ROMANCE: Billion Dollar Question (BWWM Billionaire Bad Boy Romance) (African American Alpha Mail Order Bride New Adult) (28 page)


Chapter 4: Helter Skelter


Demi apprehensively entered the surrogacy agency. This was the second time she was entering the building. The first time was when she had come here to enter her information.


A few days later, she had gotten a call saying that she was healthy and fit for pregnancy, which means that she had to come to the agency in order to get through the impregnation process. As she made her way up to the doctor, she met a woman that looked a bit distressed. The woman was the person who was responsible for giving her the sperm that would impregnate her.


“Here you go,” said the woman, handing Demi one of the tubes with a look of worry on her face. “Everything alright?” asked Demi. “Yes, yes,” said the woman distractedly, “I thought I had mislabeled the samples because I was a bit… distracted. But I haven’t, it’s all alright.”


“Alright,” said Demi, “If you’re sure, I trust you.”


Demi entered the clinic where she was going to get impregnated. The doctor was friendly and professional, and when he was done, Demi was very happy that she was finally going to experience what it was like being pregnant.


However, as she was thanking the doctor and getting up to leave, the woman that had given her the sperm burst into the clinic shouting, “Wait! Don’t impregnate her! I gave her the wrong sperm!”


“What do you mean the wrong sperm?” said Demi, while the doctor said “It’s too late I’m afraid. The procedure is already over!”


“Oh no!” said the woman, “I got the sperm of the man this woman wanted to get pregnant with mixed up with the DNA of that billionaire! The man named Alex that came in two days ago!”




Alex was furious on the phone. He could not believe that a company that had taken fifteen thousand dollars could make such a huge mistake. “What the fuck do you mean you accidently impregnated the wrong woman?” he said, practically apoplectic.


“Sir,” said the voice on the other end, “We apologize profusely for this mishap.”


“Mishap?” said Alex, “You’re calling this a mishap? Some woman is pregnant with my sperm! A woman that I have no information about, I have no idea who she is and what she’s like yet she is pregnant with my child. Do you have any idea the position that that puts me in?”


“Sir we understand-“ the voice on the other end started but was cut off by Alex’s rage.


“You understand?” said Alex, “What exactly do you understand? What are you going to do to resolve this? Nothing, right? Because there is nothing you can do! Nothing morally, in any case. No, this is a problem that I must resolve, which means that you have caused problems for me, which means that I am going to be suing you very soon. Good day, you will be hearing from my lawyers in the near future, of this I assure you!”


“Sir, wait!” said the voice on the other end, “We are prepared to offer you a full refund!”


“Refund?” said Alex, “You think this is about money? What kind of a person are you? A woman is about to have my child and I have no idea who she is, that is the problem!”


“Sir we are fully aware of this,” said the voice on the other end of the phone, “We have the details of the woman that has been impregnated by the sperm sample that you left with us two days ago.”


“You do?” asked Alex.


“Yes,” said the representative of the surrogacy agency, “Her name is Demi. She has consented to us providing you with the phone number of her cell phone as well as her address. We can provide you with this information within minutes.”


“Very well,” said Alex, “Tell me where she lives so that I can pay her a visit.”


Chapter 5: Baby You’re a Rich Man


Demi waited anxiously in her apartment. She was unsettled because she was pregnant with the child of a man that she had no information about, a man that she had never heard of.


He had called her, telling her that the surrogacy agency had given her his number. She had told him that she knew, that she was the one that had authorized them to give him her number. The surrogacy agency had told her that he had been extremely angry when he had spoken to them so she was afraid that he was going to shout at her.


However, when they spoke over the phone he had been quite kind, rather sweet in fact. She was unsure how he would be in person, however, and that made her nervous.


When her doorbell rang, Demi jumped a little, as she was startled by the sound breaking her out of her reverie, but she rushed to the door. She did not open it immediately, instead preferring to look through the peephole to get a glimpse of the man whose child she was bearing before he entered her apartment. She was surprised to see that he was quite good looking. She hadn’t expected that, as the thought of a rich and attractive man that couldn’t find a woman to have his child seemed rather improbably to her, so the thought hadn’t crossed her mind.


Demi opened the door, and said hello. The man responded in kind, and Demi let him in.


“I guess it’s not the type of fancy place a guy like you would be used to,” she said, her apartment suddenly feeling extremely tiny. “It’s a lovely place,” said Alex, “It reminds me of my first apartment. My name is Alex by the way.”


“My name is Demi,” said Demi, and shook Alex’s hand. “It is nice to meet you, Demi,” said Alex. “Likewise,” Demi responded.


The two of them sat on the sofa. Alex interlocked his fingers for a brief moment and sighed. He seemed to be wondering what to say. “I believe you are pregnant with my child,” he said.


“I guess I am,” said Demi with a nervous laugh.


“You’re not who I thought you’d be,” said Alex, “You are rather beautiful in fact. I thought you’d be unattractive for some reason.”


“It’s funny,” said Demi, “I thought the same thing about you.”


Alex smiled at her and then said, “I will pay for the abortion. All expenses are on me. I can pay you for your trouble as well. Anything you want is yours.”


“Abortion?” said Demi, “Why are we talking about an abortion? I want this baby!”


“You do?” said Alex, surprised. “No matter how much I pay you for an abortion.”


“Yes,” said Demi, “I wanted to get pregnant, not get rich. I don’t care how much money you have, if you don’t want this baby I will raise it alone. I will work two jobs, do whatever it takes, you don’t have to be involved don’t worry. I won’t expect you to be a father, this baby will be fine with just me. I can take care of myself as well as it.”


Alex looked at Demi rather strangely and said, “You are really going to keep it?”


“I am,” said Demi defiantly.


“If you are going to keep it, I will certainly be involved,” said Alex, “I grew up without a father. I will not let my child suffer the same fate.”


“Really?” said Demi, “I don’t know.”


“What is it?” asked Alex.


“It’s just that, I’ve never even had sex with a white guy before, and now I’m pregnant with one’s baby!”


Alex smiled and said, “It’s not much different from having the baby of a black man, I assure you.”


Demi thought for a moment, then said, “I would love that. I’d love for the baby to have a father figure that can support it as it grows older.”


“The first thing that we need to do is get you a nicer place in a better neighborhood,” said Alex, “This studio apartment is no place for my child.”


“I don’t want your money,” said Demi, “I just want the baby to have a father.”


“And it will,” said Alex, “Along with everything else. I would like to take you out to dinner. You are the mother of my child, after all, and I am the father of yours, we should get to know each other.”


Demi’s eyes lit up as his words and she said, “Oh I’d love that!”


“Excellent!” said Alex, “I shall pick you up tomorrow at seven. We will go to the best restaurant in the city!”



Chapter 6: Getting Better


After their dinner, Demi and Alex got back into Alex’s car. Demi was laughing wildly at a joke Alex had told her. They had clicked really well, and really seemed to like each other. Alex was now driving her back to her place. They talked along the way, so much so that it was a while before Demi realized that he wasn’t driving in the direction of her apartment.


“Wait,” said Demi, “This isn’t the way to my place. Where are you taking me?”


“I’m taking you home,” said Alex, a look of confusion on his face, “This is the route to your place!”


“No it’s not,” said Demi, confused and a little scared. What if Alex was some psycho killer? What if he was going to take her somewhere dark and isolated and kill her? After all, she had no idea who he was really. Just the things that he had let her know, the mask he had shown her. What if deep down Alex was insane?


“We are here!” said Alex brightly. He got out of the car, went around to Demi’s end and opened the door for her. “Where?” said Demi. She felt safe now, she thought that perhaps he had brought her home in the hopes that they would have sex. This behavior wasn’t exactly savory either, but it was better than the insane killer she had conjured up in her head so she was relieved.


“Is this where you live?” asked Demi.


“Nope,” said Alex, practically jumping as he walked so joyous was he. “This is where you live!”


“What!” said Demi, “What on Earth do you mean?”


“I mean that I bought you an apartment in this building,” said Alex, smiling at her, “I want our child to have the best life possible. I want you to have the best life possible.”


“Oh god, Alex,” said Demi, practically breathless at the grandiosity of this gesture, “I don’t know what to say!”


“Say nothing!” said Alex, “Just come with me and see your place.”


Demi followed Alex into the lobby of the building that housed her new apartment and got into the elevator behind him excitedly. Alex entered a key into a slot on the side panel and the elevator began to ascend. As they went up, she clung to his arm excitedly, as she couldn’t wait to see her new place.


When the doors of the elevator opened, they opened right into her apartment. Demi gasped, flooding her lungs with air, but she was simultaneously rendered breathless by the immense opulence of this apartment that was now hers. She could not believe that anyone could do something like this for her.


“Oh Alex,” said Demi, “Oh god, Alex.”


Alex put his hand on her cheek and gently brought her face closer to his. “You are the mother of my child,” said Alex, “I will do anything for you.”


Demi placed her lips upon Alex’s and kissed him. The kiss was soft at first, apprehensive almost, but it slowly grew in intensity. Alex’s tongue was pressed against Demi’s, the two tongues wrestling like snakes inside each others mouths, like a dance of passion. Soon, Alex’s hands were on Demi’s breasts, and Demi’s hands were on Alex’s cock.


Alex picked Demi up and took her to the bed. “You got me an apartment and furniture?” said Demi. Alex laughed and said, “The apartment came furnished.”


He kissed her once more, as deeply as ever. Demi tore his shirt open, and buttons flew everywhere. She pulled her lips from his and began to kiss him down his body. Her lips moved down his chest, down to his navel, and finally to his crotch. She undid the zip of his pants and took his manhood in her mouth.


She loved the taste of him. The manliness that he possess throughout his entire body. Every inch of him was desirable to her. After letting her suck his cock for a few minutes, Alex flipped Demi back onto her back and did to her shirt what she had done to his. He saw her breasts, swollen by his baby inside her, and felt his cock grow even harder. He began to push it into her pussy.


Demi moaned. No cock had ever felt this good to her, and the fact that she hadn’t had sex in so long certainly seemed amplify the pleasure she was feeling. The fact that Alex was a magnificent lover certainly didn’t hurt either.


Alex thrusted, kissing Demi’s neck as he did, turning his hands sensually over her entire body. He rubbed her clit as he fucked her, and this drove Demi over the edge. Her pussy was throbbing, aching for his cock, and though she was breathless in her lust, she managed to whimper a single beseeching word: “Please.”


She was begging Alex, begging him to make her cum. She had never felt this way before, never felt the strength of such a cock within her, and it was making her feel a way that she had never felt before.


All of a sudden, something exploded within her. A fiery supernova of pleasure tore through her body starting from her pussy. Demi throbbed underneath Alex, and felt his hot cum release inside her pussy. She felt complete now, as though this baby was now truly theirs. She had never felt like such a woman before.


They held on to each other, gasping in complete tandem. It was as though they were a single being, so coiled were they in the embrace of their lust, so complete the penetration of Alex into Demi. They looked, in that moment, as though they were two halves, shaped to fit each other.


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