.  The very last one caught her eye.

“It’s not completely black. But it will be suitable for a black tie affair,” the saleslady explained.

Cori held the dress up in front of her. It didn’t seem like it had much shape to it, rather it appeared completely straight and boring. The only thing detracting from it being completely boring was the fact that the top half of the short sleeved dress was a mixture of black and bronze material, with enough shine that caused it to sparkle in the light.

“The bronze actually looks nice against my hair,” Cori mused, holding the dress a little closer and looking at herself in the mirror. “And it does sparkle a bit, so that’s something. But it seems pretty shapeless.”

“Actually, it’s the opposite,” the saleslady said. “The material shapes and hugs to your body perfectly. Try it on and you’ll see.” The saleslady held a hand out to guide Cori to the dressing room.

Minutes later, the dressing room door opened and a stunned Cori walked out, to an equally stunned Brooke.  “Wow. It’s me, only better. I actually look mature.” She grinned and let her eyes roam in the mirror at her reflection.

“That’s it,” Brooke stated. “That’s the one.”

And boy was it, Cori thought. She was both sexy and elegant at the same time. The shimmery black and bronze patterned top of the dress was cinched at the waist, making her appear even tinier than ever.  The material clung and lay perfectly over each and every curve of her body, stopping above her knees. 

“I’m jealous. If they had that dress in my size, I would buy it in a heartbeat,” Brooke said in awe.

“Hands off,” Cori said. “It’s mine. Wow. I mean wow.” Running her hands down her waist and over the curves of her hips, she turned and looked at herself from behind in the three-way mirror. “Look at my butt. I didn’t know it was possible for it to lift in the air like that. I bet you could bounce a quarter off it,” she said with a giggle.

The saleslady chuckled.  “What shoes did you have in mind?”

“Oh man, shoes. I was going to wear my plain black heels.  What do you think, Brooke?” she asked, crossing her fingers.

“I think you need new shoes, too. Sorry, but your plain black heels aren’t going to cut it.  You need something sexier than those.”

The saleslady returned with a pair of black stilettos that had a bronze bow across the toe. “What do you think of these? They’re kind of cute.  So you could have sexy and cute going at once.  The bronze in the dress and the bronze in the bow aren’t an exact match, but that’s fine. They don’t need to be. Plus they’re far enough apart to not be noticed.”

The saleslady paused, looked at Cori in the dress again.   “These shoes with black stockings and I would say you’re set,” she added, looking excited over the possibility of such a big sale.

“Perfect,” Brooke said. “She’ll take them. And a pair of black silk thigh-high stockings.  No panty hose for you.  If you’re looking that sexy on the outside, then you’re looking that sexy underneath.” Brooke grabbed Cori’s hand and pulled her to the lingerie section. “Now for underwear.”




Jack had tried to get out of going to Dr. Smith’s wedding. But since Smith was the Head of the Orthopedic Department and Jack’s boss, he really didn’t have much choice in the matter. When your boss issued an invitation to his wedding, even if it was for the third time getting married to another one of his nurses, you attended.

The only excuse Jack would have been able to get away with was being on-call. And he tried. He offered. He even offered to switch with the doctor scheduled for the entire weekend. But in the end he was stuck. 

Now he would have to pull one of his three suits out of his closet, iron a shirt and hope he could find one of the four ties he owned.  He couldn’t even remember if he unpacked them seven months ago.

Thankfully his whole department was going, so it wasn’t like he wouldn’t know anyone there.  He was pretty sure they would seat him with his colleagues, at the very least.  The ceremony and reception were both being held at a local upscale hotel, so there were no worries about driving from one place to another if there was a snowstorm. Thankfully the forecast was clear.

Muttering as he went through yet another drawer looking for his ties, he looked at the dog laid out on her side softly snoring, oblivious to her owner’s frustration. “Roxy, I would much rather stay home with you tonight.  And who gets married the week between Christmas and New Year’s anyway? Aren’t people all partied out as it is?”

Roxy didn’t respond, didn’t even bother to lift her head. Why would she care? She got to stay home and sleep all night. 

“Well, I’ll be home early. As soon as dinner is done I’ll make my excuses and leave.  Then it will be you and me tonight.”

Sexy Chick



“Thanks for letting me hitch a ride with you tonight,” Cori said, climbing out of the back of Lucas’s Range Rover with Brooke under the covered awning. “I even get front-door delivery, too. Cool.”

“I was lucky enough to find a spot a few down, not too bad,” Lucas explained when he joined the women in the lobby where they were waiting for him. “Besides,” he said, addressing Cori’s earlier comment. “I get to walk in with the two prettiest girls by my side. Guess it’s my lucky night.” He winked at Brooke.

They made their way to a large white covered table holding all the nametags. Cori had thought for sure that Cheryl would have placed her at a table with the rest of the nurses attending tonight. But when she scanned the names at the nurse’s table, she soon realized that she was the only one without a date.  The odd person out.  Oh well, she thought, it was better to be stag than be stuck with some boring date. At least Brooke and Lucas would keep her company at their table.

She was reaching for her nametag when her gaze dropped on another one. Jack Reynolds.  And he was seated at her table. She was shocked that he was attending, even though she knew he’d been invited. He always found a way out of any social gathering.

She couldn’t help but be excited at the prospect of being near him all night.  This night was definitely shaping up.

Lucas was returning to their table with drinks as Jack made his way over.  She had never seen him in anything other than scrubs, jeans and the shorts he had on the first time she noticed him last summer.  She wasn’t ready for the sight before her.

He was gorgeous.  His tall broad frame cut a dashing figure in what was clearly a custom tailored suit.  Black, like everyone else at the wedding. But a instead of a white shirt, he wore a charcoal gray one with a black silk tie.  Dark and dangerous was what came to mind. Oh my, she thought as she fought to overcome the urge to fan herself.




Jack was thinking the same thing when he made his way across the room toward his table. He noticed, and was relieved, to see Lucas at his table. But he couldn’t contain his shock at seeing Cori.

It didn’t even cross his mind that she would be at the wedding.  Yes, Dr. Smith was marrying another nurse. But there were too many nurses to count employed at the hospital. Though if he really thought about it, he shouldn’t have been surprised she was there. Cori seemed to be friends with everyone. 

The real shock came at how she looked.  Her shoulder-length red hair was minus any headbands or bows and was softly waving around her face in loose curls.  Her green eyes were lined in black, looking bigger and brighter, standing out more against her porcelain complexion. Her lips shined with a hint of gloss and were now spread wide as she made eye contact with him.

When she stood up to greet him, he was surprised his jaw didn’t hit the floor. Yes, everyone was wearing black, but Cori managed to still add her own flare to it and look drop dead gorgeous and sexy at the same time. 

He knew she was tiny. He saw that when she walked out in that tiny pink bikini the past summer. But this dress hugged every curve of her petite body and showcased it better than any swimsuit ever could.

He was beginning to think he was in for a long night.  And of course, the only available seat was next to her. Everyone at the table was paired up with the exception of the two of them. That was most likely why they were seated together in the first place.

There wasn’t much time for conversation when Jack returned to the table with a beer a few minutes later, as the DJ made an announcement for everyone to be seated. The ceremony was about to begin.

He thought back to his own wedding, the only other one he had been to.  They had a big church ceremony much to Jack’s discomfort.

His family, however small, wasn’t religious in any sense of the word. But Tracy had come from a big Catholic upbringing, which meant a long ceremony and a big loud affair afterwards. 

He had to admit it was fun, but he was happy when it was over and wasn’t the center of attention anymore.

Bringing his thoughts back to his current surroundings, he decided he liked this much better. Not that he planned on getting married again. Either way, this was more his style. Maybe a bit smaller than the hundred or so guests seated around would be his preference.

One-stop affair. Get married, eat and dance all in the same place.  Much easier for everyone involved.

Shortly after Dr. Smith was kissing his third bride, some twenty years his junior, everyone was clapping.  The happy couple made their way back down the center of the dance floor where everyone could see them exiting. 

Champagne was delivered to all the guests while the wedding party had pictures taken.  Jack stole a glance at Cori to his left and noticed her wiping tears from her eyes. “Happy tears,” she told him when he looked at her questioningly.

Surprisingly, everything was moving fast.  Dinner was served, toasts were made and the bride and groom had their dance. Jack kept thinking he could make his escape, but Lucas kept bringing up more and more conversational topics, almost like he was purposely preventing him from leaving.

The DJ started playing some loud dance music and several people took to the floor, including Cori.  He watched when a bunch of the nurses and their dates formed a half circle as some fast moving dance song played. 

In the center was Cori. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her.  Arms swaying, feet moving fast—almost like a jog in place.  Then she started to swing her arms around her head to the beat. 

All of a sudden the dancers formed a line and set off in a series of practiced moves, consisting of foot stomping and feet shuffling side to side. Hands clapped in the air, causing everyone to hoot and holler. He had never seen anything so ridiculous and yet sexy at the same time.

He should have realized she could move like that. How she managed it in that tight dress and high heels was beyond him. But there she was, leading everyone though a series of choreographed moves, laughing and grinning the entire time.

“Phew, that was fun,” she said when the song was done and she found her seat again.  “I need a drink.” She grabbed her wine and guzzled it fast. “Now I need some sugar,” she said and bounded off.

Returning a few minutes later with a huge bowl of mixed candies consisting of several of her favorites, she laughed at everyone’s expression. “What? It’s a candy bar. We’re supposed to mix everything up like this,” she said defensively.

“I don’t think anyone is shocked that you mixed candy. They are shocked at how much candy you have there,” Brooke explained.

“Oh. You think?” she said, looking down at the large bowl. “OK, guess I’ll share. Here, Jack.” She picked out several gummy bears. “I know you like these,” she said with a smile and picked up his large hand, then placed them in his palm.

Jack stared dumbly at the gummy bears she’d given him. Not wanting to hurt her feelings, he ate them and was rewarded with another one of her bright smiles. 

The DJ cut in with another announcement. “The bride would like all the ladies on the dance floor please.  Would all the ladies come on the dance floor?”

Cori grabbed Brooke’s hand.  “Come on. Oh my God, I didn’t think she was going to do it. She said she was, but I thought for sure she would change her mind.”

“Wait, Cori.” Brooke tugged her hand back. “I’m not much of a dancer. You go ahead.”

“No, Cheryl said she wasn’t going to start until everyone was on the floor.” She tugged Brooke up.

“Ladies, everyone to the dance floor. The bride has instructed me to continue to make this announcement until everyone is here.”

“See,” Cori said as she gave Brooke a knowing look.

“Fine,” Brooke conceded. “So what is she doing? I’m not catching any bouquet. I’m already engaged.”

“Nope. Not the flower tossing yet.  Something better.”

The DJ broke in once again. “It looks as if all the ladies are on the dance floor now.” He paused and cleared his throat. “OK, before we begin, the bride wanted me to tell all the men this is for them.”

A look of dread crossed Brooke’s face, but all the men seemed to sit up a bit straighter in their chairs. Cori only laughed.

The music started and all the women on the floor started to holler and whistle. The groom looked on with a big smile stretched across his face when his bride took center stage. The beat started slow and hips started to swing, while the girls all laughed and sent out catcalls.  As the beat picked up, arms began to sway and hips rotated some more.

Jack heard the words playing, and watched Cori’s hips rotating—no one else existed but her in that moment.  Especially with that slow sexy smile on her face. 

Plain and simple, he was mesmerized. And she didn’t even seem to have a clue as to what she was doing to him. Because at the moment she was one hundred percent the “Sexy Chick” the song was calling her.

Lucas had been watching Brooke awkwardly move on the dance floor. For as athletic as she was, she had no rhythm at all. Cori on the other hand, was putting on quite a show. And Jack was definitely affected.

“You’re frowning,” Lucas suddenly accused Jack.


“I said you’re frowning. I don’t think this song was supposed to call for that response,” Lucas said in a joking manner, then nudged Jack’s elbow.

“Everyone is staring,” Jack said.

“I believe that was the purpose of the song, for everyone to stare at the girls.”

“No, they’re staring at her.  Look around,” Jack explained. And true enough most of the men there, whether their dates were on the dance floor or not, were focused on Cori at that moment.  She really did know how to move.

Lucas laughed at how uncomfortable Jack was. “Yeah, well. You know Cori, she wants to have a good time.”

Jack frowned deeper and grunted in response.

The song ended and Cori came back to the table with Brooke out of breath. Cori looked around and noticed her wine glass was empty, along with her water glass. She eyed Jack’s full water glass and asked, “Do you mind?”

“No, go ahead.” He handed the glass to her.  She smiled her thanks.

Before he had a chance to look away the DJ was talking, explaining he was going to slow the pace down a bit and for everyone to grab a partner. Their table soon emptied, leaving the two of them there together.

Jack saw another man approaching Cori and read the intention in his eyes.  No way. No one else was touching her tonight. Before he had a chance to think through his actions he heard himself ask, “Want to dance?”

Startled, she quickly recovered and bounced up out of her seat. “Sure.” She grabbed his hand to pull him to the floor.

“I love this song,” she sighed dreamily when the slow country tune started. “Don’t you love this song?”

“Can’t say I’ve ever heard it before,” he answered, and felt her snuggle up against him, causing him to sweat.

“‘Amazed,’ by Lonestar. It’s one of the best love songs out there,” she explained, pulling her hands out of his and reaching up to place them around his neck, forcing him to settle his hands on her waist.

“You smell good,” she told him, laying her cheek against his chest and grinning. 

He closed his eyes for a moment, thought for sure she could hear the rapid beating of his heart, then dropped his chin to the top of her head. “If you’re trying to seduce me, you’re succeeding.”   He knew he had long since lost the battle. When he walked in earlier and saw her at the table, he knew the night wasn’t going to end the way he had anticipated when he left the house earlier.

“Am I?” she asked in a whisper, then tilted her head back to look in his eyes.

“You know you are,” he answered gruffly.

She smiled. He was lost. “Take me home, Jack.”

When he hesitated, she added, “I’m not asking for promises. Just tonight. Take me home,” she repeated again, softer than the first request.

Then before either of them could change their mind, she pulled out of his embrace, threaded her fingers through his and led him across the dance floor, out the doors, and through the lobby.

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