Road To Whatever (Perfect For Me Book 1) (12 page)

Read Road To Whatever (Perfect For Me Book 1) Online

Authors: Blue Saffire

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Fiction, #African American, #Adult, #Erotic, #Interracial, #Music, #Band, #Melody, #Secrets, #Needs, #Singer, #Stage, #Short, #Force













hings with Linc have gone back to normal, well somewhat normal over the past two weeks. We haven’t gone on any other rides alone since that night. The guys usually join us and Mandy jumps on the back of whoever is offering their bike. Most times she asks Linc before the rest of the guys offer. I have been finding myself on the back of my own bike a lot lately, which I don’t mind. I love the feel of having my arms wrapped around Nolan, I think he likes it too. 

Things have been amazing between us. The groupies aren’t too happy about Nolan having a girlfriend but he pays them no mind. He always makes me feel like I am the only girl in the room. There is this one girl Jess that seems to be at most our shows. Mandy said she has been following the band for a while. She has been really nice to me the few times I have interacted with her, but I would swear there is something more between her and Nolan. I’m just too chicken to ask him about it.

The shows have been going great. Nolan and I have been doing more duets and the crowd eats that up. The whole band is really into the zone and excited about how well we are getting along.

“Kitty, come here,” Nolan calls from the front of the bus. Mandy and I were watching TV and painting our nails for something to do. It has been hours since we have stopped and had fresh air. The guys have been up front laughing and joking and every now and then you hear drumming on the table or the strumming of a guitar.

“My toes are wet,” I call back.

I can hear him huff and then the padding of his feet as he starts for the back of the bus. Mandy looks over at me and rolls her eyes, I swat her and we both start to giggle. Nolan appears with a smile on his face and places his arms above his head in the door frame.

I gasp to myself. How did I get so lucky to have this man as mine? Watching his muscles ripple in those huge arms of his has my mouth watering. His shirt has lifted to reveal those priceless abs. Thoughts of licking my way up to his pecs and across his nipple rings wreak havoc in my brain. I get lost in my lust filled thoughts as I look up at his gorgeous face.

“What’s so funny,” he croons.

“You,” Mandy laughs. “You do know there are like five other people you can harass for five minutes while I get some time with Kitty.”

“For your information the band wants to talk to Kitty,” Nolan grins at Mandy and steps into the room. “But I think now that I’m here I kind of do miss her.” He wiggles his eyebrows at me and leans down to grab my ankles as he climbs on the bed. I try pushing at his huge chest as I laugh.

“Nolan, you’re going to mess up my nails,” I squeal, as he starts to kiss my neck and growls at me playfully.

“Then I’ll paint them over for you,” he chuckles. “Do you miss me, baby?” He tugs at my ear with his teeth then trails kisses down my jaw.

“I’d tell you two to get a room but we are in it,” Mandy grumbles and pushes at Nolan’s shoulders. “Stop molesting my friend.”

“Your friend is not complaining,” Nolan laughs and nips at my shoulder. Grabbing my waist firmly he rises from the bed and flips me placing me on his lap as if I weigh nothing. “Well, did you,” he breathes into my neck as he nuzzles it.

“Yes, I missed you,” I gasp when his teeth sink into my flesh. “Nolan.”

“Yeah baby,” he chuckles.

“Oh you two are impossible,” Mandy huffs. “Girls time has been officially ruined.”

“Love you too, sis,” he croons, “band meeting.” He bellows out as he lifts me in his arms and carries me to the front of the bus.

I laugh and squeal as he nips at my lips while carrying me. He flops on the couch next to Sleep, pulling me down with him onto his lap. The guys just smile at us shaking their heads. Linc is sitting at the table next to Crush with a sour look on his face trying his best to wipe it off.

“You could have offered to come back for me big brother so my toes don’t get ruined,” Mandy grumbles as she wobbles forward on her heels.

“And leave Kitty. Dream on,” Crush teases. “I swear I don’t know what they are going to do when we get back home.”

“Let’s just make it through this meeting,” Nolan murmurs tossing a pillow at Chris. “We want to make sure the set for the A&R is great. So I am thinking we can do the stuff we’ve been working with but it might be good for me and Kitty to start writing something together.

I start to bounce on his lap. I am so excited to write something with Nolan. He had been sort of standoffish about it before. “I think that’s great. I would love to write something with you,” I gush.

“Yeah, I said that would be awesome,” Mitch nods. “I was thinking we could even add a song where you play the drums. You know for something more interesting. You know to let our fans know we have diversity in our playing.”

I stiffen at the mention of my playing the drums and both Linc and Chris tense up. Nolan tightens his hold on me but everything around me seems to go still. I open my mouth a few times to speak but nothing comes out. Linc curses under his breath and I see Mandy gnawing on her just dried finger nails.

“I told you it was a bad idea,” Linc hisses. “She’s not ready for that.”

I shake my head and straighten my shoulders. “I can do it. I’ve played a little with Crush when we were writing. I- I want to try. I have to.”

“That’s my girl,” Nolan murmurs in my ear.

Linc just snorts and murmurs, “Unbelievable,” before turning to look out at the road and ignoring us all as we wrap up our meeting with the small changes everyone wants to make.



Linc thinks he is the authority on what is best for my girl. He always has to add his two cents. I was so proud of her today when she agreed to play the drums live. I understand he is just looking out for her sometimes but dude back the fuck off.

Kitty had already told me about not wanting to play live because the last time she did her dad was there. I hadn’t told the guys about that but I was sure Crush knew and I wanted to help her get to a place where she could do anything she loves without pain. When Mitch started up about having her play a set I didn’t want to tell him why she wouldn’t so I let him ask her. If she said no it would have been fine.

Leave it to the douche to think he knows everything. After her initial reluctance she was excited about it and started planning out the set with Crush and Mitch. Kitty is a tough girl she can take on anything. Being in a relationship with her is amazing and I wish we could have been together long before this but I am so glad she is mine now.

Linc has been in a funk since our band meeting. Which to be honest with you, dude should have just walked away or minded his own business; it is band member business only. I really do try to give the kid a break but some days I just want to kick his ass and get it over with. Today is one of those days.

Now I just want to relax with my girl. Being on this bus is starting to get to her, I can feel it. She is beside me on her back with her ear buds in and every few minutes she inches a little closer to me. I would usually be all over her, but my dad is on my ass again and I have been going through his emails and responding to some things he asked me to do this week.

I mean we are actually on tour. You would think he would let the fuck up. I guess I can’t be too mad at him. He doesn’t see his retirement in his future the way he used to. None of us kids want anything to do with the company and he always wanted to hand it over to one of us. Cursing the thought of being stuck in my father’s company for the rest of my life, I finish my last assignment and send out the final emails.

Just as I make sure my email is successfully sent Kitty sighs and inches over toward me once again peeking up at me. I chuckle to myself as I save everything. She goes back to pretending she isn’t watching me and I toss the computer aside and pounce on her.

She lets out a little yelp and I capture her lips and reach to pull her ear buds out. Her fingers curl in my hair as I pull her legs around my waist. Being like this with her is life.

“Are you finished,” she giggles against my lips.

“Yup, I’m all yours,” I tease wiggling my brows at her. “What do you want to do with me?”

“Well I was thinking you could give me a back rub and then you could fix me a sandwich. You know a girl has got to eat. Some of those kisses you give so well would be a nice way to end the night,” she sings out.

“You are going to have the guys thinking I’m soft,” I murmur against her neck.

“In that case you can go sleep with the guys,” Kitty giggles.

“A back rub, sandwich and kisses it is,” I laugh.

“Wait, I don’t think I’m really that hungry. Why don’t we start with the kisses and the back rub,” she coos while batting long lashes at me. God she is beautiful.

“That sounds good to me, baby. Come here,” I roll her onto her stomach and push her t-shirt up to get my hands on her skin.

I am thrown off when she lifts her shirt over her head and tosses it to the floor. I sit there just staring for a while. Kitty almost never wears a bra and today is no different. We have been taking things slow. So even though we sleep together I have not seen this much skin since the night she passed out drunk.

“Everything okay, baby,” she murmurs against the pillow.

“Yeah baby,” I reply huskily before bending over her to kiss her back. Her little moans are encouragement that is frying my brain cells. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t hard as a rock as I kiss all over her back, sucking at her skin and kneading her flesh as I go along.

I reach around and beneath her to unfasten her pants needing to touch more of her. I am cautious to give her time to slow me down. Just as my hand slides into her pants her cell phone starts ringing. I growl in frustration and roll on to my back.








CHAPTER Thirteen


he guys’ idea to write new material for the set for Sam was great. Nolan and I have added in two new songs we wrote together. Chris’s friend is coming out in three weeks to hear the band with me as their new lead.

We have been working pretty hard the past few days so today we took a day off to go to the beach. We piled into the Nova and let Tommy, Storm and Linc handle stocking up the bus with groceries and some other things we all need.

“Kitty, you’re killing me,” Nolan groans as I walk back to our place in the sand.

He has been lying out in the sun while I went for a swim to cool off. I am dripping wet as I stand over him smiling. He reaches for my arm and pulls me down to him. In one swift motion he has me tucked beneath him as he plants kisses along my neck.

“Baby, stop,” I laugh.

“String bikinis should be outlawed where you are concerned,” he growls in my ear. “You’re so damn sexy, Kelly.”

I love when he calls me by my real name. I also love the way he sets my body on fire with just his touch. We’ve shared a bed for two and a half weeks and he has been a gentleman. We do nothing more than kiss, with the occasional feel here or there. Well there was the other night when I let him rub my back and he almost got his hands in my pants.

Sex hasn’t even come up since that one time on the bus. Not that I don’t want to do something more. I really do I just don’t know how to ask without seeming slutty. I don’t think I’m ready for sex but I want to be more physical.

“Get a room,” Mandy teases as she towels off.

“That is exactly what I plan on doing. You guys ready to go,” Nolan asks as he stands and puts his hand out to help me up.

For such a big man Nolan is so graceful with his body. I love watching him on stage, who am I kidding, I love watching my man anywhere. I am standing in awe of him when he looks up from folding our towels.

“Like what you see baby,” he says with a wink.

I nod with way too much enthusiasm. Nolan laughs and grabs my sundress to help me back into it. Once my dress is in place he leans to kiss my bare shoulder. I am faintly aware that our friends are packing their things as well. There is this current surging through my body making me feel like my body is humming for him.

“Nolan,” I start.

“I know baby. I feel it,” he whispers in my ear and places his hand on my back to lead me to the car.



The ride back to the bus almost killed me. We were all packed in close and Kitty was pressed right up against me. I could feel her body singing for me. I know she still isn’t ready for sex but I have plans for her. As we loaded the car I ask Mitch to distract everyone else and give us some time on the bus alone.

Linc should be out with Tommy and Storm running errands so we don’t have to worry about him. I swear the kid is driving me insane, I’ve kept my cool this long because of Kitty but I swear the dude finds a reason to knock on our door or call her phone every time our make out sessions start to get heavy.

Today I’m going to make my girl come for the first time and I don’t want anyone getting in the way. She has no idea what she is in for but her body wants it as bad as I want to give it to her. I can’t wait to watch her face as she comes apart for me.

I park quickly and pull her from the car as I toss Mitch the car keys. I sigh in relief when we step on the bus and the guys aren’t back yet. I pull Kitty into the bedroom and close the door behind us. My mouth is on hers before she can say a word.

I back her up to the bed and gently guide her onto it. My hands are kneading her breasts and she is moaning and panting. I don’t want to rush this. I plan to draw this out and make it amazing. I stand and walk over to the place where I hid the gift I bought her last week when Mitch and I did some exploring on our own.

I pull the box out and walked back over to her. She is watching me with anxious eyes and panting. I sit down beside her and hand her the gift wrapped box. She beams at me and my heart squeezes in my chest. God, I’m in love with her.

“For me,” she squeals.

“Yes, for you Kitty,” I laugh. “Open it.”

She tears through the paper like a kid on Christmas never letting that smile fall out of place. When she pops the box open her mouth falls open.

“Nolan,” she whispers.

“Yeah baby.”

“It’s beautiful,” she says as a single tear slides down her cheek. I lean in to kiss the trail it’s made.

“Not as beautiful as you.”

“You heard me tell Mandy I wanted one didn’t you,” she asks in awe.

“Maybe, or maybe I just know an ankle as cute as yours needs one.” I reach into the box removing the diamond anklet.

I reposition myself on the bed and reach for her ankle, bringing it to my shoulder. She falls back on her elbows watching as I fasten the anklet into place then kiss the spot it rests on. I take my thumb and gently press it against her skin starting at her ankle moving slowly up her leg.

I move extra slow giving her time to stop me when she is feeling uncomfortable. She just watches me biting her lower lip as her chest begins to rise and fall faster. When my finger gets to the inside of her thigh I slow down more and press a little harder with my thumb, watching her eyes with every move.

“Nolan,” she whimpers and her head drops back.

“I know baby. I’m gonna fix it,” I breathe as I drop to my knees in front of her and move my finger to the apex of her thighs. I retrace the path I made with my tongue then again with slow open mouth kisses.

Her back bucks off the bed and she locks her hands in my hair. I pull at the strings of her bikini bottom and toss it to the side. I let my thumb ghost over her folds, but go to give her other leg the same treatment as the first as she opens her legs more for me.

“Nolan, please,” she begs.

“Patience baby, I’ve got you,” I murmur against her leg.

This time I ghost my thumb over her folds again and when she cries out I replace it with my tongue finally tasting her. Hearing her cry out in pleasure pushes me further, wanting to draw out every drop of pleasure she is willing to give me. She tastes so amazing I start to groan in approval. Locking my arms around her thighs I pin her down as she squirms beneath my mouth.

“Ahh…baby,” Kitty moans.

I know she is close as I look up into her eyes and see her watching me work her over. I lick and suck and tease her bud and she starts to shudder but I want her first orgasm to be something she never forgets so I push my finger inside her tight sex and watch her shatter completely.

“Nolan…oh, Nolan, baby,” she cries out as her face twists in pleasure then awe, then perfect bliss. I look into her eyes that are no longer violet but a deep purple almost black. I see her pleasure and satisfaction but there is something else.

Am I reading my girl right or is it wishful thinking? When she runs her hand through my damp hair I know I am reading her perfectly. It is there in her eyes, my girl has fallen in love with me.

I launched myself at her lips kissing her deeply. “I love you,” I groan against her mouth.

“I love you too,” she moans back as she wraps her arms around my neck.

“Say it again.”

“I love you, Nolan ‘Rage’ Chaney,” she breathes against my kisses.

“I love you too, baby,” I croon and lift her further up the bed pushing her dress further up her waist.

I grab her waist as I push her into the mattress and let her taste her sweetness on my lips and tongue. She pushes her feet into the mattress pushing her hips up toward me. In one swift motion I pull my t-shirt over my head and toss it to the floor. That’s when a knock comes at the door.

I growl in frustration because I would put money on who is on the other side. Kitty stifles a giggle and starts to pull her dress back down. I climb off the bed and bend to kiss her anklet one last time before pulling my shirt back on and answering the door.

“What,” I growl.

“We’re going for a ride and I can’t find the keys to Kitty’s bike. Did she forget to leave them in the truck,” Linc asks with a smug grin on his face. I know this kid gets a kick out of interrupting us.

“Babe, are your keys in here,” I call over my shoulder.

“Crap, yeah,” she answers. “Here.”

She is at my side handing over the keys. Linc plucks them from her hand and smiles down at her. Kitty wraps her arms around my waist and nuzzles my chest bringing a smile to my face.

“You want to head out with us,” Linc asks.

“Sure, I just need to change,” she answers.

I look down at her like she is crazy. She squeezes her arms around me and kisses my chest. I am going to kick this kid’s ass and soon.

“Okay, we’ll wait,” Linc replies and turns to leave.

“What the fuck, baby,” I groan when I close the door.

“Relax, honey,” she laughs. “If I stay here alone with you I’m afraid of what I’ll let you do. I’m still not ready for that yet. Is that okay?”

“Yeah Kelly, you know what I told you and I meant it,” I sigh as I watch her put on a pair of panties and jeans.

“You going to ride with me,” she asks playfully.

“You know I am,” I grin. I never pass up a chance to have Kitty pressed against my back.

I watch her pull a t-shirt over her bikini top after tossing the sundress to the side. Then she plucks off the bikini top and I grin. Yeah, bare tit Kitty pressed against my back is even better. I stand and slap her on the ass before pushing her out the door.



This afternoon with Nolan was amazing. If Linc hadn’t knocked I was sure I would have given in and had sex with him. I love my anklet. Every time I look at it I think about this afternoon. The way he read my body and knew just what I needed was unbelievable.

I was exhausted after the ride so Nolan wrapped me in his arms while he sang to me and I passed out in his embrace. I love his voice and I love when he sings to me. We’ve gotten so close in such a short time. He rocked me to my core when he told me he loved me. I know I’ve fallen in love with him but I didn’t know he felt the same way. I hoped but I just didn’t want to think the wrong thing and get hurt.

Hearing it from his mouth first though was more than enough. We’ve been lying in bed together repeating the words over and over. Me with my leg thrown across his middle and one arm caressing his bare chest; him running his fingers up and down the arm at his chest and his other hand resting on my backside.

“Nolan,” I whisper.


“Can I ask you something?”

“Anything, anytime,” he replies with a kiss to my nose.

“You said that you have to make this, the band work this summer. Why is it so important now?”

His hand stills and he huffs out a deep breath. “My dad is threatening to pull all of our financial support if we fail unless we go work for him. I can’t be stuck behind a desk. It’s not what I want. I haven’t told Mandy and Chris. I know we can do this.”

“So you need to get a deal to keep your financial support?” I sit up and look down at him.

“Not quite. He can put a hold on some of my assets and maybe some of Crush’s but he can totally cutoff Mandy. So that pretty much screws us all. He knows I won’t let Mandy suffer.” He looks so stressed I wish I hadn’t asked. I think fast to change the topic.

“Have you ever been tested? You know for STDs,” I ask quickly.

“Yeah, I have the results back home if you want to see them,” he responds with a smirk. “I’m clean.”

“Oh, that’s okay. I trust you.” I say and lay back against him.

“I’ve never been with anyone without protection before and I had my last test about two months ago. I haven’t been with anyone since,” he offers.

I stiffen at his words. Why would he lie to me? I look up at his face and frown. He notices the change and looks down at my face. I am pissed he would tell such a stupid lie. He’d been with those two groupies less than a month ago.

“What,” he asks with an earnest look on his face.

“Nothing,” I mumble.

“Yeah right Kitty, what is it,” he exhales.

“It’s nothing drop it.”

“Ok, I’ll drop it if you answer something for me,” he relinquishes.

“Fine,” I look up at him.

“Where are these questions coming from? What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?”

I need to think. Maybe answering his first question would not be so bad. I do want to know why he would lie. On the other hand today has been amazing until now. I’d much rather ignore the lie and ask him another time. Maybe I can get him to tell the truth by answering this question.

“Ok, I guess by now you’ve figured out I’m a virgin. After today I’ve just been thinking about you know, more with you. It’s just I thought about this before and I don’t want anything between me and the person I am with the first time. I always thought it should be with someone I trust not to have to…you know like my husband or a long term relationship with someone I really trust,” I answer.

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