Rocky Mountain Hideaway (To Love Again Book 2) (2 page)

A small shiver went up his spine and his stomach contracted as he remembered savoring that small hollow below her neck, tracing his tongue down her chest, finding her perky breasts waiting. Those breasts seemed to strain now against the orange woolen sweater she was wearing; it clung to her body in a criminal way. Those breasts separated and hugging the seat belt that lay between them, a range of mountains deserving of their own adoration. Adore them he would. Tray took an involuntary sharp breath.

“Everything okay?” Isabel turned her blue eyes on him.

Tray grinned sheepishly. “Just thinking about last night”. Raising her eyebrows, she glanced into Tray’s lap where his jeans seemed to be pressing against the steering wheel.

“I didn’t know I had that kind of effect on you, Mr. Taylor,” she smiled.

That minx, as if. Tray’s face flushed red as Isabel laughed, her cheeks a nice shade of pink. Unfortunately, the effect didn’t help to calm him. He shifted his hips hoping for some relief.

“Well, I
just a young man. You should expect me to be putty in your hands.”

“Doesn’t feel like any putty I know,” said Isabel, reaching across the gear shift and placing her hand firmly against him.

“Oh, Isabel,” groaned Tray. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Tray didn’t think he could drive with Isabel this close to him. It was a major highway for heaven sakes, and she was removing her seatbelt and sliding closer to him across the seat.

“One of the things I tell my patients, Tray, is that they should be prepared to try things a little bit out of the ordinary.” Isabel’s hand grasped the width of him, and she let out a little ‘oh’.

Her hand explored the length of him. He felt like his groin was on fire, each fold of the heavy denim material digging into him.

Teeth clenched, he fixed his eyes squarely on the road. He realized his speed was a little eratic when the woman in the car passing him shook her head and waved her hand to indicate he should pull over.

“Uhhh, this really isn’t a good idea,” he said, half-heartedly. He was beyond arguments, no longer thinking with his head. He longed for release as he felt Isabel working his belt loose and easing the zipper down.

This was what he’d been looking for, after all. Some new adventures, some love making that would help him be a more experienced lover. He just hadn’t expected to be at the receiving end of the pleasure. He figured he could probably do that part fairly naturally. He’d wanted Isabel to teach him how to pleasure her. Well, they had the whole weekend and he intended to revisit the moves that had made her squirm and coo last night.

Isabel’s hand was hot on his stiff shaft as she plunged into his shorts and pulled it out. It stood proud and erect bouncing against the steering wheel as they hurtled down the highway at 100 kilometers per hour.

“Tray,” breathed Isabel. “You’re so big. I didn’t really, I mean, I felt it last night, but I didn’t get a chance to see it.”

Tray had no response for that. It was what God had given him, and he hoped he could make it work. “Isabel, I don’t think I can do this…” He was caught between a steering wheel and his hard place. He didn’t want to die. He was a good driver and the highway was fairly quiet. As long as he kept his eyes on the road and his mind off what Isabel was doing, maybe he wouldn’t kill them.

Keeping his mind off what Isabel was doing was impossible. She smiled up at him, her eyes twinkling with power. She loved being in control, he realized. This was turning her on as much as it was him. She was totally aroused. Her nipples strained against the sweater, her face totally flushed.

Her hand slid up and down over his length, squeezing and loosening, squeezing and loosening, until he thought he would scream.

“Relax baby,” murmured Isabel. “Just enjoy this.”

Tray moaned as her fingers started to loop over the sensitive tip of his privates, rubbing in circles with the moisture that was escaping there. Then, suddenly, she was pushing and pulling and stroking and Tray knew that he couldn’t hold on any longer.

“I want to see you come, Tray,” she whispered. “Let me make you come.”

Tray gripped the steering wheel, his knuckles white, and groaned as he spilled into the tissue Isabel had produced from somewhere. His body rocked with the intensity and he forced himself to hold the car steady, keeping his eyes on the road.

He glanced over at Isabel. She was flushed and smiling from ear to ear. “Ohmygawd, Isabel. That was incredible.”

“Just focus on the driving, big boy.” She laughed as she patted him dry and started to do up his pants. Tray watched her breasts heaving with her breath; she was completely aroused and he longed to return the favor. He was completely out of his mind with his good fortune. How had his life gone from needing to learn about sex to having mind-blowing sex driving down the highway in less than twenty-four hours. Make that sixteen hours, he thought, glancing at the clock on the dash.

He reached across, cupping her left breast. Her nipple pressed into his flesh. Isabel jumped with the contact, grabbed his hand and placed it back on the steering wheel.

“But I want to make you happy, too.” Tray was not a man to be pleasured and not offer pleasure back. He wanted to know that his partner was happy, too, and he couldn’t wait to have his turn with Isabel. Clumsy he may be, but determination had to count for something.

She smiled and ran her tongue slowly over her top lip and then the bottom, making an oval of her pretty mouth. “You’ll have your chance Tray. I have a number of lessons in store for you this weekend.”

“But I want some of you now, Isabel. Come on,” he cajoled. It wasn’t fair, she’d seen him now he wanted to see her. That orange sweater was clinging where he wanted to cling. “Shouldn’t you also do something outside your comfort zone?”

“You don’t think that was outside my comfort zone?” her eyes open wide. “You think I do this kind of thing every day? I haven’t even been on this highway for, I don’t know how long, let alone…”

“You’re torturing me, woman. Come on, let me see some of you in the daylight.”

“What?” The look on Isabel’s face was truly delicious. Pure shock and outraged modesty. “You want me to undress in your Jeep? I’m not one of your co-eds, you know.”

“Come on. I don’t want you to take all your clothes off, just undo your sweater a little.”

“Like this you mean?” Isabel turned toward him with a wicked glint in her eyes, as she undid the top little pearl buttons of her sweater.

Tray caught a glimpse of her soft freckled skin below the base of her neck. “Yes, something like that. But more.”

“Hmmm. I’ll give you one button for every scene of a fantasy you share with me.”

“A fantasy?”

“Yes, you know, something you might like to try later.”

“And in exchange you’ll undo a button?” This sounded like fun. Given his sex life, Tray knew he could come up with a dozen fantasies off the top of his head. Although the scene they’d just played out far exceeded any fantasy he’d had recently.

Isabel’s hands rested on the button just between her breasts. She slid her hand inside her sweater and lifted it slightly off her shoulder and Tray caught a glimpse of the matching orange bra underneath.

“Deal.” The words tumbled out of his mouth. Suddenly he couldn’t speak fast enough, was tripping over his words. “I’m in a colleague’s office and she’s working on a stack of papers.”

“What’s she wearing?”

“Wearing? Uh, I don’t know.”

“Make it up. Like a movie in your head. What’s she wearing?”

That’s not how his fantasies went. His partners had clothes on, then they were naked. Who needs the window dressing? Maybe this would be harder than he thought. “She’s wearing a business suit, dark blue, but I can see a lacy camisole peeking between the buttons of her suit jacket.”

“Very good, Tray.” She nodded as she popped the button. The swell of her breasts were visible to him now, creamy white skin contrasted against the orange sweater.

“I come in and ask her why she’s working so hard. I lean into the desk, I’m towering over her, and she looks up into my face.”

“What does she look like Tray?”

“Uh, she looks a lot like you actually.” It sounded like a line, but it was the truth. He was playing the fantasy out in his mind with Isabel. He couldn’t imagine a woman more beautiful than the one seated next to him.

“Keep going.” Isabel fingered the next button, and raised her eyebrows.

“She looks up at me with a question in her eyes. Her lips are pouty and painted a delicious pink color.”

“Why is she pouty?”

“Because she’s teasing me. She doesn’t want to be working so hard.”

Tray was rewarded as Isabel undid the next button, her breasts now easing their way out of her sweater. He could see the lacy orange enveloping them, dipping dangerously low in her busty cleavage.

He rushed onward. “I reach down and stroke her neck, cup her chin in my hand and tell her I have other uses for the desk.”

Isabel undid the next button, the sweater falling forward and the pretty bra completely exposed now. He watched as her breasts swelled upwards with her breathing.

“I move my hand slowly down to her jacket and slide it over her shoulders. She says nothing, just stands completely still so I can remove the jacket.”

Isabel undid the next button. Tray’s eyes savored the darkness of the nipples visible through the lacy mesh, the pulsing between his legs insistent again.

“She has a black camisole on, with lace between her breasts. I kiss her neck and move slowly down her chest toward her breasts.”

The last button was undone, and Isabel moved the sweater just off her shoulders to expose herself completely to him. Tray drank in the beauty of her and tore his eyes away to get back to the road. His hands felt welded to the steering wheel, he was gripping it like it might disappear between his hands.

“Do you touch her breasts, Tray?”

“Yes,” he grunted, shifting as his jeans started to strain again.

“Show me with your hands how you touched her, Tray.”

Tray reached over and placed his hand under Isabel’s breast, lifting it to feel the weight.

“Keep talking Tray. I still need to know how your fantasy works out.”

“I reach down and feel the weight of her breasts,” said Tray as he lifted Isabel’s breast, the softness of it making his breathing ragged.

“Her breasts are beautiful, firm and standing out proud in her camisole,” he continued as he squeezed her breast, enclosing the whole of it in his hand.

Isabel sighed and let her head fall against the head rest.

“I notice how taut her nipples are. They’re gorgeous, jutting out of the lacy fabric, straining for my touch,” Tray continued, as he ran his thumb roughly over Isabel’s nipples, hard and straining against the pink gauze.

“Isabel?” She opened her eyes slightly to gaze at him. “Aren’t you forgetting your part of this bargain?”

“You want more?” she seemed surprised. “I’m driving down the road with almost nothing on, and you want more?”

Tray squeezed the nub between his thumb and forefinger and grinned at Isabel’s instant reaction. A sharp intake of breath, the nipple growing even harder. “Just the bra, Isabel. No one will see us. We’re in a truck, we’re higher than the cars.”

Isabel looked out the window at the car passing them, and seemed to consider it. Tray tweaked her other nipple and was rewarded with another gasp from Isabel. “If they do look into the jeep, they’ll see your face and that’s all.”

“What happens next in your fantasy, Tray?” Isabel seemed to be considering her next move, and Tray was eager to get her back into their game.

“I reach my hand inside the camisole to feel her bare flesh against my hand.” Tray cupped her hot skin in her hand, so soft yet her breast was like fire.

Isabel reached between her breasts and unclasped the hook. Tray took a deep breath as she spilled out of the bra. Her nipples where hard as rocks and as big as he had ever seen. They were long and slender - he longed to have them in his mouth.

“She, uh, slips the camisole down over her breasts and exposes them for me to see,” Tray continued, his breathing uneven. “I’m taken aback by her nipples. They’re the most beautiful I’ve ever seen.” Tray rolls Isabel’s nipple between his thumb and forefinger, squeezing lightly while Isabel moans softly and arches her back to push into his hand.

Tray cursed the steering wheel, where he needed at least one hand. He couldn’t get enough of Isabel, couldn’t believe that she was bare-chested beside him. He’d read about stuff like this in books but never thought it could happen to him. Her breasts were high, her nipples like candy that he wanted to suckle all night. And he would. Tray was so caught up in his fantasy and pleasuring Isabel that he’d almost forgotten his own discomfort. He was hard again, the steering wheel pressing uncomfortably into his groin.

“I can see that she really likes what I’m doing, so I move to the other breast and give the nipple a quick tweak.” Isabel squeaks as Tray pinches the nipple to see her reaction. She’s breathing hard, the soft flesh bouncing lightly with the movement of the truck. She moans with relief as his hand rolls first one, then the other, nipple with his thumb.

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